Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3662: 3666

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"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The Xuanhua axe, a female and a male, whirled wildly in the air with intense red gold light, and attacked the two celestial elders flying to the left and right with the potential of collapsing the sky and splitting the earth.

"Tianmu is gone!"

As soon as Shen Lang throws the Xuanhua axe out, the holy devil's eye at the center of his eyebrow shoots out the most powerful purple awn, and suddenly attacks the third immortal elder in the center.

Seeing that both male and female axes were carrying incomparable power, the two immortal elders of Shengtian valley were startled. It was unexpected that Shen Lang was so quick.

In a hurry, the two celestial elders of the holy heaven Valley offered their defense magic weapons as quickly as possible, trying to resist the attack of Xuanhua axe.

However, this defense is like paper paste in front of Xuanhua axe.

"Boom! Boom

The sound of two explosions was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky. The male and female axes instantly defeated the defense magic weapons of the two immortal elders in the holy sky valley. The brilliant red and gold aura carried by the blade of Xuanhua axe instantly strangled their bodies into blood mist residue!

In the blink of an eye, two elders of holy sky valley were killed on the spot. The immortal elder of shengtiangu opened the defense barrier, and was easily torn by the purple ray from Shen Lang's eye. The slender purple ray passed by, and a thin blood mark was drawn on the immortal elder's body from top to bottom.


The immortal elder's mouth was full of shrieks and the pupil was constantly enlarged.

The next moment, "boom" a dull sound, his body from top to bottom suddenly split into two pieces, internal organs and broken bones are clearly visible!

The two bodies of the last immortal elder fell down from the air. The body and spirit were defeated, and they could not live.

Just one breath, Shen Lang killed all three immortal elders with extremely fierce means!

"No It's impossible! "

The Songhe immortal, who is trying to recover his body, is killed by Shen Lang on the spot when he sees that the three immortal elders have not even survived a face-to-face. He is scared out of his wits.

Until this moment, the real Songhe finally knew how terrible Shen Lang was.

The red and gold double axes offered by Shen Lang are extremely powerful. I'm afraid that only the spirit level immortal treasure can release such frightening power!


At the rear, a large number of disciples of the Saint Tiangu sect saw that three celestial elders were killed in seconds, and they were scared to death.

The nuns of Jiangyun palace were full of fanatical cheers and shouts. Shen Lang became the object of their worship and even secret love.

"Well done, master Shen will win!"

"As long as master Shen kills all the mobs in holy sky Valley, I'd like to make a promise to each other!"

"What are you talking about? I'd like to post it upside down! "

"You've got it. Mr. Shen is incomparable and beautiful. Is there still a lack of women?"

…… Seeing the Shen wave approaching step by step, the immortal Songhe smelled the fear of death and turned pale and asked for mercy: "Pavilion Please wait a moment. I have no eyes. Please forgive me! As long as you forgive me, I'm willing to give you all the resources of the holy heaven valley

Shen Lang grinned: "ridiculous! If I kill you, I can take these things away. I need your nonsense here? "


The real Songhe was frightened and wanted to escape.

"Shameless villain, you'd better stay for me!"

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As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang turned his hand to offer a golden chain, and spurted out a lot of chaotic spiritual power towards the chain.

"Tie the fairy lock, go!"

The golden chain turns into a golden lightning that is hard to catch by the gods and senses. In an instant, the real Songhe who is trying to escape is bound tightly, making him unable to move.

This bundle of fairy locks is the booty that Shen Lang got from the green lion demon emperor at the beginning. It is quite practical. Shen Lang has long recognized its owner and carried it with him.

Songhe Zhenren was shocked and tried to break free, but found that the gold chain was more and more tightly tied.

Even the friars at the top of the celestial immortals are hard to break free as long as they are bound by the lock of the immortals without any precautions, let alone the real Songhe, who made his mid-term cultivation.

"Help me!"

The real Songhe roared at the monk in the rear.

There was a commotion among the monks of holy heaven Valley in the rear. Listening to the cry of the valley master for mercy, they seemed to be in a dilemma.


Shen Lang hit a five thunder positive method and killed a large area of holy sky Valley monks in the rear, and made a record of Mawei.

Those monks in the holy sky valley were scared and retreated one after another. They did not dare to give birth to the appearance of saving the pine crane. A large number of holy sky Valley monks began to turn around and flee.

I'm kidding. All the celestial elders in the valley are dead. Even the valley master will be killed soon. If they keep the holy sky Valley, they will only die!

As Shen Lang stepped forward, the soldiers of holy heaven Valley finally disintegrated and fled in succession."The monk of Jiangjin palace will obey the order and kill me! These holy Valley bastards

Xia ling'er is biting her silver teeth and growls in her mouth.


At the command, the army of Jiangjun palace in the rear began to charge and attack the monk of shengtiangu who was fleeing wantonly.

Shen Lang came to the Songhe immortal who was bound by a fairy lock. Without saying a word, he pressed his big hand directly towards the head of the Songhe immortal.


The real Songhe almost had no resistance and was directly searched by Shen Lang, and his whole body was shaking violently.

Although Shen Lang's accomplishments are not as good as those of Songhe immortal, his soul power surpasses that of Songhe immortal.

Before, in the bottomless cave, the spirit power of Shen Lang was greatly increased by the several ghost beasts devoured by Zhong Kui. Nowadays, Shen Lang's spirit strength is no less than that of ordinary monks in the later period of the celestial immortals. The soul searching immortal Songhe is more than enough.

About half a minute later, Shen Lang read all the key information, and his face was a little gloomy.

"The book of heaven" is really not on Songhe.

If this is the case, Shen Lang can also find the book of heaven through clues.

However, Songhe Zhenren, a black sheep of his family, sold the "Tianyuan chamber of Commerce" in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Souhun got this stupid news, and Shen Lang couldn't help but curse his mother. He really took the idiot Songhe.

In fact, it is not entirely the fault of Songhe immortal. This book can't be read directly. It seems that there is some kind of prohibition on it. After Songhe immortal gets the Tianshu, he can't get the contents of the book, so it's helpless to sell it to the chamber of Commerce.

After selling Tianshu to Tianyuan chamber of Commerce, Songhe immortal exchanged a bottle of half ripe peach juice, hoping to improve his cultivation.

Shen Lang, who has eaten flat peach fruits, knows the limitations of half ripe flat peaches. The effect of half ripe flat peach fruit on the earth immortal friar is very obvious, but the effect on the celestial friar is not so obvious. It's wishful thinking of Songhe immortal to break through the later stage of celestial immortality by taking flat peach juice at half ripe stage.

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