Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic

Chapter 339: 379

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Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 377: Electric information magic

「Super Oracle-chan, what is electric information magic?」

「You know that, don’t you?」

「We, well……. But what is level 1?」

「Because I am not ready yet, as of now level 1 is MAX state」

「I see」

I tried to examine the contents of [Electric information magic] by myself.

┌─<Electric information magic>─────

│【Data entry】

│ ・Map data and obtained information by tracking beacon are converted

│  into data, it can be sent to various terminals.

│【Data inventory】

│ ・It can acquire and accumulate data from various terminals and various   

│  magic. The accumulated data can also be used for other magic.

│  Capacity depends on the magic level. *Current capacity: 1 TB



This is useful! I feel there is only a basic function because it is still level 1, but I can do a lot with it!!

「Nii-chan, did you learn any new magic?」


「What kind? Show it!」


I manipulated the [Tracking beacon], and photographed Elena and Hilda, it was saved to my smartphone, and I convert the data to MP4 format.


I play the video file saved on the smartphone……. and a video of Elena and Hilda licking each other was played.

「Voyeur Magic? I have to report it!」

Aya is trying to call someone.


After “11”, the hand of Aya who was trying to push the “0” was gripped and stopped.

I decided to try another. First, download the 3d data of a certain electric mouse lying on the net.

Copy it to [Data inventory]. Then, using light magic, I reproduce the 3d data in the air.

“Fantastic!” What is this!? Stereoscopic footage?

This magic seems to have impressed Aya too. With 3d data, any footage can be projected in three dimensions. There are a lot more ways that it can be used.

「But how do you find the enemy boss?」

The water spirit was quiet for a long time.

Don’t release water with excitement.


We resumed the meeting.

「O, Oracle-chan. Are you looking for the mastermind with your new power」

「I will try, lend me your smartphone a little」


I put my smartphone on the table.

Dobon. Oracle-chan has entered the screen of the smartphone as if to jump into a pool.


Seriously! She went inside it!!

「Seiji-sama. Is Oracle-chan alright?」

Elena looks worried, too.

I reflected the video of the [Tracking beacon] attached to Oracle-chan to the TV in the living room.

「Uwa, amazing. It’s like a Sci-Fi movie」

Oracle-chan was flying around in the sea of the net.

It is the world of data only. Somehow, the data is visualized,  and it has become a Sci-Fi-landscape. It’s like space with crushed stardust.

『Uwaa! This information!!!』

Oracle-chan was very excited and sniffed information on various nets. You’re not looking at weird information, are you?

『That? What’s this? What is the charge amount of 50,000 yen』

What are you doing, Oracle-chan…….

「Hey, Oracle-chan. What’s wrong?」

『If you look at something…… you pay money』

Apparently, this voice seems to be heard.

「Ah, it’s okay to ignore that」

『Is, Is that so?』

You can’t ignore it when you receive the paperwork from the court.

「What were you looking at!!」

『It’s a maiden’s secret』

I’m sure it was R18 stuff…….

「So, is it possible to find the mastermind?」

『Ah, speaking of which, that was it』

You forgot!

Oracle-chan began to look seriously as if her stupid side was a lie.

『I see, it is going through the base station…… uwaa, what is this encryption?! Such a troublesome thing. Oh, I see! I’ll try not to cause interference with this』

Such a serious Oracle-chan was was a first. It has been quite a while.

The spirits got bored and went back, and Aya had gone to the bath. Elena and Hilda were supporting the figure of Oracle’s hard work in a straight-up.

「I got it. I seem to be able to trace the telephone」

Oracle-chan came out from my smartphone and was jumping around happily.

「Oracle-chan, good job!」

Elena and Hilda are very respectful to Oracle-chan. Oracle-chan acts big because of her good work.

「What will you do, Oracle-chan? Do you want to check the mastermind」

「Does Seiji want to try to call the mastermind?」

Well, if I receive a phone call from a number I don’t know, I might not accept it. The mastermind is like a pretty careful person. If someone makes a video call, I think he’ll accept the call…….

「Good! First, let’s do a video call」

「Goodl, a video call」

「First of all, to conceal the appearance of Oracle-chan, let’s use the magic stone of the Night shade]……」

「Ah, it’s okay without it」


Oracle-chan landed on the table and posed in a strange pose. What are you going to do?

