Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4042: 4047

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"Boom, boom!"

Two supernatural powers entangled and collided, the aura soared to the sky, and the sound of roaring resounded through the sky.

In the face of Zimei Tianhu's desperate attack, LV Dongbin is limited by it and is hard to get rid of Ziying's crazy attack.

In addition to the bloody border around him, LV Dongbin was hindered for a time and was unable to support Shen Lang, so he was extremely anxious.


On the other side, Shen Lang was hit by Huangying's golden magic, and his whole body was bloody.

After all the silver vestments on his body were broken, large pieces of silver runes came back into his body.

Huntian Ling, which had been turned into countless pieces of cloth, gathered together again and intercepted the body of the blood sandalwood demon in mid air, helping Shen Lang stabilize his body in time.

Shen Lang was hit by the blood crazy lion for a while, and his body suffered heavy damage. Fortunately, the fire of the glass lamp at the heart vein poured out a large amount of glass sky light and spread all over his body in time, which made Shen Lang wake up quickly.

However, the current situation is extremely bad. The body is seriously injured. A ferocious blood hole is pierced by the one corner of the blood mad lion. There is still blood light energy left in the wound, which ravages the body.

Shen Lang's life was almost destroyed by the golden immortal skill of the blood eye mad lion.

Fortunately, he is physically strong, and other Luo Tianxian can not withstand this level of attack!

Huang Ying saw Shen Lang's own golden magic art, but he was not dead. His blood flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, his heart was full of fear.

As expected, as the expert who met at that time said, the birth and death of Tianxuan is related to the Qi of heaven and earth. It is not so easy to be killed by external forces!

Not being killed easily doesn't mean you can't be killed! On that day, the elector was seriously injured. Emperor Ying didn't believe that Shen Lang still had a life to live. Suddenly, he had a killing intention in his heart.

"Shen Lang, take your life

Without waiting for Shen Lang to take a few more breaths, the blood eyed mad lion incarnated by Emperor Ying unexpectedly attacked again.

The blood eye mad lion once again set off a torrent of blood light, carrying the power of destroying the sky and the earth, rushing towards the deep waves.

"Not good!"

Shen Lang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and forced to suppress his injury with a large number of glass skylight.

He tried to resist the attack of Huangying, but found that he had no other magic power and magic weapon to resist the terrible terrorist attack.

Unless, use the defense ability of lotus lamp!

As far as the stock of lamp oil of Baolian lamp is concerned, it has only three opportunities to use this treasure, and one must be reserved for the ability to start shuttling space and time.

In other words, Shen Lang had only two chances to use the lotus lamp to resist external attacks.

But as far as the present situation is concerned, even if he used the lotus lamp to resist the fatal attack of the emperor's shadow, he could still launch an attack with the same power, and he could not resist at that time.

Baolian lamp can only resist the attack of external forces, but can not help itself to repel the emperor's shadow or even escape.

Therefore, it is meaningless to use the lotus lamp in the current environment.

Shen Lang only thought about it for a moment, then put the idea of using the lotus lamp behind him.

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In addition to the lotus lamp, they have a choice, can let themselves get a ray of life!

That is to temporarily untie the seal of the fire point gun, hold the fire point gun, and fight back or even kill the emperor's shadow!

However, once this choice is made, Shen Lang will also face great risks.

Fire spear spirit has returned to its original form and turned into a real spirit level immortal treasure! But the gun itself is burning the fire of the stars, once the seal of the treasure is untied, the star fire will instantly burn his body.

In terms of Shen Lang's physical cultivation, the star fire can easily burn his body and even his spirit! This is suicide! However, the three princesses of Nezha reminded themselves that although the star fire can burn the body of the master of the spear, it can also be retracted and released freely. However, if the spear is withdrawn quickly, the star fire will not burn his body all the time like attacking the enemy, but will return to the spear.

In other words, if you only use the spear in a very short period of time, and only bear the burning of the star fire for a very short time, you may still be alive!

Now, that's the only choice.

Seeing the blood eyed lion pounding the sky, Shen Lang's pupil is constantly enlarging. Even if it is one tenth of a second, he should firmly hold it!

Wei xingsou, my pen, name, read Zhang Daoling's biography.

For a moment, the blood eyed lion was less than 10 meters away from the deep waves, and the roaring blood light even began to attack the Shen wave's body.

"Purple flame snake tooth fire point gun, now

Shen Lang was about to crack, and his mouth gave out a sharp whistling sound.

At this critical moment, Shen Lang untied the seal of the firepoint gun.


At the center of Shen Lang's eyebrows, the design of the long and slender spear suddenly explodes. It is like a burning sun rising out, and endless red flames pour out. Even the space is blurred and distorted by the red flame.At the next moment, a dazzling three pointed spear suddenly flew out of the wound between Shen Lang's chest, setting off a towering red golden fire, and instantly engulfed the surrounding space.

The roar of "bang" was so loud that the lion was shocked by the red and golden flame, and the blood light on his body immediately collapsed.

The crimson gold flame gushing out of Shen Lang's body, with a thrilling and incomparable burning feeling, actually makes the blood eyes crazy and the lion's face show the color of pain.

"This is..."

The emperor's shadow retreated, startled and angry. His eyes were full of disbelief.

The fire spear condenses in front of Shen Lang, releasing the sun like brilliance. Eight huge purple fire snakes wind around Shen Lang and rotate constantly. The overflowing bright purple fire invades Shen Lang's whole body.


There was a hysterical scream in the mouth of Shen Lang, and the injured body was being charred by purple fire at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the burnt flesh and blood were even gradually turning into nothingness.

The purple fire not only burns Shen Lang's body, but also burns his spirit, as if pumping soul and refining soul!

This extreme pain of being torn apart by both the soul and the body is not what the normal friars can bear! Shen Lang even felt his vitality was passing away with the burning of purple fire!

Shen Lang's strong desire to survive made Shen Lang restrain his extreme pain with unimaginable endurance. His eyes were bloodshot, and he held the three pointed spear in front of him. His mouth was hoarse and crazy:

"fire point gun, help me!"

Shen Lang rushed forward with a firepoint gun in his hand at a speed exceeding his own limit. His arms were blue, and his sharp three pointed sharp blade, carrying a red flame, went straight out towards the blood eyed lion. Suddenly, the red light of the fire spear and the spear point soared, trembling and whispering. The terrifying red flame rushed out. The indescribable heat wave made the space rotate and collide. The huge power seemed to burn the sky and burn the earth!

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