Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3655: 3659

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"Boy, you want to die!"

The anger in Yunteng's heart has already expanded to the extreme. He pushes his palms towards Shen Lang and shouts: "the eighth level of celestial immortality, samadhi's true fire!"

As soon as the roar fell, Yunteng's palms were filled with flames of gold, red and orange, forming a pillar of fire of three colors, which turned into a dragon of ten thousand feet and flew towards Shen Lang.

As soon as Shen Lang's eyebrows were lifted, monks in the early days of Tianxian could release samadhi true fire. This kind of high-level fire is a kind of celestial immortal skill. It seems that the strength of the monk in Dongsheng Shenzhou is much higher than that in shituoling and other places in Xiniu Hezhou.

Although the power of Yunteng's samadhi fire is fair, it is only a crude skill for Shen Lang.

"Five thunder positive method!"

Shen Lang pushed his right palm forward, and a large number of spiral five color thunder were hit by the three color fire dragon.


The sound of the explosion rocked through the sky. The five colors of thunder and three colors of flame mingled and collided, and the terrible energy swept around.

The monks close to the explosion opened defense barriers to resist the energy impact caused by the explosion, and their faces were shocked.

In the blink of an eye, the five color thunder from Shen Lang suppressed the real fire of samadhi made by Yunteng, and the fire dragon was devoured by the thunder and immediately collapsed.

The Furious Five Color thunder is like a huge wave, pressing toward the cloud.

Yunteng was so shocked that he could not imagine that Shen Lang's strength was so strong that he could not even fight against the other side's lightning stroke.

"Crystal Shield, open!"

Seeing the five color thunder storm like a mountain, Yunteng was in a hurry, so he had to sacrifice his Kaiguang Xianbao shield, and madly entered the chaotic spiritual power into the glass colored shield in front of him.


The glazed shield releases a great aura, and quickly condenses a layer of brilliant glazed light wall in front of Yunteng to resist the attack of the five color thunder.

"Boom, boom!"

The dense five color thunder hit the glass light wall in front of Yunteng, sending out a deafening explosion sound.

Although Shen Lang's five thunder positive method has no advantage over the Terran friars, Shen Lang has the origin of thunder, so it is still strong.

Yunteng only resisted a breathing room, and could not support it any more. The glazed light wall in front of the body was bombarded with a lot of cracks by the ferocious five color thunder.

"Block it for me!"

Yunteng's eyes were about to crack, and he opened his mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood essence on the crystal glass shield in front of him, which enhanced the defense of crystal glass shield to the limit.

"Xuanhua axe, kill him!"

Shen Lang felt that the efficiency of the five thunder positive method was too slow, so he turned his hand to sacrifice the Xuanhua plate axe. His divine sense locked Yun Teng and threw the female axe.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The female axe, carrying the red gold aura of the sun, is swinging in the air. It bombards the clouds with a pioneering momentum. The energy of terror is fluctuating and people's scalp is numb!

The next moment.


A shocking sound came, and the female axe hit the glazed wall in front of Yunteng, burst out a dazzling red gold aura.

The female axe pierced the glazed light wall through a huge gap, and directly hit the crystal glass shield in front of Yunteng's body, sending out a sharp crash sound like piercing a gold crack stone again.


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The thrilling sound of the ear burst makes people's ears tingle. The crystal glass shield that glitters with light didn't hold on for half a second. It broke like a mirror and turned into countless pieces and scattered everywhere.

"No!!! Forgive me

Seeing that the Xuanhua axe offered by Shen Lang could break his Kaiguang Xianbao shield, Yunteng was so frightened that he finally recognized the huge gap between himself and Shen Lang, and uttered a hysterical cry for mercy.

Shen Lang has already killed his heart. He does not intend to let Yun Teng go.

After the female axe broke the crystal glass shield, she continued to fly towards the front door of Yunteng.


Yunteng's pupils kept enlarging and only had time to send out a final scream. His body was swallowed up by the red gold aura carried by the female axe. His body was blasted into a blood mist by Xuanhua axe, and blood clots about the size of rice grains were splashed everywhere.

After a blow, Yunteng's spirit and form were all destroyed and died completely!

The female axe flew around in mid air and returned to Shen Lang's hands.

The whole scene was as silent as death. Looking at this amazing scene, the monks of both armies dare not breathe! The friars of Saint Tiangu even suspected that they had seen the illusion?

From Yunteng elder to Yunteng, the whole process is less than five seconds!


The nuns of Jiangyun palace took a breath of cold one after another.

Xia ling'er also stood on the spot and set off a storm in her heart.

At present, the strength of the monk in white can't be described with terror!

Xia ling'er is born with a chaotic immortal body and is very sensitive to the fluctuation of energy and breath. Judging from Shen Lang's magic power just now, she can barely judge that his cultivation is similar to that of Yunteng, and she should be a friar in the early days of celestial immortality.As the master of Jiangyun palace, Xia ling'er still has some experience. It's hard to imagine how a monk in the early days of Tianxian could have such terrible strength!

The monks army in the holy sky Valley gradually became a mess. Lu'ang died and Yunteng died. The friars' army in the holy sky Valley lost its leader and the army was in great disorder.

"Don't panic, whole army! The other side is just a celestial friar. As long as we all work together, this person is not afraid of! "

On the red gold warship headed by the army of Saint Tiangu, an elder from the peak of the earth immortals stood up to preside over the overall situation, shaking and drinking, trying to stabilize the morale of the army.

"Is it? I'd like to see how you fools can work together

Shen Lang chuckled and threw the two Xuanhua axes.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The male and female axes flew out from the front of Shen Lang body, and the axe blade rushed out of the sky with red gold light, and attacked the red gold spirit boat led by the holy sky Valley army.

"Be careful!"

Seeing the Xuanhua axe breaking through the air attack with the frightening red gold light, many elders of the holy sky Valley on the red gold warship were so scared that they tried to use their defense powers to resist the attack.

Unfortunately, everything is in vain.

The two axes, male and female, swept towards the red gold warship at a speed that could not be captured by divine sense. They flew around the ship wildly, and the red gold aura splashed out almost engulfed all the friars on the warship.

"Dong Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"

A series of deafening crackles sounded, and the defensive powers of the elder friars of holy heaven Valley on the warship were as fragile as paper paste. All the monks were turned into blood mist and flesh where Xuanhua axe passed by.

Shen Lang uses his chaotic spiritual power to control the flight path of Xuanhua axe. He kills all the immortal elders of Shengtian Valley on the warship, leaving no one alive! Finally, the male and female axes directly split the warship. In the fierce roar, the whole warship was scrapped on the spot and turned into countless pieces.

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