Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4122: 4126

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"The living must give up their flesh when they step into the hell of netherworld. Why did brother Ouyang take such a great risk to come to the hell?"

Shen Lang is a little difficult to understand. Even if it is to improve his cultivation, Ouyang Changfeng's action is too crazy.

Ouyang Changfeng said in a deep voice: "brother Shen is not aware that Changfeng has no choice but to do so. Changfeng's cultivation of this method, which is called "Beidi Jue", has a long history. It was created by the "Beiyin emperor" of the reincarnation realm. "

Speaking of this, Shen Lang was shocked. Even though he had no idea of the history of reincarnation, he had heard of the name of the great emperor of Beiyin.

It is said that in the era of emperor, there were two Daozu Tianzun in charge of the reincarnation immortal region, namely "Dongyue great emperor" and "Beiyin great emperor".

Fengdu, the capital of the netherworld hell, was originally the ghost city established by the great emperor of Beiyin, but was later taken over by the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet. Ouyang Changfeng continued: "in the early days of the northern emperor's decision, although he was able to achieve rapid accomplishments by swallowing evil spirits and evil spirits, when he reached the peak of celestial immortals, he would face a great disadvantage. That is to say, the physical body of a monk can't bear to swallow up a large number of evil spirits and ghosts to produce

evil spirit and stillness, and he must abandon his physical body to survive

"At that time, Changfeng had reached the peak of Tianxian, and the body was rotten. In addition, the law of heaven and earth in the fairyland is extremely weak now. Even if the body can be preserved, there is no way to impact the realm of Dara."

"After weighing all the pros and cons, Changfeng went to practice in the hell of the netherworld. Although there is only soul body left, it is nothing for Changfeng as long as he can cultivate the northern emperor's decision, revive yu'er, and abandon the physical body. "

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, but he did not expect that Ouyang Changfeng, even though he had risen to the fairyland, was still so persistent in reviving his beloved.

"Miss yu'er, how are you now?" Shen Lang couldn't help asking.

In the ghost world in the past, Ouyang Changfeng successfully called back the three spirits and six spirits of yu'er by means of "soul returning technique". However, since yu'er is only a mortal, her soul strength is so weak that she can't use the weak residual soul to revive her. Ouyang Changfeng sighed slightly: "yu'er's soul is safe, but it's a pity that she is a mortal's soul, very weak. After so many years, no matter how much I nourish her soul and how strong the seal is set, her soul's power is still passing by, and there is no way to stop the law of reincarnation in this world. "

All things under the way of heaven follow the law of reincarnation. Everything can't escape the day of death. No method can prevent the death of everything itself.

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A monk can delay the influence of the law of samsara on himself with his great magic power, which is also a popular saying. The higher the monk's cultivation is, the longer he can live.

However, ordinary people can't resist the law of reincarnation without cultivation. Ouyang Changfeng must have paid a huge price for her soul to live for so long. Ouyang Changfeng continued: "the reason why Changfeng is eager to break through the cultivation is to train the northern emperor to the top before the soul of yu'er disappears completely! The reason why I chose to practice such a dangerous mental skill of the northern emperor was that after this dharma reached the top level, the monks could control and even reverse some of the samsara laws! " "The soul and body of ordinary people are unconscious. If Changfeng wants to really revive yu'er, she can only reverse the law of reincarnation and transform her soul and body, so that she can obtain some accomplishments without losing her memory. Only in this way can yu'er really revive! "

Shen Lang's mind was so strong that it was so complicated that we could imagine the difficulty of its implementation. "When you are in the hell of netherworld, the speed of yu'er's soul will be greatly slowed down, which is one of the reasons for Changfeng to enter the hell. Unfortunately, after I entered the netherworld hell, I found that the hell was also influenced by the laws of heaven and earth, and could not break through the cultivation here. "

"I tried my best to find that there was no way to break through daruo. I could only place my last hope in the abyss of hell." Ouyang Changfeng sighed.

Shen Lang asked curiously, "how did you come to the abyss of hell, brother Ouyang?" Ouyang Changfeng explained in a deep voice: "it's also a chance. In the past, I was chased and killed by enemies in the samsara immortal region, and was sucked away by a space crack. By chance, I was transported to a dilapidated temple, which was actually the place of practice for samsara Tianzun! It was there that Changfeng got the heart method of the northern emperor's decision and a "reincarnation note." "This reincarnation note seems to be the legacy of the samsara God. Holding the samsara note can lead to any hell or even the abyss of hell. The northern emperor Jue just mentioned the abyss of hell, describing that it was the ruins left over from the ancient battlefield, which was closest to the end of the boundary and was shrouded by the power of strange laws. "

"Knowing that the power of the law in the abyss of hell is different from that in hell and ordinary life, Changfeng holds a glimmer of hope and uses samsara as the key to enter the abyss of hell directly."

Hearing this, Shen Lang was relieved.

He once heard Fengdu's ghost messenger say on the first floor of hell that a monk who holds samsara note can indeed lead to any layer in hell through the well of hell.

Unexpectedly, this reincarnation note could also enter the abyss of hell. Shen Lang was really surprised and continued to ask, "what happened later?"The abyss of hell has always been the most dangerous forbidden area of the netherworld hell. Ouyang Changfeng is the first monk to enter the abyss of hell by using reincarnation notes. Ouyang Changfeng went on to say: "after Changfeng entered the abyss of hell by using reincarnation paper, it was randomly transported to the vicinity of Heiyu mountain, which was captured by the dead and brought to the front of Hades palace. The evil spirit of the Tibetan king of that place knew that I was a living creature from the outside world, and was very excited. After hearing my experience, he immediately expressed his willingness to revive yu'er for me, provided that he let me stay by his side and promise to help me break through my cultivation. "

"Seeing that Chang Feng was very clever, he felt that the matter was profitable and harmless. He was not free from his bewitchment and worshipped him as a teacher. Although this evil spirit didn't give me the gift, it did help me break through to Luo Tianxian and cultivate it to this day. "

"After that, I was willing to be a slave, and even went back and forth in the samsara tunnel, collecting powerful souls for him to devour, and doing a lot of grudged dirty work in exchange for the promotion of cultivation." "After the evil spirit of the Tibetan king devoured a large number of dead souls, he did not hesitate to infuse his own soul power into my soul body, so as to transform my soul and body, and make my cultivation progress by leaps and bounds. Therefore, only for tens of thousands of years, the cultivation of Changfeng soul body has reached the peak in the later stage of luotianxian! " "Of course, Changfeng knows that the other party must have a plot to do so, and will never be so selfless. But even so, I am still too greedy for the promotion of cultivation, and I am convinced of the other party's promise of resurrecting yu'er. It was not until brother Shen came here that Changfeng was awakened from this fallen dream! "

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