Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic

Chapter 353: 408

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Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 401: As the rain comes, the wind fills the tower

Hilda goes to Rachel-san, Elena goes to the king, Aya goes to Rondo, and I goe to Laila…….

Everyone stays…….

No matter what, they should return.

Am I alone at home today~?

And, when I think so――.

Elena and Aya also came back.

「What? The two of you returned?」

「Its natural isn’t it. I don’t stay at Rondo´s place」

Well, is that so?

「Elena, why didn’t you stay?」

「Be, Because……, my father……,  he was about to hold a party for the celebration I came home, so I ran away……」

King, were you really trying to do that?

Well, let’s put that aside.

「How was it on your side? Did you notice anything unusual?」

「There was no particular change in the royal capital」

「Nippon hasn’t particularly changed, but……」


「In the town, something, something…… is difficult~. Something~. I feel things don’t feel right~, as if something is likely to happen, that kind of premonition~」

Aya´s story doesn’t make a point at all.

I better go see it myself a little tomorrow morning.

「Ah, I had another trouble」

「Hmm? Trouble?」

「Yes, when I had free time and watched a video…… I had to stop midway when I wanted to research something on the internet. Is the radio wave weak?」

「Aya…… you shouldn’t watch videos at such times!」

「It’s different! I was researching!」

Well, I also connected five to my house’s wifi router. If I don’t replace it with a strong radio wave, it might be bad.

It will be a problem even if the radio wave condition gets worse at the time of emergency, so shall I respond quickly?

「Okay, then I will handle it. I’ll order it to arrive tomorrow morning so Elena, I´m sorry, but please stay home tomorrow morning」


I ordered a high-end wifi router that could be used in an office, etc… By superfast delivery.

「Seiji-sama, I also have a request」

It is unusual for Elena to ask for something.

「Please say it without hesitation」

「Since not only the royal capital but also the other cities are concerned, can you make [Teleportation Magic Stones] that we can use to go to each city?」

「I see, I understand. I will prepare it by tomorrow」

「Thank you very much!」

It’s late at night, but with Elena’s request, I can’t help it.

On that day, I went around each town until late at night and made a set of [Teleportation Magic Stone] for Aya, Elena and Hilda.


The next morning, I got up early and went to see the state of Nippon before going to work.

Certainly, there is a strange atmosphere.

It is so suspicious that it’s likely that it will rain now…….

And the wind is strong.

Speaking of which, the wind has been strong for the past few days.

In the pioneer village, private houses were destroyed…… and the door of Laila´s mansion in Shinju town was also shriveled…….


That? Maybe…….

The crisis in the kingdom of Dreados is a…… [Typhoon], isn’t it?


When I came home, Aya and Elena were preparing to go out.

「Seiji-sama, where did you go so early in the morning?」

「I went to see about the situation of Nippon Town」

「Did you find out something?」


「Eh? Nii-chan, you found out something?」

「Maybe, but…… I’m not sure if a typhoon is coming? The crisis may be that」

「Typhoon? Certainly, it might be something like that when you were told that, but…… The country does not enter a crisis due to a typhoon, is it different this time?」

「No, there is no such thing. Is there a typhoon coming to Elena and the Kingdom of Dreados?」

「No, I studied the typhoon, but I have never heard of such a terrible storm in the Kingdom of Dreados」

「That means you are not prepared for the typhoon, of course」


If they aren’t prepared at all, they may well suffer damage.

When I think so, the areas that show the attention on the map also are unknown.

As Ebis and Shinaga both show caution on the mountainside, there may be a landslide caused by heavy rain, right?

The town of Toki is by the sea, so is it a high tide?

Ikeb is around the tower of sunrise, so maybe something like a building wind occurs.

What about Nippon and the pioneer village where the damage is likely to be the largest?

A closer look at the previously printed map shows that there is a river near Nippon. This may be a flood.

It is only expectations, but if I know in advance, we may be prepared accordingly.

Evacuating the people who live in the area where damage is expected, or prepare food, etc… in advance.

「Nii-chan, what should we do if the typhoon comes?」

「First of all, it seems that the damage is the biggest in Nippon, as the river will be upset and floods will occur, so we will prepare the banks of the rivers to prevent the floods」

「Eh, if the typhoon may come soon, do we do it now?」

「If we use [Earth Magic], can we do more than first aid?」

「Ah, I see」

Well, even if it is a typhoon, it should be quite large if it is at the power of a national crisis.

Let’s tighten our mind here.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 402: Levee protection works

Aya was watching a video in the other world.

『Look at this!?』

『This is amazing!』

It looks like she is showing the video to Misha-san. When did these two become friends like this?

