Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4295: 4299

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To be exact, the blood of Yuanfeng that Shen Lang got from Fengchan is not the real blood of Yuanfeng, but a few drops of refined blood of Yuanfeng, which is not particularly pure.

However, we should know that Yuanfeng is the highest level of Daozu Tianzun in the Lich age. Even a drop of Yuanfeng's blood essence can ignore the limitations of the laws of heaven and earth!

With the bottle of Yuan Feng's blood given by Fengchan, Shen Lang can completely ignore the limitations of the weak law of heaven and earth on his own cultivation, hoping to break through the realm of Da Luo.

Of course, it's not so simple that I want to impact the realm of Da Luo.

Previously, when Shen Lang left Jiuli City, Fengchan gave him a jade slip. In addition to describing some characteristics and absorption methods of Yuanfeng's blood, Fengchan also wrote and explained how to break through Daluo Jinxian.

Thinking of this, Shen Lang found the jade slip and read it carefully. He generally knew the steps to attack the big Luo Jinxian.

To put it simply, a monk must meet three requirements if he wants to attack Daluo Jinxian.

The first requirement is that in addition to the bottleneck of reaching the peak of luotianxian, the monk's body, soul power and will power are extremely high.

Shen Lang's golden body has just been strengthened, and his physical quality has undoubtedly met the requirements. With the blessing of many original forces, his soul power has reached the level of Dara Jinxian. As for his own will power, Shen Lang is not easy to judge, but judging from the fact that his will power can absorb all the energy from the star fragments left by the emperor, his will power should be strong enough


At the present stage, Shen Lang fully meets the first requirement. Theoretically, he can try to attack the realm of Dalao by stabilizing his current cultivation.

The second requirement is that monks need to absorb huge energy to communicate with heaven and earth if they want to break through Dara Jinxian. Today's fairyland is different from the environment of the fairyland before the war of annihilation. The power of the law of the fairyland is too weak to allow Luo Tianxian to communicate with heaven and earth. Only by forcefully communicating with the heaven and earth with external forces, can we successfully break through Luo Jinxian.

Before the war of annihilation, when the friars attacked the territory of Dara, they did not need to communicate with the heaven and earth with external forces. At that time, the monks only had to follow the steps to trigger the Jinxian robbery.

But now this time is different, the law of heaven and earth is weakened to the extreme. If a monk wants to induce the Jinxian robbery, he must break through the heaven and earth through external forces.

If I want to communicate with heaven and earth with external forces, I can only absorb the chaotic spiritual power and even part of the chaotic immortal Qi when I impact the Dara Jinxian, and create an energy light band that can directly connect to the sky.

This is not only equivalent to one more step. It is extremely difficult to achieve this. Monks need to absorb massive chaotic spiritual power and chaotic immortal Qi while impacting their accomplishments.

The required chaotic spiritual power can be absorbed from the immortal spirit stone, and the chaotic immortal Qi can also be obtained from the best immortal stone and even yuan stone.

Due to the different potential of each monk, the chaotic spiritual power and chaotic immortal Qi required to impact the Da Luojin immortal are also quite different, with only more and more differences. Shen Lang doesn't worry about absorbing chaotic spiritual power and chaotic immortal Qi. Now, the most important thing he lacks is fairy stone. Even the best immortal spirit stone and Yuan Stone, he has a lot of stock. No matter how much he needs, he can use it by himself.

The last requirement is that of the site.

Monks need to find an excellent place to communicate with heaven and earth!

The so-called excellent site, that is, the higher the better, the best is the star field close to the top of the sky.

The closer a monk is to the dome, the less difficult it will be to communicate with heaven and earth.

On the jade slips, Fengchan also listed four places in the fairyland that were suitable for her to attack the big Luo Jinxian.

The first is Xuanguang mountain in tianqiongxian region, the second is the holy dome of Tianxing Xianyu, the third is zhuxinglou of Dongyi Xianyu, and the fourth is the top of kunxu.

These four regions are the closest to the star realm of the true celestial realm, and are also the most suitable sites to impact on the realm of Dara!

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After seeing this part of the content, Shen Lang was shocked. It seems that he must complete the promotion in this holy dome.

Xuanguang mountain is the former home of the three saints' religion. It seems that Dongyi Xianyu is being invaded by the three saints' cult. The top of kunxu is too far away. These three places are not suitable.

If you want to break through Dara Jinxian, you can only choose the place in the Holy Land dome!

In other words, Shen Lang himself has met the three requirements on the jade slips, and he can start to prepare for the impact of Da Luo Jinxian.

After sorting out his emotions, Shen Lang returned to Guangtian palace.

Two months after Shen Lang left, only six or seven days passed in Guangtian palace.

Seeing Shen Lang succeed in breaking through the peak of Luo Tianxian, the girls such as Hua Zi Ling Bai Lan were surprised and pleased.

Lianxing and mengxuan'er are also impressed. They follow Shen Lang all the way. They realize that Shen Lang brings too much incredible. They even think Shen Lang is omnipotent. They are more and more infatuated with the worship.

Looking at the adoring eyes of the women, Shen Lang is not complacent, but rather a little lost.The main reason is that lefey is still in a coma and still can't wake up.

It may be because her soul is too weak, or her soul has been damaged by the curse of soul poison for a long time. In short, she still needs to recuperate for some time.

Shen Lang sealed part of the glass fire into her body, continuously nourishing the spirit of lefey.

After finishing these things, Shen Lang told the girls about his plan to attack Da Luo Jinxian.

Hua Ziling's beautiful eyes glowed and said in surprise, "Shen Lang, this is a great good thing. You don't need to think about other things now. Just try to attack Da Luo Jinxian, and I will try my best to protect Dharma for you."

"If brother Shen can break through Dara Jinxian, the situation in the fairyland will be reversed."

Bai Lan's pretty face is full of surprise.

"Although Lianxing has little strength, she is willing to protect the Dharma for elder brother Shen."

Lianxing immediately said that she certainly knew what it meant for shenlang to break through Daluo Jinxian.

She did not expect that she could have anything to do with Shen Lang, but she had to climb up Shen Lang's thigh, which was her little selfish heart.

"Xuan'er, too!"

Meng xuan'er also quickly responded. Seeing that all the women were very cooperative, Shen Lang had no worries. After thanking the girls one by one, he immediately said, "Shen has just broken through his cultivation, but he hasn't broken through so fast yet. It will take some time to stabilize his realm. Before that,

, I recommend that you go to a new venue. "

Shen Lang takes the women out of the guangtiangong and into the inner space of beluga.

"Here is..."

Looking at this gray and strange space, all the girls are showing different colors. Shen Lang told the women about the history of his acceptance of the constellation beluga, explained it in detail, and said, "as you can see, this is the" gray space "in the belly of beluga. Now the star skeletons have been taken over by me. In the future, you can use the characteristics of this gray space to break through the bottleneck and impact on cultivation. "

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