Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 822: 823

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Yi blowing snow has been ready to lose the game, who knows Shen Lang suddenly said: "I admit defeat!"


The audience below was in a state of uproar. Did Shen Lang admit defeat when everyone was optimistic?

"Mr. Shen, are you sure?" Ike looks incredible.

"Sure." Shen zhenglang said.

People were greatly disappointed that they thought there would be a wonderful game of gambling, but they didn't expect to end up with a throw in.

Yi blow snow Zheng Zheng Zheng, and then some complex mood.

"Men really don't have a good thing." While eating grapes, Hua Ziling sneers contemptuously. She thinks that Shen Lang's admission of defeat is to please the beauty of Xuanyin's body.

"Well, why did you just throw in the towel?" FA Jiang is a bit upset. It's clear that Shen Lang can win.

Chris on the other side said with a smile: "with Mr. Shen's present vision, he should not pay attention to the false name of a god of gamblers. That beautiful lady should have something to do with him. Mr. Shen is really a gentleman. "

"Congratulations on the promotion of Miss Yi chuixue from China to the God of gambling The referee announced.

In the public's regret, Shen Lang left the scene.

Yi blowing snow caught up with Shen Lang and bit her teeth. She asked, "Mr. Shen, why do you want me?"

Shen Lang grinned: "Miss Yi, although I don't know why you pursue the name of the God of gambling so much, maybe it's your reason. I don't care about that, so I'll give it to you. "

Yi blow snow face a red, low head bow body way: "Shen childe, thank you."

Naturally, she knew that this was Shen Lang's modest move, but she really needed the false name, and her heart was extremely grateful.

In this way, her wish was fulfilled and she could go back to Lin Hai Tianshan.

"By the way, Mr. Shen, you said you wanted to ask me a question before. You might as well go to the hotel now." Yi blows snow shallow smile.

"Good." Shen Lang nodded.

After that, Shen Lang and Fajiang Chris said hello and left the hall with Yi chuixue.

Hua Ziling sees the situation and is ready to leave the hall.

"Flowers Where are you going, miss flower Fajiang couldn't help asking.

"What does it have to do with you where I go?" Huaziling looks cold.

Fajiang's forehead was cold and sweaty, and he did not dare to express any opinions.

In the middle of the transformation, the authority of the master can really make people breathless.

However, in the heart of Fajiang, he thought secretly that the flower purple spirit would not also be interested in Shen Lang?

In fact, Hua Ziling didn't follow Shen Lang in order to monitor Shen Lang, but she was always a little restless. She was ready to look around to see if there were any potential thieves.

Shen Lang and Yi blowing snow two people to a hotel bedroom, cloud falling snow also followed.

In order not to let the two women feel uneasy, Shen Lang suppresses the breath of her own transformation.

Three people sit on the sofa, Yi blows snow Apricot Lip a Qi, light smile way: "Shen childe has what want to ask, younger sister should know everything."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and asked, "have you ever heard of Shen Canghai in Tianshan, Linhai?"

"Shen Canghai!"

Yi blowing snow and cloud falling snow two people Jiao body a shock.

Seeing the two girls showing shock expression, Shen Lang immediately asked, "do you know Shen Canghai?"

"Mr. Shen, why do you ask this? Who is Shen Canghai Cloud falling snow bit shell teeth, eyes show a trace of vigilance.

"He's my father." Shen Lang said truthfully.


Yi blow snow and cloud fall snow two people are startled, coincidentally exclaim a voice.

"You Are you really the second uncle's son? " The cloud falling snow is full of daze, showing an incredible expression.

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"Second uncle? What do you mean Shen Lang is a wonderful way.

"Mr. Shen, you said that Shen Canghai and our ancestors of the Yi family are friends of life and death, and they become righteous brothers. So as long as they are children of the Yi family, they have to call him "second uncle." She explained.

"Is that true?" Shen Lang stood up, looking very excited.

