Gohan’s Multiversal Travels

Chapter 2: Vol: 1 Ch: 1: Death is Only The Beginning

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Gohan was laying down on a rocky mountain in wasteland resting after a quick sparring session with Trunks. Gohan was gazing at the clouds floating overhead as Trunks looked down towards the ground, “… Gohan what am I doing wrong?” Trunks asked turning to look at Gohan. Gohan sat up and looked at Trunks, “You are my teacher… please tell me what am I doing wrong, why can’t I transform?” Trunks asked, almost pleading.

Gohan could see the frustration in Trunks’ eyes, Gohan had been training with Trunks trying to get him to transform into a Super Saiyan he hadn’t been able to transform. Gohan could tell that Trunks was close, but he lacked the motivation he needed one final push, “Trunks, you can do it, I know you can… you just need to find the right motivation, to give you that final push. Before you ask my motivation is thinking about everything the androids have done and all the people they’ve killed, Piccolo, Krillin, and all the countless innocents. Then I use the pain and frustration I feel from that as motivation, and I turn all that pain and frustration into rage. I do this by telling myself that I don’t want that to happen again, that I need to do everything in my power to stop that from happing again then I feel a dam break, and then…” Gohan explained when he was interrupted by a flash of light followed by more coming from the horizon.

Gohan and Trunks quickly stood up as more explosions appeared on the horizon engulfing parts of a city in the distance, “This is ridiculous…” Trunks said angrily.

“Damn those two.” Gohan said as he felt his anger rising, “AAHH!!” Gohan shouted as he transformed into a Super Saiyan, “Trunks stay here.” Gohan said looking at him.

“W-hat… no Gohan you can’t go alone.” Trunks said shaking his head.

“Trunks listen to me I need you to stay here, no matter what happens.” Gohan said looking at Trunks.

“No way Gohan… I’m not letting you go by yourself.” Trunks said shaking his head and moving in front of Gohan.

“Trunks you have to stay here, I won’t be able to fight at my full strength if my focus is split ono the battle and on protecting you… you are a liability.” Gohan said looking down at Trunks.

“… Please Gohan take me with you, I’m stronger than the last time we fought them, also… you can’t fight them by yourself not with your injury.” Trunks said glancing at Gohan’s missing left arm, as the wind blew making the sleeve flap.

“… Fine Trunks you win, lets go and show those androids not to mess with us.” Gohan said sighing at Trunks.

“… Thanks Gohan, I promise I won’t let you down.” Trunks said with a wide grin before turning his back to Gohan and faced the city.

Gohan lifted his right arm and chopped Trunks in the back of his neck knocking him out, Gohan quickly caught him and slowly placed him on the ground. Gohan looked down at Trunks with a small smile, “… Sorry Trunks but if something happened to you, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. You’re still not ready yet… if I don’t make it back it will all be up to you.” Gohan sighed before closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, then exhaling, before opening his eyes and looked at the city with determination. Gohan headed towards the city as more explosions appeared.


The first thing Gohan smelled was the heavy smoke in the air from the various things on fire, Gohan knew all he had to do is follow the explosions knowing that’s where he would find the androids. Gohan saw many buildings on fire, toppled over, and in some cases reduced to nothing but rubble. There were also bodies of poor souls who couldn’t escape in time, some with bloody holes in them, missing limbs, burnt skin, some missing half of their bodies, and others buried under rubble.

Gohan felt his anger rising as closed his eyes taking a deep breath before exhaling and speeding up, heading towards where he saw two more flashes of light that Gohan knew came from energy blasts. Gohan saw them before they saw him, 17 was standing on top of a ruined building he had his arms on his waist laughing. 17 then turned to look at 18 who was sitting on rubble behind 17. Gohan used the moment 17 turned his back to look at 18 to drop kick 17 in the face sending him flying into the building behind him.

Gohan landed on the ground facing 18 as 17 fell through the building, emerging from the bottom with his clothes torn and a few scrapes, he glared at Gohan while 18 laughed pointing at 17, “Haha!!! He recked your shit.”

“… I hope you’re happy with that entrance, because that just cost you your life, but I’m glad you’re here because now me and 18 can have a tie breaker.” 17 said with a grin.

“I don’t know 17 there seems to be something different about him, he doesn’t seem as armed as last time.” 18 said as she landed behind Gohan with her arms crossed.

“You know what I think you’re right 18 it looks like this fight won’t be much of a handful.” 17 said with a smirk, “Oh, well it’s too bad, you are still going to die today.” 17 said as he started walking towards Gohan.

“… You won’t win in the end, you can’t destroy what I really am, even if you do kill this body someone even stronger will take my place.” Gohan said as he kept glancing at both androids as they walked towards him. “You will pay for each and every death you’ve caused.” Gohan said as he powered up seconds before 17 and 18 launched themselves at him.

Gohan fired an energy blast into the ground, creating a smokescreen as he flew into the air quickly followed by 17 and 18. They soon flew level with Gohan before passing him as they charged up an attack both of their hands glowed with a yellow light as they threw the blasts at Gohan. Gohan quickly pushed his energy outwards creating an energy shield to block the attacks, that exploded on impact surrounding Gohan in smoke.

Gohan heard some rushing towards him he saw a quick flash of blonde as he used his palm to block a punch that 18 had thrown at him, 17 then attacked him from behind sending Gohan towards 18 who punched him sending him crashing into the ground. Gohan quickly recovered as he backflipped out of the way as 17 and 18 quickly stomped the area where Gohan landed.

