Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3856: 3861

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If at ordinary times, Xuanyou Saint had no fear of fighting with Shen Lang, but now he was seriously injured and had to drag a half dead Yanhuang envoy. He was really afraid of capsizing in the sewer.

Xuanyousheng suppressed the humiliation in his heart and fled like a mad dog.

After all, Shen Lang's cultivation was not enough, and his escape speed was far less than that of Xuanyou Shengshi, who used the secret method.

Almost just a few minutes later, Xuanyou Shengshi has been out of the range of Shen Lang's attack, and his escape speed is five or six times that of Shen Lang!

"Damn it!"

Seeing Xuan you Sheng's figure gradually disappear in his sight, Shen Lang Qi jumps to scold his mother.

Just then. The three saints' apostles from the rear attacked, pinched the formula with both hands, and spewed out three huge and incomparable light spheres of white, gold and red in their mouths, emitting dazzling light. Like a giant meteorite, they were flying behind the deep waves, with the breath of terror

oppressed people breathless!

The jade Luosha on Shen Lang's back felt his hair stand up. When he looked back, he saw that three big balls of light emitted by the three saints were attacking him and Shen Lang at a speed that could not be caught by the gods.

Jade Luo Chajiao drank out a voice: "Shen Lang, be careful, the three saints' apostles are attacking us!"

Shen Lang's magic eye had already noticed the crisis. He immediately turned around and yelled: "xuanxianshu, the holy eye is dead!"

Suddenly, the magic eye in Shen Lang's eyebrows splashed blood light again, and the violent energy fluctuation made people palpitating and chilly.

With a dull sound of "bang", the holy magic eye again shot out a bloody light column with a diameter of 1000 meters. Like a huge laser gun, the blood colored light column, carrying the terrible power of destroying heaven and earth, collided with three light spheres one after another.

"Dong! Bang! Bang The violent explosion sounds like the sun and the moon shattering. Under the bombardment of the blood colored light column, three light spheres directly explode and burst out like the sun. The terrifying energy invades the surrounding area, and the Tianshui lake below seems to be lifted over, and the waves are surging.

The huge movement scared the nearby GUI Shun sect celestial friars to lose their color and avoid it.

The blood colored light column broke all the light spheres with the power of destroying the withered and decaying. Shen Lang tried to stimulate the holy magic eye at the center of his eyebrow, and the bloody light column shot out a sweep.

The three apostles of the three saints' cult in the rear avoided them and were swept by the fierce bloody light.

"Boom, boom!" The sound of the heavy explosion was deafening. The three three saints were engulfed by the blood light, and their bodies were blown beyond recognition. The body surface was like a broken crystal stone, which cracked a lot of cracks, and finally burst out directly. The puppets were shaped into countless pieces!

After the evolution of the demons, Shen Lang's combat power has been greatly improved. Only one record of the death of the holy eye killed three apostles.

"The Apostle!"

Around the Guishun sect celestial friars saw this frightening scene and took a cold breath one after another.

Yuluosha was stunned. She had fought with the apostles of the three saints, and knew how difficult these apostles were.

Shen Lang killed three apostles so easily with his own strength. Yuluocha couldn't imagine how this man's strength was so exaggerated?

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Yuluocha feels that the current shenlang is quite different from that before entering the sanxingdong on the slanting moon!

She gradually understood why those powerful friars looked up to Shen Lang so much. This man was really different from ordinary friars. No wonder he was called the God chosen one.

Shen Lang knew that he couldn't catch up with Xuanyou Shengshi, and his mood was extremely bad. He vented his anger on these celestial monks of Guishun sect.

"A group of lackeys of the three saints, let me go to the ashes and smoke!"

Shen Lang rolled up a huge amount of nine true fire, forming a towering flame, toward the Guishun sect celestial friars in all directions. Seeing the golden flame spreading at an extremely fast speed, the celestial friars over the Tianshui Lake were shocked one by one, trying to use their defense magic power or sacrificing defense magic weapons to resist the attack of the nine truth


"Boom, boom!"

Where the sea of fire passed by, there were piercing bursts and shrill screams. However, all the monks in the fire volume of jiumani were burned to fly ash by the fire, and there was no residue left.

Shen Lang wiped out all the celestial friars of the Guishun sect and looted a wave of booty.

After finishing these, Shen Lang turned his head and asked the jade Luocha on his back: "jade Luocha, what are your plans for the future?"

Yu Luocha quipped: "what can I do for you? I don't want to go with you. I'm not recovering so quickly. If you think I'm a burden, you can leave me now

"Don't be silly. You've done me a great favor this time. How could I leave you behind?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "this time you have also provoked two holy envoys of the three holy religions. It is certainly not safe to be alone. You can go to the South China Sea of Tianyuan with me, and I will try my best to protect your safety.""You have a little conscience!"

The corner of jade Luocha's mouth is bent, and her slender jade hand embraces Shen Lang's neck, jumping like a little girl. Shen Lang couldn't bear the intimacy of yuluocha. He coughed and said, "yuluocha, I'd like to remind you of something in advance. Some of my Taoist partners are also in the South China Sea of Tianyuan. When you come to the South China Sea, you It's better to pay attention to

inch! " As soon as he said this, Yu Luocha's smiling face disappeared immediately. His good mood immediately disappeared, and his tone was gloomy and cold: "a few Taoist lovers Shen Lang, you can. How can you accept so many new lovers? Hehe, I thought you were so serious, but I'm not fascinated by beautiful women

This is not the point. The point is that other women can charm Shen Lang, but they can't, which makes yuluocha feel frustrated.

He is not a little smaller chest, petite body, but appearance and temperament that is the top of the top, plus the strength is not bad, by what can not compare with those women?

See jade Luo Cha pretty face evil spirit Teng Teng appearance, Shen Lang a little speechless, explain a way: "my those Taoist partners, know can all be earlier than you."

"Is it?" Yuluocha looks at Shen Lang with suspicion.

Shen Lang was staring at him, so he had to explain in detail. Except that Xia Shan'er knew Xia Shan'er in the fairyland, mei'er and LAN xian'er knew each other in the ancient spirit world and even before.

After listening to Shen Lang's explanation, yuluocha was in a better mood, but still a little unhappy.

He was clearly taken advantage of so much by Shen Lang, the man didn't like himself, he was blind! Yuluocha was not convinced. He made up his mind to cook rice with Shen Lang sooner or later.

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