And what video are they watching? I’m really worried.

『I see. Such damage will come out with water』

What? Were you watching a video of flood damage?

I thought they would be watching a naughty video…….

『Hey here, we build up both sides of the river like this so that the water won’t overflow』

『Umm, this is going to be a hard job』

As I asked, did she try to collect people who could use [Earth Magic]?

Then I should talk to Rondo directly. Aya, is not good with Rondo that much, right?

『Let’s talk to Rachel first』

Rachel seems to have to be relied on for a while.

『If so, leave it to me!』

Aya proudly took out her smartphone and called Hilda with a video call.

『Hello Aya-oneechan, what do you want?』

『Hilda-chan, are you near Rachel-san? Misha-san wants to talk』

『Yes, wait a minute. I will call her』

『Is, Is this a magic tool!?』

Misha-san is surprised. Aya is very proud.

That’s why I pay for the monthly fee.

Misha-san and Rachel-san made a video conference over the smartphones with surprise and confirmed each other’s situation.

Rachel-san also heard about the situation from Hilda and made preparations, so she soon went to visit the river revetment work.

『So, Rondo-sama thank you for going to the adventurer guild』

『Ye, Yes』

Rondo seems to have gone to the guild to gather adventurers who can use 【Earth Magic】. It’s like an errand.


Around 10 o’clock in the morning, the magicians who departed from Nippon town and the pioneer village had arrived at the river respectively.

From the place close to each town or village, it is a procedure to expand the bank and give priority to connecting two points with the bank.

Aya and Hilda keep in touch per smartphone, while Rachel-san and Misha-san give instructions and proceed with the work.

And, at the same time the work started, it began to rain.

There are 10 people on Aya and Misha-san´s side and 5 magicians on Hilda and Rachel-san´s side, but the way to proceed with the construction was on Hilda and Rachel-san´s side.

The talented earth magicians seemed to have gathered in Rachel-san’s pioneer village. Also, there is the most talented Rachel-san and Hilda with the highest achievements.


Elena received the home delivery service at home and immediately went to Nippon town with [Teleportation Magic Stone].

When Elena arrived, Rondo was just about to leave for the adventurers.

『This is Princess Elena. Thank you for taking care of us』

When Rondo greeted Elena, the adventurers who were gathering began to feel puzzled.


『What a beauty!』

『Has she come to see us off?』

『Idiot, she just came to see Rondo-sama』

『Well, that’s right~』

However, when Rondo started moving with the adventurers, they were surprised to see Elena walking alongside them.

『The princess will follow us?』

『And she is walking! 』

Usually, the ordinary royal family would move by carriage.

As it rained Rondo, Elena, and the adventurers headed to the revetment site.


Finally, it is lunch break. However, I have no time to eat lunch slowly.

First of all, I returned home and finished the work of replacing the wifi router that Elena had received in 3 minutes.

And I also go to the revetment construction site.

「Aya, how is it going?」

「Ah, Nii-chan. Things are going really well!」

「Hmm? Is that so?」

「Uh, it’s so fast, and we have no problems」

Well, I hope it’s going fine…….

「Thanks to the new wifi, the video playback is working greatly!」

That’s your story! Well, watching a video while the revetment is under construction! It is dexterous.

「So, what is the status of the construction work?」

「Ah, about that. It’s fun to use magic a lot. It’s raining, but we can manage to do it」

Well, that’s fine if you’re having fun.

「But is it all right with this kind of proper construction? The other side hasn’t been constructed at all」

「Because we haven’t worked on the other side of the bank. It seems that this kind of appropriate work will be enough」

「Eh? In what way?」

「Because there are no people living on the other side, there is no problem if it goes to the other side, and the water in the river will be reduced」

「Ah, is that so!」

Well, I’m not familiar with this either, so I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do.

If we want to manage the floods that are likely to happen tomorrow, we can do nothing more than this.

「Then, I see the other things too」


I left Aya and checked through the river with lightning speed, and I reprinted the map with the changed location showing caution and handed it over to Rondo.

One hour of lunch break, it is enough to do just this?

After all, I just couldn’t rest at all by eating a calorie-supplemented portable food.


It is time to finish work, and it is on time again today. I change clothes quickly and go to the revetment construction site again.

「Elena, how is the construction?」

「Ah, Seiji-sama. The construction is over, and we are about to head back」

Well, there is no way to work with lights through the night.

「Okay, then I will check again」

「Be careful」

I am seen off by Elena and run with lightning speed on the riverside in the night when it rains.

Even if I check it, I just look at the yellow area that shows caution while looking at the map.

Oops, I found it right away.

