Great Strike Exia – The Brave Legend

Chapter 21: Great Strike Exia – Episode 21

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Author's note : there is a particular orchestral theme made for this whole chapter, feel free to have a listen while having a read, Youtube link here :



Chapter  <ⅩⅪ>

Hundred of years before

  When the world was young, 


  The stars yet clear, 


  The mountains in new bloom.


  Within the serene wood veils under the moonlight, the bane of the children lurks in hunt and bloodthirst.


  The first of the children of light,


  Still searching for their way and place in this vast new world of the unknown.

  Wounds and sacrifices followed with, 


  in this night, wandering through the dark, of dread, 



  of survival,

  of decisions.

  Those wounded need tending, and the ones carrying them need rest.

  “ We can’t go any further like this.” 


  one among the brave light-hearted pioneers whispered earnestly to his command, his respected lead of the clan.


  “ We will all perish before we escape It. It is impossible to outrun that beast.”

  Listening in silence, brooding with heavy heart, 


  The lead of the clan had made his choice.

  “ Finnir, this duty I intrust none other than to you. Lead them per your vision foresees best for all of you.”


  So spake the lead of his fellow young comrades, turning away from the children of the same heart, heading towards the ominous dark.


  “ But Prime! You-”


  “ I have one and only duty to fulfill, Finnir.”

this Prime of the first children replied. 


  “ To keep the clan alive. You will see to it thrive.”

  And the young Prime took his leave into the darkness, facing the beast that none could defeat, none could surpass, 


  a monstrosity of hard iron-like hide, sharp-clawed legs that pierce the hardest soil, twin bulge-armed pincers that haul mountains half, and a long segmented tail longer than the rivers with a sting that shoots poison like casting lightning.


  It is, as they dare only whisper to the ears, its name of the first children’s bane, the scorpion as large as a continent, 


  The Nirva’antra.

  Our young Prime strapped his armors tightly to himself, readying his stone sword carved out of meteor slab, and charged.


  The beast charged with.


  And man against beast, humanity against nature, 


  a brawl of the fittest, clashing of stones and pincers rivaling those of thunders and raging of waves, tempests howled with the earth quaking in fierce unison, a composition of the colliding of fates and existence, defining what it was and what it needs to be more. 


  For seven days and seven nights, the young prime and the Nirva’antra danced in a struggle for survival, in a duet of murder, pushing their limits to the extent of the origin of all struggles.


  Until the poison of the stinger struck our prime at the heart like lighting bolts breaking stone, 


  a venom that kills in an instance, 


  The pincers scratching and tearing the young prime’s flesh and soul, 


  breaking his bones,


  Yet our Prime will not yield, for his clan, for his people, for their future and their futures’ future, dreams that expand throughout the realm of belief and conscious mind, a drive a surge an instinct a perseverance of all, hardships and endeavors, strive and endure, 


  surpassing not just one beast, not just all beasts, 


  but the limits of man, the boundaries of all light-hearted kind, 


  of himself.

  Passing a threshold beyond survival into a zone that the beast, only the grand scorpion Nnirva’antra can show upon our young Prime’s light heart senses, there, out of life, and undiscernable by death, 


  Is proof of an epic selfless struggle, to defend the living, and those in memory dear.


  There, for his clan and family, lay our Prime in the scorpion’s light blood and also his merged in one, reaching his one hand wavering to the stars above, 


  whispering of those stored in his light heart memories eternal, of love that sends to even the stars far to the verge of infinity, of longing and passion that lights up the blazelights of blessed Herunia’s everbright depth,


  Of Neliya.

  And like promised prayer, Herunia replied,


  through the force that flows in all light, among all things life and lifeless, 


  of Strike force condensing and merge, 

  In our prime’s bleeding palm, 

  A Rune of Light was forged, 


  blazing in purple flame.




Present day

    “ Now broadcasting, terrifying news….”


    “ Keiken King assassinated in royal Weiwu manor……… And Princess Isabel kidnapped…”


    “ By this particular person, national terrorist and most wanted criminal….”

    “ ….. Tenmei Akiro…….”



    Zabi sneered as all the press companies of Kingdeniom helped spread the false news of what transpired that night, of the burning of the royal manor, a vile vandalization of a renowned establishment that signifies the worshiped traditions and marvelous history of their proud culture, now burned to the ground with the spiritual monarch dead by vicious murder, an act of nonsensical violence that no Kingdeniom resident can accept, not even the warlords in their territories dare show disrespect to such a prominent figure that molded modern Kingdeniom to what it is in such prosperity amongst Tenka.


  The whole Kingdeniom isle was in mourning at their beloved and respected King’s passing and throughout the continent, a common sentiment was shared and the old king's legacy spread once more, in memory of how the first Keiken King fought off the alien king Azgalor from Vars alongside the Parusefor Prime Nero, of how Keiken King renovated cities and modernized the country, bringing peace with not just wise and just laws, but also his forgiving kind passion to all the commoners he sees equal.

  And of course, being the Silver Exia Rune bearer that he is, bringing balance and peace for many generations over history.


  Now, with the name and identity of the murderer of the beloved King now disclosed, 


  the whole of Kingdeniom purged for this one man, also our man Tenmei Akiro.

  “ That will do.” Zabi nodded with glee as he clasped his newspapers and tossed it aside on the couch of his office

  “ Now that everyone knows of the household name Tenmei Akiro, the whole country will help us track down the Blue Exia !!”


  Austria Van Hillingdale, sitting by the side of the office behind his side desk, didn’t respond but brooded in his own bubble of thought in silence.


  “ Why did I fail ?” Austria asked himself, in doubt of his own gamer abilities

“ I even unleashed the god killer cannon, which can literally evaporate even Yudis or Fellion the very gods !!”

  “ No, you can’t.” Yuidis and Fellion, goddess of Ice, and Herunia and the god of fire shook their heads in disapproval inside the blessed Herunia.

  “ Why did I fail…..?” Austria hissed in much hate

“ Why did Keiken didn’t drop the Silver Exia Rune ?! Is it not a guaranteed loot drop ?! The drop in this is rigged…..”


  And Austria proceeds to mumble angrily in gaming phrases that even Akahanon Zabi could no longer follow.


  But indeed, Zabi wondered, 


  Where did the Silver Exia Rune go?

  Just as the League man pondered, 


  The door of his office slid open, and in entered a tall cloaked well uniformed military man in a majestic robe emblazoned by sigils and badges all over his broad chest, a man who Akahanon Zabi thought was dead had suddenly returned in the flesh, making the league man accidentally blurt out the name


  “ ..La…Lasvet Hikaru….?!?!?!” Akahanon Zabi gasped in shock and awe.


  Austria looked up for a split second, and also caught attention by the return of a dead notorious prime minister.


  But it was not Lasvet.

  “ I am not my father.” 


  Replied this new entering prime minister of the whole of Kingdeniom, and master of Tron, 


  Asuka Hikaru, son of Lasvet HIkaru


  “ And no more just a Prime minister, but Lord Line Zeta of Tron, President of Kingdeniom, master of the sky, sea, and land divisions.”


  announced this Asuka Hikaru his new title with a straight face, unfathomed.

  Line Zeta, written in the words of English here solely for those that read the common tongue to comprehend, yet a transliteration of the two words that mean in the Elden Kingdeniom tongue, King word for short, as benevolent and clean lord like a pure orchid in the marsh, or maybe another meaning standing for a long lost mobile game with mecha robots fighting. But I digress. 

  Anyways,  back to the two astounded League members. 


  “ …….Alright……” Akahanon Zabi slightly whined like Sir Michael Rosen the grand storyteller, sounding not at all amused

  “ …….Alright……” Zabi whined again.


  “ I have seen you spread the news of the King’s death.” Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru Lord sat down on the couch opposite Zabi, knowing that his plan to end the emperor’s rule and bring the rights to rule over themselves back to the people’s plan had partly worked, and the blame now shifted onto one vagabond by the name Tenmei Akiro


  “ That is much appreciated. That is why I have come to offer my thanks.”


