Gohan’s Multiversal Travels

Chapter 10: Vol: 2 Ch: 9: Buggy The Clown

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“I am the first mate of the Buggy Pirate Crew, Beast Tamer Mohji and I’ll make you guys regret going against us… Richie!!” The white bear-haircut man said as he climbed on top of a giant lion, who came running to his side.

“First mate? … that usually means he’s the second strongest person on the crew.” Gohan thought looking at Mohji as he charged towards him. “…hopefully he’s a worthy opponent.” Gohan thought as he dropped into his fighting stance. “He doesn’t seem to be that strong… but I know better than to judge a book by its cover… he could be stronger than he seems.”

“… you’re a fool, if you think you can beat the both of us… Richie let’s show him why it’s foolish to go against the Buggy Pirates!” Mohji shouted as he closed in on Gohan.

Gohan watched as Richie jumped into the air trying to crush Gohan, but Gohan sidestepped out of the way, then jumped into the air, punching Mohji in the face followed by a swift kick to Richie’s side a few seconds later sending them both flying through a building.

“… wait that’s it?  man, that was a big letdown, I was hoping for something more.” Gohan sighed after seeing neither of them getting out of the lion and human shaped holes in the building. “… Alright who’s next?” Gohan asked turning around to face Buggy and Cabaji.

“Hey, you already fought someone it’s our turn now!” Luffy shouted.

“What? That guy doesn’t—” Gohan started saying.

“I am Acrobat Cabaji, Chief of Staff, and you will pay for your transgression against the Buggy Crew.” Cabaji said interrupting him as he charged towards Gohan on a unicycle armed with a sword.

Gohan quickly got ready to counterattack but Zoro appeared in front of him blocking Cabaji’s sword with his katana, “If it involves swords, I’ll be your opponent.” Zoro said with a grin pushing Cabaji back, “If you don’t mind?” Zoro asked glancing back at Gohan.

“… no go ahead Luffy’s right it’s only fair we each fight someone, since there’s no one else.” Gohan said sighing.

“Thanks.” Zoro said pulling off his black bandana before tying it onto his head and stepping forward to face Cabaji.

Gohan nodded as he walked to stand next to Luffy, where he closed his eyes trying to sense how Nami was doing. Gohan sensed that she was fine and that there was only one person near her location but that person seemed to be sleeping so he decided to keep an eye on her to make sure nothing happened to her.  


“You are the Bounty Hunter, Roronoa Zoro it’s an honor, as a fellow swordsman I look forward to killing you.” Cabaji said smiling at Zoro.

“… we’ll see if you have the skills to back up that claim.” Zoro said pulling out a second katana.

Cabaji smiled before rushing to attack Zoro again, but Zoro blocked it again, Cabaji followed up by pulling down the scarf covering his face and breathing fire in Zoro’s face, “Acrobat technique Fire Trick” Zoro dropped to his knees holding his singed face when Cabaji swiftly kicked him in the chest sending Zoro sliding backwards.

“Acrobat technique Murder at the Steam Bath” Cabaji said following up with a second attack not giving Zoro time to recover. Cabaji started spinning his sword against the ground creating a cloud of dust that blocked Zoro’s line of sight which Cabaji used an overhead swing to try and attack Zoro again, but Zoro blocked the attack again, where Cabaji countered with another kick to Zoro again.

“That’s enough I’m tired of dealing with you and your cheap tricks, let me show you the difference between my skill and yours.” Zoro said rolling onto his feet.

“… fine have a taste of one of my ultimate attacks Acrobat techniques one hundred tops typhoon.” Cabaji shouted as he reached into his vest throwing lots of spinning tops at Zoro who quickly cut them all. “Acrobat technique Wall Riding” Cabaji shouted turning around and riding up a nearby building launching himself into the air.

“Acrobat technique Midsummer Firecrackers Ignition… Direct Stab.” Cabaji said pointing his sword down as he was hovering over Zoro.

“Ground Runner Bara-Bara Cannon!! I’ll hold him in place while you finish him off Cabaji!” Buggy yelled as one of his hands separated from his body flying towards Zoro.

“Don’t interfere with Zoro’s fight!” Luffy shouted causing Gohan to open his eyes to see one of Buggy’s hand had separated from his body and Luffy was standing a few feet behind Zoro standing on top of it, while Buggy was yelling in pain holding his arm.