This is the place where Aya was working……. She was working while watching the video, so it’s a rough construction.

I can’t help it, but I’ll do the repair work instead.


Making sure that the “CAUTION” indicator on the place has disappeared, I check another area.

All the places where the river might overflow have been repaired. In time, it was already the next day. I am a little overworked, am I not?

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 403: Storm

Next Friday. Today too, I looked around each city before I go to work, but both the rain and the wind are quite intense. The typhoon will finally come.

The “Caution area” of Nippon town and the pioneer village has almost disappeared by the effect of revetment work.

However, in other cities, the area is slightly larger. Does it change according to the situation?

I handed a map of the newly reprinted caution area to Laila, and I went to work.


At work, I watch everyone at work.

Elena flew to somewhere when she was informed that an injured man had come out, so she cured him.

Hilda is flying around where the walls and buildings have collapsed and is repairing them.

Aya…… heard the information that the monsters that usually don’t appear under the influence of the weather appeared and went out to get rid of the monsters.

There is only one person who has a different purpose, but it seems to be useful.


Before noon, the weather was in full swing, and the residents of Shinju town started taking refuge one after another.

Lailaa is providing her mansion as a shelter.

Food for refugees is prepared in advance, and everything is ready. Well, that’s because I told them to do it.


At the royal capital…… the evacuation is delayed, and there are injuries. What is the king doing?

Elena hears it and runs around in the rain in the capital city.

Healing the injured people and help them evacuate. The shelter is the adventurer guild.

At first, they tried to use the castle as a shelter…… Lyle Gebalt had to stop that because of a security problem.

So the adventurer guild has become full of people. Elena is in trouble.

Is this my turn?

At lunchtime, I refuse the lunch invitation of my colleagues and rush to Elena´s side.


「Elena, are you all right?」

「Seiji-sama! You’ve come. I’m fine, but there is no shelter」

「Alright!! I will make one!!」

I took Elena’s hand and used【Teleportation】.

「This is…… Aria-san’s church. But this wasn’t a very strong building, so I thought that everyone here also evacuated」

「No, there is no need for that. I will do something about it」

I used barrier magic to cover the entire church.

「What? Seiji-san and Elena-san! Why did you come? I suddenly stopped hearing the sound of the rain, so I came to see the situation……」

「Ah, Seiji-oji…… nii-chan」

Aria-san and Minya-chan came out to see the situation.

「I used 【Barrier】 to prevent the rain and wind to intrude」


Minya-chan is delighted.

「Seiji-san, thank you for helping always」

「Aria-san, I have a request, can I evacuate some residents of this town here?」

「Yes, of course」

Aria-san agreed, so that would be enough for the shelter shortage.

However, there are only Aria-san and the children here. I can’t afford to send strangers to such a place.

「Elena. Only women and children will be brought here」


「Then I will go now, and I will use 【Barrier】 for other shelter places」


I split up with Elena and went around the buildings that are being used as shelters in each city.

I had missed eating a proper lunch today too…….

I’ll eat something delicious when I’ve settled on this situation.


In the afternoon, the rain and wind are getting stronger.

『There is information that monsters are overflowing from the tower of sunrise』

Laila tells me information over voice chat.

『I will go!』

Aya answers it quickly.

Usually, they don’t get along, but in an emergency, they work together.

『Elena, how is the state of the royal capital?』

『Yes, the evacuation of the residents has been completed. However, there is a short supply of food』

『Nippon town has the capacity to give a little. Someone needs to go to get it』

『I will go get it』

This time, Hilda answers. It’s great that everyone cooperates.

『Uwa! Around the tower of sunrise, full of slimes!』

Aya is freaking out. Speaking of which, the basement of the tower of sunrise was full of slime. Has the basement flooded and so these guys overflowed.

『Aya, are you all right?』

It’s rare, Laila is worried about Aya. Is it raining and the ground hardens?

『I seem a bit messy, but I´m fine alone』

『Understood. I ask the lord of Ikebu town to direct some adventurers to the tower of sunrise』

『I´m saying I´m fine alone』

『If you can’t move when something else happens. We’re in trouble!』

As I thought, they already started fighting.

However, in such a situation, I felt sorry that only I couldn’t move.


Near the evening there was a new movement.

『In Toki town, monsters are coming up from the sea. Aya! Can you go?』

『Dont say my name without honorifics!  I’m going to get rid of the slime in a little while…… ah, the adventurer´s reinforcements came, so I’ll leave it to them and I’ll head to Toki town』


『It seems that a massive landslide has occurred in Shinaga Town』

『I will go!』

Hilda responds quickly.

