Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 927: 928

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"If you want to know what you want to know, I promise you will not say anything." Said the captain immediately.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and asked about some things about Phoenix Valley, including fire Jingzhi and other news.

"This Back to the elder, I have been hunting and killing fierce beasts on the periphery of Phoenix Valley for decades. Although there are many natural materials and treasures in Phoenix Valley, I have never heard of fire crystal Zhi. " The captain replied.

Shen Lang frowned.

The book "Lin Hai Tian Shan Yi Wen Lu" is too old. There may have been Huo Jingzhi in ancient times, but it's not sure now. In addition, it's just an ordinary letter. Maybe it's someone else's gossiping.

But in any case, even if there was only one possibility, he would go to the valley to look for it.

"The elder, perhaps the younger generation, is ignorant. There is an underground volcano at the foot of Fenghuanggu mountain. There may be the kind of natural material and treasure you mentioned. " Said the captain.

"Underground volcano? Where is it? " Shen Lang raised his eyebrows.

"It's just a rumor. It's said that the underground volcano is in the center of Phoenix Valley, where there are frequent demons and beasts. No one dares to enter that kind of place." Said the captain, shaking his head.

"It is said that there are fierce monsters in the Phoenix valley. What kind of monsters are they?" Shen Lang asked.

The captain scratched his head and said, "we don't know this. Very few people have gone deep into Phoenix valley. I've heard my elders say that the most powerful monster in Phoenix valley should be a kind of fire python. It's full of fire, and it can spit fire in its mouth. Even ordinary strong people in virtual environment are hard to deal with. "

Shen Lang's heart is awe inspiring. Is this powerful monster in the valley?

"But the fire Python hasn't appeared for a long time. Maybe it's rumors and rumors. The Ling family in Longmen Mountain often has family elders and a group of Ling family disciples coming to Phoenix Valley to catch monsters. If they dare to enter the central part of the valley, the danger is not so high. " Said the captain.

"Ling family?" Shen Lang's face changed slightly and asked in a hurry: "what did Ling family arrest the monster for?"

"Don't you know? There are ten thousand beast pagodas built in the Ling family. At this time of year, they come to the Phoenix Valley to capture a certain number of fierce beasts and monsters, and put them into the ten thousand beast pagoda to feed them. " The captain explained.

"I see!" Shen Lang was relieved.

He has heard of the beast pagoda of Ling family, but he didn't expect that the Ling family would not simply feed them, but would catch wild monsters and fierce beasts in.

It happens that Shen Lang still wants to know about Su Ruoxue. Maybe he can meet Wu Xiu of Ling family in the valley. If he grabs one or two people to ask him, maybe he can ask something.

After that, Shen Lang asked about the Ling family.

It is learned that in May every year, the elders of the Ling family will lead a large number of disciples to the Phoenix Valley to capture large-scale fierce beasts and monsters.

From may spring to summer, it is the breeding period of monsters and fierce beasts in Fenghuang valley. The animals often appear and haunt, so ling Jiaxuan regularly catches them on this day.

The purpose of catching monsters and beasts is only one purpose. Another purpose is to let the elite disciples of the clan come out to experience.

This Phoenix Valley is a natural training place.

After asking for some useful information, Shen Lang bid farewell to the team members and rode a wild horse to the Phoenix Valley in the deep mountain.

Shen Lang was a martial art practitioner in the middle of the transformation period. Naturally, he was not interested in the corpse of the shadow wolf. He didn't care about the aura stone, but he was cheap for a group of team members.

"Captain, we sent it out!" A member of the team said excitedly.

"Yes, the value of this shadow wolf is as high as 5000 aura stones at least!" Another team member said excitedly.

The captain was also in a good mood and said, "this time, we have met a noble man. We're going to collect materials quickly. We're going to attract another shadow wolf. But no one will save us. "


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Shen Lang rode a wild horse into the deep mountain.

The mountain range of Phoenix Valley stretches for thousands of miles. Although it is not as big as sunset forest, it is much more dangerous than sunset forest.

For example, the shadow wolf appeared before. There is no such monster in the sunset forest.

The speed of the wild horse is not slow. After running for about five hours, it enters the mountains of Phoenix Valley and is about to leave the periphery.

After entering the mountain, the speed of the wild horse slowed down, whistling from time to time, the legs were weak and soft, and they were very restless.

Although it has not entered the central area of Phoenix Valley, the wild horses are very afraid of the smell of monsters coming from the valley.

After a while, the wild horse stopped. No matter how Shen Lang waved his whip, he would not go any further.

After all, it's just a horse. The combat effectiveness of the fierce beast and the monster beast is almost zero. For monsters with terrible breath, ordinary animals will instinctively fear.

It's impossible to ride forward.

Shen Lang got off the horse's back and slapped the Mustang's buttocks and said, "brother, play by yourself. I hope you don't get eaten."

The wild horse seemed to understand the words of Shen Lang and ran away. Although the wild horse has no combat effectiveness, other fierce beasts may not be able to catch up with this speed.After releasing the wild horse, Shen Lang takes out the sacred weapon white shadow sword from the storage ring, hangs it on his waist, and heads for the deep mountain.

There were other people before, so Shen Lang didn't show the sacred vessels. Now there is no one in the mountains. You don't have to worry about using them.

Although the white shadow sword is only a low-grade holy weapon, it has doubled his fighting power with the 13 lethal swords.

Along the way, he encountered a lot of fierce beasts, but his strength was not strong. Shen Lang's white shadow sword could easily penetrate the body of the fierce beast.

It's not known whether Shen Lang is lucky or the monsters in the periphery are rare. He didn't meet a monster all the way. It may be an accident that the shadow wolf appeared in the peripheral area before, or he went out to look for food and walked far away.

After a day and a night, Shen Lang crossed the last mountain and finally came to a grand canyon.

This is the real Phoenix Valley!

The outside of the canyon is called the peripheral area. Walking into the canyon, Shen Lang can feel a totally different breath, which is a kind of cold and fierce breath, which makes people shiver.

This should be the evil spirit in the rumor!

It may have something to do with underground volcanoes, where the temperature is sultry. Although it is a canyon, it is surrounded by lush and luxuriant trees, which is no different from the original forest.

Monsters, unlike fierce beasts, are hard to deal with. Shen Lang played the spirit of twelve points and moved forward cautiously.

There is no map in Fenghuang valley. Shen Lang can only rely on his own experience to march towards the middle of the valley. Since there are underground volcanoes in Phoenix Valley, it should be easier to identify.

After a while, the Shen wave came to a place and suddenly stopped.

In front of us is a swamp.

According to his experience, there may be a lot of poisons hidden in this mire, and maybe there are also poisonous scorpions, crocodiles and other large-scale fierce animals.

The detour is estimated to take several hours.

If you want to break through the swamp, you can only fly over with lightness skill, and try not to land on your feet.

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