Gourmet Live Room

Chapter 35: 25.2

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For the workers’ meal, Su Yemu was going to cook one meat and one vegetable dish, and add soup; the one meat and one vegetable dish was going to be practiced by Erha, while he would make the soup by himself.

When Erha heard this, he rolled up his sleeves and patted his chest: “Master, leave it to me, you will definitely be satisfied.”

His master suffered a mental shock yesterday and had not yet recovered. His face was still pale now. Of course he couldn’t let his master work hard.

Xiaonan expressed her satisfaction with the fact that Erha was so filial.

Su Yemu went to Xingwang, put the ingredients he needed today into the shopping cart, and paid for it together with the seeds he put in the shopping cart before and the kitchen utensils he needed to start the farm.

The small treasury that was only full yesterday was almost spent today. Sure enough, no matter what the era, money couldn’t help being spent.

There was two be one meat and one vegetarian dish, the dishes were Kung Pao Chicken[1] and Steamed Eggplant[2], and the soup was Tomato Beef Soup[3]. Su Yemu first wrote out the recipe for Erha to think about, and then he went back to his room to sleep.

His head was still aching, and Dr. Ali said that his sea of consciousness was under mental attack. As a human being from the 21st century, he still couldn’t understand how A Sha’s spiritual tentacles entered his spiritual world.

As he fell in a daze, Su Yemu saw that he was in a forest, the sun was interspersed between the trees, the breeze was blowing, making a rustling sound; the fresh air was refreshing, and the chirping birds were jumping and falling in the forest. All the scenery seemed to be filtered, soft and warm.

The faint sound of sea waves came from outside, and Su Yemu walked out following the sound. Suddenly, the forest was shrouded in darkness, and the tumbling waves swept in, and not far away was a man standing in black military uniform, Su Yemu couldn’t see his face clearly, but he felt a murderous aura.

“Who are you? Why did you enter my spiritual world?”

The man’s voice was low and indifferent, Su Yemu opened his mouth, wanting to tell him ‘this is my dream, you ran into my dream without my consent’, but for some reason, he couldn’t make a sound, struggled hard, opened his eyes suddenly, and woke up.

With a light sigh, Su Yemu wiped his face, it was full of sweat; the tooth marks on his shoulder were aching again, were A Sha’s teeth poisonous? Why wasn’t it getting better?

Su Yemu changed his clothes and came out. Jiang Ma had already arrived and the ingredients had been cleaned. Su Yemu checked the time, it was already 3:30.

Su Yemu was going to do a live broadcast.

Su Yemu put on his apron, and when Erha was about to start, Erha stretched out his head: “Master, I want it too.”

His bright eyes were fixed on the panda, and Erha was about to pounce on it like that.

Fortunately for Su Yemu, the store had sent over three pieces.

Erha, who got the apron, walked around the chef’s board twice, expressing his satisfaction.

The preliminary work was done, and Su Yemu started the live broadcast. The audience before the hologram saw the two appearing together in the live broadcast room, and almost weren’t able to react.

Both of them are wearing aprons, so cute, ah, nosebleeds are coming out.

Am I the only one who finds that Bobo’s spirit is poor and his face is pale?

Yeah, I was trying to swipe yesterday’s delicious food, but I can’t even swipe when I see Bobo like this, are you too tired?

“Don’t worry, everyone, there was an accident last night, and my head is not feeling well. I’m fine now, but Erha will be in charge of cooking today, and I’ll be there to assist.” In addition to making soup, Su Yemu also prepared to make a snack for the audience. Huaxia people paid attention to good omens when starting work, and today was a good day.

It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m very happy to see Bobo.

Well, as long as Bobo appears, that’s enough.

“Erha is here to say hello to everyone.”

“Hi everyone, I’m Erha, and today I’m bringing you Kung Pao Chicken and Steamed Eggplant.”

“Hello everyone, I’m Su Yemu, welcome to [Gourmet live broadcast room], today I bring you tomato beef soup and dragon beard crisp[4].”

Did I hear correctly? Tell me quickly.

I also feel hallucinations, do you still have to do it yourself?

Ahh…, the soup I received yesterday was so delicious, and there was also the pot-wrapped meat, which made me feel stupid. Today, my mother also came over and said that she would learn to cook from Bobo, as long as she learns half the level of Bobo’s workmanship, I’ll be content.