『Ah, there is someone who is trapped in the entrance of the coal mine because of the landslide』

What did you say!?

『I will go too!』

Elena also raises her hand.

I enter the private toilet room and interrupt the voice chat.

「Laila, what do you mean? Since the area near the coal mine in Shinaga town is a caution area, didn’t all evacuate?」

『Ah, Seiji…… as there were not enough shelters, some of the slaves were left in the coal mine as they are』

「Damn it!」

『So, Sorry. I didn’t know……』

I vent my anger on Laila. It was completely forgotten that it was such a world here.

「Elena, Hilda, will you be alright?」

『Seiji-sama, we will be fine. Please leave it to us』


I prayed in my heart and returned to work.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 404: Digging a hole well

It’s almost time for work. Are they all right?

『There are too many enemies……』

A bearish voice came from Aya. And it’s not the voice chat, but the voice from 【Tracking Beacon】.

When I look at the shore of Toki Town from Aya´s sight, a large number of monsters are coming. All monsters are marine creatures.

Octopus, squid, jellyfish, whales, flying fish like fishes, and all of them are coming up to land. There are also some swimming in the air.

Are they going to attack the town? Is this also the effect of a typhoon?

However, I am in an important meeting, so I can’t move now.

It’s very common for heroes to be late in a pinch. The reason is that I’m at work.


Toki Town. Aya was having a hard time.

A huge octopus monster grabbed one of her legs and she can’t move.


At last, both feet are caught, and she falls.


Aya tries to escape, but it is impossible.

And she was hung upside down.

「Stop it」

There is no reason for words to be communicated to the enemy and it is a situation where both hands and feet are caught, and there is no hand or foot free anymore.

And, in the meanwhile, a single tentacle…… the octopus foot extends to Aya’s important place…….

「Noo! Stopp!!」

It’s completely unrelated, but one of the octopus’s tentacles is called the 『Union Arm』, as the tip seems to be like a male genital

And while the octopus foot bends, it slowly approaches Aya.

「N, No! Nii-chan, save me……」

Aya looks up at the octopus foot coming from between her legs…….

The octopus foot hit Aya´s face directly.

And the octopus feet move around in a wriggling way.

「What this! Gyaa!!!」

When Aya ran wild, the strength of the octopus foot holding her limbs weakened and the restraint is broken, and she fell down from the upside-down position.


「Aya, you’re noisy」


Aya was embraced by my arms.

Giant Octopus? Ah, that’s what I cut with my 『Masamune´s Masterpiece』.

「Ni, Ni-chaaan」

Aya hugged me and started to complain.

「I was about to lose my important thing just now」

「What important thing?」



「What are you letting me say! Nii-chan is a pervert!」

I have been scolded by her for some reason. I can’t understand!

[EN: How dense can this man possibly be?]

「Ah, Nii-chan. You´re still wearing your suit」


My suit is……. Because of the rain and Aya´s runny nose, it is dangerous.

I will put it for cleaning later…….

I changed to my usual adventure clothes with [Transformation Magic Stone].

「By the way, Aya, how long are you going to hug me?」

「I’m tired, so I’ll do it for a while」

After all, she is still a child no matter how she behaves.

「Although there are still monsters」

「If its Nii-chan, you can get right of them with me, right?」


Before long, we were surrounded by the marine creatures.

「Aya, close your ears a little」


「【Lightning strike】!」


Hundreds of lightning fell around Aya and me.

When the intense lightning ceases, there are mountains of grilled marine creatures on the beach where we are standing.

And there is also a delicious smell around.

That’s it. Let’s eat grilled fish for lunch the whole next week. Soaking them in soy sauce with a large daikon radish. All I need is white rice and miso soup. Let’s do that.

I left the post-processing of the marine creatures to the townsmen, and I flew to Elena and Hilda´s side while holding Aya.


「Elena, Hilda, are you all right?」



「The people inside are safe, but…… the entrance is filled with mud…… and it will flow in if we dig」

Both Elena and Hilda seem to be so tired that they look pale. And they’re muddy.

「Aya-san, are you all right?」

You are reading story Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic at novel35.com


Ah, I kept hugging Aya.

「Now, I will do it, so you three take a rest」



First, I put a [Barrier] around the site so that no more water will flow into it.

After securing a place where those three could rest, I set out at the entrance of the mine where the landslide happened.

「Well, here is the mine entrance……」

Elena and Hilda were trying to dig up as hard as possible. However, mud flowed into the place where the hole was dug, and it was difficult.

First of all, I slowly scrape out the entrance that was buried to loosen it little by bit.

