Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3920: 3925

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As the holy emissary of the three saints religion, the cloud scorpion Saint envoy naturally learned the news of the chosen one these years.

Thousands of years ago, gang Jiansheng emissary failed to capture Tianxuan alive. Instead, he was severely injured. It really caused a sensation in the Sansheng cult.

At that time, in order to save a little face, gang Jian Sheng Shi had to give Shen Lang a high appraisal.

This makes the remaining cloud scorpion and other holy envoys think that they are Tianxuan. They have killed Siye, Yanhuang, Xuanyou and Badao successively.

Although most of these envoys were killed by Shen Lang rather than killed alone, the news that Ziying sect leader attached importance to Tianxuan people made it clear that Tianxuan killed these envoys.

This time, suddenly encounter the celestial selection, so that the cloud scorpion Saint makes the heart dark.

"Since you have recognized your identity, please take this secret with you and disappear forever!"

In Shen Lang's eyes, the evil refining pot in his hand absorbed enough chaotic spiritual power, and the lid of the pot popped open and shot twelve black shadows in succession.


After breaking out of the pot, these black shadows quickly condense into entities and turn into huge exotic sorcery beasts. They emit a roar in their mouths, which makes people's scalp numb.

At the head of them are two superior real spirits "silver thorn seahorse", with the cultivation of Luo Tianxian. They are the souls of the two supreme elders of the Hai nationality who Shen Lang took in.


At the command of Shen Lang, two silver thorn seahorses led by ten exotic witches surrounded the cloud scorpion envoy.

The nostrils of the two silver spined seahorses first spewed out a large amount of golden thunder, and other exotic sorcerers also launched magical attacks one after another. All kinds of cold flames, storms, thunder and lightning beams all went towards the cloud scorpion Saint emissary.

The cloud scorpion Saint emissary is still resisting the magic attack from Shen Lang and long Tuozi, so he has no time to be distracted.


Seeing the numerous magical attacks of silver thorn seahorse and exotic sorcerer like a mountain and a sea, the cloud scorpion Saint envoy had to turn into his own body and roar in his mouth.

In the roar, the cloud scorpion Saint made his whole body rise to the sky and turn into a huge brown scorpion with a long body!

The giant scorpion is covered with reddish brown scales, as bright as hematite. Its huge scarlet eyes are like wheels, flashing bloodthirsty light.

The long tail of the scorpion is shiny and shiny, and there is a thick black poison needle on the end. The surface of the poison needle is wrapped with a trace of blood gas, sending out a terrifying breath of terror!

The body of cloud scorpion Saint envoy is the top true spirit "blood shadow scorpion", which is famous for its strong defense.

Seeing the attack of many different kinds of sorcery beasts, the body of the blood scorpion shrank into a group, and its defense power climbed to the extreme, and the scales were covered with layers of blood light.

The next moment.

"Boom, boom!"

A large number of attacks hit the body of the bloody scorpion, sending out intensive and harsh percussion sound, with great movement and stillness.

Under the attack of silver thorn seahorse and many other kinds of sorcery beasts, the body of blood shadow scorpion just vibrates frequently, and the shell of scales is not damaged at all.

Shen Lang's face became a little ugly. It was not easy for him to solve the problem.

The seventh or ninetieth Saint envoys of the three saints' sect have been hung up. He has seen the sixth one before. Excluding these people, the weakest one in front of him is also the fifth one. It's not easy to kill him!

Just now, in order to summon the spirits of the demon making pot, Shen Lang has consumed most of the chaotic spirit power.

"Brother, come and help me!"

Shen Lang took advantage of the silver thorn seahorse led by ten different kinds of sorcerers to attack, with the fastest speed to sacrifice the Guangtian palace, opened the gate of Guangtian palace, and sent a message to the ape king in Guangtian palace.

"Dear brother, it's on me!"

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The king of ape understood, and immediately led all the celestial friars of the United Army to rush out of Guangtian Palace at the fastest speed.

"This is..."

Seeing Shen Lang's magic weapon, long Tuozi was stunned.

Seeing the group of friars who suddenly come out to attack, the blood shadow scorpion is also a little confused.

"Unite with all the commanders of the army. Give me the order!"

The ape king didn't ask about the cause and effect of Shen Lang, and ordered all the celestial friars of the United Army to launch a fierce attack against the bloody scorpion.

As soon as the roar falls, the ape king takes the lead in the charge, directly incarnates as the giant ape posture, holding a huge golden mountain knife, fiercely and violently towards the bloody scorpion.

The golden mountain knife in his hand has amazing aura. It is the "dragon slaughtering and mountain cutting knife" of the holy envoy of Ba Dao.

Thousands of years ago, in the first battle with gang Jian Sheng Shi, the dragon column of ape king was damaged. Shen Lang gave the king of ape the "dragon slaying and mountain opening Sabre" as the main immortal treasure.

Although the Dragon slaying and mountain opening Sabre is seriously damaged, it is still a spirit level immortal treasure. Its power is not weak compared with that of the Dragon pole. The king of ape can exert great power with this treasure.

"The true fire of the nine."The ape King's mouth let out a shock. Suddenly, the blade of the Dragon slaughtering and mountain cutting knife suddenly surged a large area of nine true fire, which turned into a long flame knife, and its power increased by 30%.

The king of apes, who had been in the Guangtian palace for so many years, has also developed some useful magical powers, one of which is the true fire of jiumani.

In the blink of an eye, the ape King deceived himself, holding the long flame knife in both hands, and slashed the scorpion towards the blood shadow heavily.

"Luo Tianxian!"

Sensing the cultivation of the king of ape and the Dragon butcher's knife in his hand, the bloody Scorpio dares not to connect it. In a hurry, he swings the iron tail with all his strength and throws it at the attacking Tulong mountain knife.


The deafening metal percussion sound resounds all around, and the scorpion tail of the blood shadow scorpion hits the blade of the Dragon carving knife, splashing blood into the sky.

The bloody Scorpio is worthy of being the fifth holy envoy. The strike of iron tail opened the flame sword in the hands of ape king.

However, this is just the beginning.


Jiutou king, yuluosha, Baichen, Shenxiu, xialing'er, xiashan'er, Meier, lanxianer, juechen, shengnu, Hongling, xuguzhen, and many other celestial friars launched attacks.

In just one breath, hundreds of airtight attacks came.

The bloody Scorpio had to huddle up and defend the friars' attack.

"Xuanxianshu, ten thousand swords flying together!"

Shen Lang also continued to release a large number of flying swords, which attacked the bloody scorpion like a torrential rain.

Two silver spined seahorses and ten exotic sorcerers are also working hard to attack.

Seeing that Shen Lang suddenly had so many helpers, long Tuozi was shocked. He knew that he had to stand on Shen Lang's side. He also quickly used his magic power to attack the bloody scorpion.

"Boom, boom!"

Under great pressure, the bloody scorpion's dazzling attack falls on his shell of scales and bursts out a sharp and piercing sound.

No matter how hard his shell is, he can't stand this degree of tossing. Soon, the scales of the scorpion's shell cracked and damaged, and a large amount of black black blood gushed from the sharp mouthparts, and the mouth screamed.

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