Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3866: 3871

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Of course, he knew that yuluocha would help him again and again only after he fell in love with himself. Shen Lang didn't know why this woman fell in love with him, which made him unable to hide himself even if he wanted to.

Shen Lang has a sense of debt in his heart for yuluocha, but he doesn't know how to repay this woman. He can't accept her as a Taoist partner because of this.

I've had enough friends. If I had another jade Luocha Shen Lang didn't know if he could take it.

Shen Lang has a headache when he thinks about it. He is too lazy to think about it.

The two did not have much communication. After knowing Shen Lang's idea, yuluocha did not dissuade him. One flew to the second floor of the attic and continued to meditate and recover from the injury.

In this way, shenlang and yuluocha lived in Leiyin temple.

In a flash, two months passed.

In the past two months, Lingshan was calm and calm, like the eve of a storm.

Shen Lang thought that Badao Shengshi would come first, but what he didn't expect was that the first one to arrive at Lingshan was not Badao Shengshi, but Xuanyou Shengshi and Yanhuang Shengshi.

Xuanyou Shengshi had previously placed a mysterious wind seal in shenlang and yuluosha. The magic power marked by the spirit was very deep, and shenlang and yuluocha did not know that their spirits were marked.

At first, Xuanyou Shengshi and Yanhuang Sheng envoys went all the way to beiguluzhou. They found that shenlang and yuluosha had been transported to Lingshan, and they spent a lot of time crossing over half of Tianmu immortal area, and finally arrived at Lingshan.

After two months of recovery, Xuanyou Shengshi has completely recovered, and Yanhuang Shengshi's injury is 70% better, but there is still some deficiency in vitality.

After arriving at Lingshan, Xuanyou Shengshi and Yanhuang Shengshi are blocked by the mountain protecting array outside Lingshan.

"Damn it, that little bastard is very vigilant, and actually escaped to the Lingshan mountain. Brother Xuanyou, let's break through the mountain protection array and find out the little scum

In the distance, the holy envoy of Yanhuang pointed to the Buddha light array covering the Lingshan mountain and was about to rush forward.

"Hold on!" Xuanyou Shengshi held it with one hand and said darkly: "this Buddhist array is the" 108 arhat array ". The defensive power of this array belongs to the superior existence in the Xuanxian array. Even if you and I are exhausted, it is difficult to break this array."

"I remember that there seems to be a Luo Tianxian named Xuanji master sitting in Lingshan. Shen Lang's little scum must be seeking the protection of Xuanji's bald donkey. To be on the safe side, we should not rush into Lingshan rashly."

"Brother Xuanyou, what should we do now? Can't we go back to the church to save our soldiers? That would be a shame! "

Xuanyou Shengshi pondered for a while and said, "we don't have to return to the holy religion. If I remember it well, the Badao guy seems to be guarding the border of tianmangxian region, not far from the Lingshan mountain. We can ask the Badao gang for help. "

On hearing this, Yan Huang Sheng's face sank, and frowned: "the bully is arrogant and unruly. He would be good if he didn't speak sarcastic words. Where would he help us?"

Xuanyou Shengshi hummed: "when you encounter such a rotten thing, you can only give him some benefits and let him sell his personal feelings."

"Well, that's the only way."

Yan Huang Sheng's face was a little subdued and gnawed his teeth and said, "Shen Lang's little scum has made us suffer such a big loss. This time, in any case, we will break him to pieces!"

"It's not too late. We're going to find Badao. We can't let this boy go again this time."

After leaving this sentence, Xuanyou Shengshi flew to the west sea of Tianyuan in the west of Lingshan.

The imperial envoy of Yanhuang followed closely.


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A week later, Xuanyou Shengshi and Yanhuang Shengshi arrived at the border of tianmang Xianyu. At the moment, the Badao Shengshi was still in the closed door to recuperate. He had no idea that his son had died in the war.

Only because Yan chonghu did not take away the monks of Sansheng cult, but led the army of Guishun sect in Tianmu Xianyu, so the sanshengjiao army guarding the border of tianmang Xianyu did not have the news of Yan chonghu.

When Xuanyou and Yanhuang arrived at the border and claimed to have something to ask for, Badao Shengshi left the pass. By chance, he found that Yan chonghu's life soul card had broken.

Knowing that his son died miserably, badaosheng was extremely angry and immediately led 30 million border troops to attack Lingshan.

This happened to be the wish of Xuanyou Shengshi and Yanhuang Shengshi. Both of them expressed their willingness to help Badao Shengshi and butcher the bald donkey in Lingshan mountain!

In this way, the 30 million frontier army led by Badao Shengshi immediately advanced to Lingshan.

However, on the third day, the Sansheng cult army arrived in the Lingshan area, and a large number of spirit boat warships sailed out of the mountain protection array of Lingshan.

"Dang! Dang! Bang

The patrolling disciples of Lingshan rang the alarm bell, and the thundering sound resounded through the whole Leiyin temple.

"Enemy attack!"

For a moment, the whole Leiyin Temple burst into a pot, and all the Buddhist disciples looked shocked and cried out.

Shenxiu immediately gathered all the Lingshan disciples and came to the south of Lingshan mountain to confront the Sansheng cult army outside the mountain protection array.Shenlang and yuluocha also joined Shenxiu for the first time.

Naturally, the leader of the three saints' sect is the Badao Saint envoy.

This Badao saint is the body of an old man with white hair and beard. Although he looks very old, he is very strong, just like an old muscular man. He also carries a huge mountain cutting sword on his shoulder, shining and shining.

Badaosheng envoy brought 30 million troops this time, which is a serious three saints' sect army. The accomplishments of friars are all above human beings and immortals. There are thousands of Tianxian friars alone. Their influence is far from that of the succumbing sect!

Compared with the 30 million troops of Sansheng cult, there are only a few ten thousand Buddhist monks on Lingshan side. Although their accomplishments are quite high, they are not worth mentioning in front of so many Sansheng cult armies.

Witnessing the number of monks and their accomplishments, Shenxiu looks extremely ugly.

"Xuanji bald ass, get out of here and die, and give my son's life back!"

Badaosheng's anger was raging, his white hair was erect, and his mouth was full of thunderous drinks. His roar swept the whole Lingshan mountain, making his scalp numb!

The huge sense of pressure made all the Buddhist disciples of Lingshan show a look of horror and horror. Even the monks with lower accomplishments even trembled and fell down.

The Badao Saint emissary just fell. The original Yanhuang Saint emissary, who had been hidden in the army of the three saints' cult, couldn't help it. When he rushed to the front of the battle, he opened his mouth and roared wildly and angrily: "Shen Lang miscellaneous pieces, roll out and die for me!"

There was another earth shaking roar, and the whole Ling mountain was roaring.

Seeing that Yan Huang Sheng Shi revealed his identity, Xuanyou Shengshi smacked his lips and had to follow him to the front of the battle.

Originally, xuanyousheng emissary was worried that Shen Lang would escape, so he asked Yanhuang to hide in the army with him, and then capture Shen Lang alive after he appeared. But Yan Huang, a fool, failed to restrain his emotions and exposed his identity in advance.

Xuanyou Shengshi is not depressed. Anyway, shenlang has been trapped in the Lingshan mountain, so it is hard to fly!

"Grass, it's really weird. These two guys are here Shen Lang's eyes are fixed on the Yanhuang and Xuanyou Shengshi in front of the Sansheng cult's army, and their faces are black like the bottom of a pot.

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