Gourmet Live Room

Chapter 9: 3

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The next day, Su Yemu and Su Xiaonan got up early to clean up the kitchen again. At seven past ten, the package arrived and the doorbell rang.

The machine that was thrown in the corner made a sound, its eyes flashed a few lights, and the screen on his chest lit up. But after a while, it opened its eyes and walked toward the door.

The courier is also a robot. After handing over the package to the robot, it bowed and waited for the door to close, before turning away.

“Ah, older brother, 033 can move now. “Su Xiaonan rushed to the entrance, circling around the robot for two laps, her small face full of excitement.

Su Yemu heard Su Xiaonan’s cry, stretched out his head from the kitchen, and saw the robot walking with one arm holding the box, limping toward him. It looked a bit strange, but the back of the ridge was straight, like a soldier.

“Ma- master, pack-package……”

“Older brother, why does it call you master?”

Su Yemu shook his head. He’s also not sure. According to the information that he got, one would only have a robot of their own if they implanted their personal information in the robot’s core. But this machine was brought back by Su Xiaonan yesterday, so he really did not understand.

“Older brother, then how about we call it 033 from now on?” Su Xiaonan was very fond of machines, mecha. If it were not for the fear of being unable to rebuild this robot, she would have dismantled it to study.

“Do as you’d like, ” said Su Yemu, “It’s almost time. Let’s begin!”

After taking the package from 033, Su Yemu took out the ingredients to clean up and organize. And Su Xiaonan took the terminal that Su Yemu handed her, making it into a small-scaled aircraft that is doing a 360 degrees filming and recording of the kitchen.


When everything was ready, Su Yemu used the sound control terminal to turn on the live stream.

“Hello everyone, I am the food anchor, Su Yemu. Today I bring you a breakfast delight; three delicacies congee and savory crepe.”

After saying that, Su Yemu glanced at the number of viewers. There were already 600 people, which was a very high starting point for a novice anchor.

/Dang, the host is so handsome!/

/Ah ah ah, he’s my type, the host has good temperament/

/Person above, can you stop? This is a gourmet live room/

/I want to know the host’s age, he looks so young, have you come of age?/

Regarding coming-of-age, Su Yemu is a little helpless. Now that technology was well developed, the average human’s lifespan is 250 years, longevity can reach 300, and the year to be considered as an adult is 25 years old. Su Yemu is 23 years old this year, so he was still underaged.

Su Yemu tried to ignore the discussion that’s going on beside him while he agilely put rice into the pot, pouring in the right amount of water while explaining, “Alright, let’s begin. As it takes a long time to cook porridge, we will be cooking the congee first. Then, we can use the rest of the time to deal with other ingredients, which can save us a lot of time.”

/Host, don’t be like this, tell us how old you are?/

/That’s right. That’s right, are you an adult?/

/Host, are you an oriental of pure lineage? You are, aren’t you?/


/Person who commented above, stop bs-ing, how can a species that is rarer than a national treasure still exist?/

As soon as these words came out, others also joined in with the cajoling. Fortunately, Su Xiaonan had turned on the comment reading function which would automatically select a comment to read aloud every five seconds. Otherwise, judging by the look of this screen full of comments, it would be so noisy that Su Yemu would get a headache. However, you couldn’t blame them for being curious. After entering the interstellar era, human physical traits have changed–especially the men. They changed from an average build to a tall and broad one. They looked rougher, the contours of their face super deep, and their features cold and harsh. Then at a time like this, a man suddenly appears on the screen with an oriental face–soft facial lines, exquisite features, and a cold aura–surely you could see how shocked everyone would be.

Now the rice had just been put into the pot, the other ingredients hadn’t been taken cared of  yet, Su Yemu feel that these are simple and quick, so he took the meat that had been washed and sliced1 the meat into pieces. Before everyone could react, he had already cut the pig liver and pig intestines into pieces.

/what, what an awesome knife skill/

/The pieces are so thin that the sunlight can shine through/

/What is that? Intestines? Liver? I’m going to throw up/

/Is it edible? Why do I think it’s a dark cuisine2/

/Host, are you too poor that you have no choice but to eat these guts?/

Compared to the foreigners in Su Yemu’s original world, the people of this era—when it comes to handling the peculiar smell of ingredients, especially meat—they wouldn’t take care of it beforehand, so the smell would be strong and of course, it becomes unpalatable.

“Although the intestine and liver have a strong smell, as long as it is processed well, it’s not that difficult to remove the weird smell. Just like this pig liver, slice and clean it before putting it in the pot, then soak in the water for five to ten minutes, and then drain the water, this way it won’t be a problem. And the intestines use chopsticks to reverse it through. Next, clean it, rub it with salt, boil until scum appears then scoop it clean, and that will suffice”

“The liver is good for the eye, taking it for a long time can prevent myopia, eliminate fatigue.”

