Good Intentions / Bad Redemptions

Chapter 11: 10. Feather Tinker

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Reflex sends Tempo and Ballast in to check on Everyman while he and Burnout keep an eye on me and Present Perfect. I tell them all what Everyman's power is before they head in so that there are no surprises. Burnout looks like he has a question, but he glances at the police around us, ultimately deciding against it.

I'm sitting on the ground next to Present Perfect, making the ground softer for her to sleep on. She hasn't woken up since the battle with Everyman. Some medics come over to check on her and I explain that she had a run in with Fadegaze. They accept this answer, looking her over for only a moment.

After a moment, Ballast returns, confirming what I told them. Police follow her into the building to collect all three villains, Sensate and Tempo accompanying the armored carry to contain any incidents.

"Burnout. An escort has arrived for Soft Paw, please guide her over there." Reflex commands Burnout, his eyes lingering on me for a few seconds. He turns away, watching the building as police escort more armed guards away.

"What about Present Perfect?" I ask cautiously.

He looks over at her. "She'll be taken to the medical wing while she recovers, I'll supervise her. Burnout, please relay anything else that I need to know about the situation from the police chief." I nod gently, accepting that.

Burnout turns abruptly, gesturing for me to follow him. I walk beside him, glancing to the side and up to see his eyes. He's glancing down at me too. My tail flicks behind myself nervously. "So… Guess you didn't expect this, huh Burny?" I smile at him widely.

He looks down at me, the over a foot difference in our height much more apparent to me now. "How did you do it?" He asks quietly.

I tilt my head, "how did I do what?"

"The Glue Gun. Toybox's Glue Gun. How did you get it?" He asks, staring me in the eyes. My ears flatten against my head and I scratch at my cheek nervously.

"Uh, about that… I-" I'm cut off before I can finish what I'm saying.

"Soft Paw." I stop instantly, my blood turning to ice. I turn, looking at the figure standing by the Wardens transport vehicle.

Mom!? "S-sniper…?" I say, stuttering slightly. She narrows her eyes at me, looking me up and down. She has her trademark sniper strapped across her back, her arms folded sternly. "Why are you here?" I ask, flabbergasted.

"Well, I was on lookout duty, gathering intel on my mark. But then someone busted in and took him out before I could. I was the one that called the other Wardens when I heard the gunshots." She says pointedly, looking at me significantly. I gulp at that, glancing back at the building.

"Your mark…? Everyman?" I ask. She nods simply.

She gestures into the car. "Come on. We have a lot to talk about." She tells me. My mouth goes dry, my ears stuck in their flattened position. I get into the car without another word.

She sits in the back of the vehicle with me, holding her sniper loosely. Her eyes are locked on me the whole way. I fidget under her gaze, not looking her in the eye at all. After only a couple minutes into the drive, I meet her gaze. She doesn't react at all. "Look, Sniper, I-"

She cuts me off. "No. Not here. Not now. We'll have a long talk back at base." She says.

I nod numbly, fiddling with the edge of my dress. Alone with only my mom and my thoughts, I think about Dustin. Hopefully he forgives me for all of those times I beat him up… 

You know, maybe I didn't think about that part of my plan enough. Having to deal with the heroes after I've had so much fun messing with them. I can imagine that Tempo won't be too happy with me when she finds out… Or Ballast. Or Reflex. Or- okay, you know what, maybe I should have thought about that sooner.

I get the feeling that sparring with everyone will be different from now on too, if they let me. I frown slightly. At least I took down Everyman?

I sigh, leaning back in the seat. I smile as a thought comes to mind. At least I have Sarah reforming with me. It'll definitely help to not be the only reformed villain on the team.

Not to mention, I've really been enjoying hanging out with her. She's a good friend.

I'm done pretending and keeping secrets. I want people to know the real me. I'm not a Villain, I'm a hero. And yeah, I have two powers. And maybe… and maybe, I do kinda like my new form more than the old one. And maybe I do like wearing my dresses and my skirts in my off time over jeans and hoodies. If they have a problem with me wearing skirts and dresses, well, screw them. I took out Everyman, what did they do!

And, if I'm being honest with people… I can be honest to myself. Sebastian sucks, I'm going by Feather now anytime I can help it.

