Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic

Chapter 336: 376

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Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 374: Singing in the dark

「Seiji! Where are you? Since it’s dangerous, stay near me!」

I finished neutralizing the guys with the night vision goggles, and in the darkness, I heard Megumi-chan calling me.

「Sorry sorry, I am here」

I moved near Megumi and patted her head.

「Hey, Maruyama! Where are you touching!」

Megumi showed a face of slight relief

I was waiting for a while worrying about other guys with night vision goggles…….

At the very least, there is no sign of blackout recovery. Staff is also in a hurry behind the scenes.

The audience is beginning to grow awkward, they are numb with the fact that it’s still dark and aren’t moving at all.

「What do we do? Shall we get off the stage?」


Megumi is stubborn.

「But you can’t see anything in this darkness at all, and the audience may make a noise out of it」

「Well…… but! I´m an idol! I can’t get off the stage only because of a problem」

Whew……. Megumi-chan is serious when it comes to idol matters.

「But even if you stand on the stage in such darkness, you can’t do anything, right?」

「There is something!」

Megumi is going to do something? But what can she do exactly.


Megumi started singing suddenly in the pitch darkness.

「……Hey, someone is singing!」

「In such a dark place?」

The audience sitting in the front of the audience seats noticed Megumi’s singing voice.

Megumi continues to sing the song that she was supposed to show in appealing time with a cappella.

「Hey guys, Megumi is singing! Be quiet!」

One of the audience seats shouted so, but…… there is no sign that the noise of the audience will stop at the most.

Megumi’s voice has only arrived in the front seats of the audience. The venue is too wide.

「Megumi-chan, do your best!」

Hilda cheers, Megumi answers and squeezes out the best possible voice.

However, she can’t deliver her voice to the whole venue.

Still, Megumi-chan keeps trying hard.


Here, only one can help!

「Summon Wind Spirit!」

I summon the wind spirit at a position slightly away so that Megumi doesn’t notice.

「Is there something for me? Uwaa, why is it dark!」

The wind spirit was summoned into pitch darkness and was a little puzzled.

「Can you deliver that girl’s voice to everyone at this venue?」

「Singing voice? Such a thing, if it is done by me, it’s a cup of tea!」

The wind spirit is like Megumi in character somewhat.

Wind spirit approached Megumi and started spinning around.

A fluffy wind blew through the whole venue……. And Megumi’s singing voice began to reach the entire venue.

「Who is singing!?」

The audience was surprised at the beginning with the singing that they heard suddenly, but as soon as thy heard the singing, the noise gradually fell.

And Megumi-chan’s singing gently wraps around the whole venue. Only Megumi-chan’s singing dominated the venue in the pitch darkness.

I was watching the appearance of Megumi who kept singing so hard……, I gradually became impossible to put up with it.

Enough! Let’s use more magic!

「Summon Thunder spirit, Summon Water spirit, Summon Ice spirit, Summon Earth spirit, Summon Fire spirit, incidentally, Summon Oracle-chan」

I dared to summon all spirits other than Toki.

「Uwa, pitch darkness~, what is this ~」

Oh, it is! Oracle-chan is similar in appearance to all spirits but also to the general public.

Oh well, they can’t see it anyway.

And other spirits were also puzzled by the pitch darkness.

「Listen everyone, I summoned you now as I’d like you to help Megumi-chan singing in this dark place」


「That girl is doing her best to cheer up everyone with her singing in the darkness so that everyone who is here will be captivated by her. The wind spirit delivers the song to everyone. Therefore, can you guys also help that girl with your powers?」

「It looks interesting!」

「I will do my best~」

「Well, it will be fine」

「Leave it to me!」

「Lets do it!」

Everyone agreed.

「Ah, but be careful not to injure people or destroy things!」


The spirits, other than Oracle-chan, fly to Megumi-chan’s side as support all at once.

First Thunder spirit. Sticking just above Megumi, turn on the light, that shines on Megumi-chan.


「A light is on」

Although it is only in one place, the light finally arrives, the audience raises a relieved voice.

