Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic

Chapter 301: -302

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「I’m home!」

I went back home with Elena.

However, it would be a problem.

Magic have been finally seen.

Moreover, we went back home using [Teleportation].

It wasn’t possible to come back walking when the police was flocking outside the church, right?

「Sorry, Seiji-sama. Even though you told me that I mustn’t use magic in public……」

「Since there were injured people in front of you, it can’t be helped.」

However, since [Nancy Jewelry] and [Arc・Gold] were on bad terms, it went this far, huh?

The mafia, too, what are they trying to do?

Did they get money from [Arc・Gold] enough to do something like this?

I peeked into the mastermind, [Gold]’s situation using [Tracking Beacon], but…… he was restlessly walking back and forth inside his office; he seemed to be waiting for a message from someone.

Hmmm, there seems to be something more to this matter.

When I was thinking about such a thing-

The [Vigilance] magic noisily notified me of the [danger] again.

Who is it this time?

It was Hilda and Megumi-chan this time.

The two people wore sailor suits. (Ehh?)

And then, they are surrounded by baseball club members. (Ehh??)

It seems the place is the high school where Megumi-chan goes to.

What kind of situation is this??

As soon as I thought that, [guys wearing black from head to toe] with rifle in hand surrounded the baseball club members.

The members of the baseball club are trying to protect Hilda and Megumi-chan, huh.

「Elena, it seems Hilda is under attack this time. Since I’ll go out for a bit, I’ll leave the house to you.」

「Alright! Be careful.」

I left Elena, put the [Invisibility] magic back on and while still in ninja form, I went to where Hilda and Magumi-chan were.

「Who are you guys!?」

At the location, the [baseball club members] and the guys wearing black from head to toe were glaring at each other in the baseball ground.

「Megumi, Hilda-chan, it’s our fault since you’ve come to cheer for us on our high-school baseball debut, sorry for having you involved into something like this.」

Among the baseball club members, a cool-looking boy, who is standing at the very front, apologizes.

He’s probably the captain.

But, with those guys carrying guns in front, he’s a guy with courage~.

「Hey, you, it’s no use to threaten us with that sort of toy guns!」

Ah, does he think that it’s a toy?……



The warning shot of a guy wearing black from head to toe explodes a step away from the captain.

「Gyaa-! I-, It’s the real thing!?」

The captain moved backward and withdrew to where the other members were.

「Ca-, Captain, w-, w-, w-, what are we going to do?」

「F-, F-, F-, For now, l-, l-, l-, let’s call the police.」

「U-, U-, U-, Understood. What’s the number again ……”dial one-one-zero right away.”」

The other members panicked as they understood that the guns are the real thing, too.

However, the mafia guys fired a gun at the high school students without batting an eyelid……

I don’t want to be seen in this form as much as possible, but it’s impossible to talk about such a thing either.

I released the [Invisibility] magic and appeared.

「Ah, a ninja!」

『Ah, a ninja!』

Both of them were surprised.

「N-, Ninja!?」

Megumi-chan, too, is surprised at my appearance, she forces her way through the baseball club members and tries to move in front to see my form.

「Megumi, hide in the back because it’s dangerous.」

The captain stopped Megumi-chan, who was trying to move in front.

「B-, Because, the ninja……」

「Megumi, do you know that ninja?」

「Un, when I was kidnapped before by mafia, he’s the person, who helped me…I think.」

「I see, then he’s an ally!」

The baseball club members regained their composure a little with my appearance.

『That ninja might be the one in the report. Let’s finish off that fellow first.』

Those guys wearing black from head to toe seems to have changed their target to me.

That’s what I’m thinking, too!


Ah, it’s bad, the baseball club members will be hit by stray bullets if I dodge!


I cast [Quick] on myself and took out the [Brown Belt Sword] quickly, and the bullets they fired were all cut.

Drop drop!

Bullets cut in half were scattered around me.

Well, I didn’t simply cut them with a sword, using also the [Earth Magic] and [Barrier] at the same time, I killed the momentum of the bullets.

