Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3584: 3588

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This magic power named "king of beasts" is a famous skill of the green lion demon emperor. It can increase the combat power of your demon cultivation by 30% to 50%!

And the higher the cultivation, the stronger the gain effect will be after receiving the order from the king of beasts!

The roar of the green lion demon emperor is equivalent to doubling the combat power of the demon repair army in shituoling mountain, and greatly increases the combat power of the white elephant demon emperor and the Dapeng demon emperor.

"Fa Xiang Jin Shen!"

The six toothed white elephant, whose body was restored to its original state, offered sacrifices to the Dharma of Pu Xian immortal and entered into a state of combat.

The six fists of the white elephant demon emperor were shot out like a storm and turned into countless fist shadows, attacking the red scale beast and the silver armored crocodile.

The red scale beast and the silver armored crocodile tried their best to resist, but they were unable to parry. Their huge bodies were hit by the fists of the white elephant demon emperor.

"Dong! Bang! Bang

With the sound of several thumping, the red eyed demon emperor and the silver armored demon emperor screamed bitterly. Their bodies were all depressed by the white elephant demon emperor's fist. They vomited a lot of blood and filth from their mouths and were seriously injured!

"Two incompetent wastes, I will die for the emperor! The great Vajra seal

The white elephant demon emperor roared fiercely, and the Puxian immortal Dharma phase behind him made a seal like a huge mountain.


The huge golden seal hit the red scale beast and the silver alligator like the scorching sun, and burst out immediately. The terrible energy devoured the two demons.


The red scale beast and the silver armored giant crocodile gave out the last unwilling howl. The huge body was unloaded by the energy of the great Vajra seal, and countless blood clots splashed everywhere, which was extremely tragic.

Red eye demon emperor and silver armour demon emperor, died on the spot!

"It's over

The scorpion demon emperor looks pale and sniffs the threat of death.

The three demons in shituoling mountain are so abnormal that they can't deal with them at all!

"Damn it, there's no need to worry about firewood in the green hills!"

The scorpion demon emperor clenched his teeth and immediately turned into a human body. He was about to slip away.

"Want to run? Dream

The green faced lion grinned and offered a golden chain.

"Tie the fairy lock, go!"

As the green faced lion spurts a lot of chaotic spiritual power into the chain, the golden chain turns into a golden lightning that is hard to grasp by gods and senses, and instantly binds the body of the scorpion demon emperor tightly.


The scorpion demon emperor, who was bound and bound by a fairy lock, was shocked. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from the shackles of the chain.

The three demons of shituoling are not good at magic weapons. The lock is the only open light level immortal treasure of the green lion demon emperor, but its ability is amazing. Even the friars at the peak of celestial beings can't break free as long as they are bound by fairy locks.

Seeing that the scorpion demon emperor is tied up with a fairy lock, the green faced mad lion is not in a hurry to take his life. He is ready to finish solving the remaining purple hell bone snake first, and then to humiliate this arrogant and arrogant generation.

On the other side.


The demon emperor of the ROC once again stares at the jade Luosha, and the golden winged Dapeng's claws turn into golden lightning and attack the female warrior God of Luocha.

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The female martial god of Luocha set up the Golden Rainbow shield in her hand. Although it resisted the power of a claw of the golden winged ROC in the front, it was hit on the back by the flying golden winged ROC.


The golden winged Dapeng's sharp claws tore up the armor on the back of the goddess of Luocha, leaving a deep claw mark on the back of the goddess. A large amount of blood spattered from the back of the jade Luosha, and even the white bones could be seen at the wound.

Before she could react, the golden winged ROC reappeared in front of her like a twinkling, spreading its wings and carrying a large amount of golden light.

"Boom" a dull sound, Luocha female martial god did not have time to parry, was hit by a large piece of golden light.

In the golden light, there is a dense golden silk, which is extremely sharp, and almost smashes the armor on the female warrior God of Luocha.


The jade Luocha sends out a miserable cry, and the female warrior God of Luocha bursts out and is beaten back to its original form.

In the strangulation of the golden light, the flesh of yuluosha is almost torn up, and the whole body is bloody.

She fought for the last breath, rolled up a black storm, withstood the residual golden light, and her delicate body staggered in the air. She bit her silver teeth, and the corners of her mouth were constantly overflowing with blood.

Even if she died, she would die standing! However, the ROC demon Emperor didn't take the life of yuluocha, but rolled up a golden storm and bound the jade Luocha's body in the high air. He sneered and said, "yuluocha, you will be interrogated after the emperor has solved other wastes first!" Yuluocha knows the secret of Wuzhuang temple in Wanshou mountain. Of course, Dapeng demon emperor can't kill her. But at this moment, it's not easy to search for souls, so we can only tie it up first. After killing all the Xiniu Hezhou demon emperors, we can deal with the demon girl again.As soon as the voice fell, the ROC demon emperor continued to attack the giant rock golden eyed turtle.

After killing the red scale beast and the silver alligator, the white elephant demon emperor began to assist the giant ROC demon emperor to attack the giant rock golden eyed turtle.

However, it is only a matter of time before it is killed in the face of the stormy attacks of the white elephant demon emperor and the ROC demon emperor.

Above the sky, only the purple ghost snake and the giant rock golden eye turtle were still struggling to resist. The two demons were scared to death and had no intention of fighting. They could not last long. The war was over.

Below, the battle between the Alliance Army and the shituoling army turned into a one-sided situation.

Since the green lion demon emperor's order of the beast king, the battle effectiveness of shituoling army has soared like chicken blood. The alliance army killed at one go broke into an army. The demon repair casualties in Xiniu Hezhou rapidly exceeded half, and the casualty rate was still increasing.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't take a long time for the demon Xiu of Xiniu Hezhou to be annihilated!

At a time when the situation is at stake.


There was a thunderbolt over the flame mountain. The thunder was deafening and the whole Flame Mountain was roaring and trembling.

Then, a large black cloud rolled up in the middle of the flame mountain and spread rapidly to the whole area of hundreds of thousands of miles around the flame mountain, where the battlefield was also covered by black clouds.

Black clouds block out the sun, and the battlefield can not see five fingers.

"Boom, boom!"

From a distance, you can see the dense golden thunder rolling up over the flame mountain like a sea wave. The terrifying sound of thunder is earth shaking. A terrible pressure covers the area of hundreds of thousands of miles!

The fighting Shituo mountain army was shocked by the spirit, and his eyes were frightened.

In the twinkling of an eye, the golden thunder over the Flaming Mountain whirled like a whirlpool, absorbing the chaotic spiritual power from all directions. The chaotic spiritual power in the air turned into golden light spots and quickly rolled to the center of the flame mountain.

"What's the matter! Is there a monk crossing the robbery in the flame mountain

Looking at this huge omen, the green lion demon emperor was surprised and showed an incredible expression.

"Can trigger such a strong omen, is that monk attacking Luo Tianxian?" The eagle eyes of the golden winged ROC are staring at the sky above the Flaming Mountain in the distance.

"No, it's the smell of the bastard who killed my son!" The elephant trunk of the white elephant demon emperor instantly smelled the master of this breath. His face was ferocious to the extreme, and he angrily scolded: "Damn, that son of a-mong-tzu must have obtained great benefits in Wanshou mountain, and he is actually attacking Luo Tianxian's realm!"

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