I smile to myself, still fiddling with my skirt. Huh, maybe I am a girl after all.

The vehicle stutters to a stop, Sniper standing up and opening the door. "We're here. Come on."

I follow along behind her quietly, my tail flicking nervously as we make our way into the building. All of the other employees in the building end up staring at us as Sniper leads us to the elevator. I give a couple of them friendly waves and they just gawk at me. Sniper ushers me into the elevator, scanning her eyes and having it take us to the first basement level. She guides me to one of the interrogation rooms and I enter it quietly, glancing at her nervously. I sit down at one side of the table and she sits at the other, laying her Sniper against the wall near the door.

For several seconds, we stare at each other, not saying a word. I fidget under her stare slightly. Then, she leans forward, pulling out a notepad. "So, first of all, what do I call you?"

"I, um… You can call me Feather…" I answer quietly, grabbing my tail and holding it in my lap.

"Alright, Feather," She looks me up and down, "I take it that I have a daughter, then?"

My brain freezes at that, taking several seconds to run her words over several times before it finally clicks. "I- what. You knew!?" I ask, my voice incredulous. I sink into my seat, continuing much more quietly. "Does everyone else know?"

She shrugs, "they'll figure it out, but I don't think they've put it together yet."

"How did you know, then?" I ask. 

"I didn't. Not until today. Only Wardens should know about, much less have access to that Glue Gun of yours. I had a hunch, but I didn't quite believe it until I watched you during that car ride." She smiles at me gently. "I'd know my child anywhere." She gestures to me, "though, I must say you're looking…" She pauses, thinking for a second.

I cringe gently, fearing what she's thinking. "More villainous than normal?"

She blinks slightly, chuckling. "I was going to say happier. Nicer, even. I think those are the nicest clothes I've ever seen you wear." She smiles at me gently, "they look good on you."

"Ah… Yeah. I guess I just didn't like any of the options I had before." I look down at the table, bracing myself gently. "You're not mad, are you?"

"Hmmm," I glance up to find her frowning at me. "It depends. I'm not mad that you've found yourself. If you're my daughter, I'll support you in any way I can. Similarly, I'm not mad that you took out Everyman. If it weren't for the circumstances, I'd probably be proud of you."

I wince, preparing for the 'but'.

"Now, am I mad that you were masquerading as a villain behind my back, making a fool of the local super heroes in your free time? I'm furious. I'd ground you for months if I could, but I don't think it would matter. You'll be on strict watch for a month at least, maybe more. And you'll be on parole even when you can leave HQ again." She frowns, leaning forward once more. "What you did was pretty serious, and even if you did a lot of good with taking out Everyman, I'm not sure it makes up for all of the bad you did as a Villain. You're going to have a lot of work to do in repairing your image. It's not going to be easy."

I nod solemnly at that, feeling my stomach drop in guilt. "Yeah."

"Not to mention your relationships with your team-mates. I'm not sure how all of them are going to take it, but you might have done irreparable damage with your little stunt." She continues.

"...yeah." I sigh, running my hand through my hair slightly.

"But," she says gently, "you're not alone. You'll have your friend doing the same. Granted, less complications for her, but, this is the path you've chosen." She smiles at me, leaning forward and ruffling my hair. "I'm here too. I'll make sure to check up on you regularly when I can." She smirks at that, leaning back in her chair. "I've got some spare time on my hands now, seeing as my months-long project has ended early."

I chuckle lightly, my tail still flicking behind me nervously. "You're really not mad at me being… Feather?" I ask quietly.

"Not even a little. Surprised, maybe, but not mad. Never mad."

"And, uh," I say nervously, emboldened by her words, "what if I told you that I might like Dustin? Like, like like, him."

She rolls her eyes at that, snorting out a small laugh. My brain has the decency to make me look offended at that, but she just gives me a pointed look, saying "now that one wouldn't even surprise me. I've had my suspicions." My eyes go wide at that and my brain spins gently. I'd only just realized it! How could she know! Her look is gentler as she looks me in the eye. "Remember, hun… You might have some repairing to do in regards to his trust."

