Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4297: 4301

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This hidden danger is so big that even Shen Lang doesn't know what way to treat it.

Huaziling also tried to feed lefeier with her own blood and tried to treat lefeier with the blood energy of white dragon liver and snake gall, but it was still ineffective.

In a word, Shen Lang tried all kinds of ways, but still couldn't wake up the woman who had been thinking about it day and night. In her heart, she was anxious and worried.

Hua Ziling knows Shen Lang's deep concern and can only try to persuade men to adjust their mentality.

After a period of depression, Shen Lang knows nothing to do for the time being, so he decides to wait until he breaks through the big Luo Jinxian to see if he can awaken lefey's consciousness with his own soul power or strengthened glass fire.

After making up his mind, Shen Lang quickly adjusted his mind.

After closing for half a year, Shen Lang felt that his state had become perfect, and then he chose to go out of the pass and try to impact Da Luo Jinxian.

He chose the venue in the "star watching platform" outside the imperial palace.

According to the description in "Tian Xing Bi Tan", the star watching platform is the highest point of the whole holy region dome, which is closest to the star domain, and is also the place where the masters of the holy land of all ages worship heaven.

Shen Lang pondered that since it is a place of sacrifice to heaven, it must be much easier to communicate with heaven and earth here than in other places, which in disguise is equivalent to reducing the difficulty of breaking through the realm of Dara Jinxian.

After confirming the position, Shen Lang moved the women to Guangtian palace and went to the star watching platform in the center of the holy region dome.

According to the description on the map, the star viewing platform is located outside the Ziwei palace in the center of the Holy Land dome.

Around the meteorite cave with the largest number of skeletons, Shen Lang marches all the way to Ziwei Palace on the map.

We can see the traces left by the war of annihilation.

However, all the high-end buildings such as palaces were destroyed in the war of annihilation and turned into ruins. Even the palaces of the Seven Saints of heaven and stars could not escape this disaster.

Shen Lang and the women were not all plain sailing along the way. There were star skeletons all over the dome of holy land. When he went through the exploration, he was naturally attacked by many star skeletons.

Fortunately, the strongest is the Silver Star skeleton, which can be easily dealt with.

After breaking through to the peak of Luo Tianxian, Shen Lang's star spirit is also slightly strengthened, and the star power in his body becomes more and more powerful.

The promotion of cultivation can also promote the power of the stars, and Shen Lang's control of the silver sachet will be even more weightless.

Shen's two skeletons will not bring him any trouble.

More than half a day later, Shen Lang finally reached the central area.

The eight palaces standing on the dome of holy land almost collapsed, and Ziwei palace was not spared.

In the past, the huge Ziwei palace has become a piece of ruins. We can't see the rudiment of the palace at all.

The surrounding space is distorted and turbulent, with violent space storm blowing. A large number of free space cracks are flying around the surrounding area, which is shocking.

Even the space has been destroyed like this, which shows what kind of war this place experienced.

The disordered space environment here indirectly dissipated the wandering star skeletons, but Shen Lang walked in the central area, but did not meet a few star skeletons.

In addition to the collapsed palace buildings, the ground is full of remains, most of which are Terrans and demons.

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The number of friars of the celestial celestial realm is the main one. The remains on the ground are obviously left after the battle between the holy land army and the alien demon clan.

Almost all the remains are extremely fragile due to the perennial erosion of space storms. If you step on one foot, it will turn into ashes like powder, but there are a few exceptions.

Shen Lang found two intact storage rings in the remains, and seized some immortal spirit stones, magic weapons, pills, and even Tianxuan star sand and other resources.

The owner of these storage rings is not high, and there is nothing to make people see.

In the war of annihilation, the holy land army was completely destroyed. The monks of the demon clan in the alien world may have missed something when they ransacked. The several storage rings they found should be left by the fish who missed the net.

Since all of them have come, Shen Lang simply searches around the central area to see if he can find anything good.

After searching for more than half a day, Shen Lang only found more than a dozen storage rings in the remains, but found nothing of value except a silver star and several Bronze Star beads.

Shen Lang is a little disappointed. It seems that the rest of the demons' army is searching for the rest, and there is really nothing good about it.

Star bone beads can only be used by friars who have the power of stars. They are of no use to friars of alien demons.

In a word, Shen Lang had no time to get another silver star bead.

The celestial celestial friars with the power of the stars can control at most two star skeletons at the same time. Shen Lang already has the star skeletons of beluga, which can replace the remaining star skeletons of Pegasus with powerful silver ones.

Shen Lang is not in a hurry about this matter for a while. In any case, there are many opportunities, so we should do business first.After searching for a circle, Shen Lang finally arrived at the bottom of the observation platform outside the Ziwei palace.

The star watching platform is a huge altar, with a height of 100000 feet. It is surrounded by a circular ring and has stone steps on both sides, which can be climbed to the top.

The altar as a whole is like a huge flat tower, the whole body exudes colorful mysterious halo.

In contrast to the surrounding chaotic landscape, the observatory is intact, showing the firmness of the altar.

I don't know what kind of material the altar is made of.

Shen Lang didn't think much about it. After taking a deep breath, he walked towards the star watching platform.

The entrance of the stone steps of the observatory is surrounded by a waterfall of starlight, which seems to have a huge repulsive force, blocking the way of the deep waves.

Considering that it is recorded in Tianxing pen Tan that only those who are powerful in the holy land of Silver Star envoy or above can enter the star watching platform, Shen Lang can probably guess that this should be some kind of prohibition against non constellation apostles.

Shen Lang immediately extracted the star power in the star soul of the Dantian, condensed it into a dense star storm and swept away towards the star light at the entrance of the star watching platform.

"Boom, boom!"

Sure enough, under the impact of the star storm, the large amount of starlight at the entrance of the observatory seemed to sense the level of the spirit in Shen Lang's body. The starlight was violently distorted under the impact of the star storm, and gradually formed a gap.

Shen Lang's mind was sure, and he immediately passed through the gap and stepped on the stone steps of the star watching platform.

At the moment of stepping on the stone steps, Shen Lang can clearly feel that there is a force of space gravity coming, and the body seems to be under the pressure of gravity.

The observatory is located at the highest point of the sacred dome, and it is not uncommon to feel the pressure of space. With the physical strength of Shen Lang, it is not difficult to resist the gravity of space. He steps up the stone steps one by one and moves towards the highest point of the observation platform.

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