Su Yemu dealt with it while explaining, once these two viscera had been processed, Su Yemu marinades it using ginger salt soy sauce, set it aside, unfortunately there is no cooking wine.

/It actually also has a medicinal function?/

/Host, How do you know so much? Do you study medicine?/

SuYemu replied strangely, “Isn’t that common sense?”

Everyone: “!”

Why did it feel like they have been indirectly dissed by the host..

Sue Yemu continued and said “For the egg crepe, first cut the onions, then crack the eggs, then stir in the salt and onions. After that, add a suitable amount of flour and stir well together until they are fully integrated. Heat up the pan, and then slightly layer it with oil. Pour in the egg and flour mixture, and make sure the layer isn’t too thick. Just a thin one will do.”

/ What’s that smell? It’s delicious!/

/ When can I eat it?/

Just as everyone was trying to gulp down their saliva, they saw Su Yemu suddenly grip the pan tightly, jolly it lightly making the omelette flip in the air, while the raw side touches the bottom of the pot, make a sizzling noise, giving off a strong smell of eggs and onions. In a matter of ten seconds, Su Yemu removed the pan and spreaded out the shiny golden-fried omelette that looked very appetizing.

/Dang, does the host know ancient martial arts? This is so incredible /

/This action is really badass. I have watched “Chef King’s Competition” before and I’ve seen a first-class chef perform, this is a skill that not many can cook beautifully/

As they talked among themselves, Sum Yemu fried two more. When he turned around, he saw everyone using the chopsticks to grab them non-stop. Those who did not know how to use the chopsticks used the knife and fork. Honestly, it looked very lively.

/Delicious, delicious, are all the eggs that I’ve eaten before dirt?/

/How fragrant, and it’s so delicious that my mom asked me why I cried/

/What’s the purpose of this ‘spaceship’?/

You are reading story Gourmet Live Room at novel35.com

System:’ Want to eat delicious food’ throws a’ spaceship’.

System:’ I am a carnivore’ throws out a’ starship’.

System: ‘Husky that needs to lose weight’ cast a ‘Captain’. Everyone! Hurry up and come to [Gourmet Live Room] to pick up your weapons!

Su Yemu was stunned. After a while, a group of people rushed into the live room. The number of viewers kept rising. Some were picking up fighter planes, others were sandwiching savory egg crepes, and all of them were constantly praising it .

Su Yemu: it’s just a savory egg crepe.

Su Yemu saw that everyone was so enthusiastic and said, “It’s very easy to make the egg savory crepe. If you have time, it will only take ten minutes to spread two layers of the egg savory crepe in the morning. It can be served with milk.

/Haha, is the host scared by everyone? Very dull/

/Ah a rich person who’s very generous to give a ‘captain’ that’s worth 10 thousand star coins!/

/I’m looking forward to the hosts congee/

“Blub blub”

The pan made a boiling sound at just the right time. Su Yemu opened the lid and stirred it twice, then closed the lid again and let it boil for three minutes. The rice core was already opened.

“After the rice core opens, pour in the marinated meat. Remember not to cook it for too long or the meat will become overcooked. Cover the pot and boil it at high heat for three minutes. Remember to add some salt and sprinkle some green onion on top and it is ready to be served.”

“If you are cooking at home, pay attention to the thickness of the meat. If it is thick, cook it for two more minutes.”

When one opened the lid of the pot after boiling in high heat for three minutes and turning the fire off, there’s a fresh smell of meat combined with congee, forming a unique and strong aroma, which only made people’s stomach growl at the smell of it.

Su Yemu scooped out the congee, and before he could finish the last process of sprinkling the green onions on top, there was already someone who couldn’t wait and took their spoon and started eating it.

/It’s hot, it’s hot, but I still don’t want to spit it out. The congee is smooth, fragrant and delicious. I can’t… I still want to eat it/

/How can the congee be so soft and tasty, host, do you know magic? /

/God, I’ve never eaten such delicious congee before. How does the host cook it? I also used to add water and rice to cook it, but why can’t it taste exactly like this? Could it be that rice can recognize its master? /

/Why did I click on this live broadcast? I want to ‘chop off my hands’3. I don’t care, I don’t care, I strongly demand the host to apply for a star rating, so that I can buy a take out. Please let me buy it. I will buy it at any price/Just name your price./

/My mother asked me why I licked the wall, and I just wanted to say: I want to go through the screen and eat at the host’s house/

/Mom asked me why the ground is full of water. I didn’t dare to tell her that it was all saliva. I have already drooled and strongly request that the host apply for a star rating. No, I will go help the host apply, but I am reluctant to leave, I still want to eat/

/Damn, I hate how undeveloped science and technology is, why can’t I swallow it? Waa, I’m crying/

System:’ I am a Carnivore’ tossed a’ captain’ slot. Everyone hurry up and come pick up the fighter planes in the [Gourmet Live Room]!