Next is the fire spirit. Megumi-chan sways a flame of a mysterious candle in large quantities.


Voices of admiration echoes from the audience.

Next is the water spirit and the earth spirit. Water spirit makes water balls, earth spirit makes jewels appear, and fly around like dancing together with Megumi.

And Ice spirit. Snow crystals flow from the top, fluttering, and dancing.



The spectators are further surprised.

「I will go as well」

「Ah, wait!」

Without asking for my stop, Oracle-chan also jumped out.

Oh yeah, I called her by mistake, I’m sorry, I don’t know what’ll happen.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 375: Charming Fairy

「What is that!?」


Oracle-chan is dancing happily around Megumi-chan who is singing and dancing.

The audience who saw it was amazed.

Even Megumi-chan has her eyes rounded, but she is truly an idol, even though she is surprised, she keeps singing and dancing as it is.

「Is that a real fairy!?」

「Don’t be stupid, there are no real fairies!」

「Then, what do you mean to say that is?」

「Maybe…… stereoscopic image……?」

「I see! Stereoscopic image, the progress of recent science and technology is terrifying」

「Yeah…… that’s right……」

Apparently, the audience seems to think that it is a stereoscopic image.

Megumi-chan seems to stop thinking and dances happily with Oracle-chan.

「Megumi-chan, charming fairy!」

「No, charming angel!!」

The crowd was melancholy as the singing Megumi and Oracle danced happily together.

However, Oracle-chan suddenly leaves Megumi and moves.

Where does she mean to go?

「Let’s dance together Hilda!」

「M, Me!?」

It was about Hilda. Hilda was looking at the stage sleeve so as not to disturb Megumi.

「Hilda~. Come because its fine! It’s fun~」

「Ye, Yes……」


Since Hilda looks up to the spirit, she cant oppose Oracle-chan´s words.

「Ah, but wait a moment」

Hilda changed her costume with 【Transformation Ring】. The costume she changed into was a “Fairy-like” costume like Megumi…….

Ringo probably made this costume too.

Hilda who changed into her costume advances towards Megumi. Megumi smiles happily as she sees that Hilda will dance with her.

And Megumi, Hilda, and Oracle-chan started dancing happily.

With three people’s fun dancing, the audience is in a big rising simulation.

Okay! I also want to participate!

I decided to participate with [Light magic].

I can skip a couple of lights and let them dance with water balls and jewels. Megumi-chan, Hilda, and shining Oracle-chan. Or decorating the stage with a laser beam.

I used my magical power to raise the stage.

Meanwhile, with two fairies and one spirit, the audience is really enjoying, the singing and dancing.

And the audience looked at the stage with a look as if they were dreaming.

Time flowed away like a dream, Megumi finished singing a full chorus song.

And then, the decided pose…!

At that moment.


Again, a loud noise sounded, the lighting of the whole venue turned on all at once.

「Uwaa, its dazzling!」

Everyone in the place which was in the darkness blinks.

Ah, danger! I have to collect Oracle-chan!

「Summon Toki!」

I summoned Toki and stopped the time.

「Seiji of the human family, it seems like a lot of fun」

In the world where time stood still, Toki who was summoned by me, grasps the surrounding situation…….

「Now it’s time to collect everyone before it is too late」

I used [Teleportation] and gathered Hilda and the spirits in a hurry.

And time moves.


The audiences whose eyes gradually became accustomed found Megumi who stands alone on the stage.

As if as the stage before was a vision, there is only one Megumi on the stage.

Megumi does not even know what happened, as she is standing still.


A small applause occurs from somewhere in the audience seat.

The applause spreads gradually, and eventually becomes a huge swell and fills the venue.

Before we noticed, all the spectators became consolidated, the crackling applause continued everting without fail.


We were gathered at the stage sleeves without anyone else around.

「Hey Seiji! Suddenly using [Teleportation], what are you going to do?」

「Qu, Quiet! Because the lights are on, if Oracle-chan is found, it will be dangerous」

I guess this is why I’m not missing this spirit of information magic…….

「Thank you all, I will summon you soon again, until then」


Spirits other than the dark spirit came back to my body one after another.


