Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3795: 3799

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"By the way, elder brother, you said that you would lead the monks of Huanghua temple to Luanshan. Is there something wrong in the way?"

The king of nine heads looked around and found no sign of other monks. He could not help asking.

"No, I'll let them out."

Shen Lang took out the cloud map behind him, unfolded the scroll, and said in a loud voice, "empress, you can let Huang Hua Guan and Friar pansiling come out."

As soon as the voice fell, the red Ling emperor and daughter flew out of the cloud sea map, and countless monks flew out like a huge wave.

After half a column of incense, pansiling troops all flew out of the sea of clouds and arranged in the sky of bibotan, covering the sky and the earth.

"Li Great

The nine headed king was stunned and gave a thumbs up to Shen Lang.

Such a huge army of friars, with a total of 200 million, is really thanks to Shen Lang's ability to move here.

Shen Lang introduced each other. The red silk emperor and daughter liangu Zhenren exchanged their names with the king jiutou. They were very polite to each other.

Seeing that Shen Lang has made so many friends, she is very pleased.

"If you come here, don't be surprised that bibotan is not well entertained." It is a problem that the nine headed king is embarrassed to hold fist and the number of monks is so large that the capacity of bibotan is not acceptable.

"You are welcome! At present, the situation is in chaos. We are ready to leave for Dongsheng Shenzhou immediately, and we will not harass you for a long time. " The red silk emperor's right way.

"Hahaha, that's easy. As for the evacuation plan, Miss Meier has made it clear to me that most of the war factions in bibotan and luanshi mountain are on standby at any time. I'll wait for my brother shenlang to say a word! "

The king of nine patted Shen Lang on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Thanks for your support Shen Lang nodded.

"Well, don't say that. It's just a matter of survival for us to stay here. On the contrary, it's you who saved us from the fire and water The king of nine said with a loud smile.

The red Ling emperor daughter and the bone refining immortal also nodded and agreed, and could understand Shen Lang's good intentions.

"This is not a place to talk. Please go to my palace and have a talk."

The king of nine warmly invited them into the holy Dragon Palace in bibotan.

Before this, Shen Lang first collected the pansiling army into the cloud sea map, leaving only the red Ling emperor daughter and the bone refining immortal.

The environment in the cloud sea map is obviously better than that in the mountains.

In the Shenglong palace, people sat around and talked.

Shen Lang first inquired about the situation of the chaotic Stone Mountain, and the king jiutou told the truth.

Compared with other places, the situation in luanshishan is relatively relaxed because of its scarce resources. The local warlords almost crush the obedient forces.

Of course, luanshi mountain has not been smooth in recent years.

Thousands of years ago, a group of followers from northern Gulu Island invaded luanshi mountain and destroyed the spirit snake cult. The snake prince who was once familiar with Shen Lang fell in the war.

Later, the group of followers in beigulu Island learned that there was a Jiling level immortal treasure named "ZuLong Shengong" in bibotan, so they paid attention to ZuLong Shengong and tried to rob bibotan.

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The king jiutou led the war faction led by bibotan to resist and finally annihilated the forces in the northern part of lulu.

Since then, the situation in luanshishan has been relatively stable. The local monks of the obedient sect fled to him. As for the neutral friars who did not want to be affected by the war, they all fled to Tianyuan Beihai.

Generally speaking, the war faction in luanshishan is not powerful, even far inferior to pansiling.

In addition to the nine headed kings, there are only three celestial friars in the whole bibotan, which is a little shabby.

The Tianwang palace built by Shen Lang was also a school attached to bibotan. Although the heavenly king palace has improved slightly under the leadership of LAN xian'er, the overall combat effectiveness can only be regarded as better than nothing.

After learning about the situation in luanshishan, Shen Lang also said about the situation in Dongsheng Shenzhou and other places.

According to Shen Lang's conjecture, the forces that can form effective combat power in Tianmu Xianyu are really limited.

If you want to rely on these hands to fight against the three saints, it is still a dream!

In any case, it is better to be in groups than alone.

What Shen Lang can do now is to attract more trusted forces in. As for how to resist, we will discuss it later.

After talking for a while, several people reached an agreement and decided to wait for luanshishan's forces to gather and return to Dongsheng Shenzhou with Shen Lang.

King jiutou sent elder Bibo to issue orders to the whole luanshi mountain, informing the local war faction forces to rush to bibotan immediately and prepare to evacuate luanshi mountain.

Half a month later.

All the local warlords in luanshi mountain arrived at bibotan and gathered over it. In a blink of an eye, although the quality of luanshishan army is uneven, the number of monks is 100 million!

When he was on his way, the nine headed king did not forget to take away the Dragon God bow, the treasure of bibotan.Since the awakening of the blood of the nine headed insects, the nine headed king can use the spirit of the Dragon bow again in a special way, but only one chance, which is equivalent to an extremely important means of life protection!

Shen Lang did the same, and let the monks of luanshi mountain enter the cloud sea map.

The cloud sea map can hold about three billion living creatures. The number of monks in luanshi mountain and pansiling is only 300 million, which is far from the capacity limit of cloud sea map.

Shen Lang, carrying the scroll of the sea of clouds, went to the north of luanshi mountain first.

One hundred thousand years ago, Tianshan mountain appeared in the north of luanshi mountain. Shen Lang was worried that the secret of Tianshan mountain would be discovered by the Sansheng cult. He planned to go to Tianshan to see if the seal was stable.

After arriving in the north of luanshi mountain, Shen Lang circled around the northern area. He opened the holy devil's eye and looked around all over the country. There was no trace of seal prohibition. He felt a sigh of relief.

It seems that the seal set by the Moon Palace fairy was relatively reliable. Even if the Sansheng religion occupied Tianshan Mountain, it might not be able to untie the seal.

After finishing this, Shen Lang left luanshi mountain at ease and went to the Sinkiang mountain in the west of Liusha river.

Compared with the random rock mountain, the sunken mountain is a barren land. The purpose of Shen Lang's going here is to return to Dongsheng Shenzhou by using the bottomless world-class transmission array.

After arriving at the wunkong mountain, Shen Lang found that the area near the bottomless cave was occupied by the obedient forces of the wukongshan mountain. There were barracks all over the place, and even short eyed friars came to rob him.

Shen Lang was not polite. He immediately set off a fire of nine barbarians and burned all the nearby camps and a large number of monks of the Guishun faction. He swaggered into the bottomless cave.

Through the bottomless world-class transmission array, shenlang was transmitted to Dongsheng Shenzhou. In order to avoid being tracked by the three saints, Shen Lang bypassed Zhongzhou City, frequently used the transmission array of remote cities to shorten the journey, and spent a month and a half to reach Huaguo Mountain.

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