Gourmet Live Room

Chapter 11: 5

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Put the lamb meat on the toothpick and marinate for half an hour. Seizing the time, Su Yemu began to make spareribs soup; chop the spareribs into chunks and then put them into the pot till the water boils. After you skim the foam off the surface of the soup, and blood, scoop it out and rinse it with water. Then add the chopped corn and carrot into another pot, heat the water over, add ginger slices, green onion and half a teaspoon of white wine, bring to a boil over high heat, and then boil in low heat for 40 minutes.

The most pitiful thing here is that there was no cooking wine or claypot, so the taste was reduced by at least 40%. This made Su Yemu, who pursues perfection in cooking, very dissatisfied. It looked like these things should be ready soon.

“Do you guys know where they sell claypot?” Su Yemu decided to turn to omnipotent netizens for help.

/claypot? What is this thing? /

/ Never heard of it. /

The on-screen comments are filled with “I don’t know.” Su Yemu thought about it and asked, “Do you know where porcelains are sold?”

Su Yemu found that most of the kitchen utensils were made of steel or a porcelain like material. Although this material was similar to porcelain, Su Yemu knew that it was not.

/Oh, porcelain! It’s expensive. Does the host want to buy it for his home decoration?/

/I know. I know where they sell it. At Royal Art Center on Neptune District 1/

This name sounded high-end, and when you looked at the on-screen comments, they all said that it’s used for decoration purposes. Su Yemu asked in confusion, “Do you guys not make tableware with porcelains?”

/Host, we are still eating nutrient fluids! 555/

/Porcelain tableware is only used by the royal family! /

/It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. /

/Most people are still eating nutrient fluids, so it’s useless to buy it!/

This was the real reason. Su Yemu guessed that the market was small and the production cost was too high– so it is not in circulation.

As he spoke, the rice was already cooked. Su Yemu took the rice out and fluffed the rice to cool it for a bit. The rich rice fragrance made the audience in the live room swallow their saliva. One after another, they expressed how they did not expect that not only did the rice smell nice, it was already making their stomach rumble with hunger.

Su Yemu took out five eggs to beat. After the wok was heated, he put the oil in and slowly poured in the egg liquid while his other hand tilted the wok clockwise. “Do not let the eggs stick to the wok, and stir into egg flowers, gently shred it like a string1, and quickly take it out of the wok. After cleaning the wok, add the ingredients: stir fry scallops, ham, winter bamboo shoots, sea cucumber, etc. And finally add in the shredded egg flower, rice, and stir fry while flipping the wok. The rice mixed with ingredients smells so good~ Then add some green onions on top, and the Yangzhou fried rice looks so colorful. The multicolored Yangzhou fried rice with a little bit of green, looks so appetizing that it makes one want to give a thumbs up.”

/Ah ah, it’s hot. /

/I can’t endure it any longer. Can we dish up yet? /

Hearing the cry of “it’s hot”, we know that someone couldn’t help but stretch out their hand. Su Ye Mu said quickly, “The wok’s still very hot. Please be careful.”

While speaking, Su Yemu had already put the rice on the plate, leaving a copy in the food box and mailing it to the platform’s judging team.

/Delicious, delicious, the rice is springy and delicious. /

/I just want to eat like crazy/

/Host, do you want a servant? The kind who have an education background, can fight, and can eat/

/Host, not only do I have a degree, but I can fight, eat, I can even warm up the bed, wash dishes, sweep the floor. I don’t need a salary, I will subsidize. Please flip the card2./

The atmosphere in the comment section was lively. Su Yemu went on to make toothpick meat. Put a lot of oil into the wok; about a finger deep. Then when the oil is hot enough, pour in the toothpick meat into a sifter, and let some of the oil from the wok cover the meat. Keep stirring with chopsticks, let the meat be heated evenly. Fry it until it’s slightly yellow before you take it out and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Such toothpick meat is brightly colored, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Again, Su Yemu put a portion in a food container and one on a plate.

/ I don’t know if it’s suitable for me to say this, but I want to house the host. /

/I refuse, I object, the host is mine. /

/Host, go take the Certified Chef Exam/ the exam to get your chef certificate! First class Chef certificate is waving at you. /

System: ‘I am a foodie’ throws a spaceship’, ‘Yt-to’ throws two ‘spaceships’,  ‘Tasteless food’ throws three ‘spaceships’ ……

/Ha ha, it’s a pity that the wealthy ‘I am a carnivore’ is not here. Why do I feel like I’m gloating? /

/Argh, I’m so fed up. Can this on-screen comment reading machine choose me? I3 also want to talk to the host. Host, can you privately sell me more of these three dishes? Just a little is fine./

/Hello, Interstellar police, someone has cooked delicious food and won’t sell it. Can you bring the food to me?