  “ Oh ho.” Akahanon Zabi was amused by good favors

“ What can it possibly be ?”


  Asuka Hikaru sat himself straight solemnly on the couch


  “ As Prime Minister and Lord Line Zeta, I, Asuka Hikaru hereby appoint you, Akahanon Zabi as the Minister of Defence of Kingdeniom. You will be, Akahanon Zabinus Prime.” 


  “ Akahanon Zabinus Prime !!!!” both Zabi and Austria uttered in shock, for it is known in Kingdeniom political tradition that when a man or woman has been appointed the position of minister of defense, their names will shift also accordingly to Kingdeniom jurisdiction by adding “-nus Prime” at the back of the name, a knowledge which may or may not appear once again in the future of Kingdeniom.


  “ Yes. Zabinus Prime.” Asuka Hikaru nodded in confirmation

“ I need the utmost help from you and your league. My country, and your league, together we will rid this proud country of the grip of the warlords that still indulge themselves in the obsolete ways of war and pillage. Together, you and I will bring Real Peace to Kingdeniom, once and for all.”


  Akahanon Zabi was elated by his promotion, a well-given prize he always wanted for his past endeavors which the League never cared about, but Asuka cared.

  Now, with the title of Minister of Defense and newly added name, he might be able to get hold of the League back from that snooty Grand Disciple of the DIrector through the Kingdeniom side of politics! What a deal!


  “ Rest assured.” Akahanon Zabinus Prime bowed on his side of the couch

“ This Akahanon Zabinus Prime will assist you in achieving Real Peace !! Love and Peace !!”


  Asuka Hikaru nodded and smiled with content


  “ Thank you, Zabinus. You are the only man I can trust in these trying times. That said, There is one more thing I must do which requires your league and wisdom.”


  And Asuka Hikaru Line Zeta stood up, like a prime minister of great undeniable virtues


  “ To find the remaining members of the royal Keiken family, and be rid of the empiric era !!” 

  Finally, his new world is beginning to come into shape.


  Asuka Hikaru thought with much comfort, existing the office room to join his second in command, Yukari, who stood by the office door, waiting for him to return silently with a calm look that hid a thousand words.


  “ Come, Yukari.” 


  Asuka called out joyously, hope in his eyes


  “ To the New Kingdeniom !!”


  Meanwhile, as the next day approaches after the night of Keiken King’s untimely royal demise, Our man Tenmei Akiro and his fellowship gang set off to their next step to fight against the sinister Illuminatus League that threatens to end the world by changing all of its aspects.


  “ But how are we gonna do that while the whole of Kingdeniom hunts us like wild deer ?!” Luka the zombie doll controlling homunculus asked, annoyed by the fact that they slept in a dingy van for the night, not to mention it was a stolen van.


  “ True, we can’t go around like this now the paparazzi and everyone are controlled by the League.”

  Nanali replied in thought inside the van while reading the news that was spread of Tenmei Akiro murdering the Old King, instead of the true culprit which is her brother Asuka.


  Such intricate plans of sinister intentions this younger brother of hers have come up with, Nanali thought to herself, a chill running down her spine, to what length will he try to achieve his goals, like their father…….

  “ I must meet with Nero Prime. One more time.”

  The fellowship, looking up to the one that stood a few steps away, near the edge building, staring far at the whole wide Tron scenery from said parking lot building they stayed, his eyes determinedly at the plateau at the Freedom and Justice Memorial tower boulevard, this Tenmei Akiro that spoke with much resolve.


  “ Now more than ever, the world needs us Exia Bearers. "


  Tenmei then turned to his crew of friends with brave shine in those bright eyes


  " We have to rise up against this league that threatens our home! Not build walls over each other. I am not powerful enough to face the league alone, so I must try, to form this alliance that is the last plan of King Keiken."


  This Tenmei Akiro, with a goal to achieve, a world to fight for, and powers to protect, he must stand reliable and persuade others to join the grand cause.


  “ Pretty words, Tenmei, but this Prime will just beat you up like yesterday.” 

   Luka pointed out

“ He probably can single-handedly finish the whole League all by himself, so why bother? Why not let them fight, as professor Watanabe ken said.”

  " You may be right. ”


  Tenmei Akiro nodded, agreeing with Luka, with a frown of brooding, which took Luka slightly aback


  “ But through all that fighting and beating,  I felt something strange in Nero Prime's presence,  an ominous feeling,  I am not sure how to explain….Like, like a disturbance in the Strike Force within us….I don't know…maybe I'm wrong. ”


  “ You are not wrong,  Tenmei. ”


  Tenmei Akiro looked up,  to see his sworn bro Griffon the Parusefor soldier too felt what he felt.


  “ I felt it too, when The Prime was present,  and it indeed was a disturbance in the Parusefor Strike Flow. The others,  Master Sven, Master Hassan, and the others felt it too, I sense the unease in them like smog above the plateau.

    Something is definitely aloof.”


  “ Well, I don’t feel anything.” Luka shrugged.


  “ Me neither.” Nina shrugged as well,  eating a rice ball.



 “ Aiyah aiyah !” 

Griffon shook his head, sighing with visible dismay

  “ Of course, you don’t. It’s a disturbance in the Strike flow we are talking here! Only trained Parusefors like me and my bro Tenmei can feel it with the trained mind’s eye! You only feel hunger, am I right ?”


  That earned Griffon a punch on the nose by Nina, even though he was right.

  “ ……I can feel it too.” 


  The fellowship looked up, to the silky soft voice of the worried princess of Kingdeniom, Princess Isabel, looking at her Silver Exia Rune glowing on her palm


  “ It was like noise, a murmur from afar, from a time and place that doesn’t belong. I can’t hear it clearly, for my Exia Rune is still too young.”


  “ Too young? Do you mean Exia Runes actually grow ??” Griffon curiously asked.


  Princess Isabel nodded earnestly

“ They do. When my father, the previous Keiken at his prime owned this Exia Rune it bloomed like a giant squid over the whole of Kingdeniom. Now it is split in half for safekeeping, and has become small like an umbrella octopus. Here.”


  And the Princess showed them her small Silver Exia, which indeed glowed like a silver floating umbrella octopus in her palms.


  “ It’s kind of cute, really.” Nanali commented, petting the silver Rune that bounced like an umbrella octopus being caressed, ceasing a grave portion of the young woman’s stressful brooding with much cuteness.


  “ And kinda tasty looking.” Nina whispered, and only Griffon heard her but stayed silent, shaking his head in the background.

  Tenmei Akiro slightly lit up his Blue Exia Rune and saw that his Rune was just a little bit larger than Isabel’s in actual comparison.


  “ But, how long does it take for an Exia Rune to grow until it’s strong enough ?” 

Tenmei Akiro asked, asking the right questions to also grow his Exia stronger to fight the League.


  “ It takes not just a large amount of Time, but also our actions, the Epic we write with our lives that give additional Runes onto our Exia that makes it bigger and more powerful.”

  Princess Isabel explained sadly

  “ The League must have been waiting for this moment when the Exia Runes are still young to snatch them for their own desires.”


  “ Are they all young ?!” Griffon looked at Tenmei’s Exia and pondered without a clue of any Exia valuing skills whatsoever

  “ I think the other Lords’ Exia is pretty big !”


  “ Compared to what they once were, they are all too young now.” Isabel disagreed with much melancholy

  “ The current Exia Rune bearers approximately inherited their Runes from their precedent lord bearers not too long ago, and an Exia Rune inherited within Ten years is still small compared to the full-bloomed Exia. Unless…….”


  “ Unless……??” Tenmei and all the others asked with.


