Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 832: 833

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"Whew, whew!"

The small hole of the dart plate of the child and mother dragon teeth dart open, and countless mica magnet needle cones fly out. It is as dense as a rainstorm, and the cold light is sharp.

Shen Lang leaped forward, clenched the Dragon sparrow knife in his hands, turned a somersault in the air, and cut down heavily with blood.

There was a huge noise. The air of sabre was rampant all over the sky, and sawdust was flying in the woods.

The huge air wave swept around, and the huaziling, which was 100 meters away, was almost lifted by the air wave. It is enough to see how powerful this blow is.

With the sound of dragon chanting and Phoenix beating, Shen Lang not only directly repelled the flying needles and cones, but also shot down the Dragon teeth darts from the air.

With the help of falling spirit talisman, Shen Lang has been able to play some of the power of the Dragon sparrow sword after his cultivation has reached the late stage of the transformation.

Although the child mother dragon tooth dart is not used with martial arts skills, it can be controlled freely by injecting genuine Qi without brain, but it has great limitations.

Generally, the limit of sacristy is very small. The limit of Shen Lang's Dragon sparrow sword is very large. The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the power.

Although Zimu Longya dart is the treasure of the three towns in the blissful palace, its main purpose is not to deal with top experts, but to defend against foreign invasion, which is more suitable for dealing with a large group of martial arts.

After all, the power of this kind of large-scale damage is quite scattered, and the mica magnet needle cone can easily kill a large number of martial arts practitioners who invade the palace gate.

For individuals, the power of this sacred relic is not enough, but for some big families, it is definitely a top-level treasure to resist enemies.

The reason why Lu Rulong lent yuan Hai the sacred weapon of his mother's Dragon tooth dart was that it was very difficult for ordinary sacred vessels to exert their power in the hands of chemical realm martial arts practitioners. However, this sacred weapon, the son Mother Dragon tooth dart, is quite special, which makes its power basically fixed. Even if it is the chemical realm martial arts cultivation, it can also play a very strong power.

Lu Rulong thinks that it is more than enough to use his mother's Dragon teeth darts to deal with the martial arts cultivation in the chemical realm. After all, once the child and mother's Dragon teeth darts are put out, even the martial arts practitioners in the virtual environment have to stay away for a while.

Yuan Hai thought so before, but he never dreamed that Shen Lang could turn into such a horrible monster.

Moreover, after Shen Lang's transformation, he immediately resurrects in situ, full of blood and demons, and his power is greatly increased.

Yuan Hai doubted whether Shen Lang was a monster?

After chopping down his mother and son's Dragon teeth dart, Shen Lang was originally ready to capture yuan Hai alive and become the next soul destroying Gu.

After all, this guy is the law enforcement elder of the blissful palace. He must know a lot of news about the blissful palace, which is of great value.

But Shen Lang soon felt that the golden energy in the center of his brow was rapidly fading, and his heart suddenly felt a Lin.

It seems that the time limit of descending talisman is over!

"No way!"

Shen Lang clenched his teeth, picked up the Dragon sparrow knife and rushed towards yuan Hai.

Yuan Hai was so scared that he ran away without any resistance.

Shen Lang stepped on the illusory light step and instantly caught up with Yuan Hai. Her pale golden eyes burst out with pure light: "die for me!"

As soon as the roar fell, Shen Lang swung his dragon sparrow sword and struck yuan Hai with lightning.

"Huhu" Dao Qi appeared, mixed with the fierce vigorous wind, accompanied by the roaring and raging sound of breaking the air.

Yuan Hai's eyes were wide, and a terrible bloodstain appeared on his body from top to bottom. I don't know when his body has been cut in two.

Shen Lang slapped yuan Hai with one hand in the air, and Yuan Hai's body split into two pieces from the middle, and his flesh and blood were flying wildly.

After killing yuan Hai, the golden energy in Shen langmei's heart suddenly disappeared.

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That is, for a moment, Shen Lang felt as if his strength had been drained.

"Hoo Hoo!"

Shen Lang fell to his knees, gasping for breath, and a burst of severe pain all over his body. The scales on his skin gradually disappeared, and his iron tail and single horn turned into fly ash.

After a few seconds, Shen Lang came back, the color of his skin returned to normal, but his body was still bleeding in three places, and the wounds were still bleeding.

Fortunately, it can change back! Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief. He almost thought he would become a monster forever.

I don't know if it will also bring about some reversals. Shen Lang's head is whirling around and his whole body is sweating. The whole person is nearly prosthetic, and he feels that the last trace of strength in his body has been squeezed out.

In addition to the serious injury just now, Shen Lang's brain couldn't keep awake any longer. He fell to the ground and fainted in the dark.

The falling spirit Rune fell from the chest of Shen Lang, and the silver ornaments and symbols on the rune paper had disappeared. It seemed to be a disposable product, and it lost its efficacy after being used.

One side of the fallen flower purple Ling hard to sit straight body, difficult to lift a breath of true Qi, sealed his blood gushing abdominal and clavicle position.

She was seriously injured, but she did not die.

Before and after Shen Lang changed to kill yuan Hai, Hua Ziling saw it in his eyes.

She didn't know why Shen Lang became so powerful. It was unbelievable, but it did happen.In a word, huaziling secretly congratulated herself for having escaped a robbery. She glanced at the dark waves not far from her eyes.

The breath of Shen Lang is extremely weak. The injured part of the body is still gushing blood. The soil under the body is dyed bright red by blood.

Flower purple Ling Dai eyebrow slightly a frown, if left in this way, this smelly man will probably die of blood loss.

Shen Lang has a lot of treasures on him. The Dragon sparrow sword alone has made people envious. There are also two pairs of son Mother Dragon teeth darts falling from the ground.

As long as you kill this man, all the treasures will be hers.

Hua Ziling had so many experiences in the world of martial arts that she was able to achieve this kind of achievement. Years of experience, her heart has long been practicing ruthless, is a full witch.

In the face of so many treasures, huaziling said it was a lie.

But after all, Hua Ziling sighed and didn't do it.

Cruel as she is, she is not ungrateful.

But for Shen Lang's sudden outburst, he might have become the forbidden vessel and cauldron stove of the master of the blissful palace, and his life would be worse than death.

It may be the resistance in the heart. Hua Ziling can't do anything about Shen Lang, so she stands up and walks slowly.

Then, as soon as the storage ring was bright, she took out the crystal white ice soul pill.

This ice soul pill, huaziling, was meant to eat by herself.

Seeing Shen Lang's appearance of hanging up, Hua Ziling bit his teeth and put ice soul Dan into the man's mouth.

"This girl owes you!"

Lifting up the true Qi, Hua Ziling Su stretched out her hands, and quickly nodded several times at the wound positions of Shen Lang and stopped the blood.

The healing effect of Bingpo pill is very strong. It should be able to prevent the man's internal injury from aggravating.

If Shen Lang is still dead like this, Hua Ziling can't do anything about it. After all, she herself is seriously injured.

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