Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 945: 946

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Su Ruoxue was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "impossible, the strength of Ling family is beyond your imagination. Lingxiao is just outside the beast tower. With our strength, we can't escape. "

Shen Lang said in a deep voice, "don't worry, Xueer. Listen to me."

He told Su Ruoxue about the amulet.

"This Is that true? " Su ruoshue beautiful eyes a bright, unexpectedly have such magical thing, let her have some incredible.

"Of course. But it's hard for us to get out of here just because of this charm. " Shen Lang bit his teeth and suddenly had an idea. He said, "by the way, I have an idea."

"What idea?" Su asked immediately.

"Xueer, do you know Ling Zhengnan of the Ling family?" Shen Lang asked.

"Yes." Su Ruoxue nodded gently, with a trace of surprise on her face. She didn't know why Shen Lang asked this.

Shen Lang said in a deep voice: "Ling Zhengnan has a high-quality holy vessel to escape from life! Xue'er, if you can lead that guy into this Gu room, we two will kill him instantly and take away the top-grade holy ware. We will not be a problem to escape! "

I think of Ling Zhengnan's flying in the air with silver armour and wings. The speed is amazing. It is estimated that he can't even catch up with the martial arts training in the virtual environment.

If you can grab that thing, he and Su ruoshue's chances of success will be greatly improved.

Su Ruoxue is very excited. She dreams of waiting for Shen Lang to come back and leave the nightmare like place together.

Now I finally have a chance. I must take it!

"Well, I'll try to lead Ling Zhengnan to the Gu room." Su Ruo snow pretty face dignified, then said: "you can't move now, I'll help you untie the acupoints first."

"Well." Shen Lang nodded.

Time flies against the clock. Even if they have thousands of words to say, they have no time to say anything else.

Su Ruoxue stretched out his snow-white arm and pressed his right palm in the red field of shenlang's small abdomen to impact the acupoints for him.

Shen Lang points the acupoints by the martial arts cultivation of the virtual environment, and his body's true Qi is blocked and in a passive state.

Although Su Ruoxue only had the cultivation in the early stage of transformation, with her help, Shen Lang should be able to break through the acupoints quickly.

It's only about a quarter of an hour.

As time went by, Ling Xiao and other Ling parents outside the beast tower were getting impatient. They thought that the woman was really in trouble. It had been such a long time since the woman had said anything. When the hell would he have to wait?

When people are impatient, Su ruoshue suddenly comes out of the beast tower.

Su Ruoxue directly stepped forward, bowed to Lingxiao and said, "ancestor, only because Shen Lang is my old acquaintance, I was so excited that I offended you. I'm here to apologize. "

Ling Xiao glanced at her with a cold look and said: "it's OK! Is that all you have to say

"That's it. In fact, Shen Lang didn't mean to offend the Ling family. He had already confessed in the beast tower. Shen Lang said that he only hoped that after his ancestors abolished his cultivation, he would not be angry with him and let him live. " Su ruoshue lowered his head and said.

"Don't worry. The master of my family has promised you before. Naturally, he will die." Ling Xiao waved his sleeve robe.

"Laozu, of course, you are a good talker, but other people are not necessarily."

As soon as the voice fell, Su ruoshue put his eyes on Ling Zhengnan, who was standing beside him. She said, "master Ling, Shen Lang knows that he has the biggest conflict with you. He is afraid that you will retaliate before he abandons his cultivation. He wants to make an apology to you alone. If you can give ruoshue a face, ruoshue is very grateful. "

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Ling Zhengnan's heart is dark and cool. Su Ruoxue seems to have figured it out. Now he can look at himself.

However, Ling Zhengnan said: "make an apology? That boy killed my Ling family's old disciple for so long. This matter can't be solved by an apology. "

Ling Xiao was impatient and exclaimed, "don't talk nonsense! Zhengnan, since that boy wants to apologize to you alone, you can go and waste his elixir field by the way. "

"Yes, grandfather." Ling Zhengnan immediately answered.

Although we can't kill Shen Lang, it's good to destroy him.

Ling Zhengnan's face showed a trace of complacent sneer, thinking that Shen Lang's mouth was still so hard before, but now it has become a big counsellor?

I don't know why Su ruoshue fell in love with that kind of rubbish? Ling Zhengnan is very unbalanced in his heart. He decides to make Shen Lang kowtow and kneel down!

Soon, Ling Zhengnan followed Su Ruoxue into the beast tower.

"Grandfather, do you think this woman can play any tricks?" Ling Zhen walks forward and frowns at Ling Xiao.

In his opinion, Shen Lang's temper is very hard, and he doesn't seem to be a person who will apologize.

"It's just two younger generations. What kind of storm can we make? Su Ruoxue, a cheap girl, is not obedient, but she is of great use to our Ling family. Let's just meet her requirements. " Ling Xiao snorted coldly.

Ling Zhen nodded, also right, here is the beast tower, it is expected that the two younger generation also can not make any movement.Su Ruoxue and Ling Zhengnan entered the Gu room on the first floor of the beast pagoda.

Seeing Shen Lang fall out of the cage like a dead dog, Ling Zhengnan was very happy. He showed a cruel sneer: "ha ha ha ha, Shen, you've got your mother's Day!"

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed. He temporarily suppressed his anger and pretended to be dying. He said weakly, "master Ling, I The injury is too serious, but Maybe you can't speak clearly. You Come along a little. I want to apologize to you

Ling Zhengnan did not doubt that there was fraud. When he saw Shen Lang's humble appearance, he felt very happy. He walked forward with a defiant face and said with a smile: "of course, it's OK to apologize. I'll kowtow to you two times first."

Just as Ling Zhengnan is stepping forward, Shen Lang's eyes have burst out with Jingguang! The distance between them is less than one meter.

Say it quickly!

Shen Lang suddenly jumped up from the ground, and his right arm, which had already been ready to start, sprang up and smashed lingzhengnan's head with all his strength.


Countless Daoquan shadows, like the waves, are hitting Ling Zhengnan.

"Lying trough!" Ling Zhengnan was shocked. Shen Lang just pretended to be too much like him. He didn't react for a moment. He even dared to attack!

The attack came so suddenly that Ling Zhengnan couldn't Parry for a while.

I feel that Shen Lang's fist is too powerful and fast. If he doesn't stop it, his head will be beaten to pieces.

Ling Zhengnan, at least, was also a martial art practice in the later period of the chemical realm. Although Shen Lang's attack came too suddenly, he could barely defend himself.

But just at the moment of Ling Zhengnan's hand, Su Ruoxue in the back suddenly moves!

Her beautiful eyes covered with blood light, I do not know where to take out a short blade, the potential like lightning toward lingzheng South back heart stab!

Before and after the attack, Ling Zhengnan's face changed greatly, and the instant reaction came over, the dog man and woman actually wanted to attack themselves!

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