  “...... Clansmen. By gathering Clansmen and loyal followers that inherit the Exia Rune together with their Lord Bearers, the Exia can gain more power from various individuals’ lives and epical actions !! That’s right !!! 

   Tenmei Akiro sir! You can muster a hoard of Clansmen to fight with you !!!”


  “ I can ?!?!” Tenmei Akiro cried in shock and hope, raising his Blue Exia Rune high above his head, but nothing happened.


  “ How ????” Tenmei Akiro asked.


  Isabel princess chuckled, a smile that broke the melancholy for long, like sunbeams out of the dark gloomy clouds.


  “ It’s easy, here, sister Nanali.” Princess Isabel then caressed her silver umbrella octopus Exia rune and gently plucked a small part of the silver Rune out of the main portion and placed it onto Nanali’s palm, which glowed in a different silver hue and sank softly into Nanali’s palm, glowing as if Nanali Hikaru herself obtained a SIlver smaller Exia Rune.


  Nanali gasped in awe and wonder, marveling the Exia Rune in her palm

“ Thank you, your highness….”

  Nanali whispered with a smile of gratitude, to which Isabel smiled back


  “ You are welcome, sister Nanali. You have always been by my side, it is fitting we share this in our epic adventures.”

  Griffon and Luka then turned to the awed dumbfounded Tenmei Akiro.


  “ Well, what are you waiting for ?” Luka asked, reaching out her palm, with her face slightly blushed dark pink


  “ Let’s get things started !!”


  As Tenmei Akiro and crew once stared at the Tron scenery from the abandoned parking lot building,


  Someone else has been staring at them from afar, 


  from the Parudefor plateau fortress, at the high lookout point like an eagle’s nest within the sharp stone pillars on top of the plateau highrise.

  It was none other than Nirvariel Nero, Prime Paruesefron of his enormous clan, Grand Assassinator, master of the Astro mystic arts, and Lord Bearer of the Purple Exian Rune, which glowed majestically, in a shape of a twined pincered beast with the lightening stinger tail curled across his armored arm, merging into the purplish flames that engulfed what was supposed of his head and joints of his body.


  This Nirvariel Nero stared down at his prominent Exia of purple through his red thin eyes floating within that flaming head of grand proportions.


  A thin silent bright crack echoed in the depth of this Prime Paruseforon’s auditory senses, echoing far far into the dancing flames behind even those eyes, traveling further beyond into the realms of the past, the primal years of struggle, surrounded by his loyal kin that he had always dreamed in all the slumbering nights before, 


  of the starting days of his clan, the first of the Light Children that strayed away from the other pack led by his once friend and brother, 




  And together over the mountains young and the valleys deep, hand in hand with his trusty companion, his sole mate, his calm and wisdom, his one and only



  And of her passing, of the beast that threatens his whole clan’s survival, 


  the one and only power that pushed him far off beyond all limits.



  “ ……..What is it, you seek of me, Hassan ?” 


  Lo, Nirvariel Nero didn't even turn around, to sense the bearded hardened Parusefor master of the Star bow, Hassan Hellsing, kneeling behind his Prime, hiding away notes he was scribbling for the conspiracy club back to his hidden pouch.


  “ Great Prime, I am here to express my concerns.” Hassan Hellsing spake with sea-deep respect.


  “ Which is ?” 

The Parusefor Prime asked, still facing the Tron outside his perching balcony.


  “ ……Of a disturbance in the Strike Flow, I sensed the moment I stepped close the plateau, Prime.” 

  Hassan bravely stated his concerns


  “ The others may have been familiar with this discomfort for staying here long enough, but for a strayed Parusefor such as I to return after a hundred years from the deserts of Shambala, I find it hard to accustom to this unease that lingers all over us.

   Pray enlighten me, holy Prime !”


  And Hassan Hellsing kowtowed, not because he was ordered to, but because he loved his prime so much, and felt terribly apologetic towards his wanton behavior and presumptuous remarks on this Grand leader of all Parusefor clans folk.


  Nirvariel Nero slightly turned around, looking down with those red thin eyes in a long unspeakable silence.

  “ …………NO.” 

  Nero Prime refused and resumed his sightseeing


 “ It is the Tron air pollution you sense. Blame the unruly government and be aware of the Tron ambush any time soon. I heard this new Prime Minister was a man you saved from Shambala, is it correct ?”


  Nirvariel Nero responded with his own question.


  “ Yes. I saved Asuka Hikaru.” Hassan Hellsing confirmed earnestly

“ I saw the light in his eyes to bring injustice to an end back in Shambala nights. Apparently, the bad Tron air pollution has clouded my judgment.”

  Hassan Hellding admitted with a heavy heart.


  “ True.” Nero Prime agreed to Hassan’s assessments.

“ Once this is over, you’ll have to pitch clean air regulations or maybe litigations as well, for the welfare of the younger generation of our clan.”


  “ Rest assured I will.” Hassan Hellsing bowed and quietly left the balcony, tearing up once again in manly tears.

  Nero Prime, as calm as ever, stood and breathed, the dirty Tron air into his flaming nostrils, trying to bring silence to the disturbance of the Strike Force.

  The purple Rune, with another echoing chime within the beyond, 


  a slight crack upon the Exian Rune.



  That early afternoon, newly ascended Prime Minister Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru Lord operated a press conference to officially announce a remastered version of the new Peace Bringing government and its new young members, along with the news on the newly appointed minister of defense.


  “ Peace is not just an option. It is a mindset.” Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru spoke to all his supporters and the press formally

  “ It is a rare valuable asset we as light-hearted children of the same blessed Herunia roots, must hold highly and preserve before even our lives. And as we strive effortlessly to protect this priceless essence of humanity, there are always those that strive as hard as we do to snatch Peace away from our harmonious lives, and that is the Enemy !!!

  The enemy is those that take, not give! Having taken the life of our beloved King Keiken King, they still won’t stop until we surrender our peace. But we will not surrender.

  We will not back down on the takers, because for all that they took, we will force them to Return !!!!! Each life they took, they shall return with theirs !!!!!”


  “ Huzzah !!!!!” clapped Asuka Hikaru’s new members of parliament and government and ministers, no more his father Lasvet’s veterans but Asuka Line Zeta’s trustworthy comrades in battle that he appointed in many positions to assist him in this quest for peace.


  The reporters and hearing bystanders clapped also, with the same compassion to force the law onto the murderer of the beloved King Keiken King.


  Asuka cleared his throat as the crowd silenced and listened as the young prime minister continued

  “ Now that’s out of the way, let me share with Tron the new team of the new generation of Peace Bringers, Minister of Defence, Akahanon Zabinus Prime !!”


  Akahanon Zabinus prime stood up from his seat, waving and smiling snidely, a wily advocate of the Illuminatus League and mastermind of this side of Tron, alongside his team of cloaked hooded league members and Austria Van Hillingdale at the back, designing schemes to win back the game of snatching Exia Rune on his laptop.


  Asuka then addressed a firm cool-looking dude with according straight trimmed orange-red hair and a stern cold stare standing beside him and spoke to all

  “ and on my right, Minister of construction, Kool Leovis !!” 

Lo, this army officer, Kool Leovis the gunner man of various guns, close comrade of Asuka and late Leon, a man of little words who speaks only when the situation calls for him to, acting as cover fire and ammunition support, now Minister of construction of Asuka Hikaru Line Zeta.


  After this cool Kool Leovis waved coldly to the crowd, Asuka ushered to the man on his left, a skinny well polished, ceramic white-skinned beautiful dude in a sublime suit of such elegance as well as his aura, he who Asuka introduced


  “ And on my left, Minister of finance, Sydney Cartoon !!”


  And with a seducing smile across that pale face drawn apart by the long light purple stroke of front hair down the side of that smooth delicate nose, minister Sydney Cartoon, bomb master and trap setter of Asuka’s squad, waved back to all, wooing the lady reporters and passerby all alike.


