Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3939: 3944

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The cloud sea world sealed the chaotic spiritual power and even the spirit in the monk's body. Even the immortal monk would lose the ability to gather the three flowers together. Once the monk's body collapsed, his spirit and body would be directly disconnected and completely killed!

Shen Lang wiped out the flesh bodies of these two three saints, and they were no longer likely to live.

"Tao If you spare me, I can give you anything! " The young man of silver armour screamed in horror.

Shen Mang's face of the young man's face was not a sharp sword

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The silver armor young man's head is like a chicken pecking rice. He quickly takes off the Kaiguang silver armor and gives it to Shen Lang.

It is a great advantage to be able to wear a piece of Kaiguang Xianbao to enter the cloud sea world. It can greatly enhance the self-defense of the friars. This is the only silver armour youth can boast about.

At present, his life is in danger. Even if he feels pain in his heart, he doesn't dare to disobey Shen Lang's orders.

Shen Lang takes the armor that the young man of silver armour flinches and gives it a second thought. It weighs a lot less than he imagined. Wearing it on his body will not affect his own actions.

Without the support of chaotic spiritual power, the size of wearing immortal treasure cannot be changed at will.

Fortunately, the silver armor youth's body shape is similar to that of Shen lang. Shen Lang tried to put on the silver armor, which was very fit and satisfied in his heart.

His body has the blessing of golden body and jade body, and his defense is amazing. With this Kaiguang level immortal treasure armor, his defense can be improved to a higher level, and ordinary attacks can't shake him at all.

"Taoist friend, I have already handed over Baojia. Can you let me live?"

Silver armour young man asked with a sad face.

The sword in Shen Lang's hand still pointed to the young man's neck, and his face was gloomy and cold: "you should answer me a few questions first. If you can tell me honestly, I will consider sparing your life."

"Yes, yes, yes. What do you want to ask? I promise I will tell you everything!"

Silver armour youth says quickly.

"Are there any other three saints on this island?" Shen Lang asked.

"Only the three of us, no other friars The young man replied.

Shen Lang continued to ask, "did you come here by orders or by chance?"


Yinjia youth hesitated for a moment and did not dare to speak up.

In case of being known by the ghost wind saint is that he has leaked the news, the end can be imagined.

"No?" Shen Lang sneered and fell on the right leg of the young man.


With a crack of bone, Shen Lang stepped on the right leg of the young man with silver armour.


Silver armour youth's mouth issued a howling sound, kneecap bone was crushed by the waves, the twisted face has become purple, the pain is unbearable.

"I said, I said!"

Shocked, the young man of silver armour only got the truth: "yes We were sent by the ghost wind envoy! The holy emissary of Mingfeng ordered us to control the islands, search for the whereabouts of the holy emissary of Gangsha, and call in other monks of Sansheng cult by the way. "

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After hearing this, Shen Lang was shocked and asked, "where is the ghost wind saint?"

The young man gritted his teeth and replied, "in On Wufeng island. "

"What! Wufeng island

Shen Lang's face changed greatly.

No wonder he was so surprised that the tiger shark tribe land where the moon goddess was invited was on Wufeng island!

For a moment, Shen Lang's mind was in turmoil.

According to this, isn't the goddess of the Moon going to hit the muzzle of a gun?

Shen Lang's face was gloomy and incomparable. He asked anxiously, "is the cultivation of the ghost wind Saint still there? How many Sansheng monks are there in Wufeng Island besides the ghost wind envoy? " Now that the news has been disclosed to this extent, Yinjia youth can only answer honestly: "the ghost wind emissary, like us, can't use the magic power, but after all, the holy envoy is Luo Tianxian. Just in terms of physical quality, it is far from comparable to us!"

"As for the three saints on Wufeng island Anyway, before we left Wufeng Island, there were 134 Sansheng monks on the island. Now that a few days have passed, there should be more monks on the island. "

After listening to Yin Jia's reply, Shen Lang felt a little relieved.

Since the cultivation of the ghost wind saint was sealed, and the number of monks gathered by the three saints cult was not too bad.

Even if the holy wind of the holy moon and the holy wind can't make the Holy Ghost Island Escape, there should be no hope for the holy monk to escape.

In spite of this, but the ghost wind saint is also Luo Tianxian. It is hard to say what other means.

Shen Lang's heart is burning with anxiety. In any case, he must go to Wufeng island to meet with the goddess of inviting the moon. He can't let her face such danger alone!Fortunately, Wufeng island is not far away from this Jun island. The scale boat sails at full speed and only takes two days to reach Wufeng island.

"I have told all I know to my friends. Please spare my life."

Yinjia young man kowtowed to Shen Lang and begged for mercy.

As soon as the words fell, he heard a muffled sound. Shen Lang's sword in his hand pierced the neck of the silver clad youth, and a large number of blood arrows shot out.

Yinjia youth was staring at his pierced neck, his pupils dilated, and he said hoarsely, "Daoyou, you didn't say..."

"Well, who are your friends. Just now, I only said that I thought about sparing your life, but I didn't say that I must. Don't blame Shen's staff for being merciless. I only blame you for being a lackey of the three saints cult! "

After Shen Lang said this, he took up his knife and killed him on the spot.

After killing three three holy monks, Shen Lang takes away the other party's storage ring by the way.

After finishing these things, the head of the sea lion clan took the initiative to kowtow to Shen Lang and knelt down: "Shangxian has a vast number of supernatural beings. The sea lion clan is willing to surrender to Shangxian and obey all the arrangements of Shangxian."

After that, he kowtowed several times to Shen Lang.

I have to say that the head of the sea lion clan is very clever.

After seeing Shen Lang's method against the sky, the head of the sea lion clan completely gave up the treatment. He knew that if the sea lion clan was against this kind of adverse weather opponent, he would be killed in minutes!

The other party can easily kill the three immortals just now, even among the external immortals, it is estimated that they are extremely powerful.

It is better to surrender and fight for a chance of life than to die.

Seeing that the head of the sea lion clan was so sensible, Shen Lang pushed the boat along the river. He gave a few words to inform the other party of the recent changes in the cloud sea world and his identity as the president of the United Army.

The head of the sea lion clan is shocked and frightened. He finally knows why there are so many external immortals in the cloud sea world. In this way, the cloud world will soon be in chaos! When the time comes, not only the sea lions, but all ethnic groups in the cloud sea world will be in danger.

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