/ Hahahaha, I don’t want the food, I want the host /

/Guys, stop it, it is illegal to sell food on the platform without a star rating. /

/Sorry, host, I take it back, take it back. /

“It’s alright. I also thought it’s a bit regrettable. I have read the announcement of the platform. If all goes well, it will be passed tomorrow. I will be broadcasting again tomorrow afternoon! Perhaps by then, I will be able to deliver food to you all. But the quota is limited, so I will be choosing who to send to by lottery. “At present, Su Yemu has not yet thought of selling food.

You are reading story Gourmet Live Room at novel35.com

/ Host, the soup is ready, it smells so sweet. /

Su Yemu had not yet moved. The audience in the live room had begun to urge him. He assumed that they could not endure it any longer. His ancestors said, “food is the most important thing for the people4,” and his ancestors honestly did not deceive him.

Su Yemu opened the lid of the pot, scooped out a layer of small bubbles on the surface of the soup. At the sounds of their cries, he covered it again. After 15 minutes, he turned off the fire and served it.

/This taste.. it’s amazing. Kneel down and worship the host. /

/Take one sip and your muscles are relaxed; two sips and your spirits are lifted; three sips and you feel your irritable spirit is relieved. /

/Person before me, it’s no exaggeration. After drinking it, I also felt my whole body relax.. /

Su Yemu smiled not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but it was true. When one eats delicious food, especially soup, their whole body would feel relaxed. But that’s because the taste of the food is very delicious and it helps people’s mind to feel relaxed. Otherwise, why would there be a saying, ‘if you are not happy, just eat something’?

“Carrots are good for the liver, improves your eyesight, gets rid of chancre and strengthens the spleen. Drinking more soup is good for your health.” Chinese people pay attention to nourishment and nutrition, this is a precious wealth left by the ancestors.

/But this kind of feeling disappears too fast. It’s all the data’s fault. Why can’t this feeling stay? /

/I really want to drink it in my mouth, kneeling down and praying that the judges passed them tomorrow, and that host would draw more slots during the live-stream tomorrow.

/Same, me as well. /

Su Yemu boxed the sparerib soup and turned to look at the crowd. Everyone was shocked and cried, “Host, don’t!”

“Well, that’s all for today. Goodbye, everyone. See you tomorrow. ”

The terminal cut off the live broadcast, and under Su Yemu’s instructions, called in the star delivery. After the food was taken away, Su Yemu organized the income he received today. In total, after paying the platform fee, he had earned 1,200 star coins from the live-broadcast. This was normal. The one that appeared in the morning was an accident. Subsequently, Su Yemu went to the Star web to find the shop where the apron was made. He saw that it was clearly marked ‘Custom-made’ and posted the store’s website to the live-broadcast room. Looking at the time, Su Yemu checked that it’s already 1:00 p.m, but his sister had not come back yet.

Su Yemu decided to go out to find his sister. He thought about it and decided to pack the toothpick meat and soup separately and take it out with him. He did not pack the fried rice, as it was just enough for two people to eat. He intended to give these to Jiang Xiaoyu. Luckily, he had gone to call Xiao Nan that day when he had a fight with a fool, otherwise he would not know how much longer he would have to lie on the ground.

Outside the front door was a vacant land. The environment was not as good, there’s a lot of messy things piled up, all rotten wood, abandoned hover cars and such. There weren’t many people living here, the houses were all scattered, each home was at least ten meters apart. Their home was at the very edge, the closest was Jiang Xiaoyu’s home.

Su Yemu carried the food box and headed to Jiang Xiaoyu’s house according to his memory. He guessed that Xiao Nan had gone to the junkyard to rummage through the machines again, she had always dreamed of being able to find a mecha, but that possibility was too small. She might as well expect him to earn money to buy one for her. But that thing is too expensive, and the cheaper ones weren’t up to Su Yemu’s standards. The good ones were about ten million star coins and above, and that amount of money wasn’t easy to earn.