Gohan fired an energy beam towards them as soon as he gained some distance from them, where they stood next to each other and fired their own beam at Gohan’s. The two beams collided with each other; Gohan struggled as he tried to overpower their attack as it slowly pushed him back. Gohan dug deep within himself as he poured more energy into his attack making it overpower 17 and 18’s attack.

Gohan’s attack sent them both flying backwards as they were sent sliding across the ground, in separate directions. Gohan quickly flew into the air and tried to launch an attack at 17 but 17 fired a blast at Gohan who quickly knocked it way only for 17 to punch him in the face. Gohan quickly tried to put some distance between him and 17 as he jumped backwards firing energy blasts but 18 appeared behind him trying to attack him.

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Gohan had to stop his attack on 17 to defend himself, Gohan managed to dodge 18’s attack just as one of Gohan’s blasts hit 17, Gohan vanished and appeared above 18 and elbowed her in the head knocking her down. Gohan then quickly grabbed her ankle and flew up then charged back down towards the roof of a building and slammed her into the building. Gohan then charged up his energy trying to blast her but 17 came to her rescue making Gohan dodge where he flew down towards the ground where 17 and 18 soon joined him.

They glared at Gohan as they wiped a little blood from the corner of their mouth, Gohan glared back at them as he powered up even more, this caused pink lighting to appear in his Super Saiyan aura, soon there was the sound of rumbling. The sky darkened as flashes of pink light lit up the dark sky, Gohan felt the first drop of rain hit him which was soon followed by a downpour of rain.

“This is the perfect setting for your end.” 17 said as he and 18 walked towards Gohan as flashes of pink light continued to light up the sky followed by a deep rumbling sound.

“I’ve already told you that even if you do kill me, it won’t be the end.” Gohan said looking at them.

17 and 18 glanced at each other before 17 moved in front of 18 blocking Gohan’s view of her, as they launched themselves at him. They attacked Gohan from both sides as he quickly vanished and countered by attacking 17 but that left him open for 18 to punch him in the face.

Gohan then flew backwards as 17 and 18 followed attacking him with a flurry of punches, Gohan did his best to block them, but it was four arms against one. 17 then moved towards Gohan’s side as 18 kept up her attack on him, 17 then appeared and swept his foot under Gohan tripping him.

Gohan managed to recover his footing as he quickly flew into the air trying to put some distance between them knowing that he couldn’t beat them with how they were fighting. Gohan flew in between two buildings with 17 and 18 following close behind him, they both fired energy blasts destroying some of the building causing some rubble and smoke to fall towards him.

Gohan braced himself to fly though the rubble when 17 and 18 ran into him from behind sending him crashing into a walkway nearby where they flew into the air looking down at him, they both charged up energy blasts. They then released a barrage of energy blasts at Gohan, this was the moment that Gohan knew that this was where his life would end, “… This is it... it’s all up to you now Trunks… I’m sorry, I wish I could have done more.” was the last thought Gohan had before everything went dark.


The first thing Gohan noticed when he regained consciousness was that he was laying on his back on something flat, he then opened his eyes and saw that he was in a dark void he slowly sat up and looked around. “Where am I?” Gohan asked himself as he took in his surroundings, but he couldn’t see anything but darkness.

“… The last thing I remember is fighting the androids and then them killing me.” Gohan mumbled as he stood up. “This doesn’t look anything like what my dad said the Otherworld looks like.”

“You’re right, you are dead, but you haven’t passed on completely.” A deep voice said echoing around Gohan.

“Who’s there?” Gohan said as he jumped into a fighting stance looking around, trying to sense anyone around him but he couldn’t.

“Calm yourself young warrior, I mean you no harm.” The voice echoed

“Show yourself then.” Gohan said trying to locate where the voice was coming from but unable to.

“That was the plan, but first some light.” The voice said as Gohan heard a snap followed by a flash of light that temporarily blinded Gohan. Gohan looked around once he was able to see again and found himself standing on white marble tiles, it looked like he was somewhere high in the sky because he saw a blue sky and white clouds. Gohan heard footsteps behind him causing him to turn around and see there were trees around him and some buildings, they were white, with gold, and a pink awning there were four pillars surrounding the buildings.

“I’ll be there shortly.” The voice said as Gohan heard the footsteps and saw that they were coming from the building in front of Gohan, he couldn’t see who it was because the entrance was covered in darkness, so he waited for whoever spoke to him not dropping his guard.

From the darkness someone emerged that surprised Gohan to the point where he dropped his guard and was struck silent for a few minutes until the person had managed to make it in front of him. This was someone Gohan had never expected to see again, because he hadn’t seen them in so many years, that Gohan had believed that they had died, like all the others.

It took Gohan a few minutes before he found his voice, “… Mr.… Popo?”


(AN: The first chapter is done, and I enjoyed writing it and I hope that you guys enjoyed reading it, and that you guys look forward to this story. I will be working on this fanfic for the rest of December; the new update schedule that I am planning on implementing from this time forward is to upload chapters after I’m done proofreading them.

One of the problems I have been struggling with when doing batch releases, is that I don’t proofread them until I’m about to post everything at once and that leads to me sometimes second guessing myself. I will add more things, change something, and sometimes scrap the chapter completely which sometimes leads to me rewriting the next couple of chapters which then leads to me pushing back the updates.

A little heads up the next chapter will be filled with a lot of dialogue which will be important because Gohan will get to ask his questions and hopefully get some answers.)

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