I nod numbly at that, my gut churning uncomfortably. Please, please, please don't be too mad at me, Dustin…

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Mom nods back, clicking her pen. She looks at me carefully, Mom mode is gone and now she's back in hero mode. "Now that all of that's covered, why don't you run me through how you figured out Everyman's power and we can work our way towards what you pulled tonight."

The next hour, maybe two, is filled with me explaining everything. Really everything. I start with some further explanation of Present Perfects power, as well as my own. I explain making my suit, showing her the transformation back into my normal clothes. Her eyebrow upticks slightly at the sight of my casual skirt and blouse combo that I have on underneath my super suit, but she nods approvingly and tells me to continue. I blush slightly, but manage to compose myself and move onwards. I switch back to my Super suit just in case anyone else comes in.

I explain about Everyman contacting us and Present Perfect's meeting with him. About the recording glasses and about my work as Toybox. Eventually, I make it to the raid on his place and explain how both of us beat Pollock and Fadegaze. Her eyes seem to lock on me as I explain how I took down Pollock, her look narrowing in intensity as I recount my threat at him. She seems placated, if a little disappointed in me, when I explain to her that it was likely an empty threat. I've never tried it, but I'm fairly certain my power would persist just long enough for the knot to undo itself before snapping back into place, regardless of range. There will be no serious breaking of bones for me.

I eventually get to Everyman, and my mind blanks. I… Remember fighting him. But I can't for the life of me remember the specifics. I walked into the room and he did something when I tried to walk towards him, but I couldn't tell her what it was. All I know is that it was fake. All of it. The pain, the getting turned around. I also explain that while I don't exactly remember how he wasn't where I expected him to be, I know that his ability allows him to make other people believe things that aren't true. I know that he must have misdirected me by making me believe he was somewhere else, even if I can't remember him doing that.

Dang, even when I've defeated him I can't recall what he did to me. All I can recall is that what I gleaned from the glasses was true.

Sniper nods down at her notes, looking at me apologetically. "Yeah. That about tracks. Without your tech, you're just as susceptible to the 'forgetting his power' part of his ability as everyone and everything else." I nod solemnly at that, suddenly wishing I had recorded the fight.

A knock comes through the door and Sniper gets up, stretching wide. She opens the door and on the other side is Burnout. "Sorry to interrupt, Sniper." He says, looking down at her respectfully.

Sniper glances back at me, showing her notepad. "Just finished actually."

"I was wondering if I could have a word with her, real quick?" He asks, his voice quiet. Sniper stares at him for a moment, shifting to meet his eyes carefully.

"That's not protocol." She says evenly.

"I know." He meets her eyes and they both stare at each other for a while.

Sniper breaks eye contact, reaching over and slipping her signature sniper back over her shoulder. It rests against her back and she steps past Burnout to stand in the hallway. "Alright then. I'm gonna go grab a coffee and some food. I'll be back in thirty. Watch her until then." She turns to look at me. "Feather, you want anything?"

I look up at her hopefully, "a sandwich and a pop?" She gives me a thumbs up, heading down the hall while whistling a tune. I smile at that. My mom rocks. I'll have to make an effort to do more mother daughter bonding with her when I'm not on house arrest. Err, HQ-arrest? Maybe it's just regular arrest actually?

Burnout closes the door behind her, glancing over at me. I give him a small wave, my heart fluttering slightly as he looks at me. He steps forward, taking a seat across the table from me.

"Uh, hey." I say quietly. He doesn't respond immediately, staring at me as if I'm a puzzle to be solved.

After a few moments, he folds his arms. "Where is he?"

Huh? "Where is who?"

"Toybox. Where is he? I can't reach him. You had his gun and I want your word that you didn't hurt him." He says seriously, slamming his fists on the table. He hangs his head slightly, taking deep breaths. I wince at that, my hand going to where my communicator should be. Shoot, I must have left it at home.

"About, that… Dustin-" I start to explain myself, but when I say that name his head snaps up to me. His eyes are intense as he stares me down. I gulp slightly, continuing. "Dustin, it's me. I'm Sebastian." I wince again, this time at calling myself that name. "Though, I'd rather be called Feather now, actually."