「Nii-chan, do your best!」

All three are cheering behind me. I’m just tired after finishing my work, but I’m going to do my best here.

After a while, a hole leading to the depths appeared.

I will open the hole by force only here. The hole is wide open and ready to let someone go in and out.

「Ooo! Nii-chan is a good digger!」

「As one would expect from Seiji-sama!」


Lavish voices praising me arise from behind.

「Now, I will help those who are trapped inside」



I went into the pit with pride.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 405: Slave rescue

In the back of the hole, I started invading. Following me, are Aya, Elena and Hilda.

Immediately after entering, I found 10 children. They are all girls at the elementary school age.

They were trembling and gathered together to warm their wet bodies.

「We´re here to help」

That’s how we approach.

But for some reason, the children have subtle expressions. What’s wrong with them?

「I’m sorry, but we’re the only one here」

One of the children responds.

Hmm? What is this girl saying? I don’t understand what she means.

「What do you mean?」

When I ask the question.

「I’m sorry! There are only slaves here」

「I know? So we came to help you guys」


This time the children have question marks floating above their heads.

Apparently, they had never thought that someone would come to help them as they are slaves…….

I see…… slaves, originally such treatment was natural.

Suddenly, Hilda has a sad expression. Perhaps she may be acquainted with this.

「Because the details don’t matter, don’t say anything and follow!」

「Ah, yes……」

We took the children out of the mine.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

「Elena-sama, I apologize. This shelter is full, and I can’t afford to evacuate any more slaves」

Elena, who appeared muddy, was suspected at first but was somehow understood to be herself.

However, the request to evacuate 10 children has been refused.

It can’t be helped, let’s evacuate them to another city.

This time, we went to the castle of the capital city.

「Elena-sama! What did you do to show up with such an appearance!」

Lyle Gebalt is surprised to see Elena’s muddy appearance.

「Aside from me, please evacuate these children to the castle」

「Sorry, there is a security problem, so I can’t do that except for Elena-sama!」

This guy, in such a situation, is he still saying something like this……? If you guys are in a pinch, I will never help!

This time, we went to Laila´s side.

「So please evacuate these children here」

「Seiji, why are you so muddy! I……」

「You don’t need to care about me. It’s not me alone that is muddy」

「Ah, Elena-sama is full of mud!」

Sometimes Laila gets out of sight. Why is that so?

「Evacuating them is no problem, but first, we have to remove the mud」

That’s right if you say so.

「Is there no bath here?」

「There is, but……. the evacuators are using it in order and giving priority to slaves is indeed…..」

There is no choice but to wait.

「Then, do you want to use the bath in my mansion?」


It is not good to show this world, but it can’t be helped because it is an emergency situation.

I return home alone and lay a leisure seat in the living room.

And I brought all the muddy people here with 【Teleportation】. Otherwise, the whole room will get dirty.

The children were all surprised, but I told them to keep quiet in advance, so all 10 didn’t speak a word. On the contrary, they are too quiet that it’s scary.

「Well then, you will take a bath with Aya, Elena, and Hilda」



I return to the other world and use the rain to shake the bucket as if it were turned over and dump the mud appropriately.

When I came back, my house was a battlefield.

Hilda takes the muddy children one by one to the bathroom, and Aya cleans herself in the bathroom, while Elena dries her hair.

Such work flow was finished.

「Seiji-sama, we don’t have enough clothes」

That’s right, they can’t afford to wear their muddy clothes again.

「O, Ou」

I got my own T-shirts.

「Is this okay?」

「They are too big…… but I will do something about it」

Certainly, T-shirts for men are too big for children. The shoulder width is too large, the chest is empty, the length is too long, and it is completely a one-piece.

Elena manages to wrap up the open chest and waist with ribbons to finish the kids pretty.

「Seiji-sama, you know…… we don’t have enough underwear」

Apparently, slaves were not allowed to put such expensive things on.

「Uu, I really can’t help with girls’ underwear」

「That’s right……」

Hmmm, aren’t convenience stores also selling panties?

It’s late at night, so I can’t afford to let Hilda or Elena go.

Just because Aya finished washing all people and came out of the bath, I decided to give her the task.

「Aya, we´re short of panties, I’ll give you money, so buy some at a convenience store」

「Eh, Nii-chan should buy it」

I shall buy female underwear as a 30-year-old middle aged man! What a horrible thing to say.

「Ah, it’s impossible for Nii-chan」

Somehow, I guessed that with my expression, Aya went to the convenience store to buy panties.

Well, I managed to take a break, but 14 people in 1 LDK are really tight.

[ED: In Japan 1LDK means a single apartment with a living room, dining room, and kitchen. This layout is the most common type of apartment in the city center.]

