Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic

Chapter 310: -313

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On Sunday, the next day, the four of us split up and searched the forest from where we left off yesterday.

However, this forest was quite vast and we weren’t able to find it so far.

We are probably searching in the wrong direction.

A short time later, I saw Aya waving a handkerchief in the [Tracking Beacon]’s video.

I promptly rush to where Aya is with [Teleportation].

「Aya, what happened?」

「Onii-chan, look.」

Around Aya, there were nearly ten dead orcs.

Somehow, it feels like it’s been a while since I last saw an orc.

「These guys, did you kill them, Aya?」

「No, that’s not it. They were already dead when I got here.」

It’s not clear, but it seems there’s something that killed the ten orcs, huh.

「Since it seems somewhat dangerous, let’s regroup. Let’s go meet Elena and Hilda.」


I took Aya’s hand and meet the two.


「Seiji-sama, are we going to move together now?」

「Yeah, it’s for safety. The monsters are becoming strong as we advance towards the north.」


「Well then, everyone, depart!」

That is to say, in order to move together, the need to adjust to the slowest person arises.

Among the four of us, the slowest is Hilda, but……

Hilda’s speed is faster than I thought.

Why’s that?

When I appraised Hilda, the level of her [Body Reinforcement] magic rose from 2 to 3.

Perhaps, the level of [Body Reinforcement] rose thanks to her running about in the forest the last few days.

And Hilda, in order to catch up to us, doesn’t neglect to make an effort and makes full use of all her magics.

We pushed the search in forest forward at a moderate speed.


While pushing the search forward for a while,

「Everyone, stop!」

「What’s wrong, onii-chan? Is there something up ahead?」


When we stealthily approached towards where the reaction is, there were two monsters of different type fighting.

It was a [normal orc] and a [black orc].

Somehow or other, it seems to be a situation where the black orc attacked the base of the normal orc.

「Onii-chan, what should we do? Should we attack them?」

「The search will fall behind schedule, but……they may also attack a person somewhere if left alone. Let’s attack them.」

The white and black orcs, receiving a surprise attack from the side while fighting, were quickly annihilated as easy as twisting a baby’s hand.

「Eh? Were the orcs so weak like this?」

「We became strong since our level rose considerably with the capture of the Tower of Sunrise~.」

While putting the defeated orcs into the inventory, we headed towards the north once more.

「Hmmm, there are only black orcs in this area.」

We encountered black orcs many times as we advance towards the north.

By sun set, nearly 100 black orcs were defeated, but our objective, the Devil race’s town, wasn’t found.

The black orcs wandering around this area look calm, the Devil race’s town is probably somewhere else.

[Tracking Beacons] were sent out to search in the forest radially in order to expand the search area and we decided to go home.

「Onii-chan, can I try to use the [Teleporation Magic Stone] to go home?」

「Okay, try it.」

Unexpectedly, it’s going to be my first time seeing other people use [Teleportation].

「Onii-chan, I’m going!」

Aya grasped the [Teleportation Magic Stone] tightly and poured Magic Power into it.


「Eh? I didn’t get transferred?」


「Onii-chan, this is a defective product!」

What’s wrong?

Why didn’t she get transferred?

「Elena, can you try and test it?」


When Elena grasped the [Teleportation Magic Stone] tightly and poured Magic Power into it……


Along with the sound of the wind, Elena disappeared.

When I checked the [Tracking Beacon]’s video, Elena had returned home properly.

「It seemed Elena could use it properly. Next, you try it, Hilda.」



Hilda could use it, too.


When I checked the [Tracking Beacon]’s video, Hilda was sitting down on the spot where she had been teleported to at home.

「Hilda’s situation is strange. Aya, let’s go home immediately.」


When I took Aya and returned home, Elena was nursing Hilda, who had sat down.

「Hilda, what’s wrong!?」

「I-, It seems I’ve used a lot of magic power.」


When I used [Appraisal] on Hilda――

Hilda’s MP had been almost depleted.

「Hilda, eat a candy quickly.」

「Y-, Yes.」

Hilda ate a candy and recovered her MP; her physical condition somehow returned to normal.

「Hey, onii-chan, why did this happen?」

「It seems the [Teleportation Magic Stone] uses a considerable amount of MP.」

「Considerable amount, you say, how much?」

「I think it’s around 3, 000. Since Hilda’s MP is a little bit over 3, 000, she can barely use it once and since Elena has 7, 000 MP, she can use it twice.」

「Then, how about me, how much is my MP again?」

「Aya’s MP is around 2, 500.」

「I can’t use it!?」

After that, as a result of doing various things and experiments――

We found out that the transfer across worlds consumes 3, 000 MP while in the case of the transfer within a world, 1, 000 MP is consumed.

In addition, we also found out that the transfer across worlds can only be used once a day just like mine previously.

「Annoying! How can I be the only one who can’t use it!」

Aya was stamping her feet in frustration.

「You’ll be able to use it if you’re in Earth. Besides, isn’t 2, 500 MP also a lot more than an ordinary person’s?」

「I also want to go back and forth between Earth and the other world! Onii-chan, how can I increase my MP?」

「It will increase when the level of your magic increases.」

「How can I increase the level of my magic?」

「By studying.」

「T-, That~.」

While having dinner, I was watching the state of the [Tracking Beacon] searching for the Devil race’s town.