He was just casually asked, did not expect to really ask his father's whereabouts.

"It is true, of course. Mr. Shen, it's no wonder that I said that you are familiar with your eyes, and you know our family's seven injury fist and snowflake God's palm. It turns out that you are the son of the second uncle! " Yi blow snow, beautiful eyes shine.

Shen Lang was very excited. He directly pressed Yi's shoulder and asked, "where is my father now?"

Seeing that Shen Lang is so close, Yi chuixue's face is red. She is just a girl who has not been taken care of. Her heart beat a little bit faster and said in a soft voice, "that, second uncle..."

Before she finished, yunluoxue had already said it for her: "the second uncle should still be in the family, it's easy to see."

"That's great! Where is Yi's family in Lin Hai Tian Shan? " Shen Lang asked excitedly."Xumi island in the forest sea, Xumi mountain. Mr. Shen, since you are the son of the second uncle, you might as well go back with us. " Said cloud falling snow.

At the moment, she was also completely free from the fear of Shen lang. the person she respected most was her second uncle, who was the son of her second uncle. This estrangement naturally disappeared.

It is mainly because yunluoxue suspected that Shen Lang had learned the skills of the Yi family secretly before yunluoxue. It turned out to be a big Wulong. Since he is the son of the second uncle, everything can be explained.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "no, I'm in a bit of trouble now. I can't go back right now. But I will certainly go to my father. "

Yunluoxue asked: "Mr. Shen, I and Xiaoxue are being watched by the Yin and Yang gate. Can you escort our sisters. Thank you very much

"Yin Yang gate? It doesn't matter. The Yin and Yang gate has been destroyed. " Shen Lang said immediately.

"What?" Yi blowing snow and cloud falling snow are stunned.

Shen Lang told the two women about the destruction of the Yin and Yang gate.

"That's what happened. Although the gate of yin and Yang has been destroyed, I have been watched by the people from the blissful palace of Mount Tianshan in Linhai. I can't go back to Kunlun Mountain for the time being. So, you may not be able to escort you. " Shen Lang sighed.

"Blissful palace!" The two girls were surprised again.

For the first time, they heard that yin and Yang gate is a branch of the blissful palace.

"No!" Cloud falling snow seems to think of something suddenly, his face changed greatly, and exclaimed: "Xiaoxue, it may not be the Yin and Yang gate that is staring at us, but the blissful palace!"

Yi blow snow also immediate reaction comes over, pretty face turns white.

She also wondered why the yin-yang sect sent Wu Xiu to catch her for no reason? They came from the Tianshan Mountains in Linhai, and they should have nothing to do with Kunlun Mountains.

Now, it's mostly about the blissful palace! Because in the past, people from the blissful palace almost caught Yi chuixue, but they were rescued by the elders of the Yi family.

At this moment.

"Pa Pa Pa!" Suddenly, there was a sharp sound of two people breaking into the bedroom.


Cloud falling snow, a Jiao drink.

Shen Lang's face sank. Unexpectedly, there were assassins.

These five people were all the accomplishments of the later period of Wen Jing. They were wearing black robes and long hair. They were not secular people at first sight.

"These two women, give it to me! Catch them A man in black with a jade crown pointed to yunluoxue and yiblowing snow and called out.

Four black robed Wu Xiu rushed towards Yi blowing snow and cloud falling snow.

The two women panicked.

"Looking for death!" Shen Lang's eyes burst out, leaped up from the sofa, and hit seven injuries in mid air.

Countless shadow of Daoquan smashed at the four martial arts practitioners. It was like the tiger roaring mountain forest.

"Boom, boom!"

In just one breathing room, the blood was raging in the bedroom. The four martial arts practitioners were injured by seven injuries all over their bodies. In boxing, their flesh and blood burst and fell directly into the pool of blood.

"A master of transformation!" Wu Xiu, who was wearing a jade crown, was so frightened that he immediately turned his head and ran away towards the window.

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