Godly Isekai Life

Chapter 14: Chapter 12: Plans for tomorrow

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As they went upstairs, they arrived at a long corridor. The floor was covered by a red carpet and there were two doors at each side and one at the end of the corridor. The wooden walls were decorated with some paintings, that looked strangely similar to famous paintings like the Scream or the Mona Lisa, but that were just small details, not worthy of much attention.

"Ok now, here are all the rooms, the one at the end of the corridor is Gaia's and mine since it is the biggest. The other rooms are all the same, so who wants this first one?", explained Hiroki and pointed with his fingers at the first door to his right.

They all talked over each other as they didn't know how to decide who gets to choose first.

Unexpectedly, Eichi suddenly raised his hand and said: "Eehm, if we can't decide, how about we distribute the rooms according to something like our height…sooo since I am the tallest, how about I just take this room?".

Hiroki and Gaia looked at each other with in a very serious look and Asami mumbled: "Ohh, interesting!"

She looked at Eichi and said with a bright smile: "Sure, in that case, this is now Eichi's room." As she said that, a white name tag appeared on the door saying, "Eichi's Room".

They went on with the distribution of the rooms: The first room on the left turned into "Aiko's Room", the second room on the right became "Yasuo's Room". The other one was a spare room for possible guests in the future.

As they entered their rooms they realized, that, though they were really spacy and even had their own baths, there was absolutely no furniture inside it, not even a bed or a mattress to lay on.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, each room has its own bath, but they are still absolutely empty. If you enter the room, on your left, there should be a display, just like the one on the refrigerator. With this, you can decorate your room like you want, with objects from this world but also from earth. While you guys decorate your rooms, Asami and I will go and take a bath, so take your time and do NOT disturb us. Ahh and, don't worry, the walls are soundproof, so even if there were to explode a bomb inside a room, you wouldn't be able to hear it.", said Hiroki. He walked towards Gaia and picked her up and princess-carries her to their room.

Gaia let out a loud "Ahhh" and blushed as she was carried towards their room.

Hiroki's friends were silent as they didn't know how to react. Though they all thought the same thing.

'Dude, why are they so crazy… I hope they don't act like this every goddamn day.'

Yasuo broke the silence and said: "Well, let's just ignore these two and decorate our rooms!"

They agreed and disappeared into their rooms.


2 hours later


After about two hours they met each other in the living room as Hiroki's friends came down from upstairs.

As they arrived in the living room, Hiroki was about to doze of while sitting on the sofa. And as they saw him, a great idea came into their mind.

"Let's scare the shit out of him and get our revenge hehe.", they whispered.

But what they didn't realize at the time was, that as soon as they entered the living room, Hiroki had already sensed their presence and was fully awake, thus he also knew about their brilliant plan.

'Oh so you want to scare me, well seems like I need to teach you guys a lesson.'

AS his friends came closer and closer to him, waiting for the perfect moment to scare him, they cautiously watched Hiroki's closed eyes as to not wake him up.

As they were about to scare him, Hiroki suddenly opened his eyes and screamed: "Hey watcha watching?"

They got really scared and jumped high into the air.


They screamed and Hiroki began to lough. You could even hear Gaia's laugh coming from the kitchen.

Hiroki looked at them with satisfaction in his eyes:" Well, seems like you learnt an important lesson: never try to scare me or else it will take a bad turn."

As they calmed down, Hiroki's attention shifted towards the more important topic.

"Have you already finished decorating your rooms? I thought that due to the big variety of furniture you guys would take a lot longer."

"No way, I decorated it just like my room on earth… I was too lazy to look for something different", answered Aiko. Eichi and Yasuo agreed.

They were interrupted by gaia as she appeared from the kitchen and said: "Let's eat, I made some curry!".

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They went to the table and sat down. While eating, Yasuo brought up the topic of them going temporarily back to earth tomorrow.

"How are you going to bring us back to earth I mean, we are on a different planet now."

"Well good morning little Yasuo, did you still not understand that I'm omnipotent? Teleporting something between different worlds and dimensions is as easy as punching Aiko in the stomach.", Hiroki said.

"Heeey, that's not a nice thing to say", said Aiko, who was sitting next to him.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Aiko cramped together.

"Ouch, what the hell", he let out cries of pain.

Eichi looked at Hiroki: "Yo, why did you just punch him. Why would you do that?"

Yasuo looked perplexed at Eichi.

"What? There's no way he did that. I saw nothing.", he said.

Hiroki and Gaia look each other in the eyes and start grinning, obviously pleased with the current situation. Though they already knew what was going on beforehand, it was as if they wanted to see it with their own eyes, they wanted to confirm that Eichi was already one step ahead of the others, and thus Hiroki punched Aiko into the stomach. You could say it was an experiment.

A few seconds later, Aiko interrupted Hiroki's and Gaia's staring.

"Dude, say something."

"Ahh sorry I was in my mind. Yes, I hit you. Is that a satisfying answer?"


"Well, I said teleporting you guys to earth is as easy to punch you in the stomach, so I had to demonstrate it.", said Hiroki giving him the thumbs up.

"Anyways, why don't we talk about our plans for tomorrow.", he switched the topic again.

"Ok!", they all agreed.

"Listen, I'm going to explain it to you real quick and just once. I'll explain it in a way even the dumbest among us, which btw the way is Yasuo-"

His speech was interrupted as he got bonked onto the head by Gaia's fist several times.

"Ouch, ouch, ok, ok, I get it, stop!"

He tried once again: "Ok so, I'll explain it to you so even the dumbest among us, which obviously ISN'T Yasuo, can understand it:

Step 1: Tomorrow morning we wake up at around 7 a.m. and then we eat breakfast and get ready.

Step 2: I create 2 doppelgangers of myself and each one pairs up with one of you guys. Aiko and Eichi pair up with just one clone since they are brothers.

Step 3: Me and my doppelgangers are going to teleport you guys back to earth to your parents, who strangely will have to stay at home since they didn't feel so good. (It will be my doing, hindering them to go to work)

Step 4: You talk to your parents about living here, if they don't agree, then me or my doppelganger will show them my powers and convince them.

Is that clear?"

"Yes!", answered Yasuo.

"Ok, then since we all are finished, let's head to bed, tomorrow will be an exciting day.", said Hiroki.

As they stood up, Gaia put her hand above the table and all the dishes disappeared.

"Let's go", she smiled.

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