Front, envy, envy, hate!

“Today is the day when my farm starts construction. In Chinese culture, this is a good day. It is a tradition to order some snacks and send them to the neighbours; I have a headache today, so I can’t go near the pot fire, but cooking soup, and making the dragon beard crisp is not a big problem.”

After Su Yemu finished speaking, the screen flashed crazily. Construction started on the farm. They were looking forward to the farm like the stars and the moon. Construction finally started. If he didn’t start again, they were really going to riot, just because of stuttering. Once the news reached the Federation, they would laugh to death.

Serious face: Bobo, you saved the glory of the empire.

The live broadcast room was full of joy, Erha first started to make Kung Pao Chicken. He had seen the cooking process, but he was still a little flustered when getting started. The first step was to cut the chicken breast, and his technique was very jerky.

Su Yemu also started to make soup. Because there were so many people, Su Yemu used a newly bought large pressure cooker to cook the soup this time. It came out of one pot and served 20 people.

Su Yemu first cut the beef into large slices, boiled it in a pot under cold water, removed the blood, and picked it up for later use; he peeled the tomatoes and sliced them, he then cut the carrots with a hob, removed the head and tail of the onion, and cut the whole thing with a cross knife. After that, he sliced ginger and garlic for later use.

I somehow want to buy a tomato and peel it.

It turns out that after soaking the tomatoes in hot water, the skin can be peeled off.

Hey, how can Bobo strip other people’s clothes, they don’t want it!

Omo, please respect yourself in front, please note, it is just a tomato, really, it is innocent, please don’t hurt it.

New fans: Why is the anchor so serious, but the fans are so good?

He heated the oil in the pan, added the ginger, garlic, and beef and stir-fried it for a few minutes, then he put it into the pressure cooker, covered it with water and left it to cook for five minutes, then he opened the pot again, added carrots and other ingredients, and simmered it in the pressure pot again, usually it would be taken out of the pot in 35 minutes.

Su Yemu had done what he had to do, and when he went to see Erha, he was still chopping.

Pfft, contracted Bobo’s helpless emoji.

Bobo must be thinking in his heart, my stupid apprentice! What should I do to save you?

In the interstellar era, except for the cooking part, the chef’s work was basically done by robots. In Su Yemu’s view, this food had no soul. His apprentice was once just that soulless.

“Master, I want to know, why don’t you use a machine?” Erha was sweating, and asked cautiously: “It’s not that I don’t want to cut, but I just don’t understand.”

When all the interstellar chefs were doing this, he really didn’t understand, what was the difference between doing it by yourself and a robot doing it?

“Food is spiritual.” After Su Yemu finished speaking, even the live broadcast room fell silent. They always felt that there was something in Su Yemu that they didn’t have. They didn’t understand what it was; but whenever Su Yemu talked about food, during the allusion, there seemed to be a light on him, which made people want to get close to him.

Erha asked: “Spirituality?”

Everyone held their breath, inexplicably nervous, and always felt that what Bobo would say would shock them, and would open the door to a new world for them from now on.

“We use food to fill our stomachs, so we must respect it.”

After saying that, Su Yemu squatted down, picked up a big bag, and put it on the cooking table with a bang.

In fact, thinking about it, it seems to be reasonable.

Obviously I feel that Bobo is being lazy, he doesn’t want to use his brain to think, he just said a few words casually, but I can’t refute.

Su Yemu’s face became hot, and he opened the bag: “Let’s make dragon beard crisp!”

For the sake of the name of dragon beard crisp, I won’t ask Bobo.

This name has a history, I want to hear the story, Bobo, my dear Bobo.

You are reading story Gourmet Live Room at novel35.com

“What do you think?” Su Yemu took out the contents of the bag, maltose, rice noodles, peanuts, sesame seeds, and desiccated coconut.

The peanuts were freshly peeled, and Su Yemu started frying them in a hot pan. The sound of the peanuts being stirred by the spatula made a rustling sound. This reminded Su Yemu of the smiling face of his grandma when she made fried peanuts with rice cakes every year before the Chinese New Year.

She always said: “My Xiaomu is the most obedient, from now on grandma will wait for Xiaomu to be filial to me.”

Such a kind old lady left early.

Bobo, what’s wrong?