To the people watching, it would seem that I cut them all with a sword.

『M-, Monster! Cutting bullets with a sword!!』

「The ninja is amaziiing!!」

The guys wearing black from head to toe tremble with fear.

The baseball club members are very excited.

Wait, let’s give them a service~.

After moving a little to a spot where I can also be seen by the baseball club members, I performed a seemingly real [hand seal] with my both hands meaningfully.

I made [Fire Pillars] appear around the guys wearing black from head to toe using [Fire Magic].

『Uwaa!! It’s a ninja’s magic!!』

「Amaziiing!!!! It’s a ninjutsu!!!!」

The baseball club members are too excited!


Did he hear the uproar?

At a slightly remote location, a school teacher can be seen making a call to somewhere.

Now is the right time, huh.

I performed a [hand seal] that seemed to be even more difficult than just now,

『Crap, here comes the ninja’s magic again!』

「Ninja, keep at it!!」

Toward the guys wearing black from head to toe that were trying to escape,

Crackle crackle!!

I made them eat an extra-large lightning attack.

Well, only its appearance is showy, but since the voltage is lowered, they won’t die.

When the intense lightning attack (only in appearance) stopped, the guys wearing black from head to toe received an electric shock and all of them fell down.

「Hooray!! The ninja is strong!!」

While the baseball club members were delighted,

I disappeared.

「The ninja disappeared!!」


Well, putting aside the praises of the baseball club members, it’s bad if I don’t bring Hilda.

I moved to a slightly remote position and made a call to Hilda.

「Hilda, you’re not injured?」

「Ah, Seiji-onii-chan, I’m fine. I don’t have any injuries.」

「Hilda, listen carefully, since it would be bad if you stay in that place, get way from that there one way or another.」

「Okay, I understand!」

Now, will she be able to do it?

「Hilda, the phone call, was it from Maruyama?」

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「Um, that’s right. Since it’s bad for me to be here, get away, he said.」

「By any chance, did Maruyama know the event that happened just now?」


「The police would come soon, what would be bad for Hilda?」


Hmmm, did Megumi-chan notice in various ways?

「I understand, I’ll do something.」

Somehow or other, it seemed Megumi-chan had guessed in various ways.

「I’m sorry, captain-san. We’d like to leave here before the police arrives.」

「Hm? I see, since Megumi is an idol, it wouldn’t be good if you’re involved in a trouble. I understand, we’ll do something. Everyone! Megumi wasn’t here. Say it!」


Somehow or other, it seems the baseball club members are going to keep it a secret, too.

Hilda and Megumi-chan were seen off by the baseball club members and succeeded in leaving the place.

Both of them, Hilda and Megumi-chan, who took each other’s hand and ran away, seemed to be a little happy for some reason.

「Seiji-sama, welcome back. What about Hilda and Megumi-san?」

「Ah, they’re fine and no one is injured as well. Right now…it seems she’s at Megumi-chan’s house.」

I replied to Elena while checking the video of the [Tracking Beacon].

「Thanks for your hard work. To encounter such a thing twice in just a day, it was a hard day, wasn’t it?」

Wait a moment, just [twice]?

Ah, oh no, I have a bad feeling……

As expected, the [Vigilance] magic notified me of the [danger] once again.

Naturally, it’s Aya.

「What’s wrong, Seiji-sama?」

「Aya and the others seem to be under attack, too. I’m off again to save them.」

「Seiji-sama, going off so many times like this, are you alright?」

「I’m fine, it’s no problem.」

Well, I also have a good weapon.

I jumped using [Teleportation] to help Aya and the others.

「Who are you guys!?」

Mai-san asks the guys wearing black from head to toe.

Next to Mai-san is Aya.

Yurie-san and Ringo are slightly at the back.

It seems like the place is the traffic circle in front of a station.

The people in the surrounding are also surprised and confused at the armed group that suddenly appeared.

「What’s that?」

「Isn’t it some kind of an attraction?」

Among the people in the surroundings, there’s even a guy taking a picture thoughtlessly.


