Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 441: 442

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Shen Lang's face sank, and he hummed impatiently, "Mr. Gao, do you want to break the bill?"

"Do you want to blackmail me money if you don't tell me Gao Jie is not angry.

Yang Xiaokang hurriedly approached and asked, "doctor Shen, do you mean that Gao Jie's disease has been completely cured now?"

"Nonsense, if I don't get cured, will I ask him to pay?" Shen Lang said in a bad mood.

Seeing that Shen Lang's answer was so positive, Yang Xiaokang nodded and said a little: "brother Shen, I'm sorry, Mr. Gao may still have some doubts. I'll take Gao Jie to the big hospital for an examination. If it is proved that he is well, I will ask him to pay for the treatment immediately. "

"Yes, but better hurry." Shen Lang nodded. Three billion US dollars is not a small sum. If it is converted into RMB 20 billion, it can only be like this.

Looking at the performance of Shen Lang and Yang Xiaokang, Gao Jie is a little confused. Has his illness really recovered?

How could that be possible?

With a nervous mood, Gao Jie followed Yang Xiaokang to the first people's Hospital for a general examination.

After a series of examinations, Gao Jie's heart has been jumping nervously. The greater the hope, the more nervous he will be.

Soon, Gao Jie got the inspection report sheet and shivered all over.

The blood index was normal and no cancer cells were detected.

When he saw this result, Gao Jie's whole body seemed to be chopped by thunder. He opened his mouth wide and could not close it for half a day.

After reading the examination report seven or eight times, Gao Jiezhen doubted whether he had read it wrong. He said to a middle-aged female doctor with trepidation: "doctor, this The check list shows that my blood index is normal and no cancer cells are detected. Does it mean that I have no cancer? "

The middle-aged female doctor was preparing to consult other patients. Listening to Gao Jie's words, she nodded and said, "sure."

"How could that be possible?" Gao Jie screamed.

The female doctor was very busy and looked at Gao Jie impatiently: "young man, you are only in your twenties, and your resistance is strong. You will not get cancer at this age."

"No Sorry to disturb you, doctor Gao Jie is so excited that he speaks incoherently.

He said in a hurry: "yes, I have done an examination in many hospitals before and found that I have advanced lung cancer. Is there something wrong with the equipment in this hospital? Or did I take the wrong checklist? "

The woman doctor couldn't stand it. She even felt that Gao Jie had nothing to do. She said with a cold face: "this is the first people's Hospital, the best hospital in Huahai city. It's impossible to make a wrong examination. This is the Department of oncology. It's easy to affect the emotions of other patients by saying such words. Please leave immediately and don't disturb me to consult patients. "

"Let's go, Goj." Yang Xiaokang quickly pulled him away.

Gao Jie originally wanted to confirm, but he saw that several patients with cancer were staring at him with venomous eyes. Gao Jie immediately walked away.

Gao Jie with excitement, and again check again, this time still did not detect cancer cells.

The public Huahai first people's hospital is well-known for a long time. It's impossible for advanced lung cancer to be detected.

This can only show one problem, his cancer has been cured!

This is a miracle. Gao Jie finally realizes that he has been reborn now. Shen Lang is really a miracle doctor!

Out of the hospital building, Gao Jie only felt that his whole body was flying.

"Ha ha ha, I'm fine! I'm not sick! " Gao Jie laughs wildly.

"I'll say that Shen Shenyi's medical skills are unpredictable. Now you believe it." Yang Xiaokang also smiles, happy for Gao Jie.

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Gao Jie was so happy that he took off his clothes and ran naked in front of the hospital.

"Hello, Gao Jie!" Yang Xiaokang was frightened and ran after him.

"Ha ha, I'm fine! Ha ha, I don't have cancer! "

Gao Jie ran naked and yelled. People around him frowned and avoided it. He thought he had met a madman.

After grinding for a long time, Gao Jie and Yang Xiaokang arrive at shenlang's clinic.

Gao Jie's face is red and his complexion seems to be much better.

When he got to Shen Lang's office, Gao Jie knelt down directly and said with gratitude: "doctor, I'm sorry. I suspected Mr. Shen before. It's really a crime. Thank God Shen for treating my illness. I'll pay you right away

Shen Lang raised Gao Jie and said with a smile, "well, if you have cancer in your family in the future, please come to me and I may give you a 50% discount."

After some gratitude, Gao Jie immediately called his grandfather Gao Wenjun.

"Grandfather, I need three billion dollars."

Three billion dollars is not a small sum. Gao Wenjun is the head of the Gao family and has a high position and weight.

If an outsider asks for three billion dollars from himself, Gao Wenjun will immediately let the other party die.

However, Gao Jie is the only successor of the Gao family, and he has not let Gao Wenjun down. Some means and ideas in business make Gao Wenjun feel inferior.It's a pity that his grandson had a terminal illness at a young age. Gao Wenjun was extremely distressed and wept all day long.

"Son, what do you want so much money for?" Gao Wenjun asked.

"Grandfather, I need money to pay for the treatment." Gao Jie said excitedly.

Gao Wenjun sighs in his heart. He can't bear to refuse Gao Jie, but three billion dollars is not something that can be taken out.

It's not that Gao Wenjun is unwilling, but useless. He thinks that no matter how good a hospital is, it can't cure cancer.

"Grandfather, I have been cured by a miracle doctor! So I need to pay for the doctor's treatment. Brother Yang Xiaokang is here now. I want him to talk to you

"Uncle Gao, what a miracle..." Yang Xiaokang said with emotion.

"Xiaokang, ah Jie is well, is that true?" Gao Wenjun's eyes are as big as a bell.

"It's true. We just came back from the hospital. There are no cancer cells in Gao Jie's body. He's OK Yang Xiaokang said with a smile.

Gao Wenjun's heart is shaking. Gao Jie tells Gao Wenjun what happened. For a while, Gao Wenjun finally accepts the reality and smiles.

As a Gao family owner, he knows that the world is not as simple as it seems.

Gao Wenjun asked people to pay three billion dollars to Shen Lang's account. He also wanted to invite Shen Lang to visit Gao's home in Beijing and express his gratitude in person.

Shen Lang accepted the money without any doubt.

But Shen Lang is not interested in visiting Gao's family.

Gao Jie is also very clear that his grandfather invited Shen Lang to Gao's home. His main purpose is to make friends with Shen Lang and get on with him. But if Shen Lang doesn't go, he can't force him.

Gao Jie deeply understands the importance of Shen Lang, and making good relations with him is of great benefit to himself in the future.

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