  “ And last but not least, “ Asuka Hikaru turned to the middle, right behind him, a jovial tall broad chested man of drip blue locks at the side of that sunny handsome smile and looks, a chill dude this Line Zeta lord so introduced


  “ In the middle of me, Minister of Health, Colonial Partfeld !!!!”

  Colonial Partfeld smiled, and women wooed.

And there, the three dudes of Asuka’s squad waved back to the Tron commoners with much zeal, having been promoted from military men to political men.


  But suddenly, as the new government team was celebrating with the crowd, another figure suddenly stepped on stage with loud clanking footsteps of heavy tons of weight !! Shaking the platform as this robotic figure stormed in with each thundering step !!


  Women screamed at the sight!


  Babies cried at its coming!


  Men sat up from their couches excitedly, pointing in shock and awe at once at the coming of the once-army commander officer of the whole army of late Lasvet Hikaru, the one and only general of the Tron Mobile Walker cavalry that should have died in the Helltron dispute, 


  But Now Returned !!!!


  In a cyborg body !!!!!


  “ Hearken, my people Tron !!!” Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru spoke up gladly at the sight of this disgruntled robot cyborg man

  “ How can anyone forget, the once commander of the armies, military officer of the cavalry books of Mobile Walkers, now Minister of Technology, Gelouch Dendrobium !!!!!!!”


  Lo !! It was coward military officer Gelouch Dendrobium, who was decimated in the Helltron battle against the Ark’arios, returned and remastered, rebaked and rebooted as a Cyborg monster man with a beam gun as an arm, designed solely by the Illuminatus league especially Austria Van Hillingdale’s genius works, patent pending.


   “ Nyaarrghhhhh !!!!!” Gelouch Dendrobium roared at the crowd in pain and agony as pus and blood flowed slightly out of the metal joints merged with the remaining necrotic flesh sown to the mecha all over his reconstructed body.


  The citizens quickly escaped in terror for their lives.


  “ I raised that man.” Austria Van Hillingdale whispered to the line Zeta Prime Minister lord.

  “ And he is screaming in such alarm.”


  “ Why would you design such a painful-looking atrocity though ?” Asuka Hikaru asked the dark military genius in sheer wonder.


  “ I put a chip to sense and retrieve Exia Runes inside of him. Whenever he screams and shouts, an Exia Rune is close.”

  Austria Van Hillingdale whispered with a sneer

  “ I suggest you send out the Archdemon to snatch back the runaway princess.”


  “ Yes, yes !! I, Zabinus minister of defense concur with the summoning of the Ark’arios !!” 

Akahanon Zabi jeered along his strategist nerd.


  But to the League members’ surprise and shock, Asuka Hikaru raised a hand in disapproval !!!!!


  “ No Archdemons on my street.” Asuka Line Zeta spake with utmost seriousness.

“ Tron is the capital, and its security is paramount. You may command my ministers and men, but not that Archdemon.”


  “ Fool !!” Austria Van Hillingdale shouted in such anger.

“ The Archdemon is the only one capable and you refuse to use it because it taints your street ?!?!”


  “ All due repect, Asuka Line Zeta lord.”

 Akahanon Zabinus prime joined in with Austria

  “ The Ark’arios IS a mighty asset worthy of getting the Exia Runes !!”

  “ Seen not how much traffic damage and casualties it caused in one night ?! Being unsuccessful still ?!?!”

  Asuka Hikaru volleyed back in discontent

  “ you may be minister, but I AM YOUR PRIME !!!!!!!”


  Asuka Hikaru roared at the top of his lungs at Akahanon Zabi’s long nose that seemed to shrink in fear for a split second.


  “ I tell you what you can and can not. You just DO, with what you CAN !!” 


  Asuka Hikaru snarled and turned to his trusty ministers of his former squad


  “ Kool, Sydney, Colonial, follow Gelouch, and bring me the Princess and the King’s murderer to me.” Asuka Line Zeta ordered like a true lord as his men of caliber all bowed in quick unison and left to chase, leaving Yukari at the far back, standing in the shadow at the far corner, where Asuka stormed past her like Yukari was the shadow under his angered stomping steps.

  “ ……I am had !” Akahanon Zabi realized angrily, beating his chest

“ He is just using the League, acting like a King of everything !!”


  Austria Van Hillingdale frowned as he fanned himself with his black feathered fan to calm himself, making further sets of plans in his sinister genius mind.


  “ They sensed us, from a mile away !!” Luka whispered urgently, with her eyes closed while she sees out of her flying zombie dolls shaped like ducks and chickens, hiding on traffic lights and electric wires and surveying the movement of the armies towards their van.


  " How ?!” Griffon hissed back, trying hard to keep his voice down

“ I repainted the van and the numbers plate !!”


  “ It’s the Exia.” Tenmei Akiro realized, readying his fists shining with blue Exian light

“ The league can track the power flow. We have to fight back while moving !”


  And Lo !!! 


  A military buggy burst out of the fray, with a colossal gatling machine gun strapped on top and started firing at Griffon’s stolen van straight up at the front !!!!


  Griffon made an instant swerve, escaping collision while Tenmei rushed to the front of the van inside and made a push with his blue Exia glowing hand, and said push, such an Exia energy push like an invisible hand punching back all the coming bullets and the whole buggy, flipping the military vehicle off its tires and crashing to a side on the empty sidewalk.

  “ I got them !!” 

 Colonial Partfeld, minister of health care hollered like fishing a big fish, with his cavalry of Gatling strapped military buggy squad, giving chase to a whole pack of ten or more cars with guns dashing in full speed and shooting at the stolen van.


  “ Copy that.” Sydney Cartoon minister of finance activated his controls over the traffic lights and jammed the traffic !! Tenmei and the fellowship’s van stuck in seas of cars!


  “ Jives !! They have a strategy now !!” Griffon uttered as he looked for ways to stir the van out of the stagnant traffic.


  Nanali Hikaru looked over the chaotic streets full of angry citizens who have crashed their cars and gotten injured in the military pursuit of princess Isabel and Tenmei Akiro and her heart sank deeply, seeing what the city has become in one day of Asuka’s rule.


  Though the young prime minister refused to release the Archdemon, 


  his authority has caused nothing but even more destruction over Tron capital he swore to protect.

  “ ……I….. am….. ready…… NYYAAAAARRRGHHHH !!!!! ” a raspy deep mechanical voice spoke and out of the jammed traffic burst out a big machine monster humanoid courageously flipping cars and dashing at Tenmei and friends’ way !!


  It’s Cyborg Gelouch Dendrobium !!!!!


  “ That cyborg looks familiar.” Tenmei Akiro surmised and was about to get off the stuck van and engage in cinematic combat against the now cyborg Gelouch in a one-on-one fight scene, 


  But No !!!!


  Nanali stopped our man Tenmei before he could get off the van !!!


  “ Please….!!” The sister of the now prime minister begged desperately


  “ Stop fighting……Just get us out of here…..!!”


  Seeing this, a young woman pained and forced to tears by the corporal destruction caused by her own brother, Tenmei quickly pulled back his impulse and quickly thought of an alternative.


  “ Are You Insane ?!?!” Luka however shouted in haste, about to summon her Thrond zombie mobile walker readied in the sewers ready to burst out to the surface any time now

  “ We Can’t Stop Fighting !!! We are getting Toasted here !!!!”

  “ Actually…..” 


  Tenmei Akiro stopped Luka’s zombie Thrond summoning, slid the van doors open, and faced this cyborg maniac who burst forth like a charging bull.


  And with his palm raised, the Blue Exia Rune ablaze !!! Tenmei Akiro lunged forth !!! pressing the Rune of Exia on his palm straight at the cyborg Gelouch’s face !!!!


  Cyborg Gelouch gave out a deafening shriek of a malfunctioning lawn mower, struggling on the cement road as Tenmei, with all his strength, pressed his Exia Rune lit palm downward on Gelouch’s cyborg face.


