Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3644: 3648

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"Take orders from heaven, order to kill your soul!"

Zhong Kui's real body issued a powerful and majestic sound of shaking and drinking. He rolled up a red storm and rushed toward the dragon of the moon and bones. His momentum was amazing.

"Ignorant child, if you have just used this move, I may be afraid of three points. Now, it's late! "

"Xuanxianshu, the king of the underworld

The dragon of the moon was shocked to drink, and a large amount of red and black light burst out behind its back. The twisted aura turned into a golden double horn of the head, and the whole body was surrounded by the rolling shadow of the dark burning Hades.

The shadow of the nether king was dressed in a red robe, with black face and beard, and leopard head and eyes, which was very dignified! Send out the breath of fierce horror, let people's heart tremble, in addition to terror, give people a sense of nobility as arrogant over the world!

"Ten halls of hell, king of wheels?"

Shen Lang's eyes were about to crack, and his heart was shocked. The virtual image summoned by the moon's bone dragon was the ten palace Yama of reincarnation.

It is said that in the ancient times, there was a saying of "ten palaces of hell" in the reincarnation immortal realm of the true fairyland.

Among them, the "king of Qin Guang", "king of Chu River" and "king of Yama" reached the level of Dara Jinxian of Hunyuan, and the rest of the great Hades were Dara Jinxian. On top of the ten palaces of hell, there are also the Bodhisattvas who guard the deepest part of the netherworld hell.

The hell of the netherworld is the foundation of the reincarnation law of the fairyland and even its subordinates.

In the history of Zhenxian Kingdom, there were numerous battles, but the fire of war almost never spread to the reincarnation realm. It is just the so-called "fighting in the immortal realm, no harm to reincarnation", which is also the recognized iron rule of the great immortal regions. Because of his hard work and great achievements in managing the reincarnation immortal realm, the ten hall Yan Luo was praised by the monks of the real celestial realm, so he was widely known. Almost all the friars in the fairyland know the name of the ten hall Yanluo, and more or less have witnessed the portraits of the ten halls of Yama. Shen Lang is no exception.

Seeing the Dragon summoning the spirit of the king of wheels, Shen Lang's face became very ugly. He didn't believe the evil and roared at Zhong Kui's body: "Yi Sheng Zhen Jun, kill this evil thing!"

As soon as the roar fell, Zhong Kui's hands were covered with dazzling red gold aura. With the momentum of shaking the sky and shaking the earth, Zhong Kui took the lead in shooting at the virtual shadow of the wheel king.

Seeing that the virtual shadow of the wheel king did not dodge, he let Zhong Kui's hands fall on his body.

"Bang! Bang

Two fierce muffled sounds sounded, and Wang Xuying of the wheel was just shaken back a few steps by Zhong Kui's real body, and his body was safe and sound. He opened his mouth and spewed out a black hell fire.


Zhong Kui was hit by the Inferno fire as thick as ink, and his mouth gave out a low hoarse roar, as if he were howling miserably.

Although the Runner King ranked at the end of the ten palace Yama, his combat power was far stronger than that of the ordinary Dara Jinxian. The spirit shadow of the runner king summoned by the moon eclipse bone dragon is not just a fancy, but can really play some of the wheel King's great powers.

The power of this infernal fire is no less than that of the top-level metaphysical alchemy "nine true fire", and this fire can not only hurt the body, but also the spirit.

Although the power of Hellfire released by the spirit body of the wheel king is greatly reduced, it can also cause great damage to Zhong Kui's real body!

Before the burning of Hellfire, Zhong Kui's real body was disappearing and collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Lang was so shocked in his heart that he cried out: "Yi Sheng Zhen Jun, don't resist. Let's explode quickly!"

"Under heaven, jade All burned

Zhong Kui uttered a hoarse and low voice of shaking and drinking, and his body surface gushed out endless red light, like a red sun, towards the virtual shadow of the wheel king, attempting to die with the spirit of the wheel King


The next moment, the intense tinnitus broke the tympanic membrane, and the brilliant red light covered the whole dark boundary just like the pure world spirit light!


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The spirit body of the wheel King finally felt the pain, opened its mouth and let out a deep howl. The body was torn by the red light, leaving a lot of wounds, but it was barely able to support it.

The whole body of the moon eroding bone dragon also condensed black inflammation, which resisted the energy impact of Zhong Kui's self explosion.

"It's over

Seeing Zhong Kui's real body exploding, he couldn't destroy the spirit body of the Runner King. Shen Lang's face was completely desperate, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Eclipse bone dragon is so strong! Even if they use all their skills, it is still impossible for their opponents.

"You son of a bitch, I wanted you to help me untie my seal. Since you are so dishonest, let me use some soul power to release the remaining seal power, and you will die for me now

After a cold smile, the Dragon ordered the spirit of the king of wheels, and cried out: "kill!"


The scarred spirit of the wheel king made a low and strange roar, carrying the Inferno fire as thick as ink, and rushed towards the deep waves.

Shen Lang's eyes are about to crack. The spirit of the king of wheels has a desperate power of terror, which is absolutely not what he can resist! If you win this blow, you will almost die!

Now for Shen Lang, the only way to protect his life is to hide in Guangtian palace!"Guangtian palace, now!"

A golden Mini palace floats in the heart of Shen Lang's right palm, which is Guangtian palace.

"Why? This is... "

Seeing Shen Lang offer a miniature palace that releases nine colors of sunlight, the eyes of the moon eclipse bone dragon shrink, and I always feel that this thing has a sense of deja vu.

"Little cheap species, you still have Taiyi immortal level space immortal treasure!"

In retrospect, the golden Mini palace is the Guangtian palace of Taiyi!

Seeing the spirit of the Runner King approaching, Shen Lang opened the door of the mini Guangtian palace and was about to escape into Guangtian palace.

"Want to hide in Guangtian palace? There are no doors! "

The pupil of the dragon with lunar eclipse emits amazing blood light and roars: "xuanxianshu, the boundary is blocked!"

Suddenly, the moon bone dragon spits out a large amount of twisted gray awns, which spread in all directions like lightning and thunder.

Almost in an instant, the whole dark boundary was covered with dense and twisted gray awns.

Shen Lang tries to enter the Guangtian palace. He is frightened to find that the gray light energy in the border is actually preventing him from entering the mini Guangtian palace!

The gray light energy scattered in the space seems to be able to isolate the power of space transmission, which is somewhat similar to "dimensional blockade"!

In fact, there is a magic power of dimensional blockade to block the space, but the magic power of dimensional blockade has reached the level of high-level golden immortal! The space of the fairyland is extremely stable and has no comparability with the ancient Lingjie.

There is a big difference between blocking the realm of dragons and blocking the space of the secondary realm.

If the friars themselves are strong enough to break through the fairyland space, the boundary blockade will be useless. In a word, the boundary blocking is the dimensional blocking of low configuration version. In addition to preventing friars from carrying out ordinary teleportation, the biggest use is to temporarily seal space magic weapons and prevent friars from hiding in space magic weapons, which is more direct and effective than Fubing!

Xu Ying, the king of the wheel, opened his mouth and swallowed up the deep waves.

"Tianmu's death!" Shen Lang's pupils are constantly enlarging, and his mouth is full of heartrending roars, making the final resistance.

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