System: Congratulations ’I am a Carnivore’ has become the ’Main Captain’ of the [Gourmet Live Room]. Welcome the soldiers of the [Gourmet Live Room] aboard the ship, let our ’Captain’ lead the soldiers to conquer the stars and universe!

When the captain gives out a gift, it would inform all channels. Every time a ‘Captain’ picks up 100 fighter planes, one fighter plane could be exchanged for a star coin. So far, because the two captains of ‘I am a carnivore’ have attracted hundreds of people to Su Yemu.

“Thank you, ’I am a Carnivore’, thank you ’I want to eat delicious food’, thank you ’Husky that needs to lose weight’, thank you ……”

/Ha ha, the host is so interesting. He reads aloud every single one, everyone hurry up and toss the spaceships, airship The host looks so cute when he stares at the screen/

/Hey, comment above don’t say it out loud. Keep tossing/

As more and more gifts were thrown, Su Yemu quickly said, “Don’t throw them anymore, the food can’t be sent to you. Just now I saw someone saying that you can send food out if your star application is approved?”

In the interstellar age, the imperial law on food safety was very strict. In the past, food sold on the platform required a chef’s certification /chef’s license, a permit, and a food safety certificate. You had to have a certification even if the food is free. It was illegal to send food on the platform without permission.

After the culture was revived, in order to promote cooking, the empire introduced a new law after careful consideration. As long as it was recognized by the platform star rating, food can be sold.

/Yes, yes, yes. Host notice me, notice me. Yes. You can, just register the address and information and confirm on the platform/

/Ah ah ah, does the host want to apply? Look at me, look at me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! /

/Host, please apply! Trust me, you can pass, if you can’t, you can look for me/

“Ok, I understand. Then I’ll hurry up and apply as soon as possible. That’s all for today’s live broadcast. Thank you all for your support. Goodbye! ”

Leaving behind those words, the live room went dark, Su Yemu disappeared from the monitor screen, and the audience in the live room were stunned.

/Happy, happy, will the host have another broadcast  this afternoon? Is it still on? What? What? Why is it off? /

/Wait, wait, I haven’t toss my gift yet! /

/Host, I haven’t had enough of the food! Give me two more bites! 555 crying sounds/

/I’m going to guard here all day, guard here. Anyone joining me? /


Su Yemu, who immediately went offline, didn’t expect that the audience were still waiting in the live room. Under his younger sister, Xiao Nan’s gaze that was turning green, he brought out the porridge and the egg savory crepe. As he was about to call her to eat, to his surprise,the first thing that Xiaonan did was to first open the terminal and count the money.

“Older brother, we are getting rich! “Su Xiaonan jumps up and down with her older brother’s terminal. In just one live broadcast, not including the platform commission fees, her older brother had made 11000 star coins. Most of them came from ‘I am a carnivore’. You can tell at a glance that they are a foodie or a rich foodie.

Su Xiaonan looked at the number of her brother’s fans. There are more than 2000 fans. Could be regarded as a nobody.

The skinny face was full of smiles, and that made Su Ye Mu happy. Now that they had money, it was essential to start to nurse his sister’s health.

“Come and have breakfast, it’s getting cold.”


The jubilant siblings did not know the sensation that they had caused. The video of Su Ye Mu’s jolting the pan was cut out and broadcasted separately. His excellent appearance and outstanding temperament, in a way he should not match the kitchen, but he stood in front of the stove, without any violation, and looked very pleasant.

Not only that, there were also some people who put the video under the official website of Imperial Chef Association for comment. Unfortunately, it’s unknown how many videos that the official website of the Imperial Chef Association received every day, so no one had noticed it for now.

The author has something to say: the author is a southerner, the cuisine, the desserts may be inclined a little south, the main dish will appear later on in the chapters.

How to clean pork intestine


“剁手 Duò shǒu : Literal translation is hands-chopping. Basically it’s a dramatic slang of one spending…” 黑暗料理 Hēi’àn liàolǐ : Dark cuisine. This is a phrase to refer to any dish that is not appetizing and is hard to swallow/inedible. 剁手 Duò shǒu : Literal translation is hands-chopping. Basically it’s a dramatic slang of one spending money/buying stuff

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