Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3570: 3574

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The transmission array of Liuyue lake can be transmitted to the central area of xiniuhezhou, but now that the central part of xiniuhezhou has been occupied by shituoling army, Shen Lang can't move in shituoling garrison with swagger, so he thought of changing face and avoiding the ears and eyes of the demon Xiu in Tuoling.

Since his soul power has risen greatly, Shen Lang's ability to use his magic pupil has also gone up with the tide. Not only can the appearance be completely imitated, but even the breath has nine points of similarity, almost without defects.

Even the celestial friars are hard to detect. Shen Lang said with satisfaction, "that's all. Yuluocha, before we leave Xiniu Hezhou, you can keep such an easy-looking posture. Remember to restrain your breath and don't destroy the magic power I put on you.

"whatever you say is what you say."

Jade Luo Cha Leng hum a, looking at the appearance after oneself illusory change is so ugly, she feels inexplicable some uncomfortable, but also lazy to say what.

The two activated the transmission array at the bottom of the lake, and a lot of white light was emitted from the surface of the transmission array.

Soon, Shen Lang and Yu Luocha were wrapped by a force of transmission, and then they were sent out in the next second.

"Whoosh! Whoosh

A dazzling white light flashed in front of him. Shen Lang and Yu Luocha appeared in the center of a circular square. The square was a hundred miles round, and a huge circular array was depicted on the ground.

These are not the key points. The point is that there are a large number of demon Xiu wearing tricolor armor around the square, and they are guarding the surrounding area of the square, almost blocking the whole square!

Shen Lang looked around quickly for a week. His face was as black as the bottom of a pot. What he was most worried about actually happened. It seemed that this was the base of shituoling army!

After they were transported from the transmission array of Liuyue lake, they were trapped in the enemy camp! It's hard to laugh or cry.

The shape and characteristics of the demon Xiu around the square are very similar. They are all Eagle heads, with wings on their back and black armor on their backs!

Generally speaking, shituoling army is dressed in blue, white and black armor, corresponding to the jurisdiction of the three demon emperors, namely, green lion, white elephant and Dapeng. These demon cultivation of Eagle head should belong to the race under the jurisdiction of Dapeng demon emperor.

Yu Luosha's face also became very ugly.

The transmission array of Liuyue lake was originally a non directional transmission array, and it should appear in a certain position with a small error after transmission. But now they are transferred to this circular array. This is no coincidence. The large array depicted in this square should be a "blocked array" built by Shituo mountain army. The only use of this array is to block space transmission, and forcibly block the monks who carry out space transmission within a certain range into this array.

Shituoling's move is also to prevent the celestial masters of Xiniu Hezhou from escaping by using the transmission array.

It is because of the existence of the "fengjue array", shenlang and yuluocha, which are transmitted from Liuyue lake, are forcibly intercepted and transported to this square.

Shen Lang and Yu Luocha suddenly transferred to the square, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of demon monks.

"I've seen the tiger pioneer!"

"See the black bear pioneer!"

Looking around the square, demon Xius bow down and salute one after another, mistaking Shen Lang and yuluocha as real tiger vanguard and black bear pioneer.

The 389 demon kings of Shituo mountain are not known in the area of Shituo mountain. All the demon kings in Shituo mountain must salute when they see the demon king. This is also a rule since ancient times.

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Jade Luocha secretly congratulated, although did not want to admit, but really thanks to Shen Lang's clever vigilance. Just before transmission, if Shen Lang didn't help him change his face, I'm afraid that he would be attacked on all sides, and the consequences would be unimaginable!

Shen Lang's divine sense glanced around and found that there were no celestial friars around the square. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Learning from the tiger pioneer's accent, Shen Lang's voice broke out: "who is the monk in charge of affairs here?"

Soon, a golden one horned Dixian peak leader came to the square, and the demon repair along the road consciously gave way to a road.

The head of the Dixian peak immediately came to shenlang and yuluosha, and respectfully clasped his fist and replied: "the tiger returning pioneer, I'm the team leader who is responsible for guarding the blockade array here. I don't know what instructions the tiger Pioneer has!"

In order not to expose his horse's feet, Shen Lang can only beat around the Bush and say, "I have important information with the black bear pioneer. You are too low to pass on your message. And tell me, who is the demon king in charge of this area? Where is it now? "

"The demon king in charge of this place is the eagle pioneer. We are the friars of the Falcon clan who are under the command of the eagle vanguard. Our clan leader, the eagle pioneer, is in the camp on the east side." The leader quickly pointed to the camp on the east side of the mountain forest.

There are 389 large-scale races in shituoling, among which the Falcon clan is one of them, and the clan leader is the eagle pioneer.

Shen Lang had previously searched for the soul of a demon cultivator in Shituo mountain, but he still knew these basic knowledge. The "Eagle pioneer" ranked the bottom among the demon kings in Shituo mountain. Only the early cultivation of Tianxian was not enough to fear.

He went on to ask, "is there only one demon king, Eagle vanguard, in this hundred thousand miles

The leader nodded and said, "good! Now that the war has stopped for a while, the ROC demon emperor has sent the eagle vanguard to lead us falcons to guard the western outskirts of Fuling, patrolling every day and always on guard against the external enemy situation. "In a few words, Shen Lang had the key information.

At present, he and yuluocha are located in the western periphery of Fuling.

According to the information previously obtained, the three old demons, the green lion, the white elephant and the Dapeng, led by the shituoling mountain army, are also stationed in the area of Fuling mountain. The place where they and yuluocha are located is very close to the three old demons in shituoling mountain, which is not a good thing! Just as Shen Lang was thinking about his next move, yuluocha suddenly sent a message to him: "Shen, there is a hidden ultra long distance transmission array in Fuling mountain, which is said to be able to transmit to any place in Xiniu Hezhou. If we can borrow the

transmission array, we can completely avoid all threats. "

Shen Lang's eyes lit up: "then you don't hurry to lead the way. The three old demons in Shituo mountain can't grasp our whereabouts for the time being. It should be easy for us to slip into Fuling mountain."

"No. Fuling mountain was once the site of the "scorpion demon emperor" ranked first in Xiniu Hezhou. I have only heard that there is a long-distance transmission array in this mountain, but I don't know where the specific location of the transmission array is. " Yu Luocha frowned and preached.

Shen Lang frowned, which was a big problem.

If you make a random search, there will be too much noise, which will certainly arouse the suspicion of monk shituoling. Shen Lang's magic pupil can only deceive the monks in Tianxian junior high school, but he can't hide the eyes of the monks in the later stage of Tianxian. Maybe he will show his horse's feet.

"In that case, you have to ask someone about it." Shen Lang preached.

"To whom?" Yu Luocha asked.

"Well, who else can start with the eagle vanguard. Since this guy is the demon king who is responsible for patrolling, he should have more information than ordinary demon king. "

After Shen's face, he said to me, "I'll make up my mind to take the vanguard to you!"

"Yes, two pioneers, please follow me!" The leader answered in a hurry, and then led Shen Lang and Yu Luocha to the camp on the east side of the mountain forest.

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