Have you not seen the news of terrorism or something like that!?

The common people are too careless!!

As I disappear using [Invisibility], I approach Aya and Mai-san.

「Aya, Mai-san, are you alright?」

「Ah, onii-chan, did you come to help?」

「Onii-san is invisible, huh. What on earth are these guys? Do you know them, onii-san?」

「These guys are probably targeting Ringo. Also, they are dangerous people, who fires a gun without hesitation inside a town. Since I will do something, Mai-san, escape with Aya and the others.」

「No way!」

While I was talking with Mai-san,

Aya interrupted from the side.

「Hey, Aya, it’s not time to mess around!」

「Onii-chan, at best you’ll turn into a ninja, right?」

「Eh? That’s right, so?」

「If you fight in such a form in front of so many people to see, you’ll attract needless attention.」

「U-, Un.」

Shit, even though it’s Aya, it’s reasonable.

I can’t answer back.

There wasn’t any people around at that time in the church and the same goes with the event at the baseball ground, there were only the baseball club members and a teacher in a distant location due to the fact that it’s summer vacation.

But here, it’s packed with numerous onlookers.

「I understand, then, since I will support you guys while hiding, do your best, Aya and Mai-san.」


「O-, Ou.」

Although I said that, I only need to neutralize those fellows’ guns.

I approach those guys while still invisible, I blocked all their rifles’ barrels using [Metal Control] and [Earth Magic] and went back.

『Hm? Just now, the gun…wasn’t there something that changed?』

『Such a thing doesn’t matter, don’t be scared and shoot quickly!』

『O-, Ou!』

The leader-like guy suddenly urged on, three underling-like people stepped forward and readied their rifles.


Right after the leader’s command,

three sounds of explosion resounds.

『Gyaaa, it hurts!!』

Their guns accidentally discharge and the three underlings writhe due to the injuries on their hands and faces.

『Shit, defective goods, huh… it can’t be helped, let’s kill them with sword.』


The remaining guys, who wore black from head to toe, threw their rifles away, pulled out sabers that seemed to have come out of a kung fu movie and took a fighting stance.

「Without their guns, it would be easy to defeat them~.」

Aya attacks and Mai-san, too, follows after awhile with a “good grief!”-like expression.

They don’t seem to have expected the attack to start from the girls’ side, the guys wearing black from head to toe are surprised and puzzled.

The scene was totally like a kung fu movie.

The bad guys come to attack with sabers.

Mai-san and Aya have just narrowly dodged the bad guys’ attacks.

Neither the two of them are probably being serious.

If the two of them make a serious effort,

their movements will become superhuman and it’ll become conspicuous.

The two katana-wielding girls continue to dodge the attacks of the nearly 20 bad guys.

The onlookers watching in the surroundings got very excited.

「Go for it, onee-chans~.」

Even a small girl is cheering.

Aya, who seem to have been pleased with it, answers back with a wave of a hand toward the girl while fighting.

『Bastard! Lass, don’t get cocky!』

The guy, who seem to be the leader of the guys wearing black from head to toe, conceals himself while moving sneakily.

The guy is moving toward the small girl, who cheers for Aya.

Are you saying that you will even take that girl as a hostage?

Being inhuman has its limit, too……

I got pissed off and just exactly as that fellow was trying to attack the girl, I hit him with all my might.

「Ah, ninja…san?」

Crap, the [Invisibility] wore off right after I hit him and I’ve been discovered by the girl.

Somehow or other, the sun has just set and the effective time of the [Invisibility] seems to have expired.

Since I put the [Night Shade], which is for nighttime use, back on quickly, I seemed to have gotten off with only a girl discovering me.

What a close call.

After that, with Aya and Mai-san’s outstanding performance, the bad guys had been completely beaten and a grand applause broke out from the onlookers,

During the applaud, the police, who finally arrived, stepped forward.

「Uh, can you tell what kind of situation this is?」

「These are the bad guys, we beat them!」

Toward the confused policeman, Aya spoke boastfully.

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