He stares at me for several long and hard seconds. "So it's true… Tempo was right." He slumps back into his chair and then onto the table. "Fuck, Seb. Fuck."

I wince, looking away at that. "Feather…" I correct him quietly.

"I- I'm sorry… Feather. I just…" He leans back in the chair, staring at the ceiling. "I don't know what to say!"

I put my hands in my lap, my ears folding themselves back on my head. "I'm sorry." It's the truth.

He looks at me, frowning. "I really want to believe you, Feather… But, all of this. You've been kicking my butt and the rest of the team's collective butts with your partner Present Perfect for the past month or so." He glances up at me, hesitating. "Or… Is she your girlfriend?"

"No!" I say quickly. "No, we're uh… Just friends. She's Ace." I tell him evenly. He nods slightly at that.

"Regardless, you've been a Super Villain for Christ's sake. Not to mention however long you've been hiding that you have a second power from me!" He exclaims.

I look up at him, my tail flicking agitatedly. "I wanted to tell you! I really did! But when I messaged you to tell you, you came in and told me that you had joined the Wardens. That you were the hero me and Present had just fought against not that many hours earlier." I sigh, slumping onto the table. "I panicked."

We sit there, neither of us saying anything. He eventually pushes his chair back, getting up. He walks around the table, standing over me with his arms open. "No more secrets?" He asks.

I get up quickly, rushing to hug him. "No, I'm done with secrets. I never wanted to hurt you because of them." I squeeze him tightly. “And, uh, also sorry for fighting you all those times.”

He wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly. "God, I thought you were small before." He says idly.

My face flushes crimson as I pull back. "Uh, in the spirit of no more secrets, I don't suppose you meant it when you said you were into girls?" I look furtively up to him, "cause, uh… I sort of maybe really, really, like you…" I trail off, my face impossibly warm. He stares at me, wringing his hands slightly.

"I'm… Not sure. I was just starting to accept that I might be into guys. Err, into you." He sighs, ruffling my hair. "Give me some time to get used to this first and I'll get back to you on that, okay?" I nod at that, trying to hold my composure as his hands near my ears.

"Yeah, that makes sense." I wince slightly, "though, it may be a while before we can hang out like we have been…"

He shakes his head, chuckling under his breath. "Yeah… We'll figure something out."

I rush over and hug him once more for good measure. "Thank you, Dustin. Love you." I say.

"I love you too, you dork." He hugs me gently once more. The door clicks open once more, Sniper stepping into the room at that moment. She pauses instantly, her eyebrow ticking upward as she looks at us. Burnout pulls away quickly, looking scandalized. "Sniper! You're back! I can explain."

She folds her arms, looking at him. I open my mouth, but she motions for me to shut it. It snaps shut with a nod. Looking back at burnout, she says "I'm listening."

"I-uh…" He looks at me nervously and I can only shrug apologetically. He looks at the ground, ashamed. "I take it back, I… I don't know how to explain this."

Sniper takes a step forward, putting an arm up onto his shoulder. She smiles gently up at him, "if you break my daughters heart, I'll bury you."

He sputters at that, reeling back. Sniper chuckles, turning to me. She hands me a brown paper bag and I accept it gratefully.

"Thanks, mom." I shoot her a smile. She returns to her seat on the other side of the table, opening her own lunch. I pull out my sandwich, looking at it. I give her an unimpressed look. "Really, mom? Tuna?"

She hides her smile, taking a sip of her coffee. "I know, right? Don't I just spoil my little kitten?"

Now it's my turn to sputter in embarrassment, opening my mouth to say anything in refute to that. Nothing is forthcoming. She grins victoriously, biting into her own sandwich.

Burnout stutters out some goodbyes at that point, getting called away by Reflex because he's needed elsewhere. We exchange another quick hug, while Mom offers him a more genuine smile and wave. Alone, we continue eating, her occasionally sipping at her coffee and me at my soda.

"So, it sounds like things are okay between you and Dustin at least." She says, sipping from her coffee.

"Mom!" I exclaim, feeling a blush come on. 

"What? I'm happy for you. Genuinely. I hope things continue to go well." She says sincerely. I smile at that, my tail flicking idly behind me as I stare at the door a little wistfully.

"I hope so too.”

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