Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3877: 3882

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Guangtian palace into the attic, yuluocha in accordance with Shen Lang's instructions sitting on the jade bed.

Shen Lang stretched out his right palm and gently pressed it on the back of yuluosha's shoulder, trying to convey the glass skylight to her body as much as possible. A large piece of glazed light slowly enters into the body of yuluosha through the skin. The jade Luosha body trembles slightly, and soon feels the curative effect of the glass sky light. Originally, the injured parts in the body still feel faint pain as if they were immersed in hot springs

, which is very comfortable.

The physical injury of yuluosha is much more serious than Shen Lang imagined, mainly because the fire poison in his body is difficult to eradicate.

Shen Lang tried his best to deliver the glass sky light, and continued to detoxify the fire poison in the body of yuluocha.

Although the fire in Shen Lang's body will be gradually strengthened with the improvement of his own cultivation, the enhancement range is really limited, so that the therapeutic effect of Liuli Tianguang is not much stronger than before.

Glass skylight is used to treat ordinary injuries with high efficiency. However, if you want to treat the injuries caused by the powerful destructive force, you will be unable to do so.

Yuluocha was injured by the flame energy in the five fire seven plume fan. This kind of flame energy contains strong destructive power, which will cause great internal damage in the body and is difficult to eliminate.

Shen Lang continued to cast for half an hour, until a lot of sweat congealed on his forehead, then he completely suppressed the fire poison in yuluocha's body.

"Yuluosha, although I have eliminated the fire poison in your body this time, your internal damage is a little serious. After a few days, I'll cast another spell for you, and you should be completely cured. "

Shen Lang took back his right palm and said in a deep voice.

Jade Luocha gently spit a breath of heat, feel the pain of the body greatly relieved, the complexion is much better, the mood is also good.

"Shen Lang, I've been a tool maker for so long. Should you repay me?" Yu Luocha's eyes turned to Shen Lang and said with his mouth curled. Shen Lang felt a little ashamed. He simply took out the storage rings of the sacred envoys of Yanhuang and Badao from his arms and threw them to yuluocha. He said, "these are the storage rings of two holy envoys of the three saints cult. In addition to some specific materials inside, you can take anything you want

Yu Luocha was surprised to see Shen Lang so cheerful, but not surprisingly, she knew that Shen Lang was such a person.

Only this man can be unprepared for himself.

Yuluocha threw two storage rings back and said, "I'm not the one who likes to take advantage of others. I don't want these things."

Shen Lang didn't want to owe the favor. He frowned and asked, "what do you want?"

"You can't give me what I want." Jade Luocha skimmed over his head, with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Shen Lang said seriously: "you talk about it, as long as I can, I can give it to you."

"That's what you said

Yu Luocha's courage from nowhere deceived her. Her beautiful legs, as white as jade, directly crossed Shen Lang's body. Her silky hair crossed Shen Lang's cheek, and a fragrance like orchid musk deer wafted.

"I want your people, do you give them?"

Jade Luocha bit silver teeth, slender jade hand pulling Shen Lang's collar, action is very domineering, cold face shows a little shy, eyes burning.

Looking at the fiery eyes of yuluocha, Shen Lang's heart "clutters" a jump: "yuluocha, you're not joking?"

"Do you think I'm going to make fun of you? Believe it or not, I'll take care of you now

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Yu Luocha puffed up her small mouth. She untied her belt in a bit of pique, and her emerald green dress slipped down, revealing a large piece of white skin like jade.

Shen Lang was stunned. He didn't expect that yuluocha would be so unrestrained.

Yuluochasi hair long hanging in the waist, that smooth flat abdomen, slender legs like jade, delicate and exquisite posture, everything seems delicate and moving.

It has to be said that yuluocha's petite and delicate figure has a strong contrast with her cold beauty temperament. She has an indescribable charm, and she hasn't recovered for a long time.

Seeing Shen Lang looking at herself, yuluocha's delicate face is mixed with seemingly shameful state. She has never been so "frank with each other" in front of a man. For a time, she was as shy as a little woman.

She simply do not do two, fell in the arms of Shen Lang, kiss up.

"Hello, yuluocha. This is Leiyin temple, a place of Buddhist purity. It's better not to do such things in broad daylight? "

Shen Lang forced himself to calm down and pushed aside yuluocha, embarrassed.

"If you have a thief's heart, you can't be a thief! Isn't it just a monk temple? I'm not afraid. What else are you afraid of? "

Jade Luo Cha mercilessly pinches Shen Lang's waist, pretty face blushes red way.

Shen Lang was speechless and said calmly, "yuluocha, as you know, I already have a lot of Taoist lovers. It's hard to accept new ones." The beautiful eyes of yuluocha flashed a moment of loss, and then hummed: "I'm still too lazy to be your Taoist partner! I don't need you to be responsible, and I don't want to compete with your friends. You and I are just happy for a moment. Isn't it OK?”

Looking at Yu Luocha's blurred and fragile eyes, Shen Lang lost his mind for a moment. He scrupulously kept the bottom line of his heart and gritted his teeth and said, "yuluocha, you are so I can't help taking advantage of you. Don't you think you're suffering too much? "

To tell you the truth, Shen Lang still has a lot of affection for yuluocha. He also knows that this woman is interested in herself, but he has too many Taoist partners and doesn't want to have any more emotional debts.

But the attack of yuluocha is too fierce, and Shen Lang is a little overwhelmed.

"Like is like, I don't know who took advantage of whom! Anyway, I won't be attracted to other men in my whole life. It's better to leave a brand in the bottom of the people I like. " "I am also a person who pursues the way, but I don't want to be bound by the love between men and women. After the storm, I intend to put my heart and soul on the cultivation, in order to achieve the road. If you are still there, if I am, I will be yours. "

Yuluocha whispered in Shen Lang's ear, full of deep feelings.

She knew very well that if nothing happened between herself and Shen Lang this time, when Shen Lang returned to the South China Sea, she would have no chance.

Although yuluocha is very cold, she dares to love and hate. She doesn't want to leave any regrets in her life.

The two men looked at each other, and Shen Lang lost his mind to the words of yuluosha. He could hardly refuse the enthusiasm of yuluocha and said: "don't worry, you and I will be here some day."

After that, Shen Lang gently embraces yuluocha into his arms.

Can't help but, two people or spring breeze once.

In order to give Leiyin temple a little face, Shen Lang transferred his position to Guangtian palace.

Guangtian palace underwear dancing, sentimental, graceful Jiaoyin

Yu Luocha's wound is not healed. Shen Lang tries to restrain himself. Even so, Yu Luo Cha or Tucao make complaints about the waves too crazy, almost inhuman, so that her whole body unload, limp like mud.

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