Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3929: 3934

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The chief of the scale clan sighed with a long sigh and said, "Shen Xianjun doesn't know that there are saints in the cloud and sea world. The races of the big islands are in their own ways and have long-term stability."

"But a hundred years ago, a dome light suddenly appeared on the Holy Island. Large ethnic groups in several islands close to the Holy Island witnessed the holy fairy crossing the dome light and leaving the cloud sea world." "Originally, according to the rules of the sea of clouds, all races had to pay tribute to the Holy Island every year, handing over a part of the mined" dry blue stone "as tribute. Now that the holy people have left, the major races in the cloud sea world have no restraint, and they are gradually in disorder.

"in the early decades, there was no turmoil, but the Holy Family of Naihe has never returned to the cloud sea realm. Now, in order to compete for more bluestones, the major ethnic groups are at war with each other, trying to occupy more mines. " "Those small tribes with little resistance have been swallowed up one after another, and our scaly people have been targeted by the races of several nearby islands recently, and the situation is in danger! In addition to hunting, the people of the clan dare not leave the land for half a step. Therefore, the king Shen Xian asked us that we, the scale clan, might not be able to do it... "

The chief of the scale clan complained bitterly, and his expression was rather embarrassed.

Shen Lang asked, "can you give Shen a view of the so-called" dry blue stone " Dry blue stone is a well-known resource in the cloud world. The clan leader of the scale clan did not hide it. He directly took a piece of dry blue stone from his sleeve, handed it to Shen Lang, and told him, "the dry blue stone contains huge energy, which will explode after impact.

, Shen Xianjun, please be careful

Shen Lang takes the blue stone from the leader of the scale clan and looks at it for a while.

The whole body of dry blue stone is blue, just like blue crystal. There is mottled and complicated energy flow in the crystal, which is very disordered and unstable. No wonder it will explode if a little external force is applied.

Shen Lang holds the dry blue stone in his hand, carefully perceives the energy in the stone, and suddenly feels that the stone is extremely strange.

Although the energy in the bluestone is not very strong, it is not affected by the force of the law of the sea of clouds. It seems to be some mysterious energy beyond the power of the law.

"Mr. Shen, can you show me this stone?"

Invite the goddess of the moon to send a message to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang hands the blue stone to the goddess of the moon. She feels for a while and looks slightly changed. She seems to know something, but she doesn't say it immediately. She just gives it back to Shen Lang in silence.

Shen Lang continued to ask the leader of the scale clan, "what's the use of this dry blue stone? Is it important to your race in the sea of clouds? " The leader of the scale clan explained: "back to Shen Xianjun, the dry blue stone is very powerful, and it is mostly used for hunting and self-defense. There are many fierce animals and sea animals in the cloud sea world. In order to prevent the casualties of their people, it is necessary for the major races to hunt or protect themselves by using the dry blue stone.

therefore, the dry blue stone has become an extremely important resource. The races with more bluestone resources can also win in ethnic conflicts. "

Shen Lang nodded slightly. According to the leader of the scale clan, they used the dry blue stone as a weapon instead of other purposes.

As a matter of fact, the battle between the races in the cloud sea world basically depends on which side has more bluestones, which side is easier to win.

Almost every island in the cloud world has a dry blue stone mine, which is different in size, so the races in the cloud sea world have different strength.

"Why did the sea people ask you to pay tribute to the dry blue stone?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

If dry blue stone has only this ability, the sea people should not have to let these native races pay tribute to this kind of stone.

"This The younger generation doesn't know. In fact, we don't know much about the holy people. We only know that the Holy Island is a sacred and inviolable place. "

"There are countless strange animals in the sea around the Holy Island. The fish people in the cloud sea can't get close to them. Naturally, they can't get too much information about the holy people."

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The chief of the scale clan said in a deep voice. After hearing this, Shen Lang basically understood the general situation of Yunhai world, and said neatly: "since the battle between the races in the cloud sea world depends on the reserve of dry blue stones, Shen can help you deal with the ethnic strife of the scale people and obtain more dry blue stones. You can just finish what I ordered earlier, OK?"


The head of the scale clan turned his eyes and hesitated.

Although he knew that Shen Lang and the goddess of invitation to the moon were external immortals with amazing strength, he did not know how much their combat power could be. In case the other side just boasted, he would be in great loss.

"Shen Xianjun, don't blame the younger generation for their bad speech. Once the two clans start a war, they must throw dry blue stones. Even if the elder's methods are so skillful, 80% of them will not be able to withstand a large number of dry blue stones!"

The leader of the scale clan shook his head and said that some of them did not believe in Shen Lang's ability.

"Is it? Then Shen must have a good try on the strength of this dry blue stone! "

Shen Lang smiles lightly, and then swallows the blue stone that the clan leader of the scale clan gave him before.

"Ah, Shen Xianjun, you..."Seeing Shen Lang swallow the dry blue stone alive, the leader of the scale clan was shocked.

In the next scene, the leader of the scale clan was stunned.

Shen Lang swallows up the blue stone and slaps it in his stomach!

The next moment.


A strong muffled sound sounded from the belly of the deep waves. It was like a sea howling and a landslide, ringing through the whole land of the scale nationality.

The dry blue Petrification in Shen Lang's belly exploded as energy, and a strong blue storm swept through the whole palace, and the tables and chairs around were blown to and fro by the blue storm.

"I, fuck!"

The blue storm of the clan leader of the scale clan flew out and knocked down on the wall. He was terrified by the action of Shen Lang.

One side of the goddess of invitation to the moon stabilized her figure with a little chaotic spiritual power, and her pretty face turned pale. She had to admire Shen Langyi's bravery and dare to swallow and detonate the dry blue stone.

Shen Lang has already reached the top level of cultivation of the golden body and jade body. The blood, flesh and blood channels in his body are strange and impregnable for a long time. The impact of this degree is nothing to him. At most, his Qi and blood are slightly agitated. Miraculously, just at the moment of exploding the dry blue stone, Shen Lang suddenly burst out a wonderful energy similar to the grey area! In a very short period of time, the chaotic spiritual power in one's body seems to be gushing out, but it is soon re sealed by the force of the law of the cloud world.

Maybe it's because the time is too short. Shen Lang doesn't know whether this is his own illusion.

After the blow, Shen Lang took a breath of blue, glanced at the head of the scale clan who had been lifted out and said, "so Can you prove that Shen has the ability to do what he promised? " Seeing Shen Lang's marvelous "performance", the clan leader of the scale clan widened his chin and could fill his mouth with eggs. He was shocked and said, "Li Great, Shen Xianjun. I just didn't know Mount Tai. I hope you can forgive me After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the leader of the scale clan quickly bowed to Shen Lang and pretended to be a grandson.

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