Next I moved to the dark spirit who is watching over the suspicious people alone.

「Thanks for overlooking them」

「Seiji-san! The suspicious people were no problem!」

You are reading story Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic at novel35.com

The dark spirit bowedly saluted.

「We already have electricity, and I will hand them over to security guards」


The dark spirit lifted its magic.

Apparently, it seems to hide in magic so that they won’t be found by other people.

The dark spirit is an excellent bastard for a drought.

「Someone please come! Suspicious people are lying here!!!」

When I shouted so, the staff members gathered something.

「Are these night vision goggles?」

「They also have knives!」

「You call the security guards quickly!」

In the stage, as the audition was being counted, in the background behind the scenes the security guards came and were in a fuss.


「Dark spirit, thanks to you, the audition seems to be fine, thanks」

「N, No…… since I can serve Seiji-sama, I´m also happy……」

The dark spirit snuffs and cheeks.

Was it so glad that it could help someone? Somewhat of a cute fellow.

The dark spirit came back into my body by hugging me.


『Then, it is an announcement of the results!』

Contrary to the riot behind the scenes, it seems that the venue has finished compiling the voting results of the judges and spectators.

『Trump girls, final audition. Successful applicants……○○ Production, ○○-san and Independent freelance, Yachiyo Megumi-sanーーーー!!!!』


The result of counting was Megumi’s first place. As the number of people needed was two, the second place was also passed, but the second place was the sexy elder sister who won against Megumi-chan in the butt sumo.

And I didn’t know how the excitement of the audience would stay.


After a while, Megumi-chan came back to the waiting room.

「Megumi! Congratulations!」

Hilda hugged Megumi vigorously.

「Thank you! Mou, Hilda~」

Megumi is hugged as she hugs Hilda.

「Megumi-san, congratulations」


Other rivals came to greet all at once.

For a moment I thought that there might be something, but as far as I saw on the map, there were no people emitting “warning” or “danger”.

After it ends, it seems to be my time.

「Yachiyo-san, I am ○○ of ○○ Productions, if you like, come to our production」

「No No, come to △△ Professional!」

「×× Professional, I’m pleased to meet you」

And then, the business cards attack began.

They heard that Megumi is an independent freelance, so they probably came to get here.

Megumi had a bunch of business cards and was receiving them kindly.

There are no dangerous people in the vicinity, and this is a relief for me. And it is the end of my work as well~.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 376: Dokii! Full of spirit…….

The audition of Trump Girls ended.

I took Megumi who is pleased to a taxi and sent her home.

I told the president who greeted us that we were obstructed or attacked on the street, indeed.

「I seem to have caused a lot of trouble, sorry……」

I apologized to the president.

Besides such a thing, I had something I wanted to ask.

「President, do you know a 『Yachiyo Production』?」

「Hmm? That, my second son, Megumi´s father, runs a company of entertainment production with this name…… why?」

Well, Megumi’s father’s company…….

What? If her father is the president of an entertainment productions company, why is Megumi freelance?

By the way, I was told that her father opposed Megumi’s idol activities. Because of that.

Leaving the rest to the president, Hilda and I went home.


「Now, let’s begin this meeting!」


Calling all the spirits, we held a meeting.

Attendees are Me, Aya, Elena, Hilda, wind, lightning, water, ice, earth, darkness, fire and recovery spirit. With Oracle and Toki.

The recovery spirit has not contracted with me yet, so I asked Elena to call her.

Toki, when I called him, stopped time, but I persuaded him to cancel the time stop.

「Ah! Toki!」

As soon as he canceled the time stop, other spirits attacked Toki, hanging around his neck, or riding on his head, as if he is a toy.

I see, he knew that this would be the case, so he was reluctant to cancel the time stop.

「Seiji, what kind of meeting is this?」

Oracle-chan riding on the head of Toki asked.

「When using magic on Earth, there are various problems, so I’d like to hear everyone’s opinions about it」

「I see」

Yes, when you use magic on Earth, various restrictions are applied. First of all, it is necessary to prevent the existence of magic from being exposed. Well, I used it pretty boldly, but when I think about it now, there was something quite dangerous.