Su Yemu shook his head and said with a smile: “The spirituality of food lies in inheritance, just like culture, its value lies in inheritance; it tells us where we come from, so we know where we are going.”

I want to cry. Many people think that it is useless for us to learn history, but how do they know the value of history?

Worrying, I want to learn archaeology for no reason. Maybe one day, we can really go back to that blue star and find our past.

Work hard for inheritance and civilization.

“Then, let’s start with dry-fried peanuts. As for Erha, let him continue to accept the test of inheritance!” Su Yemu changed the subject, and immediately relaxed. The peanuts had begun to smell, and the sound of thumping came from the pot , which sounded especially cheerful.

King Chef, come on, get the inheritance, you will be able to summon the King of the Universe, go!

God of Inheritance: Come here, drag this stupid chef out, he can’t cut a piece of it well, what’s the use of him.

Great, Chef finally diced the chicken breast.

Erha blushes: “Don’t call me the chef king.”

He was too young before, and he thought he was very talented, but now he realized that he was too stupid to show himself.

Su Yemu: “You have to encourage him!”

Two voices came out at the same time, and Erha was moved to tears immediately, because the master still loved him the most.

Failure is they key to success.

Erha, come on, even if I don’t believe in you, I believe in Bobo, you will definitely be able to become a great chef under such a teacher.

The live broadcast room was completely clear for a moment, and those who didn’t know it thought that a group of old cadres were having a meeting to encourage the new juniors.

After the peanuts were fried, the aroma came out, and some people couldn’t help but start their hands. Su Yemu put the peanuts aside for them to taste, and then started to fry the sesame seeds.

He poured the sesame seeds into a basin, added coconut oil, took away the peanuts in the live broadcast room, broke them into pieces, and mixed them with sesame seeds and coconut oil, and stirred it well.

“Try again.” Su Yemu put the stuffing pot aside, then poured out the maltose, and steamed it in the pot until soft, it was usually done for five minutes.

When it came to maltose, he had to talk about Tong Ren Tang, because it was bought from there.

It has coconut fragrance, so crispy, and the one I ate before is also fragrant, but it has less flavour, so it tastes better when eaten with coconut oil and sesame seeds. Bobo, what are you going to use it for?

“It is used to make the stuffing of dragon beard crisps.” Su Yemu poured out rice noodles and stir-fried slowly over low heat.

At this time, Erha had already started to fry Kung Pao Chicken, heated the oil, stir-fried the peppercorns and dried chili until fragrant, he then added the chopped green onions, and added the chicken breast marinated with soy sauce, salt, cooking wine and starch.

“Master, did I forget something?” Erha was very confused while stirring.

Su Yemu poured out the fried rice noodles and looked at Erha’s stove: “You forgot to thicken the rice noodles.”

“What should I do?”

“You stir the pan, and I will mix it for you.”

“Master, won’t it turn the pot upside down.”

The master said: What do you want.

“Master, it’s almost burnt…”

“Don’t worry.”

“Master, it’s burnt, woo..”

In the kitchen, Erha burst into tears, the whole live broadcast room was shocked, while Su Yemu who was blending: “?”

Me, did I say something wrong?

You’re hurting his pride.

“Oh, no…it’s none of your business…Master…it’s almost burnt.”

Su Yemu poured the mixed mixture into the pot, and then sprinkled two drops of vinegar: “Stir fry, your master won’t let it burn.”

Hahaha, this pot can’t hold up to Bobo.

Tsk…tsk…, burnt food by bobo, it should also be quite delicious.

In front, drive carefully, Bobo is underage!

This one is more handsome than that interstellar superstar.

Sobbing, Erha tried hard to recall the recipe that the master had copied for him, quickly stir-fried, waited for the aroma to burst out, sprinkled the fried peanuts that Su Yemu had just fried, stir-fried evenly, and started the pot.

It was still a bit burnt, mainly because Erha didn’t control the heat properly, but because Su Yemu added two drops of vinegar before cooking, there was no burnt smell, and even though the chicken was burnt on the edges, the taste was still good.

Hey, it’s okay!

I can say that since King Chef made his debut at the age of fourteen and participated in the kitchen competition at the age of sixteen, he has gone through eight springs and autumns in total. Is this the most delicious dish he has made?

It’s delicious, although it’s not as good as Bobo’s craftsmanship, it’s still delicious.

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