“… so, he’s the one with the devil fruit power and by the looks of it, it allows him to separate parts of his body, but he still feels anything that happens to the parts that are separated. I wonder if there’s any limit to it?” Gohan thought to himself as he watched Buggy’s hand reattach with his body after Luffy let it go.

“So, you ate a Devil Fruit too?” Gohan asked looking at Buggy.

“Yes, I ate the Bara-Bara fruit, I’m a Splitting Man, I can split any part of my body and move it however I want, all.” Buggy said looking at them.

“That’s it I’m done.” Zoro said standing back up after dodging Cabaji’s attack.

“Haha… so you are finally giving up.” Cabaji said laughing at Zoro.

“No… I’m just tired of wasting my time dealing with trash like you with no real skills.” Zoro said glaring at Cabaji as he pulled out his third katana placing it between his mouth.

“… fine let me show you my real sword skills.” Cabaji said pointing his sword forward and charging towards Zoro on his unicycle.

Zoro crossed two of his katana across his chest, with the third one horizontal behind them, “ONI… GIRI!!” Zoro shouted as he attacked Cabaji cutting him diagonally across his chest.

“Damn it… the Buggy crew defeated by some small-time bounty hunters.” Cabaji said as blood spurted out as he passed out.

“We aren’t bounty hunters… we’re pirates!” Zoro said turning to look at Buggy.

“You guy’s are pirates?” Buggy asked shocked.

“Yeah… now hand over your map of the grand line.” Luffy said with a smile.

“… That’s not a place where some nameless pirates can go, like you three can go. What’s the plan if you do make it, go sightseeing or something.” Buggy said laughing.

“No, I’m gonna become King of The Pirates!!”  Luffy said confidently.

Buggy’s head tilted to the side in shock, “… You can’t be serious, there’s only one person who can become King of The Pirates and that’s the person who gathers all the worlds treasure, and that’s going to be me!!!”

“Shut up and let’s fight, you’re annoying.” Luffy said grabbing his arm and looking at Buggy with a grin.

“Seeing that straw hat of yours reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago. That damn red-haired guy.” Buggy said pulling out eight knives and holding them in between his fingers.

“Red-haired… wait are you saying that you know Shanks?” Luffy asked.

“Yeah, I knew him once… what about it?” Buggy asked.

“Do you know where he is now?” Luffy asked eagerly.

“… maybe I do and maybe I don’t.” Buggy said rubbing his chin.

“What are you talking about, are you stupid?” Luffy asked staring at Buggy.

“What I’m saying is that I’m not nice enough of a guy to just tell you anything you want to know.” Buggy said rising one of his hands with a grin.

“Fine I guess I’ll have to force you to tell me.” Luffy said grabbing his bicep again grinning at Buggy.

“… Luffy, since he’s the last one we’ll leave him to you.” Zoro said walking up and sitting down next to Gohan.

“That’s fine I’ll take care of Buggy.” Luffy said turning to look at him with a grin.

“You shouldn’t take your eyes off your opponent, Bara-Bara Windmill” Buggy shouted as knives appeared out of the ends of his shoes as he launched the lower half off his body towards Luffy.

Luffy jumped into the air dodging the attack, “I bet you can’t dodge in the air.” Buggy shouted as he threw his knives at Luffy.

“You’re wrong.” Luffy said as he stretched out his arm grabbing onto a nearby pillar pulling himself out of the way of the knives.

“Hmm… Luffy’s not that bad.” Gohan mumbled as he watched the lower half of Buggy’s body return and reconnect with his upper half.

“You’re not half bad.” Buggy said as he watched Luffy.

“Thanks, you’re not too bad yourself, now Gum-Gum Pistol!” Luffy shouted throwing a punch stretching out his arm, but Buggy sidestepped dodging the attack.

“That’s not a bad ability but it leaves you too open for attack, I’ll cut you to shreds.” Buggy said with a grin as he pulled out another knife to try and cut Luffy’s arm, but he didn’t notice that Luffy grabbed onto a tree behind him which he used to pull himself towards Buggy.

Luffy tried to clothesline Buggy, but he quickly separated his head from his body causing Luffy to go flying into the debris of the pub. “Damn you keep separating into sections.” Luffy said as he climbed out of the debris placing his straw hat back onto his head.

“Bara-Bara Cannon!” Buggy shouted as his hand separated from his wrist flying towards Luffy, who quickly caught it before he was stabbed in the neck, “Separate!” Buggy shouted as his wrist separated into smaller parts cutting Luffy in the face as he quickly dodged the attack.

