Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3700: 3704

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Now that he has become the target of public criticism, Shen Lang can only pretend to be careless.

At the moment, if you easily admit that you have the pieces of Tianji hexagram disk, you are bound to let all the monks have a killing heart.

The upside down array of heaven and earth has not stopped running. Shen Lang is temporarily trapped in the border, so it is not easy to start. In case of being targeted, the trouble will be great.

One on one, Shen Lang was confident that he could defeat Gehong, but he did not have the confidence to fight the other four monks.

Jinkui demon emperor, Princess Lianxing, white browed Zun and master Fohai are all masters who step into luotianxian half step. Their strength is not comparable to ordinary celestial peak friars.

Even if Shen Lang has mastered the sword formula in the first layer of the killing immortal sword code, it is extremely difficult to be afraid of one enemy against five.

Shen Lang didn't want to start until he had to. Gehong's old ancestor ran up in anger, and his mouth slightly twitched: "if there are pieces of Tianji guapan, you can know it in your mind. Boy, as long as you hand over your storage ring and Xuanhua axe and erase your mind, I can let you go. Otherwise, you will die! "

Shen Lang's face was so gloomy that he said, "Shen tried his best to help Ge Daoyou attack his accomplishments, but he was threatened by you. He is really a good man." Gehong could no longer suppress his anger. He became angry and said, "if it wasn't for you who ruined my affairs, I would be Luo Tianxian now! I've given you a chance. Since you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

As soon as the words fell, Gehong pushed out his two palms with a ferocious face. Two huge chaotic spirits flew out of the palm and fell into the upside down array of heaven and earth.


Suddenly, the round seal at the foot of Shen Lang was full of black light, and a large number of black thorns sprang out of the seal, which bound and bound towards the Shen wave with lightning speed.

Everything happened in a flash, and the deep waves didn't even have time to react.

"Extinguish the magic light!"

Shen Lang's heart was greatly shocked. In his impatience, the holy devil's eye at the center of his eyebrow suddenly spewed out a gorgeous purple and gold light column, hitting the border light wall around the corner of the array.


The intense dull noise makes the junction roar and tremble. After the light wall is hit by the purple and gold light column, the surface vibrates sharply and ripples appear.

Unfortunately, before the dark light released by Shen Lang broke through the bondage of the boundary, his whole body was tightly bound by the sudden black thorns and tore up his clothes.


Shen Lang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the things that worried him most finally happened.

Ge Hong, an old man, had no good intentions from the beginning. To say that they were in battle, in fact, he had already figured out a way to deal with them.

At present, Shen Lang's boundary is like a trapped array. He was trapped in the formation at the beginning, so he could not avoid it.

The sudden scene also made the other four monks frown and were alert.

"Ghost willows and thorns!"

Princess Lianxing frowned. She recognized the black thorns that bound Shen Lang.

This ghost willow thorn is not a kind of material object, but a kind of extremely domineering curse magic power, but need to use "ghost willow thorn seed".

It seems that elder Gehong had buried the seeds of ghost willows and thorns in the seal at the foot of the monk Shen, and did not know whether he had been treated the same way?

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The black thorns that cling to Shen Lang's body are covered with extremely sharp barbs, which cut his body like a snake.


Thorns on the surface of thorns repeatedly cut the body of the waves, making a sharp sound like cutting glass plates.

Fortunately, Shen Lang is a gold body and jade body. His flesh is indestructible. The barbs on the thorns can only make a lot of blood marks on Shen Lang's body, but can not penetrate into Shen Lang's flesh and blood.

These black thorns are not entities, they seem to be some kind of spirit. There are dense black runes flowing on the surface of the brambles, containing the power of terrible curse!

Shen Lang tries to struggle, but he is frightened to find that his chaotic spiritual power is rapidly closing and disappearing.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Lang's whole body was covered with black thorns, and many small black runes penetrated into Shen Lang's body along with the blood stains.


Shen Lang instantly felt the pain of tearing heart and lung, his eyes were about to crack, and his mouth uttered a scream.


At this moment, the mantra of Yi Sheng Zhenjun was inspired by himself, and a dense blue Rune appeared on Shen Lang's body surface, forming a whirlwind of blue light around him, which greatly relieved his pain. The blood stains all over his body emitted a trace of black smoke.

"Yi Sheng Zhen Jun mantra?"

Gehong's face was surprised. He didn't expect that the Yellow haired child's methods were endless. Even the ghost willow and bramble could not help him.

"Old man, die for me!"

Shen Lang, taking advantage of the chaotic spiritual power in his body, is not completely sealed off. He runs the blood mantra and tries to erase the soul of Gehong.After a brief stab, Gehong returned to normal, sneering: "ignorant child, the gray area formed by my body has not been eliminated. If there is a grey area nearby, how can I be subject to your blood curse?" Seeing that he couldn't fight against Gehong, Shen Lang opened his mouth and said, "you all heard me. Ge Hong, an old man, had no good intentions at the beginning. The reason why he trapped us with the border was to kill us after breaking through Luo Tianxian! " "Don't think this old man really wants to share the method of breaking through Luo Tianxian. He just wants to use it as a bait to achieve his goal. Now the old man has not achieved his goal, so he makes an excuse to kill me. In fact,

is to kill us one by one. After he kills Shen, he will attack you! "

As soon as Shen Lang's voice dropped, the faces of the other four monks changed greatly.

These monks, who have lived for tens of millions of years, are all wise and resourceful. The actions of elder Gehong just now made them suspicious.

Now that Shen Lang said so, they were even more vigilant.

Gehong's face was livid, and he yelled: "boy, don't be bloody. I've been with these four old friends for many years. How can you provoke me?"

As soon as the voice fell, Gehong was beaten in the face.

Princess Lianxing said coldly: "Ge Hong, for the sake of the jade slips you provided earlier, I'll give you three rest time. Please untie the barrier and let me out. Otherwise, this princess does not promise not to be the enemy with you

Jinkui demon emperor frowned and said indifferently: "brother Ge Hongdao, you can untie the boundary restrictions that bind us, and you can prove your innocence. It's too late to say it! "

Gehong's face is as black as the bottom of a pot. It's only because he was so angry that he wanted to get rid of the heavy waves and be quick. He didn't want to be put aside by this hateful boy.

So far, it is impossible for Gehong to release the other four monks. If the gray area of his body disappears, he will be completely subject to the blood curse of the four monks, and he will really become a slave!

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