  “ Listen To Me !!!!” Tenmei Akiro shouted at the mad cyborg beneath him

“ Forget your Wrath !!! And Remember who you are !!!!”


  And with each word shouted to the Cyborg, the Exia Rune grew brighter and brighter until

  “ ……..wh…..where… I……..”

  Tenmei Akiro let go of the cyborg’s face, to see, in that face merged of mecha and rotten flesh, 


  were eyes so clear with light, yet wet with tears of bewilderment



  Tenmei hesitated, at Gelouch Dendrobium the cyborg’s request.


 “ Help……Please……..”

  And before he himself knew it, Tenmei Akiro had carried the cyborg onto his shoulders, carrying Gelouch back into the stolen van.


  “ You aren’t serious, are you ?” Luka asked indignantly, as the cyborg lay at the back of the van next to their feet, where the trunk was already crowded.


  “ …..he said please.” Tenmei Akiro shrugged.

“ I can’t just leave him there.”


  “ Whatever, guys, but the shooting squads are here !!!!” Griffon cried as indeed, Kool Leovis the minister of construction, and his squad of machine gun soldiers caught up and swarmed in through the heavy traffic and started shooting at them with successive shots !!!


  But before Tenmei Akiro could activate his Blue Exia Rune energy to push back the bullets, a cloaked shadow flew down from above like a man dressed as a black condor in pitch-black shining armor and with a spinning lance play unrivaled by any long pole weapon holding characters, deflected all the coming bullets from each and every military gunner that shot freely at the van and folk, until all the bullets of the Tron army were all spent.


  Not a single bullet flew past this armored cloaked figure’s lance play.


  “ Told you I have pretty good lance skills.”


  spoke this lance player, Parusefor Master Striker Sven, shocking Tenmei and Griffon, and all the others in the van.


  “ Come, let me show you to somewhere safe.”


  On the other side of Kingdeniom, at the isle of Aurora under the golden company’s protection, 


  Our girl Miula Haru sat on a wooden bench under a palm tree in a casual white summer gown as those of vacation garments with a hat to block the sunlight on her curled long blue glistening hair tied to a side ponytail as she wrote attentively on many pieces of paper scattered on the table before her and falling into deep thought as she did so.


  Her ladyship and wife of the Awesome Lord of the golden company Mio Al Seraphim the fare saw Haru in a serious contemplating state and approached the high school girl curiously.


  “ Haru, you alright ?”

 Mio asked tenderly as she peered down at the writings on the papers scattered all over the table, full of mathematical profound equations and trails of hard complicated thought.


  “ Haru…..are you alright ?”


  Mio asked, very more concerned by Haru’s welfare, to see that the high school girl was still tranced in her thoughts and calculations.


  “.......Ahh, Mio! I am sorry, I didn’t notice you were there…” Haru finally broke out of her brooding and realized Mio have brought a cup of iced tea for her.


  “ No, no. Did I disturb you with your…..homework ?”

 Mio asked curiously, eyeing the papers and notes all over the table.


  Haru blushed at the word homework and quickly sorted the scattered papers in order


  “ It’s…not homework exactly..” Haru answered shyly

“ It’s more like….how do I put this, biophysical equations involving the removal of a high-powered energy source from a medium-sized biological form out to a stable situational state….you follow ?”


  “ No…..” Mio honestly shook her head sadly

“ Is this what they teach in high school these days…? Oh no…I am never going to catch up…”

  Mio whispered to herself crestfallen.


  “ No No! This has nothing to do with high school! This is just….just like a math problem to take out the Seed from my body, that’s all….!”

   Haru quickly explained in a way that Mio could understand.


  “ So…you are helping your father solve the same problem of taking out the Seed ?” Mio asked, and Haru nodded.


  “ Yeah, very much so. Father and Rang are preparing the lab and equipment, so..the least I can do is get the numbers, constants, parameters, and units all that right…nothing much, just passing time.”

  Haru sighed, putting the papers down.


  “ So…you are a genius, Haru !” Mio came to such a conclusion.


 “ Thanks, though you are not the first person to call me that, but no. I am not a genius.” Haru shook her head, putting her notes and writings away in her bag

  “ I just….wanted to help. That’s all…….”


  Haru looked away awkwardly, but Mio smiled at this, placing her hand gently on Haru’s.


  “ Thank you, Haru.”

 Mio whispered

  “ Do you mind if you teach me about your equations, Sensei Haru ?”

 Mio asked, chuckling playfully, making Haru blush even more.


  “ …..If you don’t mind……” 

  And teacher Haru proceeds explaining her assumptions of the amount of energy that needs to pull the Seed out and everything in between, while Mio listened, though understanding zero words Haru spoke, she still listened, trying to learn and help.






  “ I won’t lie, Asuka, but there was a Master with a lance…”


  “ Call me Prime Minister at all times, Minister Leovis.” Asuka Hikaru snapped as he surveyed the scene of fugitive Tenmei Akiro’s escape, looking at the broken cars and scorched roads and streets punctured by bullet holes that line across the ceramic slates down to the far end of the next alley.


  “ Where is my minister of technologies, minister Leovis ?”

Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru asked coldly, looking at a pool of oil and smeared pus and blood on a cleared spot on the road next to his feet.


  “ ……I am afraid….the fugitive kidnapped him as well, Asu..…. Prime minister…..” Colonial Leovis replied gravely.

  “ Ha, Splendid. That Tenmei the fool.” Austria Van Hillingdale laughed, back in his air-conditioned office with Akahanon Zabinus prime

  “ Now we can track down both Tenmei and the princess with this tracking device on Gelouch Dendrobium……...”


  Austria turned on his tracker screen, but nothing was tracked. 


  No sensors detacted.


  “ Did you forget to attach the tracking sensors, nerd ?” Akahanon Zabinus prime hollered in disbelief.


  “ No………!!!!!” Austria gnashed his teeth in humiliation, crushing his mouse with his bare fingers.


  Something squashed dropped onto the cold wet cement floor, a minuscule round object broken and tossed onto the ground by the wounded cyborg.


  “ What was that ?” Tenmei asked the cyborg on his back as he and Griffon carried the malfunctioning Gelouch down an illusive alleyway among the unseen corners of Tron, following Sven the Master Parusefor’s lead.


  “ ……Tracking……device……” this cyborg Gelouch croaked in answer

“ …They….want me….back…….me no…want back…….”


  “ Yuidis be blessed he gets rid of that tracker !” Griffon hissed at Tenmei Akiro’s ear

“ Or we’ll never see the end of this day! Not all dudes are worthy of being an Exian Lord’s clansman, Tenmei !”


  “ I didn’t make him my clansman because I wanted to, man !”

Tenmei argued back, keeping his voice down.

  “ I just thought, yeah, maybe it’s a way to avoid a big ass fight, you know ?”


  “ Nope. Not a great plan.” Luka disagreed, following behind and keeping watch if they were followed.

  “ All of us here, including that loli princess, can trash this garbage-looking cyborg in fair combat. I don’t see why not put up a big ass fight.”


  “ …..Ouch…….” croaked Gelouch Dendrobium, very cross.


  “ It’s always better to make friends than make enemies.” Nanali Hikaru spoke up, walking in front of them behind Master Sven

  “ What you did back there is very noble, Sir Tenmei. I thank you, as a citizen of Tron.”

  Nanali thanked our man with earnest gratitude, our Lord of the Blue Exia, Tenmei Akiro, who scratched his head abashedly.


  “ …You are welcome, Miss Nanali.” Tenmei replied, feeling a little bit proud of himself.


  “ Yuck. Don’t go all sappy, Tenmei! Gross…” Luka complained as the crew made their way to a luxurious building hidden in plain sight amongst many other buildings of Tron.


  “ Hey, wait !!” Griffon suddenly realized, having recognized this luxurious building  before him

  “ I’ve been here before !”


