Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3627: 3631

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Dai Tian's heart was extremely moved, and repeatedly thanks.

When Zhu tou Yang Wei saw that Shen Lang was so powerful, he could not forget his original intention, and his heart became more and more admired.

Bai Weiwei is extremely eager to speak with Shen Lang, but until Shen Lang leaves, she can't say a word. Her mood is very complicated.

It's not that Shen Lang didn't give her face, but that she couldn't say.

She knew the difference between herself and Shen Lang, and felt inferiority in her heart.

Yuan Tianzong sent Shen Lang back to Fulong peak all the way. Shen Lang asked yuan Tianzong to enter the courtyard for a talk. Naturally, yuan Tianzong did not refuse.

They sat around a white jade table. Shen Lang took out hundreds of billions of lower grade immortal stones from the storage ring, packed them in several storage bags and sent them to yuan Tianzong.


Yuan Tianzong was shocked. He had not seen such a large number of inferior immortal stones. He was afraid to accept them.

"Take it. This fairy stone is nothing to me. It's a resource used by Shen to support the Seven Saints palace to tide over the crisis." Shen zhenglang said.

Yuan Tianzong's face changed several times, and then he was grateful: "since so, this seat will say thanks to elder Shen for all the monks in the seven holy palace!"

Why should we thank ourselves? Ha ha ha, you don't have to be too rigid. " Shen Lang chuckled indifferently, and then said, "please come and talk to me. In addition to presenting this part of the immortal stone, he also wants to resolve some possible contradictions and suspicions. At the beginning, I killed yuan Fei. I hope the palace master doesn't hold a grudge against this matter.

yuan Tianzong took a deep breath and solemnly said, "it is I who have taught so badly that I have brought about such a sin. On the contrary, it's thanks to elder Shen's cleaning up the door that he avoided the evil and poison of the seven holy palaces

"It's also a big knot in Shen's mind. It's good to reconcile." Shen Lang sighed.

The two talked for a while, and after yuan Tianzong's consolation, Shen Lang finally untied the knot.

Yuan Tianzong felt more and more at ease about Shen Lang, even if he was asked to give up his seat to Shen Lang and retreat to the background, he was willing to.

With Shen Lang's strength, strategy and foresight, he will surely lead the rise of the seven holy palaces.

It's a pity that Shen Lang is a robber and Savior and can't stay in the seven holy palace for a long time.

After yuan Tianzong left, Shen Lang continued to stay in the training room, adjusting his state and trying to keep himself in the best condition to cope with the next war.

In the last period of time, Shen Lang did not stay in Guangtian palace.

In a flash, a month passed.

At last, the main peak of Meishan mountain was reached by the monks of liushamen and Jingang cult, and 100000 spirit boat warships were surging towards Qipan mountain, and the army was under pressure.

It may be because the temporary large army, the monks of liushamen and Jingang temple have no obvious characteristics and are rather disordered, but their overall accomplishments are fair, which is obviously much better than the monks' Army on the side of Qipan mountain.

The first red gold warship was extremely large, with a length of one million feet. Yuntianlin, the leader of Liusha gate, and dari, the leader of Vajra sect, stood on the deck of the bow of the boat in the front, and nearly 500 earth immortal friars stood behind them.

Yuntianlin is still the same as before, but his breath is quite disordered, and the whole person seems to have recovered from a serious illness.

At the beginning of the battle of the seven holy palaces, yuntianlin was wounded by Tianying, and his vitality was greatly damaged. Up to now, he has not recovered completely.

Next to him, the Zen master dari was dressed in a robe and cassock, with a fat head and big ears. He looked very happy.

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Although he practiced Buddhism, he did not practice the way of body, so his strength was a little lower than that of ordinary early celestial monks.

Because of this, Yun Tianlin, who had lost his vigor, had the strength to cooperate with Zen master dari, but he was still quite afraid of him.

Although the strength of Zen master dari is average, his physical recovery ability is extremely strong. If he really wants to tear his face, this bald donkey is not easy to deal with.

Although the two sides cooperate, they also fear each other.

"Yundaoyou, if you have another incense stick, you can arrive at Qipanshan. I hope this trip is as smooth as you said."

Zen master dari turned his eyes to Yun Tianlin. He was still worried about the immortal monk in the seven holy palace.

Yun Tianlin said with a smile: "Yuan Tianying, the old man, is already dying. It's not enough to be afraid of. As long as the Taoist friends can cooperate with Yun, kill yuan Tianying and capture the seven holy palaces, it's as easy as searching for things. "

"Amitabha, I hope so." Zen master dari clasped his hands and said with a smile.

"Yuan Tianying, Yuan Tianying, this time I'll see what you old bone will fight me with!"

Yuntianlin grinned grimly, his eyes full of malice and murder.

For Yun Tianlin, the ancestor of Tianying is his lifelong enemy. Originally, he could wait for Tianying to sit down and fight against the Seven Saints' palace, but yuntianlin's mind was still hard to calm down.

No, don't swallow Tianying!

Previously, he was seriously injured by Tianying Laozu, which caused a huge psychological shadow to yuntianlin. This time, he learned to be obedient, and enlisted Zen master dari to deal with Tianying Laozu, so as to ensure that he was safe and sound.

At the beginning, there were only a million people in the army of liusalmonella, but now there are more than one billion United friars attacking the seven holy palaces!Yuntianlin is full of confidence. If he can't attack the seven holy palace, he can commit suicide.

After a long time, Liusha gate and the 100000 spirit boat of Vajra sect arrived outside the Qipan mountain.

At the moment, twelve stars of different colors have been raised and a large curtain of light has been lowered to seal the seven holy palaces in the central part of Shandong Province!

The "Twelve heavenly gate array" of the mountain protection array of the Seven Saints palace has been launched. In addition to the 100000 disciples and disciples of the Seven Saints palace itself, nearly 7 billion monks in Meishan are all sleeping in the seven holy palace and can be mobilized at any time.

"The army of liushamen will listen to the order and quickly surround the seven holy palaces, and don't let go of any of the odds and ends of the seven holy palaces!"

"The Vajra monks obey orders and surround the seven holy palaces!"

With the orders of yuntianlin and Dali Zen master, a large number of monks of liushamen poured out and surrounded the seven holy palace from east to west, North and south. There were black figures everywhere in the sky and on the earth. "Ha ha ha, Yuan Tianying, you old bastard, you can't imagine today! Yes, I'm back! You old bastard is still as timid as ever. If you roll out and face this seat, you may still be able to save your seven holy palaces

Yuntianlin stood on the void and yelled at the seven holy palaces wrapped in the light curtain, which was like thunder in the sky and spread all over the Qipanshan.

At the moment, the square of seven holy palaces.

One hundred and seven monks gathered in the sky above the square, ready for the first World War.

Listening to yuntianlin shouting and scolding outside the array, looking at the liushamen and the Vajra sect's friars, the monks of the seven holy palaces were alarmed.

Shen Lang, standing at the top of the square, shouts at the friars of the seven holy palaces below: "all the monks of the seven holy palaces should obey orders and guard against them! You are not allowed to leave the twelve day gate array without my command


At the bottom of the hundred thousand seven saints' palace, the monks responded in unison. Shen Lang nodded slightly, then turned into a golden light, rushed out of the twelve Tianmen array and faced the enemy directly.

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