Those children have to wear panties before I take them to Laila.

But those girls…… because the panties haven’t arrived yet, wearing T-shirts, they are sitting on the floor grasping their knees…… not good.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 406: Soft omelet rice

Aya bought the panties.

「Aya……. Why aren’t these panties for kids?」

「There was only this! I went to three convenience stores and bought them!」

Really……. If that’s the case, then it can’t be helped.

「By the way, why do you have 14 puddings?」

「I’m thinking of eating them with everyone」

It seems that the girls are hungry, or will she eat all of them after having eaten dinner?

However, she bought this from the money I gave her. So, it’s alright.


When I heard from Laila by phone, that their side is in a state of restlessness, we have time to eat dinner.

I’m also getting hungry, and I’m going to make something now.

There are a lot of eggs. Well then, I would like to make omelet rice.

The rice will be cooked and stored if it is for the time of the meal so that it will be in time.

While heating the frying pan, in a few moments between that, I apply 【Quick】 on myself and chop the onions quickly. There are no tears because I used 【Barrier】 to shut off the air.

While frying the onions, I cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and fry it at the same time.

When it comes to 13 people indeed, because it is impossible in one-split, we will divide it into 4 and make chicken rice.

Wind magic prevents it from falling when frying it with the frying pan and fire magic compensates for the lack of firepower.

I put the prepared chicken rice on a plate……..

Ah, I haven’t enough dishes. As it can’t be helped, I substitute with paper plates.

Once served, I put the chicken rice in the inventory to keep it fresh.

Next 【Eggs】.

I put two frying pans on two stoves and let them heat up at the same time. I break up the eggs and stir them.

When the frying pan is at a good temperature, I pour the eggs into one frying pan and keep the other frying pan in the inventory to maintain heat.

After that, I just make 13 omelets alternately.

I put the omelettes on top of the chicken rice one by one and move it to the inventory again.

Therefore, it took only 30 minutes to complete 13 pieces. Am I a genius or not?

Ah, I’m done! No, the spoons aren’t enough!

I can’t help it, so I take out 10 silver coins and produce pure silver with [Electrolysis]. Next, I shape it into spoons like that with [Metal Control]. By the way, I made the forehead part a little fork-like shape.


When I finished cooking, I went to the living room and all the panties had been worn by now.

After all, the size doesn’t fit, so it seems we need to adjust in various ways.

It was okay for me to be in charge of this.

Because Aya has stopped me for some reason, I left them alone.

I clean up the sofa in the living room and connect two short tables.

Next, we let the children sit at the table and line up the chicken rice on omelette made by me one by one.

The children look at the food in front of them while making their stomachs are rumbling.

I take out a knife in an odd manner, make a cut in the omelet and simmer the chicken rice with the simmering omellet.

As we continue, Elena arranges ketchup and Hilda distribute orange juice in a paper cup.

※ I abandoned the soup because there was nothing to put in it.

「Now, let’s eat」

I spoke to the children…… but no one wants to eat.

Again, this pattern……. It can’t be helped, do they want me to make an ordering tone?

「Order to the 10 of you. Chew and eat this food slowly, taste and eat. Did you understand?」

「「Ye, Yes」」

It seems that you can’t tell unless you say something like this.

「Now let’s start!」

The children grabbed the spoons, followed my signs and started eating slowly and carefully.

One piece. When everyone ate one bite, they opened their eyes and were surprised and stopped.

After a while, they started to talk slowly.

The children took their time slowly as instructed and finished eating the omelet.

And, staring at the paper plate in a way that left a mark.

Hmmm, I wondered if it wasn’t enough? I can’t help it, so I divided my omelet into 10 equal portions and put it on the plates of the children.

I can eat cup noodles later.

By the way, Elena, Hilda and Aya had already finished eating first. There is no need for Elena and Hilda to look apologetic.

「There is pudding too」

Aya, who hasn’t thought about it, brought the pudding here.

「One for each person」

Aya puts a pudding in front of everyone.

I’m also taking one, as it’s a pudding she bought from my money! Moreover, fresh cream and fruits are also expensive.

Aya is giving a lecture on how to eat this pudding with a happy face.

And when I finally thought that the children had begun to eat the pudding, I needed to order them again.

After eating the pudding, at last, the children had an expression that their consciousness got stuck somewhere.

Well, it was fine if it was delicious, but it would be better if they were just a little innocently delighted, though there is a conflict.


I let the children rest a little and see for a while the state of Dreados kingdom.

All the children had gone to sleep when I came back from looking at the situation in each area and fixing the [barriers] in the shelters.

