Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3842: 3846

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Shen Lang's face became a little ugly. He was worthy of being Luo Tianxian. He was so amazing in his power to strike at random!


Yan Huang Sheng Shi was also shocked back several steps, his mouth uttered a voice of surprise, and his face showed an incredible expression.

How could the physical strength reach such a level?

"Luocha real body!"

Seeing that Shen Lang was forced to retreat by a blow, the jade Luosha was suddenly transformed into a goddess with a body length of 100 Zhang, black horns, black hair and bloody eyes, and wearing black armor!

The female martial god of Luosha sacrificed the silver dragon sword. The silver light of the flying sword soared and turned into a silver sword with a length of 100 Zhang.

Between the electric light and the flint, the female warrior God of Luocha wielded her silver sword like lightning, and split it toward the holy emissary of Yanhuang.

"Silver dragon sword!"

Looking at the huge silver sword that fell down, Yan Huang Sheng made his eyes burst out suddenly.

The silver dragon sword is clearly the immortal treasure of the night's waste, which is actually in the hands of this spy!

Shocked and angry, Yan Huang Sheng made great efforts to swing the big flame sword in his hand and split a column of fire into the sky. He hit the silver sword accurately.


A record of the sky, dull sound, fire everywhere.

The silver dragon sword in yuluocha's hand was subjected to a violent impact, and she almost lost her hand. The goddess of Luocha stepped back more than ten steps to stabilize her figure.

"It's really unexpected that the guy of Si ye should be planted in the hands of a little bitch like you!"

Xuanyousheng stares at the jade Luosha, and his handsome face becomes ferocious. He blows a black tornado with his palm and flies towards the female warrior God of Luocha.

In the storm mixed with dense black silk, the terrible destruction energy makes people scalp numb!

"Silver dragon sword, kill!"

Seeing the black tornado made by Xuanyou Shengshi at a dizzying speed, the jade Luosha gave a gentle rebuke, and the goddess of Luocha clasped the silver sword in her hands and fought hard.

"Boom" a burst of sound, Silver Dragon Sword burst out of thousands of silver, hit the black tornado.

"Boom, boom!"

Two forces interweave and collide, the sound of burst is endless.

Unfortunately, due to the gap in cultivation, the black wind from Xuanyou saint's envoy still suppressed the silver light with the power of destroying the withered and decaying, and pressed against the female martial god of Luocha.

At this critical juncture, Shen Lang turned into a golden eyed stone ape and ran in front of yuluosha. He crazily waved the Xuanhua axe in his hand, and spattered countless red gold light blades in the axe blade.

At the same time, Shen Lang exerts his golden body formula with all his strength, opens a rune barrier and covers himself and the jade Luocha.

There was another burst of roar and explosion. Shen Lang tried his best to support the attack of Xuanyou Shengshi.

"Listen to me, you two three saints' lackeys. I killed the beast by my own hand! If you want to avenge him, come on me

Shen Lang's voice was full of provocation.

Jade Luocha looked at the tall figure in front of him, feeling a kind of indescribable complexity.

Although she likes the feeling of being protected by Shen Lang, she also hates hiding behind Shen Lang.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

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Yan Huang's envoy laughed and said angrily, "boy, I'm worried about how to find the murderer who killed Si Ye. I can't believe you sent it to the door. It's really no effort to come here!"

Xuanyou Saint frowned: "Yan Huang, since these two miscellaneous fish can kill the Secretary night, it proves that they have some skills. Don't underestimate the enemy."

At ordinary times, Shen Lang and Yu Luosha are not worthy of the vigilance of xuanyousheng. However, their physical injuries are not fully recovered, so it is better to be vigilant.

Yan Huang Sheng Shi said contemptuously: "ha ha, elder brother Xuanyou is too careful. I'd like to have a look. What nonsense can these two immortals have?"

"As you wish, angry with the blood of the beast!"

In Shen Lang's eyes, the golden eye stone ape roared up to the sky, and his whole body rolled up to the sky with blood shining. Behind him, an angry animal's virtual shadow of the head of an ox, the body of a tiger, and the tail of a dragon quickly condenses.


Angry animal virtual shadow issued a ferocious roar, the whole body released a thrilling boiling killing intention.

Driven by the will of the angry Beast, the golden eye stone ape's whole body was covered with bursts of blood light, muscles and muscles swelled, and its strength soared!

"Will power?"

Xuanyousheng frowned, and said that this boy was really extraordinary. He could cultivate the power of will with the cultivation of immortals!

"Interesting. It seems that Ben Sheng is not so boring."

Feeling the oppressive feeling brought by the angry Beast, a trace of fanatical fighting spirit flashed through his eyes.

Shen Lang knows that he and Yu Luocha can't escape. He can only fight hard!

"The fire of the nine evils, kill!"

The golden eye stone ape opened his mouth and spewed out a sea of fire formed by the true fire of the nine Buddhists, which was like lightning and wind, towards the two envoys of Xuanyou and Yanhuang."Samadhi spirit wind!"

Luocha female martial god Jiao drinks out, fully cooperate with Shen Lang to release samadhi spirit.

A tricolor storm gushed out from front of the female warrior God of Luocha. It quickly converged with the true fire of jiumani, which was driven by Shen Lang, and turned into a sea of fire storm, which was engulfed by Xuanyou Shengshi and Yanhuang Shengshi!

"It is ignorant to play with fire in front of the holy envoy."

The holy emissary of Yan Huang sneered and said, "xuanxianshu, Yanhuang overlord body!"

As soon as the roar fell, Yan Huang Sheng rolled up the flame, and his body suddenly expanded to hundreds of feet high. His whole body was burning a dark red flame, and he became a flame giant.

The flaming emissary of Yan Huang quickly condenses the fire red armor on his body, and the surface of the armor is covered with dark red light.

"Boom, boom!"

In an instant, the fire storm took the lead in swallowing and submerging Yan Huang Sheng Shi, and the roar and explosion came and went one after another.

Shenlang and yuluosha saw that the holy envoy of Yanhuang was hit by the front of the fire storm. First, their faces showed joy, and then they soon realized that the situation was wrong.

After the flame giant was hit by the fire sea storm, the flame armor condensed from his body surface could absorb the true fire of jiumani released by the Shen wave!

A large area of the fire was swallowed up and absorbed by the armor of Yan Huang Sheng's emissary. The armor changed from dark red to red gold, which seemed to accumulate a lot of flame energy.

Yan Huang Sheng said with a wry smile on his face: "boy, the intensity of the flame you release is surprising to me. How about returning it to you for a taste?"

As soon as the words fell, the emperor Yanhuang opened his mouth, and the armor on his body suddenly burst out with thousands of golden lights.

In turn, the fire between shenhuang and jiuzhao is just like the fire from the sky.

"Hiss!" They took a breath of cold air, but they didn't expect that the flame attack could be rebounded by the flame emissary.

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