「Chaannnggeee Lightning-chan!!」

Oracle-chan, when she shouted the lines in an old robot anime style……. was wrapped in light and changed to the figure of lightning spirit.

「Not only coalescence, you can also makeover」

『How?  Not good together?』

From the lightning spirit’s belly, I heard Oracle-chan’s voice.

「Ah…… elder sister Oracle is inside me」

Lightning spirit is wiggling her body by dyeing her cheeks red and putting her hand to the stomach.

「If that’s the case, don’t you see it as an ordinary person?」

「It looks like it」

Indeed, is it the ability to change forms? Sounds like something fun.

「Seiji-sama, Spirit-sama, have a good day!」

「Have a good day!」

We were sent off by Elena and Hilda and [Teleportation] to a certain person.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 378: The boss’s identity

Super Oracle-chan (Lightning-chan version) and I came…… to the girl who tried to give Megumi a red candy.

That candy was so spicy! In retrospect, I want to prank her…… I (and the spirit) sneaked into that girl’s room with [Night shade] by using [Teleportation]. Is this a prank chance?

That girl was messing with her cell phone in her jersey appearance.

She has a traditional Japanese-style cell phone? Doesn’t she have any money?

[EN: The “traditional Japanese-style cell phones”, from what I understand, are just those old flip phone models, which still are a popular trend in Japan nowadays apparently. A popular brand for these is called Softbank and another popular cliché attached to these phones is the “Gal” girl stereotype.]

When I approached with sneaky steps to prank her while I´m invisible…….


Suddenly the phone rang!

I was surprised and thought that my heart would jump out of my mouth……..


The girl hurried to the phone.

I confirmed the screen, and it was the phone number of the mastermind.

What a timid omenism.

[EN: The word here comes from “omen”. Just clearing it up since someone told me it might come from onanism… and trust me, that is something completely different, R18 stuff.]

I ask Super Oracle-chan (Lightning-chan version) to reverse detection with a gesture. My intention seems to have been transmitted, and Super Oracle-chan (Lightning-chan version) is inside the cell phone when the girl talks.

「Ah, I’m sorry, the condition of the radio wave is now a bit……. It’s okay, sorry」

It seems that there was a disturbance in the radio waves, but it appears that there was no problem in particular, so the girl continued with the call.

After that, while looking at the image of [Tracking beacon], I just waited for reverse detection to be completed.

「Th, That……. I, I´m sorry……」

Somehow the girl began to apologize furiously. Is she scolded for giving Megumi a candy and being towy?

“Please forgive me that much, so, somehow……. An, Anything, I will do……”

Hmm? Somewhat, the clouds are getting doubtful.

Well, I wonder if I can somehow hear the other party’s voice? I might be noticed if I get too close…….

When I thought, I could hear the voice of the mastermind whom the girl talked with.

『In the first place, it may be because you failed! There is no one who would fail such a simple task!』

When thinking about it, Oracle-chan succeeded in [Reverse detection], and the voice came from the [Tracking beacon] on that side.

「Why don’t you just give me something else……. Why should I pay a penalty of 100 million yen… just because I couldn’t give the candy?」

100 million yen! What are they talking about?

『It was written properly in the agreement signed by you in the past, and you are supposed to compensate for any damages caused by failing your work. It cost me 100 million yen due to your failure. That’s how it is』

「Th, That……」

It’s a stupid talk~. The price setting of 100 million yen in the first place is stupid. Do you deceive minors with such a contract?

I’ll go to the mastermind for a moment.


I relocated to the location of Oracle-chan’s tracking beacon and moved to the mastermind´s side in an instant.

The place was like a president’s office room where there are plenty of gorgeous things with bad taste. I am there with a bad guy with a blind eye around 40 years old. Is he the mastermind……?

「I understand, it’s 100 million yen, I will sell you overseas if you can’t pay it!」

The mastermind said absurd words and ended the call with the daughter.

「GaGaGa! What a fool! What a foolish girl! Being deceived by such a fake contract! But, I will sell someone who can’t be used anymore away quickly to someone, so I wonder if I can get a single shot before that」

You are reading story Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic at novel35.com

Are you guilty?