「Elena, what is this?」

「Seiji-sama, as soon as you went out, everyone fell asleep, so we split them up」

The futons for customers are in the living room, and there are 5 girls. The remaining 5 girls were sleeping in my room.

My bed is occupied…….

「Emm, Elena? Where should I go to sleep?」

「Sorry. There is no other place to sleep……」

It can’t be helped.

I would like to be able to stay at Laila´s place, too.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 407: Gossip

「Laila. Sorry for this so late at night」

「Se, Seiji. What happened? Didn’t you return?」

「No, I wasn’t supposed to let those 10 girls stay in my house, but they fell asleep, so I have no place to sleep now」

「Th, Therefore, you come to me?」

「Well, that’s about it」

「Se, Seiji…… will go to bed late at night……. With me…… to, together!? My first time is finally Seiji……」

Laila…… started to murmur something. It’s so late, did she fall asleep and is sleep talking?

Laila, who is sleeping while standing, let’s let her be.


I moved to the large room where the residents were evacuated in.

「I’m sorry, can I use this place?」

「Ah, yes」

I took a small place inside the room and decided to sleep there.

However, although it is a fairly large room, I am a displaced man. I can hear other people’s speech.

「Laila-sama is a very kind person. Opening her house, for us」

「More than that, a magic wall is wrapped around the house. There’s no rain or wind coming in」

Residents are talking about Laila. It seems that the approval rating from residents is quite high.

Well, I was the one who put the barrier on, though.

「If Laila-sama becomes the queen, will this country be more livable?」

Laila becoming queen ~. King, the people are thinking of replacing you.

「Laila-sama is great, but Princess Elena is also great」

Oh, they’re also talking about Elena.

「Princess Elena seems to be healing the wounded people everywhere」

「Ah, what kindness」

「Princess Elena has a perfect status and is very likely to be the next queen」

「Queen Elena~. She is going to be a gentle queen」

That’s good! Shall I quietly kill the king who is useless so as not to be noticed by Elena, and then put Elena on the throne.

What! I won’t do that. I have wanted to lie for some reason, and it’s not on April 1st. Why??

「Besides, it seems that the adventurer of Princess Elena is also amazing」

Hmm? Maybe something about me? Even though I acted as stealthy as possible. I’m troubled.

「She uses fire magic, though she is younger than Elena-sama」

What? It’s about Hilda……. Well, Hilda has been working hard recently. It can’t be ruled out that it is a rumor.

「Speaking of which, I’ve only seen them occasionally, but there is also a black hair」

Oh, is this about me now? I’m troubled.

「Oh yes, a woman with dark hair and an unseen dagger」

Eh? Now it’s about Aya!

「Only women are active」

「Speaking of being active, a man……」

This time is it me?


「Yes, only Rondo-sama」

「It seems so」

……Stop making noises. I decided to sleep.



Midnight. A loud noise rang, and my eyes opened.

「Wh, What’s wrong!」

「I heard something awful!」

The evacuated people are also waking up and are beginning to make a fuss.


「Ah, Again!」

「What’s going on?」

The sound I don’t understand well is repeating again and again. What exactly is happening?

Sounds and vibrations seem to be coming from quite far. However, it is neither lightning nor an earthquake, so I really don’t know what it is.

A soldier broke through the evacuated people and was approaching me.

「Seiji-dono, Laila-sama needs you」

Did Laila’s men come to call me?

I moved to Laila´s room in a hurry.


「Laila, I’m coming in」

What? When I entered the room…… Laila was crouching in the middle of the room.

「Laila…… what are you doing?」

When I call out again…….

「Se, Seiji!」

Laila finally noticed that I was here and rushed to hug me.

「Hey, Laila, what happened?」

「Seiji! No more! I’m scared! I want to return home」

Hmmm, it seems like she is acting like a child out of fear.

「Hey, Laila. Calm down」

However, Laila is swaying while hugging me.

「I can’t help it, but this late at night I need to call Elena」

The moment I stumbled so much. The shaking of Laila stopped.

「Why, Elena-sama?」

「Hmm? Because, here, there is a [Twin Magic Stone String Telephone] for the communication relay with each town. If Laila can’t move, they won’t be able to communicate with each other. It’s just Elena that can replace you, right?」


I don’t even know what she dislikes.

「I’ll…… keep in touch!」

「I see, Laila is great」

I guess she hasn’t been able to get rid of her childish behavior. Even so, it is great that she tries to complete her work. I stroke Laila’s head.

「Then, I will go to check the true nature of that sound」

「Se, Seiji! Are you going?」

「Yes. I’m just looking at it. Well, you don’t need to worry, I’ll come back as soon as I see it」

I took off the arm of Laila who is holding me to start the action.