Luffy fell to the ground, he sat back up with blood running down his face as he picked up his straw hat that fell off staring at it, “YOU BASTARD!!” Luffy shouted glaring at Buggy.

“What I wasn’t supposed to scratch your face or something?” Buggy said mockingly.


“Oh really is that hat so special?” Buggy asked with a smirk.

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“Yes, it is.” Luffy said glaring at Buggy.

“Really… then you should protect it better.” Buggy said with a grin as the hand floating behind Luffy threw a knife at him, but he dodged it, but Buggy followed up the attack by sending his hand flying to stab the hat that was still in Luffy’s hand. Buggy brought the hat to him as he reconnected his hand with the rest of his body. “What sort of treasure looks this, it’s worthless.” Buggy said laughing as he held up the straw hat by the knives in his hand.

“Shut Up! When Shanks gave me that hat, we made a promise to each other.” Luffy said furiously.

“… What this is Shanks hat?!” Buggy asked shocked as he stopped laughing to get a better look at the hat, “No wonder it looked so familiar. He always wore this around me when we were pirates in training… that damn red-haired bastard!”  Buggy shouted as he threw the hat on the ground and began to stomp on it.

“Shanks is a great man, don’t ever compare yourself to him!” Luffy shouted as he got up and charged towards Buggy in anger holding his bicep looking like he was trying to clothesline Buggy again.

Buggy saw that and separated his head from his body again but Luffy faked Buggy out and kicked him in the stomach instead knocking him on his back, “Damn it how dare you treat my treasured hat like that!!” Luffy said glaring at Buggy.

“I don’t know what type of relationship you have with Shanks, but I can speak of him however I want. That bastard cost me an enormous amount of treasure, I’ll never forgive him.” Buggy said getting back up after trying to attack Luffy again.

“… what happened between you two?” Luffy asked as he got back up after dodging Buggy’s attack.

“You really want to know?” Buggy asked standing back up as well, “Well then I’ll tell you.”

Gohan noticed Nami was nearby before she quickly walked away, Gohan looked at Zoro to get his attention but noticed that he had fallen asleep Gohan decided not to wake him as he decided to follow Nami.


Gohan found Nami trying to unlock a warehouse with a key, he decided that he didn’t want to scare her, so he walked towards her with loud footsteps, but she still ended up jumping turning around to see him waving at her with a smile. “Are you trying to scare me to death, I thought you were busy fighting Buggy’s crew.” Nami said glaring at him.

“There were only three guys left and I defeated my guy then Zoro defeated his guy, which leaves Luffy to fight Buggy so there was nothing else for me to do, so I decided to see if you needed help.” Gohan said with a shrug. “Oh, yeah did you find the map?”

“… yes, I did.” Nami said patting her chest with a smile. “Now keep watch while I finish opening this warehouse to steal the rest of Buggy’s treasure.”


“… Sure, no problem as long as you remember to leave some behind for the towns people.” Gohan said watching the message appear in front of his face before looking at her as she put the key into the padlock, turning it and unlocking it.

“Don’t worry I will leave some behind… Success now let’s see what Buggy’s got in here.” Nami said as she walked into the warehouse. Gohan followed behind her looking around for anything familiar from his home world but all he saw was a lot of gold, jewels, a couple of treasure chest, and other valuable things in the warehouse.

“… wow.” Gohan whistled as he took in the surroundings.

“Yeah, and it’s all mine.” Nami said with a grin, Gohan coughed at what she said looking at her, “… I mean after I leave some for the town so they can rebuild. Now hurry up and help me pack this stuff.” Nami said as she gave him an empty sack to hold while she filled it up with the loot.

Gohan looked around trying to see what reward he got from completing the task, he ended up staring at Nami’s exposed legs, his eyes traveling up to Nami’s round ass, “Hmm… not bad… WAIT NO! I shouldn’t be staring. What’s gotten into me.” Gohan thought as he shook his head trying to clear his mind.

“Hey, Gohan what do you think this is?” Nami called out to him holding something in her hands, Gohan walked over to her and saw she was holding something in her hands that he hadn’t seen in years it was his father’s old Power Pole. “It looks like some type of staff, but I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

Gohan picked it up and looked at it fondly losing himself in a memory of himself playing with it as a kid as his mom, dad, and grandpa laughed, “… Gohan are you ok?” Nami asked looking at him with concern.

“… yeah, why do you ask?” Gohan replied trying to keep his voice steady.

