Golden Solitude: A Tale Of War & Love

Chapter 11: Chapter 3: Owing you.

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I was in dad’s office. He propped up his head on his hands and looked straight at me. It was in the morning too, usually I only come here at night. But this time dad wanted to talk to me. I can guess why though. It’s probably because we decided to help that girl. I expected this, but I didn’t think he’d be this mad.


Hak was standing next to dad, but he didn’t say a single word. In all honesty I’m not really sure if I can convince dad to help that girl, but I have an ace up my sleeve just in case. Vira and the sage stood behind me, but of course no one else could see them. 


“Vira. I think you know why I called you here, yes?” he said with a heavy tone. 


“Yep. I do.” I answered.


“Why did you do it?”


“Because I wanted to help.”


“Couldn’t you just leave her at the orphanage here?” 


“I felt responsible, so I couldn’t do that.”


“What about all the other kids in the same town, why don’t you help them as well?”


“Though it may sound harsh, I only did this out of my own selfishness.”


“Why’d you specially help her?” 


“Because I wanted to.”


“And how will you take care of her?”


“With your and mom’s help.”


“Okay, but why would I help you?”


I knew it’d come down to this. Obviously we can’t just help out any child we see, and letting me do this might spoil me, and so they’re doing this to deter me. While I understand that, they should really understand that we’re not a child.


“Because I will owe you.”


“Aren’t you my son? I can ask you to do anything. If I really wanted to.” he smirked at me while stating that. Does he think I don’t have an answer for something like this?  


“Would you excuse me in my answer?”


“Sure, I am your father after all.”


“There is indeed an advantage. I won’t owe you as a son, but rather as an asset to this territory.”


“An asset you say?”


“Yes, once I reach adulthood I would be free to leave this territory on my own ventures, but with this you can ask me any one thing which I will owe to you, the lord of this territory.”


“Why would you go so far for a child you found yesterday?”


“I guess you could say it’s just curiosity?”


He then stopped. He didn’t say a thing. 


He suddenly got up from his table, walking forward he kneeled down in front of me and then hugged me. 


“Gosh~ You’re so smart now. I was going to help you either way, but with this I can’t refuse you, now can I?”


“You can loosen up already, you know?” he whispered into my ears. Finally relaxing my body, I hugged him back.


“Thanks dad.” 


“Oh but you’ll have to convince your mom yourself. I’m sure you can do it though...” The both of us stared into our own eyes and remembered how hard mom can be to convince. She’s quite simply someone who can refute us with smart arguments. 


Dad placed his hands on my shoulder and said “I’m sorry son. You’ll venture alone for this one.” 


As I was right in front of the house I thought.


I am so done for. But when I asked mom to let the girl stay at our house for a month, so that she can recover she said “Oh? That’s fine with me. Go ahead.” - “As I thought, you’d refuse...”


“Wait what?!”


“Yeah no, it’s fine.”


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“But why?”


“Didn’t you already think of everything?”


“How did you know...?” 


“I’m your mother afterall, I’ve seen you since you were a baby. Of course I would know that you’d only help after you’ve at least thought enough about it.”


But I’m not as smart as she thinks I am... Hugging her I said “Thanks for understanding mom.”


Opening the door to my room I saw the girl peacefully sleeping in my bed. Not knowing how to wake her up, I lightly tapped on her forehead. Slowly opening her eyes, she turned her head towards me. As I looked at her sapphire-eyes, I was simply stunned. Her eyes were like gems, sparkling in the sunlight that passed through the windows near the bed.


She simply blinked her eyes and didn’t say a thing.


[Uncle... Can I talk to her?]


[Why? Did you fall in love with her? Kahahahaha!]the sage laughed like a madman.


Vira, embarrassed, replied back with [N-No! Of course not!]


[Jeez guys, calm down. And sure, I can give you control back.]



Uncle gave me back control. Still embarrassed from the sage’s comment, I talked to the girl. “H-Hi... I’m Vira.”


She slightly nodded her head to it.


Trying to talk, she opened her mouth, but no sound came out. “Are you tired?” I asked her.


She slowly nodded again.


The both of us were silent. Remembering that she might not have eaten anything I asked “Are you hungry?”


She nodded again.


Going to the kitchen I saw mom preparing something. I then asked her “Mommy, do we have something for her to eat?”


“Mhm. You can give her this porridge.”


“But she can’t eat on her own...”


“Shouldn’t you feed her, since you’re responsible?” she said smiling.


“Okay!” I took the bowl with a spoon and went back to my room. Remembering that I should get a cup of water, I got water from the kitchen.


Placing the bowl and water on the side table, I wondered how I would feed her.


“Can you sit up?”


She shook her head. 


“I’ll help you sit up, okay?” 


She nodded.


Pulling the blanket off, I held her back and pushed her up and helped her sit against the backboard of the bed. But she was really light. Once she sat up properly I took the blanket again and covered it over her legs.


Pushing my chair forward, I sat near her. Taking the bowl, I carefully took a spoon of the hot porridge. Blowing on it I told her “Say aahh~”


She slowly opened her mouth. I fed her the porridge and she gulped it down.


Once she gulped it down, she started coughing. Getting the cup of water, I quickly kept it near her mouth and gently slanted it. She drank the water and stopped coughing. 


Once she felt better again, I fed her once more. 


And little by little she finished the bowl of porridge. There was a little bit of porridge left, but she ate well.


Eating the remaining porridge, I then took the bowl of porridge back to the kitchen. Once I was back in my room, I took the blanket off, and helped her lay down on the bed. Once she lied down, I put the blanket on her again and sat on the chair. Slowly she closed her eyes, and smiled at me.


Soon she was completely asleep.

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