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「Onii-chan, the Devil race’s town wasn’t found in the end, what should we do?」

「Since I have work on weekdays, I can only survey the area with [Tracking Beacons].」

「Shall I survey the area?」

「Aya, could you return here without [Teleportation Magic Stone]? If something happen, what will you do?」

「Riled up.」

According to the appraisal result of the [Teleportation Magic Stone], if one possesses the skill, [Space-time Magic], it can decrease the MP consumption.

I should ask [Toki] if Aya and the others can acquire [Space-time magic].

After having dinner, I summoned [Toki] in my room.

「Mu? You don’t seem to be in the middle of a battle, but what’s your business, Human Seiji?」

「Honestly, I want to have my friends acquire [Space-time Magic], but I want to get your permission.」


I wonder what’s wrong, [Toki] had been lost in thought.

「It’s probably impossible.」

「Impossible? What do you mean?」

「You should’ve probably experienced studying about space and time, right?」

Hmm, studying about the space and time?

Come to think of it, I do this type of examination often at work.

With regards to [Time], I often test the performance until the processing is completed.

Afterwards, I handle a great deal of data in time with night batch processing, review the database design to improve the processing speed, review the logic of the processing itself……

And with regards to [Space], I’ve been in charge of systems related to cartographic information and GPS.

Afterwards, I studied about things like 3D polygon display, too.

「Don’t tell me, [Space-time Magic] can’t be acquired if one hasn’t studied this type of things?」

「That’s right.」

I see~.

This seems to be a bit impossible for Aya and the others.

[Toki] went back apologetically.

Well, there’s nothing to be done for something impossible.

Until Aya’s MP exceeds 3, 000, I won’t allow her to act alone over there.


Then, changing the mood, I summoned [Oracle-chan] after [Toki].

「Woohoo, it’s Seiji’s world~. Can I use the internet again?」

「After you help me in making a magic stone.」


This fellow, she suddenly became easy to handle after knowing the amusement of the net.

「So, what kind of magic stone are we making today?」

「I plan to make a [Language Acquisition Magic Stone] today as a test.」


[Language Acquisition] assigns and implements two elements, the [language to acquire] and the [acquisition level].

If this is made into a magic stone, are both elements fixed? Or is it different?

The objective this time is to ascertain that area.

「About [Language Acquisition], is it possible to reacquire a language you’ve already acquired?」

「It’s possible~.」

「Alright, well then, let’s try it out with Japanese language acquisition.」

I have Oracle-chan enter inside the Nullpo Magic Stone and executed the acquisition of Lvl 5 [Japanese language].


│[Language Acquisition Magic Stone]

│When loaded with Magic Power,

│the specified language can be acquired.

│When one possesses the skill, Information Magic,

│it can decrease the MP consumption.

│Rarity: ★★★★★★


It’s completed.

If I make Elena and Hilda use this, the level of the two’s Japanese should rise.

Let’s try it out right away.

「Elena, Hilda, try out the new magic stone I made.」


I first handed the magic stone to Elena.

It’s because I don’t know how much MP it will consume.

That’s why Elena, who has a lot of MP, is the first one to try it.

「Ah, Oracle-chan has come. Welcome.」

Aya heard our conversation and came out of her room.

「Alright, well then, try using the magic stone very carefully.」


Elena focused her mind and poured Magic Power into the magic stone.

The magic stone worked without a problem and Elena acquired the level 5 Japanese language.

When I tried to appraise her, the MP consumption was 2, 000.

The MP consumption has become twice of the amount when I used it.

Is this because the level of Elena’s Information Magic is low?

「How is it, Elena? Aren’t there any changes?」

「Uh, Seiji-sama, what kind of magic stone is this in particular?」

「That reminds me, I forgot to tell you what kind of magic stone it is! This is a [Language Acquisition Magic Stone]. Aptly named, the level of your Japanese should’ve become 5.」


Elena opened the books about science and the like that she has always been studying and started reading them.

「Seiji-sama, I can also read the complicated kanji characters smoothly!」

「I see! It’s a success. Well then, what about writing the characters?」

「I’ll give it a try.」

Elena took out a notebook and started writing.

「Let me see…… about that, I can write the characters very skillfully!」

「Yes, somehow, it reached the point where you can tell what character is which!」

There was also an ability to write characters skillfully in Language Acquisition, huh!

I didn’t know that.

Hm? Wait.

I also wrote characters on the notebook as a test.

「Ah, onii-chan, was your handwriting this good before?」

「No, it became good just now.」

「What do you mean?」

Somehow or other, it seems that the previous level of my Japanese didn’t reach level 5.

Even though I’m a Japanese…… oh well, it can’t be help since it’s a complicated language!

When I explained it to Aya,

「Me, too!!」

and then, she selfishly snatched the magic stone from Elena and poured magic power into it.

「Ugh, my head……」

「It’s the overuse of magic power.」

When I tried appraising her, Aya’s MP had been decreased by around 1, 700.

Since the level of Aya’s Information Magic was level 2, it seemed that the MP consumption adjusted according to the skill’s level, becoming lesser than when Elena used it.

Afterwards, I had Hilda use it, too and the four of us succeeded in raising the level of our Japanese to level 5.

「Hey, onii-chan. Make a Language Acquisition Magic Stone for English, too.」

「Go study!」

「T-, That~.」

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