The dark spirit who was on my shoulder gently raised her hand.

「Dark Spirit, do you have any good ideas?」

「In the night, I think that it is better to get close with [Night] and beat them!」

「Well, that’s the best way」


That’s right, dressing like a ninja, I can attack the enemies in the shadows of the night. This method is best for me.

「Don’t do such bad things, you should hit them straight」

The earth spirit who was playing with the back of Toki as a slide considers.

「If you do such a thing, many people will see you 」

「Is it so?」

Aside from that, I didn’t get a good idea besides Night.

「Another agenda is that the mastermind can’t be found」

I haven’t been able to find out the mastermind who has been targeting Megumi this time.

Although I am watching the delinquent boy with [Tracking beacon], he still kept in touch with a phone but did not contact the mastermind again.

「Is there anyone with a good idea?」


「Yes, Ice spirit」

「What is a “Phone”?」

「It is like a magic tool that can let you talk to a distant person」

「Is it that the voice reaches that far, is it with the help of wind magic?」

And the wind spirit asks.

「Voice is different, radio wave…… that is, it converts it to the power of lightning, and it is flying」

Everyone’s eyes face lightning spirit.

「Ah, that radio signal…… the radio wave that made such a thimble hasn’t been my territory, so we need to ask sister Oracle」

This time, the line of sight concentrates on Oracle-chan.

「I can’t do that because it’s electricity and radio waves」

Silence flows among everyone.

「Hey, can you not do it with compound magic?」

「Compound magic? I see……」

Oracle considers the opinion of Aya.

Oracle comes down from Toki´s head and moves to the center of the table.

「Let’s do it together!」

What on earth are you going to do?

「Seiji, Lightning-chan help out」


「I will do anything if you ask Oracle-oneesan!」

「Hmm? I told you to do something, didn’t I?」

An evil smile appeared as if Oracle-chan was uphill something.

「Eh? Ah, yes……」

Lightning spirit approaches Oracle-chan while trembling with her body a bit briefly.

「Well then, Seiji stick out your hands with the palms facing upwards」


I did it just as Oracle-chan said.

And Oracle-chan jumped on my right hand.

「Lightning-chan, you too」

Lightning spirit also rides on the left hand as said.

「Then Seiji, send us all your magic power」


I send magic power to the two through my hands.


Somewhat, my MP is sucked.

「Hilda, give me a candy!」


I get a candy from Hilda, recover my MP, while somehow maintaining the situation.

Looking at the two on my hands, the change gradually came out.

Oracle-chan is getting excited a lot, and her nostrils are getting rough. The lightning spirit blushed and began to be shy. Oh what, what will they say?

The violently excited Oracle-chan cried out suddenly.

「Spirit union!!」

And! Lightning spirit lifts its jaw quickly!


Somehow, Oracle-chan seemed to be robbing the lips of lightning spirit with the momentum that sounds like it could be heard.


Other spirits were poking a beehive.

You guys. What are you doing on my hands!


Their two bodies were suddenly wrapped in light.

And after a while, the light disappeared…….

What appeared was a spirit who was wrapped in a faint light with the hair standing up through static electricity.

「A legendary spirit that awakens with a gentle, playful mind while having a mild heart…… Super oracle!!!!!」

It’s full of thrusts…….

「A, Are you Oracle-chan?」

「No, super Oracle-chan!」

「Where did lightning spirit go?」

「So, it’s a spirit union!」

「Inside Oracle-oneesan, it is really warm……」

I heard the voice of lightning spirit from super Oracle-chan’s body.

「Have you ever tried it?」

「It’s different~! It is a coalition unit! If we release it, we will return to the original!」

Oooh, I was surprised. I thought lightning spirit had been eaten.

「By the way, what can you do by fusing?」

「Well then….. .I’ll give you a new magic for now」

That being said, super Oracle-chan left a hand on my head.

『You got [Electric information magic]. [Electrical information magic] has reached level 1』


[Electrical information magic]?

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