Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3840: 3844

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"Why does the girl know who I am?" Shen Lang asked tentatively.

The snow girl bowed respectfully to Shen Lang and said slowly, "in the past, the immortal Daoling had told us that in the future, there would be a celestial elector holding the reincarnation heavenly palace to visit the Sanxing cave on the slanting moon. We should not neglect the Tianxuan."

"Immortal Daoling! Is it the Taoist mausoleum? "

Shen Lang was shocked and asked.

"Yes, it is Zhang Daoling, the chief disciple of Bodhi Xianzu. The humble Fu Ling has eyes but does not know Mount Tai. He disobeys the advice of Taoist immortal Daoling and offends Tianxuan. He deserves to die! "

Snow girl bows to Shen Lang again.

"You don't have to apologize, girl. Since you know my identity, let's shake hands and make peace."

Shen Lang said in a hurry, his heart was completely relieved.

My Guangtian palace is just a copy of the samsara heavenly palace. It's my good luck to be mistaken by xuenu as the reincarnation heavenly palace.

However, Zhang Daoling actually figured out that he would come to the three star cave on the slanting moon, which gave Shen Lang a strong sense of disgust.

He never believed in destiny, but his actions were always in Zhang Daoling's calculations. Shen Lang was oppressed by this feeling of being manipulated like a chess piece.

Yuluocha saw that just now the murderous snow girl was obedient to Shen Lang and her pretty face was stunned. She felt like a dream.

As a matter of fact, she has always been unable to understand the identity of "Tianxuan". LV Dongbin and Wukong Taoist priest's willpower have also mentioned Shen Lang's identity, which seems to value Shen Lang very much.

Yuluocha was very curious in his heart, only felt that this man had the ability to transform corruption into magic!

"Damn it, it's a heresy! What kind of enchanting soup did this boy give the snow lady? "

Seeing the snow girl so humble in front of Shen Lang, the giant clam God Jun's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. I couldn't believe his eyes.

How could he not understand why the snow girl succumbed to Shen Lang? For a while, the giant clam God King even doubted whether the snow girl's soul and body were damaged, leading to brain problems.

"Snow lady, how can you bow to this boy? You can't believe his lies. Don't be bewitched by him The giant clam God Jun looked excited and roared.

"Do you dare to be arrogant and fight against the chosen one? Well, there is no need for you to exist in the snow Valley

Snow girl's cold voice is as piercing as frost.

As soon as the voice fell, the snow girl waved her hand and made a blue ice sword three feet long, which pierced through the head of the giant clam God King.

"No! Snow lady, spare your life

The giant clam God King uttered a terrified cry for mercy. His eyes were wide and his face was full of disbelief.

He never dreamed that the snow girl guarding the snow valley would kill herself for an outsider!

The next moment.

The blue ice sword that pierced into the head of the giant clam God King suddenly burst out with a huge blue light, which devoured the body of the giant clam God King.

The fierce roar resounded through the whole cave. The ice sword burst out contains the terrifying energy of destroying the heaven and earth, and the flesh of giant clam God King is blasted into countless ice dregs.

After a blow, the giant clam God and King will be destroyed!

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Looking at the tragic death of the giant clam God, yuluocha felt relieved.

The body of the giant clam God King almost exploded into nothingness, leaving only the haoyin cold soul bead, which just rolled down to the right foot of Shen Lang.


The cold spirit beads of haoyin, even if no one urged them, also released the most powerful cold light. Shen Lang's right foot was immediately covered with a layer of white frost, and his strong discomfort made him subconsciously retract his right foot.

The body is as strong as the Shen wave, and they dare not touch this haoyin cold soul bead easily. It can be seen that the extremely cold power contained in this object is so domineering!

Fortunately, this thing has become ownerless, and it is not difficult to recycle it.

Shen Lang takes out a jade box from his storage bag, and then uses the golden body formula. A large number of golden runes are surging in his right hand, and the golden light is flashing. With the defense power of immovable golden body formula, Shen Lang picked up the haoyin cold spirit bead, resisted the extremely cold force released by the spirit bead, put it into the jade box, and put a seal on it to imprison the cold air in the spirit bead, making it difficult to escape.

After finishing this, Shen Lang put the jade box into the storage bag.

After successfully recycling the haoyin cold soul pearl, Shen Lang's mood is better. This haoyin cold soul pearl is one of the top ten spirit beads. If you can keep it well in the future, you may be able to reach the level of silent spirit!

"I don't know what heaven chooses. As long as it's within my ability, I will help you with all my strength." Respectfully said.

"Girl, do you know if there is a way to leave sanxingdong Shen Lang asked the key point directly.


Snow girl frowned slightly and said: "the way is not without, but my body's memory cognition is limited, and I don't know the way to leave the three star cave on the slanting moon. I'm really sorry!"As soon as he said this, Shen Lang and Yu Luocha were greatly disappointed.

"Tut, it seems that the damned mussel just now cheated us. There is no transmission array here to leave the sanxingdong on the slanting moon!" Jade Luo Cha bit silver teeth, full of indignant color.

The snow girl pointed to the deepest stone platform of the cave and said, "there is a transmission array here, but the direction is the square outside the main hall of Fangcun mountain in Lingtai, not the outside world."

"The main hall of Fangcun mountain?"

Shen Lang's eyes brightened, and he asked, "is the main hall of Fangcun mountain mentioned by the girl the former Buddha's palace?"

Snow girl gently points the jade head: "the main hall is indeed the palace of Xianzu. Mr. Shen is the one chosen by heaven. You might as well go to the Xianzu palace to pay a visit. Maybe you can make Xianzu appear and help you leave the Sanxing cave on the slanting moon. "

"Is this really going to work?"

Yuluocha is a little skeptical.

"I'm not sure, but it's worth trying. After all, Xianzu knows everything and can do anything. "

Snow girl said slowly, her voice mixed with infinite respect and worship of Bodhi.

"Bodhi Xianzu did invite me to visit his palace. Maybe there is a will of heaven in the world..."

Shen Lang exclaimed with emotion. He always felt that he had come to sanxingdong on the slanting moon. After all, he still wanted to visit Bodhi's palace.

He wanted to find out some of his mysteries and the Taoist mausoleum! From the beginning to the end, Shen Lang couldn't figure out Zhang Daoling, and he didn't know what his purpose was.

If Bodhi could really show his spirit, he might be able to point out the mysteries for himself. Yu Luocha frowned and said, "Shen Lang, you have to think clearly. If we send it to the main hall of Fangcun mountain, we may encounter the two envoys of the three saints' sect! The purpose of the other party is to write three volumes of heavenly books. He must also visit the palaces of Bodhi. Once we encounter those two envoys, we will be in a very dangerous situation! "

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