Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 912: 913

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"Mr. Zhao, if you have nothing else to do, my sister will leave first." Yi blowing snow softly said, she really is not willing to see Zhao Gang more.

"Oh, Miss Yi, wait!" Zhao Gang in the heart of a hurry, immediately stopped Yi blowing snow, and then took out a thing from the sleeve.

It is a beautiful hairpin with brilliant white jade. It is also inlaid with silver ornaments, engraved with birds and fish, and the head of the hairpin is also hung with three bright pearls and jades.

"Miss Yi, before you broke through the middle of the situation, Zhao didn't give a gift. Please accept this small gift." Zhao Gang laughs and hands the jade hairpin to the front.

"Mr. Zhao, I can't accept it!" Yi blow Snow's face changed and he stepped back unconsciously.

A man gives his own jade hairpin, which is used by women. It is too ambiguous for Yi to accept it.

Zhao Gang was a little anxious. He stopped in front of Yi blowing snow and said excitedly: "blowing snow, I Zhao Gang is so devoted to you, why do you always want to hide from me? Am I Zhao Gang, so unbearable in your eyes? "

Yi blow snow big feeling embarrassed, gnash teeth way: "Zhao childe, you are very good, but little sister does not mean to marry."

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, there is no grass in the world. Why bother to blow snow?" One side of the cloud falling snow also a bit can't see.

"Blowing snow, do you still remember the deep waves? Hum, that boy has become a vegetable, just a useless man. There's no need for you to be so concerned. " Zhao Gang's face sank and stopped in front of Yi blowing snow.

There was a commotion in the crowd. Zhao Gang was too obsessed with it. Did he mean it?

Although Zhao Gang looks a little bit two at first glance, he is very skillful in chasing girls. He also can see that Yi chuixue has no interest in him at all, but he is confident that his skills can make up for this defect.

Zhao Jin decided to do his best.

Yi blow snow bit shell teeth, pretty face became a little ugly, this person has been entangled with himself is not a matter, she ruthlessly down the heart, the face turned cold: "Zhao childe, please get out of the way!"


Zhao Gang immediately took out a long sword with chilling light from the storage ring, and handed the handle of the sword directly to Yi chuixue. He said seriously, "Miss Yi, you must have known my mind. Today I Zhao Gang will release my words. Unless you kill me with one sword, I will marry you in this life!"

Zhao Gang's chest was holding the tip of the sword. He put on a dignified expression and stepped forward. The sword unexpectedly stabbed into his chest robe, punctured Zhao Gang's skin and flesh. Blood spilled from his chest and dyed his red robe.


Yi blow snow is shocked, quickly put down the long sword, back a step.

"Mr. Zhao, are you crazy?" Cloud falling snow is also a face change, did not expect Zhao Gang will be infatuated with Yi blowing snow to this point.

It has to be said that Zhao Gang's acting is very similar, Yi blowing snow and cloud falling snow are both stunned.


The crowd was even more turbulent. The Yi family and Zhao family disciples were shocked. Although Zhao Gang was dogged, he really had courage. Other women would have surrendered.

Zhao Gang was secretly pleased. Judging from his years of experience in chasing girls, Zhao Gang felt that his move was invincible, enough to capture the heart of any beautiful woman.

The big deal is a little skin trauma.

Yi blowing snow is really shocked by his hand, but whether Fang Xin has been captured is another matter.

Zhao Gang said seriously: "blowing snow, if you can't accept me, you can kill me, this life, I only belong to you!"

"You Yi blows snow to bite shell tooth, cannot speak.

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Zhao Gang step by step forward, Yi blowing snow panic, step by step back.

"Sister blowing snow, since this guy wants to die so much, you can kill him with one sword!" From the distance of the martial arts arena came an unpleasant cry.

Shen Lang walked quickly with a trace of disdain in his eyes. Zhao Gang was too good to pretend. It was terrible.

The eyes of the crowd immediately turned to the coming waves, and they were shocked.

"Shen Shen Lang? " Zhao Gang Saw Shen Lang, suddenly muddled, suspicious said: "you have become a vegetable?"

"You're a damn vegetable!" Shen Lang, with a black face, hummed, "I'm good now. I'll join the martial arts association of the two clans by the way."

As soon as this was said, there was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

Previously, it was said that Shen Lang was seriously injured and difficult to cure. He became a vegetable. I didn't expect that after half a month, I suddenly appeared, and my body seemed to have recovered.

Many young disciples of the Yi family and Zhao family have heard of Shen Lang's skill for a long time.

This kind of rebellious guy even took part in the martial arts of the two clans. It seems that Zhao Gang's first place was suspended.

Zhao Gang's face was cloudy and clear. He said coldly, "Shen Lang, I'm talking to blowing snow. What's the matter with you

Originally, he thought that he could capture the heart of Yi blowing snow if he tried to be soft and hard for a while. Unexpectedly, this guy destroyed the atmosphere!"Zhao Gang, since you say you like blowing snow sister, why do you want to force her in public? You want to die if you want to. Why impose it on others? Isn't it a disease? " Shen Lang shrugged and said.

"You Zhao Gang's face turned blue and white, and he became angry.

"You what you? Hehe, you're pretending to be quite similar, but at most you'll cheat some little girls. I feel disgusted by the way you're so dogged. " Shen Lang hummed.

"You dare say I pretended?" Zhao Gang was angry and defeated.

"Well, sister blowing snow, Zhao just wants to die, so you can just stab a sword on his chest to see if he can hide or not? If he really dies under your sword, I'll kill him! " Shen Lang said to Yi blowing snow that he didn't have the slightest affection for Zhao Gang.

"Ah?" Yi blowing snow for a while.

Zhao Gang suddenly felt guilty. He was furious and said, "Shen, you talk like crazy. What do you think of me as Zhao Gang?"

"Who? Well, I'm not a good man, or a shameless man The deep waves are not cold, they are not light.

When he came just now, he was naturally upset when he heard Zhao Gang's sarcastic remarks.

"Shen Lang, don't think that last time you won me by chance, I'm afraid of you. Last time, I was careless and not ready! If Zhao Gang was defeated by you, I would not believe Zhao! " Zhao Gang was staring at Shen Lang with anger, and his huge anger surged up. He could not even conceal his strong intention to kill.

"Yes? Then your father will be very sad Shen Lang shrugged.

"You..." Zhao Gang was furious. He knew the meaning of Shen Lang's sarcasm. He clenched his teeth and said, "wait for me!"

Finish saying, Zhao Gang turns to leave.

Yi blowing snow felt relieved and threw away his sword. He bowed to Shen Lang and said, "thank you for your help."

"It's OK."

Shen Lang just laughed, and he casually found a seat at the back of the arena and sat down. He closed his eyes.

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