Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 470: 471

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Red moon's beautiful face showed a trace of embarrassment and said, "the phone number on the gold card is It's rough. "

"What!" Feng Luan a Zheng, grab gold card to see.

It's the shameless guy!

Feng Luan's mood was like a mixture of five flavors. She went abroad to look for someone to participate in the auction. She finally took a gold card and wanted to contact the doctor.

I didn't expect that the miracle doctor was that bastard. Isn't it a Wulong?

Feng Luan is a little angry. In the clinic of Huahai City, Shen Lang has already seen that she has a poisonous spirit in her body at that time.

She knows that Shen Lang has some skills, but she doesn't think that Shen Lang can take out the poisonous insects in her body.

Through today's auction, Feng Luan knows that Shen Lang can really cure advanced cancer patients.

Feng Luan has basically confirmed that Shen Lang Zhen can take out her body's eroding spirit Gu. Just, to let Shen Lang watch her chest, Feng Luan can't do it, she would rather die.

"Master, this world is not the boundary of Kunlun mountain. Now the society is very open. Now only Shen Lang can save you. Master, you can't hide your illness and avoid medicine! " Red moon persuades again.

"Yue'er, this is the only thing. You don't have to tell me more about it!" Feng Luan waved her hand and said.

"But master..."

"All right."

See feng Luan face unhappy color, red moon had to shut up, but her heart can not agree with the idea of Feng Luan. Modern society is so open that the so-called "do as the Romans do in Rome" is not right.

The mood fell down, Feng Luan suddenly felt a stab in the heart, pretty face slightly changed color.

"Master!" See feng Luan face some white, red moon know her body's eroding spirit Gu again.

"It's OK, Yueer. Master is useless and has been implicating you. After that, you don't have to take care of the master. " Feng Luan said softly.

"No! Master, yue'er has no relatives. You are my only one. How can I abandon you? " Red moon's eyes are warm. I'm sure it can't go on like this. Even if she is strong, she has to let her master be treated by Shen Lang.

Shen Lang is so cool that he has made so much money that he is so happy in his heart.

Of the 20 gold cards sold out by auction, five gold card holders have already called him, saying that they or their families have serious needs for him to help him.

Shen Lang gave them the address and made an appointment for them to go to the clinic in Huaxia to find him.

After a night's rest, Shen Lang flew back to China the next day.

He made a phone call to Liu Xiaoxiao and Bai Qingyu respectively. The two beauties were still angry and said they were busy with their work and asked them not to disturb her.

Shen Lang is quite helpless. It seems that she is going to please the two beauties these days.

Li Fei has sent someone to pick up Shen Lang, but the driver is still driving a Porsche 911.

"Hello, boss!" The driver in a suit solemnly said hello to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang nodded slightly. As soon as he got on the bus, he received a call from Hongyue.

"Shen Lang, where are you now?"

"Just arrived in China, ready to return to the zhengjiazhuang garden." Shen Lang replied.

"Shen Lang, although I believe in you, I still want to ask you, can you really take out the poison in my master's body?" The red moon asked solemnly.

"Yes." Shen Lang affirmed. However, Shen Lang thinks that Feng Luan can be obedient, and the possibility of his treatment is not great. Fengluan is too conservative.

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"Well, Shen Lang, do you have time now?" Red moon asked again.

"Yes. Yue'er, if you have something to say, don't be so polite. " Shen Lang smiles.

The red moon bit her teeth and said, "OK, Shen Lang, come to the Imperial Hotel, room 1207."

"Is it the cure? Has your master considered it? " Shen Lang is a little worried. After all, fengluan is an expert. If the other party doesn't think about it well, he will rush forward. Maybe fengluan will pull out his sword and chop him.

"Yes. She's been considered. Come on, Shen Lang. " Red moon gritted her teeth and thought, master, I'm sorry.

Since the Red Moon said so, Shen Lang is a little relieved. He has made up his mind to help Feng Luan expel the poisonous insects, and never see feng Luan again.

Shen Lang sent the driver to the Imperial Hotel.

To the hotel building, Shen Lang got out of the car, into the hotel, to room 1207.

"Come on, come on." The red moon had been waiting nervously at the door of the room for a long time.

Shen Lang walks to the door of the room. The red moon quickly pulls Shen Lang in and closes the door.

Seeing Shen Lang's hands empty, the red moon asked, "Shen Lang, what tools do you need for treatment?"

"No, I have a silver needle."

Shen Lang finished, looked around, but did not find the shadow of Feng Luan.

But this is a suite. Shen Lang thinks Feng Luan may be embarrassed and hides in the room inside.

"Shen Lang, come in quickly." Red moon quickly opened the door of the bedroom inside and waved to Shen Lang.Shen Lang sees the red moon stealthily, can't help but some curiosity, into the bedroom.

"Moon, let me go!"

In the bedroom suddenly came the Feng Luan's Jiao to drink a way, Shen Lang was scared, only see feng Luan is tied in a chair by the red moon, hands and feet are tied tightly.

"Shen Lang, I have given my master Jueqi powder before. Within two hours, she has no resistance. You should treat her as soon as possible." Red Moon said a little nervously.

Shen Lang sweating, he had been wondering how Feng Luan would agree to his treatment, it turned out that the red moon used such a "means".

"Moon, what are you doing? Let me go. " Feng Luan tried to get rid of the rope, and her beautiful face turned red.

Luan Feng said: "you can't go down to the feudal moon, so you can't see the red moon in her eyes."

Seeing Shen Lang walk into the bedroom, Feng Luan finally realizes what Hongyue wants to do. A little flustered appears in her beautiful eyes and struggles: "yue'er, give master an antidote. Master knows you are joking."

Red moon made up her mind last night. She bit her teeth and ignored Feng Luan. She said to Shen Lang on one side, "Shen Lang, please take out the Gu in master's body."

"This..." Shen Lang scratched his head.

See feng Luan two eyes are about to spurt fire, Shen Lang heart a little hesitant. Even if Feng Luan was cured, the woman would still take a sword to cut herself.

"Shen Lang, only you can take out the poisonous insects in master's body. If you stand by, master will die!" The red moon bit her lips, her eyes slightly reddening.

Shen Lang couldn't bear to look at it. He nodded and said, "OK, yue'er, don't worry. I will cure your master."

"Well!" The red moon nodded heavily and looked forward to it.

Feng Luan was flustered. She turned her head and glared at Shen Lang and said, "Shen Lang, I don't need you to take out the Gu in my body. You can leave here for me now."

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