When I appreciated the mastermind, the name was Kuroyama, and his occupation was president of an entertainment company.

I see, it’s Megumi’s dad´s rival.

In that case, what he is doing is too vicious…….

Well, I knew the identity of the mastermind so how shall I deal with him?

For the time being, I collected Super Oracle-chan and approached the mastermind for an attack.


Uwa! The door of this room was knocked on from the outside suddenly and I was scared once again.


「President, a contact has come in from the usual」

「Oh! Is that so, you´re ready to do that?」

The boss was called by a subordinate and left the room.

You are lucky. A little more and I would have punished him.

It is hard to put out my hands when he is with others. Therefore I decided to try it again later.


「Welcome back Nii-chan, how was it?」

Aya greeted me with a bath.

「I already know the identity of the mastermind, so I intend to punish him, aiming for a time when I´m alone with him, to attack. Do you want to follow」

「Uh……. I´m not involved in it this time, so I don’t care」

「What, you heartless person」

「That sort of, I want to eat Udon」


What! Even though I was struggling hard and Super Oracle-chan found the mastermind!

Come to think of it. Dinner will be ready soon.

Since there was no choice, I made Udon, Elena and Hilda who were in the offroad came out, so we ate the Udon together happily.

As we eat the delicious udon and relax…….


My smartphone rings.

When I think from who, it is a call from the president.

I wonder what he wants at this time of the day.

「What is it, president, at such a time?」

「It is serious! Megumi is gone!」


It is already quite late time. It is not a time for a very minor girl to go out alone.

I hurry and check the【Tracking Beacon】…….

Megumi was in a ridiculous place.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 379: Photo Session in swimsuits

I check Megumi´s situation with [Tracking Beacon].

However, there is no warning to inform of “Danger”. It is not a situation of immediate danger.

It is dangerous to move here in a blurry way. It seems necessary to have detailed information from the president.

「So president, why did Megumi-chan go out at such a time?」

『Actually, Megumi had been fighting with her father……』

「What kind of fight was it?」

『Megumi wished to be a part of Kuroyama Production……』

「Kuroyama Production?」

『It seems to be an entertainment production with bad rumors. Apparently, Megumi seems to have received a business card from there after the audition, and it appears that Megumi who doesn’t know about such rumors wanted to go there just by being a famous company. However, her father who knew about them a lot, had a fight with Megumi who misunderstands that her father was being mean and opposed to her decision』

Well, that is why Megumi is over there…….

Well, I was there until that time, the mastermind…… to Kuroyama president’s office…….

A subordinate said that “I got a message from the usual”, but maybe it was about Megumi.

Now, in the president’s office, two people are talking about idol activities in a calm state.

However, Megumi going to the evil president Kuroyama…….

『Maruyama-kun, have you noticed where Megumi is likely to go?』

Oops, I was still on the phone with the president.

「Okay, I will try to find out what she is doing」

『I´m sorry……. For bothering you……』

The president seems to be pretty bewildered. To Megumi, I have to put a little moxa.

[EN: Moxa is traditional Chinese medicine similar to acupunture but they burn herbs and use the heat to stimulate the acupoints. Here it probably means how he’ll have to put in a little effort… I’m guessing.]

I finished the phone call and thought about what to do.

Get invisible and use [Teleportation] to watch Kuroyama president?

No, Megumi is with him now, a complete culprit.

Can I do it so that Megumi doesn’t become the culprit?

No, it is okay to get in touch with Kuroyama president, but watching Megumi is not good.

There is no choice, only to get on board with confidence while expressing the figure.

I wear a suit. I moved to the place of Kuroyama-san and Megumi with [Teleportation].



「Who is it, I have a visitor now?」

I disregarded it and opened the door of the president’s office and entered into the interior dignifiedly.

「I´m sorry for being late Megumi」

「Who, Who are you!」

「I was delayed, I am Megumi Yachiyo´s manager」

I answered while hesitating.

「Manager. That’s right. You are the one mentioned in the report, it seems you interfered in various ways」

「What are you saying?」

「Maruyama, why are you here!?」

Megumi is also surprised at my sudden appearance.