Su Yemu, who was thinking about something, was suddenly startled by the figure rushing out from his side. The food box in his hand was immediately snatched away, Su Yemu only had time to see a tall back. Su Yemu started to chase after him, but this body wasn’t being helpful. After running for no more than ten meters, he began to gasp for air, and by the time he reached a small abandoned ship, he was already out of breath.

Su Yemu’s palm leaned against the spaceship and gasped heavily. He watched the tall man open the food box in a hurry. He grabbed the toothpick meat and stuffed it into his mouth, “Don’t eat the toothpick. Spit it out, it will hurt your throat.”

Su Yemu said in a hurry. His hand instinctively reached in. The man who was eating with his head lowered, raised his head. He roared at Su Yemu. The warning sound of “roar” came from his throat, like a wild animal.


Su Ye Mu frowned and took back his hand. The man’s mouth kept wriggling, chewing and spitting out his toothpick. Then, he grabbed a handful of toothpick meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

So he does know to spit out toothpicks. He was worried for nothing.

The man’s face was dark and dirty, but you could see from the shape of his face that he was not bad looking. In addition to his tall figure, he should be a very outstanding man when he is sober.

Su Yemu then remembered, wasn’t this the fool who fought with him? Just to snatch a candy from him, and this is not the first time. According to the original host’s memory, this man appeared five days ago out of the blue, wearing a worn out uniform that who knows where he found it, and hung around in this space ship every day. The only time he appeared was to steal his food.

The fool Su Yemu liked to eat snacks and didn’t like to eat inferior nutrient fluids. Every time Su Xiaonan was not at home, he would run out to buy some things to eat. Biscuits and candy were his favorite foods. But ever since this fool arrived, these snacks had never entered his mouth. And the fool didn’t rob anyone, he would only steal from him.

A few days ago, the fool Su Yemu was afraid of him, so he cried secretly after being robbed. Yesterday, the fool Su Yemu finally gathered courage and tried to snatch it back from him. However, after two moves, he was beaten to the ground, and then Su Yemu came through.

He doesn’t know whether or not he should make him pay for the life of the idiot Su Yemu.

“What’s your name?” Su Yemu tried to communicate with the man, but the man just ignored him and buried his head in his food. He had finished eating toothpick meat and had begun to drink the soup.

“If you aren’t going to tell me, I will just call you ‘Ah Sha5’? How about I call you ‘Fei Ting6’? Or ‘Ah Fei7’, ‘Ah Chuan8’?” Su Yemu felt that these names are quite good. ‘Ah Sha’  sounded like it’s blessed with vitality, ‘Fei Ting’ is very domineering, ‘Ah Fei’ reminds him of a very famous movie, in which the main character is called ‘Ah Fei’, but the ending is not too good, ok this name is rejected, as for ‘Ah Chuan’, it’s not that bad..

The silly man did not  lift his head, and continued to eat his food. Su Yemu squats down, picks up three different leaves and writes the names on it. He decided to throw it at the fool and call the fool by whichever leaf the fool catches.

This was such a great idea. After Su Yemu finished writing, he grabbed the three leaves and threw it into the spaceship. Then he watched as the bowl that the man had been holding flew towards him. His head immediately turned sideways, dodged the bowl, but he wasn’t able to dodge the leftover soup. Su Yemu was drenched thoroughly.

The author has something to say:

Disclaimer: Gong didn’t kill the original host (of the body). There will be an explanation later, thank you

Translator notes:

egg drop soup


see egg drop soup picture for string-like egg 求翻牌 (Qiú fān pái): Literal translation is “Begging to flip card” (Also in poker). But in this, the person commenting was basically asking to be picked/selected. It’s based on how in Ancient China, every night the Emperor would flip a card to decide which wife to sleep with 人家= people, but it’s also how ppl refer to themselves in 3rd person. ..when they be acting cute and whatnot. 民以食为天(Mín yǐ shí wéi tiān): This means that the people regards food as heaven/ the most important. 阿傻Ā shǎ : Ah Sha. “Ah” in front of a person’s name or something is like a nickname/ name to call a person. 傻Sha means “Fool”. 飞艇fēitǐng: Literal translation is airship 阿飞āfēi: Again “Ah” is used like a nickname. 飞fei is “fly” . This is basically “Ah Fly”. 阿船 ā chuán : “Ah is used like a nickname. 船 Chuan is boat. So “Ah Boat”

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