“… you’re crying Gohan; you recognize it don’t you?” Nami asked.

Gohan reached out and touched his cheek and felt that they were wet from the tears that were falling down his face, “… yeah it belonged to my dad…” Gohan said drying his tears, before tying the Power Pole to his back, “You ready to go?”

“… yeah, that’s fine.” Nami said looking at him like she wanted to ask him something but decided against it. “Follow me to where I have another sack of treasure hidden and we’ll give it to the mayor ok.” Nami said tying and picking up the sack of treasure heading out of the warehouse.

“… ok let’s go.” Gohan said as he followed Nami out of the warehouse.


Gohan and Nami made their way back towards where Luffy and Buggy were still fighting and where Nami hid another sack of treasure, “… That’s why I promised myself that if I can’t have any treasure under the sea then I’ll take all the treasures above the seas. I also promised myself that I wouldn’t let anyone who touches my treasure live.” Buggy shouted as the upper half of his body charged towards Nami.

Gohan appeared in front of Nami, getting ready to punch Buggy but Buggy stopped midway because Luffy had kicked him in the stomach. “Damn you that hurt!” Buggy’s voice cried out turning to glare at Luffy.

“You should focus on me.” Luffy said looking at Buggy with a grin.

“… let’s see how you defend her against this… Bara-Bara Festival!” Buggy shouted as his entire body split into multiple parts and all charged towards Nami and Gohan.

“Sorry about this.” Gohan said grabbing Nami by her waist and pulling her close to him as he vanished reappearing next to a sleeping Zoro.

“… what happened? How did we get here so fast?” Nami asked looking around seeing that they were no longer in the same place.

“It’s something called rapid movement.” Gohan said as he let her go catching a quick whiff of a something that smelled like tangerines. “Sorry about putting my hands on you without permission.”

“… it’s alright you saved me from Buggy.” Nami said giving him a reassuring smile.

“What how did you get over there so quick?” Buggy shouted finding them in a different location, flying towards them.

Gohan noticed that Buggy’s feet weren’t flying like the rest of his body parts, Luffy also noticed this and went to grab one of them he took off its shoe and started ticking it, pinching it, and slamming it on the ground.

Buggy felt everything that was done to his foot as he turned to Luffy yelling, “STOP THAT!!”  

“I told you that I’m your opponent.” Luffy said as he held Buggy’s foot and kept attacking it, before letting it go.

“Gohan here hold this really quick.” Nami said giving him the sack of treasure and running away before he could say anything.

“That’s enough! Bara-Bara Parts Assemble!” Buggy cried out, but the only parts that came back to him was only his hands and feet. “WHAT!?”

“Looking for these.” Nami said as she appeared with the rest of Buggy’s body parts all tied up with rope.

“MY PARTS!!” Buggy yelled.

“Way to Go Nami!” Luffy and Gohan said laughing.

“My turn… Gum-Gum Bazooka!!” Luffy cried out as he threw his arms back stretching them all the way back before they snapped back hitting Buggy sending him flying far into the sky.

“Wow!! You sure sent him flying.” Gohan said appearing next to Luffy’s hat picking it up, “Here you go... sorry.” Gohan said giving him a small smile handing him his hat.

“… thanks.” Luffy said grabbing it and giving Gohan a small nod.

“Sorry about your hat.” Nami said seeing the cuts in the hat.

“… it’s alright I can still put it on.” Luffy said.

“… something about his attitude reminds me of my father.” Gohan thought as he watched Luffy put the hat back on smiling.

“… I can fix it for you later if you want.” Nami said looking away from Luffy.

“… what did you say?” Luffy asked turning to look at her.

“Never mind it was nothing.” Nami said shaking her head, walking up to Gohan and taking the bag of treasure from him, “I can probably sell this treasure for about 10 million berries.” Nami said with a smile as she held up both bags of treasure.

“Which one are you giving to Boodie?” Gohan asked her.

“… it doesn’t matter which one I give him since they’re both about equal in value.” Nami said holding them both up.

“Ok, good because him and the villagers are almost here.” Gohan said.


(AN: This chapter is longer than I had planned because I wanted to end the Buggy fight here instead of dragging it on into the beginning of the next one, which will have them leaving the island. I had trouble deciding on what item to give Gohan for completing the task, I had something else planned but I decided on giving him that item later in the story. So, I ended up deciding on giving him the Power Pole for a few reasons that will be brought up as the story goes on.)

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