「Your grandfather was very worried. Let’s go home now」

I approached Megumi-chan and took her hand.


President Kuroyama suddenly makes a scary face and cut off our way.

「I’m sorry, but the time is already so late, therefore let us talk at a later date」

「Why do you want to do that? Now you have to work here」

What is he talking about?

「Please do it next time」

「Wait! It is written in the contract that she will definitely do any work ordered」

「Eh? Contract?」

「That’s right, I already have this girl signature」

N, no way!

「Be, because I have signed a contract today, I need to work……」

Megumi said with a worried voice.

「That’s right! Now, change to this swimsuit right now, and here is a photo session for swimsuit photos!」

President Kuroyama said that, taking something out and handed it over to Megumi.

「I can’t wear such a swimsuit」

Is that string-like thing a swimsuit!

「You have signed a contract, and you don’t have the right to veto. If you say you want to reject it absolutely, please pay a penalty of 100 million yen!」

「What, 100 million yen?」

「It is written here!」

Looking carefully at the copy of the contract signed by Megumi, it was so small, but it was written there.

「You cant read such small letters!」

「It doesn’t matter whether you can read it or not, because it’s written, it’s in the contract! Change quickly into the swimsuit!」

I was a bit shocked by Megumi’s stupidity.

「I, I understand, I should change clothes! Where is the changing room?」

Are you going to wear this string swimsuit!

「Changing room? I haven’t prepared a changing room for a upcoming idol like you! Change here」

「I, I can’t do that!」

What a stupid story.

Well, in the first place Megumi was careless. Let’s see the state for a while here.

「A idol is someone that experiences wearing such underwear, and it’s going to be raised, so don’t be lazy and change your clothes quickly!」

What are you saying as if it’s plausible things? He is just an erotic asshole.

Well, I don’t want to think Megumi with such a guy. I shall stop this here.

「President Kuroyama……, such a criminal act indeed, I won’t overlook it!」

「Oops, the manager doesn’t matter, this is a contract between this girl and me!」

What contract.

「This illegal contract, whatever you think it is invalid, we have no obligation to obey it」

「Huh? Are you going to ignore the contract? Is that really good?」

「What do you mean?」

「Breaking a contract, that girl makes a contract with an entertainment office」

「Well, and what」

「In other words, this girl will advertise that she is a troublesome talent, breaking a contract with an entertainment office, such a girl will be left out from any office and any place and don’t forget that her work as a Trump Girl will also be canceled!」

Although it is an irresponsible theory, is everybody in this entertainment world like this?

「Th, That……」

Megumi had a desperate look after hearing it.

「Megumi…… it can’t be helped, it’s no use, idol activities here, just give up…… there’s no way you can listen to such a messy instruction?」

I am sorry, but to some extent, there is no choice but to sacrifice. Otherwise, we cannot undo these wrongdoings.

「I won’t give up being an idol…… no, I……」

Megumi, have you spent this period here and still say this?

「I understand…… I, I will change my clothes……」

Megumi closed her eyes tightly and started to unbutton the buttons of her blouse with a trembling hand.

「Wait a minute! Megumi, why are you doing this!」

「Bu, But……. Hilda helped me, and I finally got a chance to grab it! People who saw me today at the venue cheered me on for this, so I would betray them if I give up……」

No, it doesn’t mean that you need to accept this situation!

「Hey, do it quickly, show me your pretty premature body as soon as possible?」

President Kuroyama’s gruffy eyes are looking like licking Megumi’s chest.

Megumi, with a mixed expression of fear and despair, removed the second button of her blouse.

「Hey Hey, that’s enough!」

I took off my suit jacket and put it on Megumi.

Editor Comment/Rant [ignore if you want]: All logic was thrown out the window here it seems… If a minor enters a contract that same minor isn’t obligated to follow the terms on that contract.

And if it’s taken to court for breach of contract there’s no penalties that can be applied to the minor for violating the contract and everything is dismissed with the court saying the minor was not competent to give consent to the contract.

Unless the minor was, for example, given money to get the materials to accomplish some task under contract and then quit, at that point he has to reimburse the other party otherwise it’s considered robbery.

The only case the contract is in effect just the same as an adult is if the parents co-sign the contract with the minor.

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