Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3595: 3599

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Seeing that the tree man was easily knocked down, Shen Lang was a little surprised, and then showed a scornful sneer: "I think you this evil tree is so powerful, so it is."


The tree man became angry. The fused body was much weaker than he had imagined. It was a great shame that he could not perform the magic arts!

The main reason is that the three old demons in Shituo mountain absorbed too little energy from the earth veins, which did not let the ginseng fruit tree's body gain too much power, and the combat power was obviously insufficient.

"Son of a bitch, it was just a little accident just now. This will let you have a taste of my own strength!"

After the tree man stabilized his body, he roared out: "the Ninth level of celestial immortality, Yimu shensha!"

As soon as the roar fell, the tree man opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of green gravel, which collided endlessly, forming a vast blue light rain, like a mountain and a sea, rushing towards the deep waves!


Shen Lang can clearly feel the terrible power contained in these blue light rain. He can't help but take a breath of cold air and put away his contempt.

"Break it for me!"

Blood sandalwood holy magic face is like crazy waving the Xuan Hua axe in his hand, chopping out the red and gold aura like a strong wind and waves, trying to break through the blue light rain.

"Boom, boom!"

The earth shaking roar and explosion sound can not be heard, and the overwhelming blue light and red gold light interweave and collide with each other, and the momentum is appalling.

The Xuanhua axe didn't disappoint Shen Lang, and the bloody sandalwood devil chopped hard to resist the blue light rain.

"Shit, those three useless wastes have only collected such a little energy, which is seriously insufficient for the emperor!"

Shu Ren's face is extremely ugly. Although his body can play up to nine levels of celestial immortality, the power of his supernatural powers is too ordinary. It is a little difficult to suppress Shen Lang's boy.

The main reason is that Shen Lang's double axes are very difficult. The two axes are obviously immortal treasures of rongling level, and their power can be regarded as outstanding among all the magic treasures of rongling level.

With the great advantage of magic weapon, Shen Lang can resist the Ninth level celestial magic.

"There is a play!"

Seeing Shen Lang fearless from the magic attack of ginseng and fruit trees, the beautiful eyes of yuluocha watching the battle from high in the air were shining, and I felt a sigh of relief in my heart.

According to the current situation, Shen Lang still has a big win.

"Die for me!"

Tree people don't believe this evil, and they spit out the aeolian God sand crazily, trying to suppress the attack of Shen Lang. However, a small amount of gravel bombarded his flesh, making a sharp sound.

Each grain of aeolian sand released by Shuren is as heavy as a mountain. It can cause great damage when it is bombarded on the body of Shen Lang.

Fortunately, with the support of a gold body and jade body, Shen Lang was not seriously injured even if he was hit by a small amount of ethyl wood God sand.

However, seeing that the God sand released by Shuren was almost continuous, Shen Lang was extremely vigilant and had to make a quick decision!


In the mouth of Shen Lang, a thunderous roar was heard. The blood sandalwood demon released his physical strength to the extreme. The bright red gold light was shot out from the Xuanhua axe blade, and gradually suppressed the ebony God sand.

With a dull sound of "boom", the deep waves cut a gap in the sand wall formed by the dense aeolian God sand, and the huge magic driver rushed out of the gap like lightning, and approached the tree man quickly!

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Almost in the blink of an eye, the blood sandalwood devil had come to the tree man, grinned grimly, and with a wild face, he swung his Xuanhua axe and chopped at the tree man's head.

"The Ninth level of celestial immortality, Yimu Shenbing!"

The tree man was startled and made a sound of startle in his mouth.

Suddenly, a large number of aeolian sand condensed into two huge swords, which were held by the tree man.

The tree man swung his green sword in his hand to resist the stormy attack of the blood sandalwood devil.

"Dang! Dang! Dang

The sharp percussion sound is like piercing a gold split stone, which makes the ear membrane ache.

Although the huge sword held by Shuren's hands is a weapon condensed by magic power, its strength is extremely high. For a moment and a half, it has the ability to resist Xuanhua's axe!

Moreover, the body of this ginseng fruit tree is extremely strong, and can compete with the blood sandalwood demon after Shen Lang's transformation.

Of course, Shu Ren's weapon made by using aeolian sand is not a real immortal treasure after all, and its energy is limited after all.

After a fight between the two sides, Shu Ren's two huge blue swords were already scarred, and the blade of the sword was full of cracks.

Although Shuren can repair the cracks on the sword with aeolian sand, the energy in the giant sword will decay so much that it will not last long.

After dozens of rounds, the tree people were more and more afraid of fighting. Shen Lang's incarnation of the blood sandalwood demon was almost flawless, and he could not get any advantage from fighting with his close body.Unless he uses powerful moves to repel Shen Lang, but it is difficult for the tree man to perform the mysterious immortal skill, and his heart is extremely oppressed.

"What a mistake!"

Knowing that this pair of body is so weak, I should have left the battlefield decisively just now, instead of asking this boy to fight for a chance.

After all, Shuren is the incarnation of ginseng and fruit trees. As long as you give him time to swallow and absorb enough massive earth energy, he can break through the realm of Luo Tianxian sooner or later.

Until then, Shen Lang was just a mole ant in front of him.

He should not have taken such a big risk to show off for a while! "Shen Lang, think about it carefully. It seems that we don't have to fight each other here. For the sake of being a natural choice, I can give you a way to live today. As long as you promise not to step into Xiniu Hezhou for life, I will let you go. From now on, you and I will not invade the river. What do you think? "

The tree man repressed his unwillingness in his heart and put on a cold look. He resisted the attack of the heavy waves, and suggested that he was not in a hurry.

"Didn't you just say you were going to take over me? Why did you change your mind so soon?"

Shen Lang sneered and sneered at the tree man, and asked at the same time.

The tree man looked embarrassed and hastily said, "I just scared you, but you are serious! You are chosen by heaven. I don't want to provoke you too much. "

"Shen Lang boy, you should know that you can't kill me. It's better to have more than one thing than to have one less. We might as well have said goodbye to this... "

did not wait for the tree man to finish saying, and Shen Lang laughed out loud: "kill or kill, it's not your has the final say, how do you know if you can't kill it!"

As soon as the words fell, the Xuanhua axe in the hands of the blood sandalwood Saint turned into a golden phantom, and slashed towards the tree man.

As soon as the tree man's face sank, he quickly waved his green double swords to resist the attack of the heavy waves.


A sound like metal cracking sounded, and a huge blue sword on the left hand of Shuren was finally broken by the blade of Xuanhua axe and turned into crystal dregs. The Xuanhua axe cuts through the tree man's abdomen and cuts out a huge gap. A large amount of scarlet blood gushes out like a waterfall.

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