Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3624: 3628

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In addition, Shen Lang's body has acquired immunity toxin, as well as immunity curse ability.

The power of ordinary curse can't hurt Shen Lang at all.

Of course, the curse supernatural power above xuanxianshu is another matter.

In a word, Shen Lang's defense ability of spirit and soul has been improved comprehensively after he has completed the third level of Yisheng Zhenjun mantra, which is very effective.

Unknowingly, Shen Lang has been closed in Guangtian palace for more than 700 years, and the outside world has also passed for more than 70 years.

During this period, the palace of Seven Saints was calm.

Under yuan Tianzong's intervention, the news of Shen Lang's promotion to heaven was not widely publicized. Only the Seven Saints palace and several halls knew about it.

The leaders of the five sects of Qianqiu peak also ordered their disciples to keep the secret.

The reason why Shen Lang's cultivation should be kept secret is that he is afraid of scaring the snake by beating grass and scaring away yuntianlin who intends to invade.

In more than 70 years, although the seven holy palaces were in peace, the situation in Meishan changed dramatically.

More and more small and medium-sized clans fled from the surrounding areas of Lingshan overseas to Meishan, occupying a large area of Meishan territory, and all kinds of burning, killing and plundering emerge one after another.

Looking at the chaos in Meishan, the Seven Saints palace finally couldn't sit still. He ordered to inform all the sects of Meishan Qianfeng to gather at Qipan peak, the main peak of Meishan, to jointly resist foreign forces.

After receiving the news, all the Meishan Qianfeng sects affiliated to the Qisheng palace rushed to qipanfeng one after another, so as to avoid the bloodshed of foreign forces.

Over the past few decades, now chessboard peak has gathered thousands of Meishan local sects! Not only the sects, but also the scattered repair and even the mountain bandits in Meishan came to Qipan peak.

Qipan peak has become a place of refuge! No matter the disciples of the Zonggong sect, the monks and the bandits, they all hope that the seven holy palace can lead them through the crisis.

Up to now, there are more than 10 billion monks gathered in Qipan peak. Most of them are below the period of Mahayana. There are less than 100 monks who have reached the level of Dixian, and their overall accomplishments are very weak.

The bad news is a bunch of mobs.

As the first major gate of Meishan, the Seven Saints palace could not ignore the local monks of Meishan, so they had to let the monks in Meishan settle in the Qipan peak area.

Those small and medium-sized families from abroad saw that the monks in Meishan fled to Qipan peak one after another, and there was no oil and water to fish. They were also quite headache.

Most of these small and medium-sized clans are not strong, and the number of earth immortals friars is less than 500. They dare not provoke the Seven Saints' palace where there are powerful celestial beings!

At the time of chaos, yuntianlin, with the resurgent quicksand gate, wantonly recruited those small and medium-sized clans who had fled, and their power was growing day by day.

Coincidentally, the strongest and largest of these fleeing sects is called "King Kong Temple". The abbot in the temple is an evil monk who was cultivated in the early days of celestial beings, and is called "Buddhist master dari".

King Kong temple also took the opportunity to incorporate numerous small and medium-sized sects. Because a large number of monks were not willing to become monks, Buddhist monk dari changed the name of Vajra temple to Vajra sect, bringing a large number of small and medium-sized sects under the door.

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By chance, yuntianlin got acquainted with dari Zen master and bewitched him to make an alliance with him to attack the seven holy palaces together. However, yuntianlin couldn't help telling him that the old Tianying, who lived to the end of his life and was seriously injured in the war more than 2000 years ago, should have reached the end of his life, and should not be afraid of


After hearing these words, Zen master dari was finally moved. They colluded with each other and plotted to attack the seven holy palaces and divide their resources equally.

After determining the action plan, Vajra cult and quicksand gate began to expand their forces crazily and gathered together more than a billion monks!

Although there are more friars in Meishan than in the whole area, there are more friars in Meishan!

After that, he felt that the number of monks who had entered the imperial court was almost the same as that of the great master of the Song Dynasty. The Seven Saints palace got the news about a month before the King Kong cult and liushamen army arrived at Qipan peak. Tianying Laozu personally declared that it was in a state of war readiness, and ordered the local monks of Meishan to gather in the east side of the Qipan mountain as a supplement to the qipansheng palace.

Knowing that they were not cannon fodder, they were just a supplement to the seven holy palaces. They were also willing to fight for Meishan. They were happy to gather over the mountain in the east of the palace.

Of course, there are still many friars who are afraid of life and death to escape the war in Liusha river or Huangfengling mountain.

The original army of 10 billion friars has shrunk to 7 billion, but the number is still amazing.

The friars of the seven holy palaces are ready to guard the western side of the chessboard, ready to confront the forces of Vajra sect and quicksand gate!

Shen Lang got the news that Vajra sect and Liusha gate attacked the seven holy palaces, and left Guangtian Palace at the first time.

Just at this time, yuan Tianzong and the high-level of the Seven Saints palace held a secret meeting in the hall. Yuan Tianzong specially sent a note to let Shen Lang pass.After receiving the message, Shen Lang immediately walked out of the courtyard and flew toward the hall of the Seven Saints palace.

At this moment, the meeting has just begun in the hall of the Seven Saints' palace.

All the elders of the Seven Saints palace, including Dai Tian, Zhu tou, Jin Hong, Yang Wei and Bai Weiwei, attended the meeting.

Yuan Tianzong, who was directly in front of the hall, said in a loud voice: "not a few days ago, my spies from the seven holy palaces found that a large army of monks from the Vajra sect and liushamen were approaching the main peak of Meishan mountain. The purpose of the other party is obvious, that is, to attack my seven holy palace! "

"On this urgent occasion, I would like to call on all of you to come here to discuss the operational plan. First of all, I'd like to talk about my own combat plan. If you have any opinions, you can raise your objection at any time and make changes according to your circumstances. "

"First of all, the seven holy palaces must take part in the war, and they must be at the forefront!" Just now, a grey robed elder on the lower bench got up and clasped his fist and said, "Lord, I don't think it's right! According to the spies, there are more than one billion monks from liushamen and Vajra sect! The number of such a large number must be

we can not resist the seven holy palaces. We should not let the seven holy palaces be at the forefront of the war. "

"Yes, Lord, there are too many friars in the enemy. We should let our local friars join in and relieve the pressure with the sea of people tactics!"

Another elder stood up and said in a deep voice. Yuan Tianzong frowned: "what the two elders said is reasonable, but this decision is the meaning of the ancestor. After all, the Seven Saints palace is the most important gate in Meishan. Since the enemy's target is our seven holy palace, then the seven holy palace should kill the enemy in the front line, and

it is not to let local friars act as cannon fodder! "

As soon as the words came out, there was a commotion, and almost all the elders were sad. This is not appropriate. The elder of wanzongtang feels that it is improper to enforce the law! If we really want to fight, the Seven Saints palace will not last long! What's more, there are two celestial friars in the enemy, and there is only one in our side. I'm afraid we can't speak with one hand. "

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