  “ Sure you did !” Sven laughed as the metal doors opened like lotus flower buds blooming in welcome of the Parusefor Master’s return

  “ The junior masters celebrated their passing the Exam back some weeks ago. Surely I saw you there, jumping off the attic halfway through. Thought you committed suicide for your failures, glad to see you in one piece though.”

   Master Sven chuckled as the crew made it into the splendid lobby decorated in futuristic style, where tables with tea and seats with cushions move elegantly to their presence to be sat on.


  “ Yeah……That did happen……” Griffon looked around the lobby in great reminiscence in long silence, after laying the cyborg down onto a soft bed that slides to them like a sentient animal.

“ You alright ?” Nina came to the silent Griffon with a half-bitten chocolate bar in hand

“ What’s wrong ?”


  “ ……It’s…..I never wanted to come to celebrate that night…but…..if I chose to not come, then I wouldn’t be here….I wouldn’t have met Tenmei, Miula, Rang……all these wacky people and places…..


  ……..and You.


  To think that I almost left out so many bizarre adventures, makes me think…..


  …..that maybe I am lucky for once.”

  “ We are all lucky to be alive right now.” Nina replied with a smile, handing Griffon a brand-new chocolate bar.


  “ True.” 

  Griffon took it and began eating the chocolate with Nina.

  Tenmei Akiro strolled around the lobby, looking out the windows vigilantly to see if they really are followed because of him.


  “ Chill, young Tenmei.” Sven chuckled, opening a can of beer in like four o’clock at the afternoon

  “ Your Exia aura is safe behind these barriers.”


  And Sven pointed at the glass window with his lance, activating runes of purplish power pushing back the tip of his lance in firm protection

  “ We Parusefors have been blending in with modern society for more than a decade now, using our Parusefor teachings and abilities in all sorts of investments and occupations. You may not believe me, but I got a handful of houses like this around Tron.”


  “ No way !!” Luka gasped incredulously

“ You are living life with cheat codes on !”


  “ Of course not. I was just lucky, in my investments.” Sven chuckled and offered them all tea on the moving table that slid around the lobby, serving the crew like a real maid.

  “ So, what is your plan, Tenmei ?” 


  Sven the Master Striker of lance asked as they all settled down, resting on soft bouncy couches while Gelouch the cyborg lay on the floor, tended by repair droids. Droids designed to repair furniture and appliances now gathered around Gelouch, observing the cyborg like it’s a broken washing machine.


  “ You want to persuade the Prime one more time ?”


  “ Yes.” Tenmei Akiro nodded

“ Nero Prime is the only Exian Lord that can help us fight this League that threatens the world.”


  “ Well…truth be told...”

  Sven leaned closer in a sneaky whisper

 “...Our Prime told us, that Keiken King is part of the Illuminatus League.”

  “ No !! King Father isn’t !!” Isabel refuted the Master Striker’s words vehemently

“ It is his disciple that is behind the League !!”


  “ Have you heard, of Keiken King and his disciples built the League together ?” 

Sven asked, sounding more serious now

  “ We Parusefors have solid proof that the League worked under The King’s command for a long period of time. Thus explaining their power and wealth. By the way, these proofs are all from our Parusefor conspiracy club, it’s a thing….”


  “ Yeah, we know.” Tenmei and Griffon both nodded quickly for the conversation to continue.


  “ That may be true,” Nanali replied Sven’s solid points on the KIng and the League’s cahoots

  “ But not anymore. From my observations as the late King’s secretary, he is no longer in ties with this League. He sees them as a threat also and tries to collect as much information about the League as he could. 

   Like what he said before the day of his passing, his disciple has gotten out of his reach and fallen down a dark path. Keiken king is a noble monarch that wishes what’s best for the country, this will never change! The Parusefor Prime must know that.”


  Sven nodded slowly in deep contemplation of Nanali’s words

  “ Someone has to show solid proof to our Prime. Or else He will never believe anything said in plain words.”


  “ I can show Nero Prime,  with my Exia Rune !" Princess Isabel spoke, with her Silver Rune shining 

  “ It has the memories of the past Keikens imbued within! Nero Prime can see for himself !"


  “ True, true. ” Tenmei and the others agreed, but Master Sven was still doubtful. 

  “ It's not that I don't believe you,  But Truth be told….Our Prime, he refuses to negotiate. ”

  Sven sighed,  finally telling them the truth


  “ Our Prime has become distant,  not just to you, but also from us and the other clans folk. ”


  Tenmei Akiro was surprised, sitting straight in serious interest


   “ How so ?" Tenmei asked.


   “ Has it something to do with the disturbance in the Strike Force,  Master Sven ?"

   Griffon asked in all seriousness and Sven was surprised at first. 


  “ So you all sensed it too.”

 Sven sighed, looking down at his luxurious bear fur mattress 

  “ True, though we didn't know exactly when and why the disturbance began, and after Our Prime fought against you and the Ark’arios in peach blossom village mounts back in chapter 13, the disturbance grew to an extent that even some untrained sensitive folks to the Strike Force can feel it.

  But our Prime still remains silent and refuses to speak of it even when the disturbance has grown out of hand. 

  Some masters,  like myself,  tried to make contact with our Prime, to no avail. 

  While others, like Riella, believe in our Prime that if the Prime doesn't want to talk about it,  we shouldn't.  Yet……..”


  Sven fell into a brooding silence, looking at the tea before him on the smart table.


  “ …..Sounds like this old Prime is dying.” Luka commented and quickly received backlash from Parusefor soldier Griffon.


  “ Death is not an option to the Great Prime Nirvariel Nero !!!”

Griffon claimed aloud vehemently

  “ Prime has surpassed the limits of light-heart kind, he doesn’t abide by the reincarnate rules of the Herunia because he is indestructible and his light never dims! Prime must be protecting us from the enemy that caused that disturbance alone, so we must help our Prime !”


  “ If he is that good, then why think of helping him ?!” Luka volleyed back

“ He is indestructible and almighty is he not ?!”


  “ It…It’s our duty as clans folk to assist our Prime in any cause! We are like his children, and he our grand All Father !! We must…….Ouchies !!”


  And out of blood-boiling speech, Griffon accidentally spilled his hot tea onto his right lap.


  “ Oh, you…..” Nina quickly helped Griffon wipe the tea off his lap with her handkerchief while everyone watched, silently.


  “ …..Ouch.” 


  Nanali noticed Tenmei whisper and turned to our man Tenmei Akiro, whose hand was placed also on his right lap as if in pain.


  “ What’s wrong ?” Nanali asked as Tenmei quickly rolled up his trousers, in front of everyone, shocking the crew, and saw, at the same spot where Griffon had burnt himself with the hot tea, a red burned patch also appeared on Tenmei’s right lap !!


  “ Is this…..?!?!” Tenmei blurted out, for his mind had slowly realized the cause only for his words to be processed to explain to himself thoroughly.


  “ Ahh ! I am sorry I haven’t explained this to you earlier….” Princess Isabel apologized for she too had forgotten about this mysterious mechanism.

  “ It is known that the Exia Rune-bearing lords share a special connection with their clansmen, a link that not only just amplifies strength, but also transmits the wounds and pain from the clansmen back to their Lord to share and deplete the damage taken. 

   I am sorry….I should have told you earlier……..”


  “ It’s alright.” Tenmei comforted the small princess assuringly

“ Won’t affect my choices at all. But I do hope the pain link doesn’t kill me……….”

  And Tenmei Akiro suddenly noticed something, 


  his eyes wide in such realization, staring at Sven and Griffon

  “ ……..I….I have a plan now……!!!”

  Tenmei Akiro our man cried out enthusiastically and quickly whispered to all his clansmen and Sven his plan for the next day, while they listened in awe and shock.

