Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3923: 3928

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The black fog was so strange that it swallowed up everything in the place it passed, and it was airtight.

Shen Lang's first reaction was that the holy envoys of the three saints cult came after him, but after careful observation, he found that the rolling black fog did not seem to be a magical attack.

Just in an instant, the overwhelming black fog swept over, like living creatures, rushing towards the crowd, releasing a terrible smell, which made people feel creepy.

"Be careful, everyone!"

Shen Lang suddenly had a very bad premonition, and quickly used his defense magic power to resist the black fog.

With the black fog sweeping away from the sky, Shen Lang felt a strong and unbelievable suction force acting on him, and he was shocked.

"What the hell is this?"

Shen Lang was ferocious and tried to struggle against him, but in vain. Finally, he was swallowed up by the strange black fog.


Shen Shan's voice was not startled.

A strange scene appeared.

I saw that the black fog actually directly swept away the monks. With the rolling black fog passing by, all the monks on the scene were swallowed up by the black fog, and disappeared like the evaporation of human beings!


Just before the half column time.

Near the lower boundary passage of Yuanlong mountain, the monks of Sansheng cult are slaughtering the sea people.

The war is coming to an end. Seven or eight of the Hai friars were killed. All the storage bags and rings of the Hai friars were collected and sent to the ships of the three saints.

The gang chopping Saint envoy felt that the garbage of the Hai nationality was not worthy of being his own opponent. He was too lazy to do it. He set up a forbidden border near the lower boundary passage, which made it convenient for the monks of Sansheng cult to obtain Yuanshi.

With a sharp bloody ruler, the emissary of Mingfeng fought with the Hai clan leader and the two supreme elders of the Hai nationality. The battle has reached the stage of intense heat.

Two Taishang elders of the Hai nationality were not able to fight well. They were hit by the bloody ruler in the hand of the ghost wind Saint one after another, and were seriously injured.

One of the Taishang elders had half of his shoulders cut off with a precious ruler, and his blood gushed like a flood. His appearance was extremely miserable.

The strength of the Hai clan leader can only be regarded as ordinary, but he wears a kind of fairy baby armour of fusion spirit level, and his defense ability is amazing.

The bloody ruler in the hand of the Ming Feng Saint hit the Hai clan leader's body several times. Most of his strength was resisted by the silver armor on his body. He could not do too much damage to the Hai clan leader for a time.

Seeing that he couldn't take down the Hai clan leader for a short time, the Ming Feng Sheng emissary focused on dealing with two supreme elders of the Hai clan.

After all, he was the sixth holy envoy of the three saints' sect. The Mingfeng holy envoy attacked with all his strength, and killed two supreme elders of the Hai nationality on the spot and took away the other party's storage ring!

Seeing the death of two supreme elders and many clansmen, the head of the Hai clan was filled with grief and indignation. He roared in his mouth: "we have no hatred with you. Why do you want to invade our territory and kill people?"

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"Your territory? Hum, when did the Tianyuan sea become the territory of little fish and shrimps like you? "

The ghost wind Saint made a fierce attack while waving the bloody ruler in his hand, while laughing.

"If you have any objection, you can have a good discussion. There is no need to do such a vicious act?" The chief of the Hai clan tried his best to urge the golden Trident in his hand, and crazily parried the attack of the ghost wind emissary. His face was ferocious.

"You're such a rubbish, and you deserve to talk with our three saints? My holy envoy will tell you that the Tianyuan sea has been taken over by my three saints. All the yuan stones you get here must be spit out by my holy envoy! "

The ghost wind saint's face was cold, and the bloody ruler in his hand shot out a large number of bloody light blades, which hit the silver armor on the head of the Hai nationality, and burst out the piercing sound of gold and jade.

The head of the Hai clan was wounded and shaken back. How could he not figure out why the news of the collapse of yuanlongshan was leaked so quickly.

The sea people live in the turbulent sea area all the year round. They have no idea about the Sansheng religion. They don't know that the three immortal regions of Tianmu Tianqiong and tianmang have such a powerful force.

In other words, the monks of the three saints cult suddenly came to the riot sea area, mainly under the orders of the purple shadow cult leader, and came to carry out the task temporarily. Not long ago, Ziying cult leader predicted that Yuanlong mountain in the middle of Tianyuan sea would collapse, so he ordered Gangjian Shengshi to lead Yunxie Shengshi, Mingfeng Shengshi, and tens of thousands of Sansheng cult Tianxian friars to the riot sea area to collect Yuanshi crystals produced after Yuanlong mountain collapsed!

It is worth mentioning that since the three saints occupied tianmuxian area thousands of years ago, a large number of transmission arrays have been built in tianmuxian area to facilitate the mobilization of the three saints' sect. In addition to the ordinary transmission array, Sansheng cult also invested a lot of money to build several world-class transmission arrays in Tianmu Xianyu! Among them, the transmission array can reach the central part of the Tianyuan sea, which can save a lot of time for going out to sea, and is also ready for the three saints to conquer other immortal regions in the future.

This time, the monks of the three saints cult led by the gang chopping Saint envoy took advantage of the world-class transmission array built by the three saints cult in Tianmu Xianyu. All of them could reach the riot sea area in such a short time.After a while, all the monks of the Hai nationality were killed, and only the head of the Hai clan was still alive.

Even though the Hai clan leader was wearing a treasure armor with amazing defensive power, his body was shaken and his mouth was constantly overflowing with blood under the stormy attack of the ghost wind saint, and a large number of mottled and fine cracks were revealed on the surface of the treasure armor.

The Hai clan leader was more and more afraid of fighting. Finally, he couldn't bear the pressure, humiliated and begged for peace: "please stop. I'm willing to hand over all the Yuanshi and ask Daoyou to let me live!"

Ming Feng Sheng did not pay any attention to the Hai clan leader's call, and launched an attack more and more fiercely, showing an expression that he would not kill the other party and would not give up.

Just then.

"Gang chop big brother, come and save me

In the distance, there was a sudden roar from the bottom of the sea, which was like thunder from the sky and resounded from all directions.

Gang Jian Sheng, who is casting the border, suddenly shrinks his eyes.

"Gang chop elder martial brother, it's the voice of cloud scorpion!"

In the struggle, the dark wind Saint changed his face and made a sound.

Gang chopping Saint made an instant reaction and scolded: "Damn it, there is something wrong with the two fish who just escaped from the net! Mingfeng, you should go to support the cloud scorpion quickly. I will catch up with you after I destroy the garbage of the sea people! "

As soon as the words fell, the gang chopping Saint turned and rushed to the head of the Hai clan. He pulled out the Tianhuang sword behind his back, and the fierce light was revealed:

"xuanxianshu, frightening sword formula!"

With all his strength, the Heavenly Sword in his hand turned into a golden sword net, which hit the head of the Hai clan with the momentum of collapsing sun and penetrating the moon. The huge emperor's seahorse was hit by the sword net, and his body was suddenly blasted out, and his mouth was bleeding. The silver armor on the surface of his body was bombarded by the sword net, and he was on the verge of collapse in an instant.

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