「Se, Seiji. Don’t go」

There is nothing to worry about. Indeed, Laila is afraid.

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 408: Danger area

I shook off Laila´s arm and came out to see the state of the typhoon.

The wind is very strong, and I seem to be blown away, but with magic, I’m avoiding the wind that hits me, so I’m fine.

The bigger problem is the rain. Big chunks of water fall here and there. This…… it is too late, it is not a level that can be called rain anymore.

When I go to the place where the “Cautious” area was…… perhaps the ground is a little lower. Water gathers from the surroundings, becoming a big river, which flows to the west.

There are no people here since the evacuation has been completed, but private houses have all been washed away.

This is not a normal typhoon.

I thought it wasn’t right to use magic power indiscriminately for natural phenomena, but I can’t say that.

I decided to call some experts.

「【Summon wind spirit】! 【Summon water spirit】!!」

I summoned 2 spirits.

「Uwa! Wh, What’s this!?」


What? I summoned the water and wind spirits to talk with them. However, both are very scared.

「I summoned the both of you as I want to talk about what to do with this situation……」



It’s no good, they’re scared and can’t talk properly.

「Then, shall I transform into a dragon and blow it away?」

「Don’t do that!」

Water spirit is even more scared. What, did I say something unpleasant? It is not unusual to see how it is done.

「Anyway, lets run away quickly without doing anything!」

「It is not good to fight!」

Wind and water spirits have been scared back into my body. What does this mean?

Even though I summoned them, I couldn’t discuss anything……. However, I can’t say it as it is. What should I do…….

Suddenly, [warning] magic informed “danger” when thinking about it.

When I look at the map, the yellow area that indicates “CAUTION” gradually turns red to indicate “DANGER” from the west, just like a red tentacle extends.

Perhaps the center of the typhoon is approaching. Even if it is such a situation now, what happens if the center of the typhoon hits directly?

Once again, [warning] magic has informed “Danger”.

When I look at the place, the rain clouds in the sky hang down, and a huge tornado has fallen from there.


The tornado, which has grown tremendously downward, hit a private house directly under it, making a roar and making it pierce the ground.

And the surrounding water is sucked up toward the tornado. What a natural threat.

After a while, a bright red area has spread on the west side of the map.

Is all of that the central part of the typhoon! What is the central part of this state, though it is not yet the central part?

The spirits said that it was not good, but if it were to happen, I would have to transform into a dragon and blow it away.

When I was thinking about that, Laila contacted me.

「Se, Seiji. Come quickly」

「What happened?」

When I think she is scared again, it looks like it’s different now.

「From the barrier Seiji created with a great deal…… water has come in from the entrance where people come and go」

Speaking of which, I kept a part open for people to come and go. It is not good if the barrier isn’t completely closed.

I hurried back to the shelter and rebuilt the barrier by completely closing it.

At the same time, it was strengthened a little to prevent not only wind and water but also lightning and physical attacks.

「Laila, you can calm down. I fixed everything」

「Seiji, I’m sorry. The shelters in other towns called that the same thing was happening. Can I ask you to take care of it?」

Hmmm, it’s bothersome, but it’s not good if I don’t do it.

But Laila. Even though she was scared like that before, she now has a very sharp look.

Has she ready herself? Let’s say that I didn’t see that her feet were shaking a little.


Now I am blocking the barriers of each shelter completely. This is quite difficult. My MP has also been consumed a lot. I have to eat Hilda´s candy later…….

In the middle of the work, Laila contacted me again.

「Se, Se, Seiji」

Her voice is shaking. What had happened to her?

「Now, I´m in the process of rebuilding the barrier in the shelter in Nippon Town, what happened?」

「I, I, I, I see……. Hehehe, here, here…… no problem at all. Con, Con, Continuously, wowowo work request」

The call was cut just by itself, but the appearance of Laila was obviously overt.

When I look at it with 【Tracking Beacon】…….

Laila was shaking hard.

What? Wrong! Laila isn’t shaking. The place where Laila stands is shaking.

What’s wrong?

Apparently, due to the wind and rain, the whole shelter is shaken by the impact.

The center of the typhoon is probably passing just above Laila´s place.

When I continued to look at Laila’s appearance with the [Tracking Beacon] while replacing the barrier, a soldier with an anxious expression came in a hurry.

『Laila-sama, it’s serious! The refugees are starting to make noise』

This is crazy. Panic is the scariest thing in this situation.

『Ah, I see. I will go』

Laila tightened her face and headed to the large room with the evacuated people inside.

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