  For a plan made, the fellowship began their preparations and after a hearty dinner in Sven’s dinner place, a splendid meal cooked by a master chef Sven hired to his villa, and after the gorgeous foodings, the crew went back to preparations and rest until it is time for a decent sleep before the day of confrontation.


  Nanali Hikaru however, stayed up later than the others, lulling the young princess Isabel to sleep while she looked out at the midnight Tron streets twinkling with the traffic lights and neon signs. Cars once a while sped forth the empty Freedom and Justice memorial tower boulevards, where dispute and conflict broke out many a time throughout the ages even now.


  This city, this proud capital of tech and prosperity, 


  is her home. 


  And like anyone that lives among these familiar stall-filled streets, alongside the commoners that were like old friends and neighbors to her, Nanali wished to protect it, and harm it no more.


  Feeling her throat running dry, Nanali headed out of her room and went to grab a glass of water in the lobby, where someone else was resting on the couch, surfing Metube through the U-phone.


  Nanali froze for a split second and sighed in relief after realizing that it was Luka lying on the luxurious couch like it was her own living room alongside a whole pack of zombie dolls sitting and curled up around the young girl, looking back at Nanali with round eerie eyes, while Luka slightly looked up at Nanali from her phone screen.


  “ Sup.” Luka addressed Nanali as she went on watching comedic meme clips with her zombie dolls.


  “ Um... Hi.” Nanali answered hesitantly, sitting down on the other side of the couch

“ You are..not tired yet ?”


  “ I don’t need sleep.” Luka replied casually like it was no big deal.

“ We were designed for efficient purposes way back, it’s really convenient. Yeah, sleep can heal some wounds and whatnot sometimes, but I don’t understand why Tenmei takes a whole eight hours off and do nothing but lie in bed. It’s a waste of a good time….”


  “ True…I might be traveling around the world if I don’t need any sleep.” Nanali agreed with thoughts of far-away imaginations.


  “ You can still travel around the world while sleeping at night.” Luka pointed out as she let her zombie dolls choose the next video to watch.

  “ No, I am not watching old people hitting the woah again. Choose another.” Luka muttered to her zombie teddy bears.


  “ That’s true…” Nanali chuckled awkwardly, and looked at her glass of water in silence.


  Luka looked at the melancholy lady sitting opposite her silently for some seconds, while her zombie dolls watch old people dancing to the woah on her phone


  “ You alright ?” Luka finally made the decision to ask, even though she just wanted to lie on the couch in peace, somehow a force inside of her pushed her to talk with this saddened young lady sitting in front of her. Perhaps it was Tenmei’s weird influence, Luka thought to herself.


  And Nanali shook her head slowly


  “ I am thinking…..about my brother.” Nanali replied after a long pause


  “ Of what he has become under the influence of my father….I wish to speak to him. I wish to stop him…..stop him from hurting this city, our home….and himself…..”


  But Nanali didn’t know how, and could but sigh at her empty glass.


  “ You could…..assassinate him ?” 

Luka suggested and was frowned upon by all her zombie dolls in disapproval.


  “ Sorry.” 

 Luka apologized.


  But the idea did spur a new thought in Nanali’s head, and suddenly with a cry of enlightenment


  “ Wait ! perhaps, we could…..! ” 

And lo, Nanali had a plan made herself!


  “ Luka, can you help me ?!?! Tomorrow ?!” 


  Nanali asked, begging with such sincerity and distress in those glistening wet eyes, holding Luka’s hands in hers.

 “ ………..No….?”


 Luka replied to Nanali reluctantly, yet her zombie dolls have all agreed to help in unison in her stead, so Luka complied.



  Back in the Parusefor plateau, in the stone-walled chambers of the Prime Pasruseforon,


  Nirvariel Nero had a dream.

  A dream where his burning self slowly descends from high above, down a flow of light and nothing else, regaining his human flesh that replaced his fiery form bit by bit, until his fall was halted to a floating pause and there he stood, 


  a young man, a teen in his prime.


  Among a vast field of light, glistening blue grass reaching to his waist, swaying like waves of blue with the magnificent breeze flowing throughout the everlasting fields under the dark blue starlit sky.


  The moon, with its soft welcoming hue, lit his path forth to someone kneeling not far, a girl in white gown, among the grassy blue, and the pale pure flowers that bloom.


  Young Nero walked forth across the fields to meet the one the gentle moonlight dawned upon, the girl who he had always longed to meet in his dreams.


  “ ….Neliya…….” the young prime whispered, 


  as the girl looked up, tenderly back with a joyous smile.


  “ Here.” 


 this girl called Neliya held out to Nero, a crown of white flowers, pure and innocent, which Nero placed onto his head and knelt down with the girl by his side.


   “ You have been too hard on yourself.”


  Neliya spoke, gently massaging Nero’s tense rough arm


  “ It’s alright, to sit back and let the children go on their own path.”


  “ I have been letting them explore their boundaries,” Nero replied, his gaze on the girl before him, unwavering

  “ They are still young, and still need my guidance.”


  “ They will always be too young in your eyes.” Neliya chuckled as she massaged Nero’s other arm

  “ Is it they that can’t move on without you? Or is it you that doesn’t want to let go ?”


  Neliya asked, looking into the eyes of the troubled young teen as he looked back at her longingly.


  “ …..I can’t let go.”


  Nero admitted


  “ I can’t…let my Light go and join the grace of the Herunis Carna…..I don’t want to give away my Light…my Memories….Of You !”


  “ Do not be afraid.” Neliya softly replied as her hands moved up to Nero’s shoulders, caressing them lovingly

  “ Our Light and Memories are never gone and always will be safe in the Herunis Carna. Your legacy will live on in the light of all those after you…”


  “ What are memories for if one can’t reminisce them no more ?” 

Nero questioned with great doubt, holding Neliya’s hands in his tight grip

   “ The memories will no longer be mine if I hand it over to the Herunis Carna! I can’t let that happen…..”


  “ You have to...” 


  Neliya urged.


  “ I have the power Not To !” 


  Yet Nero still refused in anger, as all the times he refused in this recurring dream.


  “ I live…only so I can cherish you to the end of time…….You are what remains of her in the vast flow of Light……”

  Nero spoke in stammering longing, hugging Neliya his love close.


  “ I will never let go of you ever again……..”


  Nero, young Neo, leader of the first Starchilds promised, a grave promise.


  To this, Neliya could but hug back solemnly, caressing the scared boy with much care until the dream inevitably ended.

  “ Prime !! Are you attacked ?!?!” 


  Riella, Leader Master Striker of the cosmos sword burst into the Prime Paruseforon’s chambers, in pajamas yet her weapon humming with loaded strength.


  Riella gave out an audible gasp as she quickly rushed to the Prime, the Master of all his Parusefor clansfolk, who have tumbled down from his stone bed.


  “ My Prime…who attacked you in your sleep ?!” Young Riella asked angrily as she hoisted the old Parusefor Prime back to his bed.


  “ Riella….” 

  Nero Prime hummed seriously to the Leading Master Striker sternly as he sat straight on his stone bed.


  “ Yes, My Prime.”

   Riella knelt with one knee before the stern prime of the clan in great seriousness.


  “ You will not speak of this to anyone that could hear the sounds of words, do you understand ?” 


  Nero Prime warned in a killing tone of such power and lord that Riella, shocked and stricken by bewilderment, could but agree.


  “ Yes…My Prime.”


  And Riella was bid to leave, exiting the Prime’s chambers reluctantly as Nrivariel Nero sat alone, brooding on his stone bed.

  The cracking tinkling of shards echoed in his burning flaming head.




  Tenmei Akiro, our man, Griffon our man’s sworn brother, and Sven the Lancer Master Striker strapped the Parusefor armors and leggings from Sven’s armor wardrobe as they prepared to face the  Prime Paruseforon one more time.

You are reading story Great Strike Exia – The Brave Legend at

  Nina too strapped on her traditional Isandor battle armor in her side of the room, packing many rice balls with her.


