Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3747: 3751

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The explosion sound of the stone shocked the whole world. The flame sword, carrying a large number of nine true fire, cut into the belly of the golden corpse dragon. The fierce power almost lifted the golden corpse dragon! Shen Lang's attack had some effect. Although the fire saber did not completely break through the defense of the golden corpse dragon, it broke dozens of scales of the corpse dragon, and left a deep wound on its abdomen, exuding a lot of green


Unfortunately, this degree of wound, compared with the golden corpse dragon's huge body, can only be regarded as a skin wound.

"Boy, you want to die!"

The green robed ancestor was immediately infuriated and shook the dragon tail like a blade, and then he fell heavily towards the Shen wave.

The dragon's tail turns into thousands of golden lights and shadows, falling like mountains and seas, and its destructive energy seems to be able to burst into the sky and split the earth!

Shen Lang's scalp was numb, and the rune shield condensed again, trying to survive the blow.


At the critical moment, the ape King yelled and stopped Shen Lang's body. He held up the Dragon pole and held it over his head.


The dragon's tail fell down. Although the king of ape barely resisted the blow, his body was torn by the golden light and shadow, leaving a lot of wounds and blood splashing everywhere.

Shen Lang resisted the residual power of the golden light and shadow by the defense of Rune shield.

He didn't want to be the burden of ape king. The golden eye stone ape circled with the fastest speed, swung the long flame knife again, and cut heavily at the back of the golden corpse dragon.

With a loud bang, Shen Lang slashed the meat wings on the back of the golden corpse dragon.

Perhaps because the corpse dragon's wings are relatively fragile, Shen Lang cut a large wound in which a large amount of green blood spewed out.


The fierce pain made the corpse dragon scream.

The green robed ancestor was furious and quickly put out the dragon's claws, which were like lightning, attacking the Shen wave.

The king of ape seized the opportunity, when the corpse dragon launched an attack, he swung the heavy golden dragon pillar and hit the dragon's head, which made the corpse dragon's eye appear Venus.

Shen Lang is another knife, fell on the corpse dragon meat wing wound, this time tears out a huge wound, a large number of green blood gushed everywhere.

The ape king and Shen Lang attack the corpse dragon one after another. The corpse dragon is in a hurry and has no way to take them in a short time. The Huaguo Mountain friars' army was not idle. Bai Chen ordered half of the monks' team to deal with the remnant soldiers of the poisonous dragon cult. He led many elders of Huaguo Mountain and the other half of the monks' team to deal with the golden corpse dragon incarnated by the ancestor of green robe.

Each elder of Huaguo Mountain leads a group of troops to disperse each other, perform joint attack, or sacrifice magic weapons, and launch a long-range attack against the corpse dragon in the middle of the battlefield.

For a moment, the colorful magic attack swept from all directions like a storm, attacking the golden corpse dragon.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

A series of explosions were deafening for a long time.

The golden corpse dragon was hit by scattered attacks, and its huge body had more than a dozen tiny wounds. Although it is not a heavy blow, but also brought him a lot of trouble.

Although the golden eye stone ape is small, it can better attack the corpse dragon effectively. The ape King entangles the corpse dragon, and Shen Lang can launch a fierce attack without fear.


In the burst sound all over the sky, Shen Lang tried his best to chop out a knife and finally cut off the right wing of the golden corpse dragon!


The corpse dragon's big meat wings flew out, and the blood at the wound was like a spring of blood, which was quite miserable.

"Son of a bitch, I have to kill you

The golden corpse dragon's eyes burned with blood flame and suddenly became crazy. First, it shook the tail of the dragon to shake off the ape king. Then, with the lightning and thunder, it reached out the dragon's claws and attacked the golden eye stone ape.

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"Brother shenlang, be careful!"

The ape king was not in a hurry to rescue him, so he swung the Dragon pole in his hand and smashed it at the dragon's head.

The corpse dragon was hit by a dragon pole. His body was unstable and his mouth was covered with blood. However, his attack did not stop. The sharp claws continued to attack the Shen wave. The speed was so fast that Shen Lang could not be avoided!

The golden eyed stone ape tried to open the rune shield and tried to survive the blow.


The sound of the burst was palpable.

Shen Lang underestimated the power of this claw. The rune shield was broken on the spot, and his body was pierced by the sharp dragon claws!


The golden eyed stone ape fell to the ground, and his mouth gushed with blood. A ferocious and terrifying blood hole was shot out of his chest and abdomen. The wound was filled with blood, which was terrible!

After being hit hard, Shen Lang lost his power of action for a moment. In his rage, the golden corpse dragon opened his mouth and devoured the golden eye ape. It seemed that he wanted to swallow it alive!

"Stop it

The bloody ape King's mouth gave out a roar of surprise and anger. He rushed like a cannon ball and blocked Shen Lang's body.Seeing that the ape king had no time to call back the golden dragon pillar, the corpse dragon's fangs and sharp teeth bit at the White Ape king, and bit on the shoulder of the king of ape. A large amount of blood gushed from the king of ape, and there was a river of blood on the ground.


The old green robed ancestor screamed hysterically.

With a sound of "click", the sharp teeth of corpse dragon bit the shoulder of ape king. With several crisp bone fracture sounds, the shoulder of ape king and the whole right arm were torn down by the sharp teeth of corpse dragon!


The ape king, who was bitten off his right arm, screamed bitterly in his mouth, and the blood gushed from his wound was like a fountain.

At the next moment, a startling and pale scene appeared.

The fierce and ferocious golden corpse dragon swallowed the broken right arm of the ape king into his stomach!

The White Ape King's breath quickly weakened, and a large amount of blood gushed from his mouth. He half knelt on the ground, trembled all over, and gave out a low and weak roar, and the burning muddy air on his body surface was also rapidly weakening.


Seeing the ape king to save himself, he was bitten off by a corpse dragon, and Shen Lang was about to crack.

"Ha ha ha, monkey, how arrogant you are, you are not going to die in my father's hands today!"

The old man in green robe was very happy, and the corpse dragon once again opened its mouth, gnawing and swallowing at the body of the ape king, who was on the verge of collapse.

"The blood of the angry Beast!"

At this critical moment, Shen Lang couldn't take care of so much any more. The hair roots of the golden eye stone ape were upside down, and the mouth gave out a heartrending roar.


In a flash, the whole body of the golden eye stone ape rolled up the sky of blood flame, and behind it rose a ferocious and incomparably angry animal virtual shadow!


The angry animal's virtual shadow roared up to the sky, sending out the boiling killing intention like the sky, and pressed towards the golden corpse dragon. It was so horrible that it was hard to describe!

"Will power?"

The green robed ancestor suddenly changed color, and the golden corpse dragon was stiff, and felt a strong threat.

As soon as the angry Beast comes out, the ghost shadow of the golden body moon corpse behind the golden corpse dragon appears to be a little uneasy. The old man in green robe fixed his eyes on the shadow of the strange animal behind the golden eye stone ape. His eyes were wide open, and he cried out in a loud voice: "the wild animal is angry? It's impossible. It's the will power of the angry Beast! "

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