  As Tenmei finished his preparations, he saw Nanali preparing her side of things and was about to leave.


  “ Nanali…?” Tenmei inquired to what was Nanali’s plan.


  “ I am sorry, Tenmei, but there is something I must do.”

   Nanali replied with much resolve

“ I have told Luka to leave me behind if things go south. And if I fail to return here by nighttime, I pray you move on your noble quest to save Kingdeniom, and also the world.”


  “ Cut the crap, Miss.” Luka came by with her own armor and zombie dolls all weaponized

“ No one’s leaving anyone behind. We’ll be back before dinner.”


  And thus the fellowship of Tenmei set off, separating two sides of Tron.

  “ My Prime !” 


 A Parusefor Master of lookout reported to Nirvariel Nero the Prime Paruseforon in his throne chambers at the inner highest point of the plateau castle


  “ Tenmei Akiro, who claims himself Lord Bearer of the Blue Exia Rune, 


  alongside Master Striker Sven,


  warrior maiden of Isandor Nina Zefield,


  and former soldier Griffon


  They now stand before our gates, and…. claim they seek your audience.”

  Without turning around and remained facing the Tron morning scenery, 


  Nirvariel Nero answered with a deep echoing hum of sheer menacing power


  “ Tell them….” 


  Nero spake


  “ … Show Me Their Stride.” 

  And with words of power, the Parusefors understood, rising from the shadows in the plateau with weapons of instant killing as the Master Parusefor of horn blew the battle horn with loud thundering vigor.



  “ Asu….Prime Minister… !! News has it that the Princess is found !!!”


  Minister of Construction Kool Leovis cried as Asuka Line Zeta shot up from his big seat in his big office.


  “ Where is she ?!” Asuka Hikaru demanded as he quickly got dressed in his cloaked uniform of pump and Prime.


  “ At the middle of Tron Central bridge, prime minister !!!”

Kool Leovis answered in haste

  “ ….Held hostage by the murderer of the King, fugitive Tenmei Akiro himself !!!!!”



  “ Does that horn mean the Prime will meet us ?” Tenmei asked as the drums beat vigorously and the horns moaned in ominous foreboding, while Sven’s expression was calm and solemn, darkened before the storm.


  “ It means the clan will meet us first, in Combat.” Sven replied sadly, readying his lance

“ Miss Nina, Griffon ! Tenmei and I will be enacting plan B ! We are counting on you two !”

  Sven cried as the Plateau gates creaked open in earth-shaking motion.


  “ Roger that !” Nina and Griffon nodded as they readied their battle stance.


  Then Sven turned to Tenmei with a grin

  “ Now’s time to review some Parusefor stride you learned with Mirai and Youki, Tenmei.”


  The Master of lance and Tenmei our man exchanged nods in agreement


  “ Follow me, in three….”


  The Plateau gates are nearly full open now, with Parusefor warriors and soldiers emerging from the shadows within the plateau.


  “ …Two……”


  Masters with bows and crossbows and cannons and gatling guns appeared at the plateau walls and aimed down at them as the Parusefor warriors began dashing forth.


  “...........ONE !!!!!!” 


  Passing through seas of valiant warriors and deadly Masters, bursting forth into the rocky maze-like fortress zigzagging by parusefor clans folk that were taken by their sudden striding surprise as Tenmei followed Sven’s dimension piercing lance that broke through all the defenses and shields the tribe masters’ strong attempts to stop the two, to no avail !!


  But before the Parusefor warriors could give chase, Griffon and Nina rose up to stall the Parusefor masters, fighting back all the soldiers and warriors that swarmed in with ferocious tactics, but Nina and Griffon, together like a cyclone fury of combat, pushing back the Parusefors fighters to a standstill with just the two of them !!


  “ Impossible !!” some Parusefor Warriors uttered in disbelief

“ That is Griffon the clan dropout !! He can’t possibly best us !!”


  Lo !! Griffon the Parusefor dropout, after leaving the clan and traveling with Tenmei and crew, roaming all over Kingdeniom and engaging in all sorts of battles, has reached a level that no Parusefor can estimate! 

  But that is not all, for Nina too was more so the reason that Griffon could reach new heights, for the two seasoned fighters battling side by side like an unbreakable array, Nina with her glaive and Griffon with his twin halberds, both young heroes looking after each others’ backs, honing their skills and improving their game to catch up to their partners’ prowess that they were stronger now than they were when they started this voyage.








  Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru rode his limo with Yukari as fast as the vehicle could take him to arrive at the scene, at one end of the Tron Central bridge, where press-hired helicopters were already hovering around the long wide bridge, camera flashes over the two figures standing close at the middle of the bridge.


  Lo, Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru with his telescope virtual eyes glass, saw princess Isabel, 


  in the hands of dark armored personnel in a thick jacket wearing a face covering helmet of top caliber!! 


  Holding a gun at the Princess’ head !!

  Hmm ?? Asuka Hikaru fell into a deep brood of doubt at the scene


  What is this fugitive Tenmei doing ??


  Is He not on the same side as the notorious Keiken King ??


  Is he not the one that snatched the princess from him ??


  Why is he threatening to murder the Princess ??


  Is he trying to negotiate his way out of this ?? For me to spare his life ??


  One life for a life ??


  What are his motives ?? 


  What does he want ????

  “ Asuka…. sorry, Prime Minister.” 

  Kool Leovis the minister of construction spoke to Asuka in a stern whisper

  “ Minister of defense Akahanon Zabinus Prime is here.”


  “ I am here.” Zabinus prime showed himself without waiting for Asuka’s rambling

“ Asuka! Don’t mess this up !! Call upon the Ark’arios !!”


  “ Not in front of the press and the eyes of the people, Zabi !!!!”

Asuka Hikaru hissed angrily, forgetting to address the minister of defense as Zabinus Prime as per his positional name

  “ The people still believe I am the protector of the Keiken regime, that can’t be changed !”


  Asuka bit his lips impatiently in quick thought of a way to remedy this plight

  “  I must get hold of the princess without harming her in public, and then stage her murder by accident later on !! But she is now in the hands of that fugitive !”


  “ Rest assured, I have stationed the League snipers…” Akahanon Zabinus prime chuckled.


  “ NO SNIPERS !!!!” Asuka roared at the sharp Akahanon nose

“ Call them down, NOW !! If any of them hurt the princess, even a scratch, I’ll lose the people’s trust !!”


  Akahanon Zabi face-palmed in regret for being the minister of defense of this wishy-washy prime minister.


  “ Still aim at the target.” Akahanon Zabi whispered to his snipers through the microphone, who all stationed on top floors of skyscrapers surrounding the central bridge area, aiming all at the armored figure’s head.

  “ ASUKA HIKARU !!!!”


  Asuka Hikaru froze and turned around to the loud altered undiscernible undetectable untraceable voice coming out of the threatening figure with the gun at princess Isabel’s head

















  And this figure ripped open the jacket it wore and revealed tons of explosives strapped around its armored chest and belly.


  All of Tron gasped at the announcement as they watched everything happening through live broadcast on their U-phones, and TV screens either on business buildings or their own homes, mortified by the dastardly act of ransom.



  Yukari looked at Asuka, whose face was buried under the shadow of dark brooding.


  “ Everyone,” 

   Asuka Hikaru spoke after a long brooding pause, taking off his robes and belt and the guns and swords strapped to his side


  “ At the end of this bridge, one shall stand, one shall fall. Tell me, WHO SHALL STAND ???”





  shouted all of the Prime Minister’s loyal soldiers, 


  as if in choir to cheer him on,

  pushing Asuka Hikaru forth, 

  Approaching the mysterious armored entity and the crying princess in its hands !!!!!








  Dashing up and up the spiral passage inside the plateau, with his lance straight piercing it way forth, Sven sped in superhuman speed like a purple missile pushing away dozens of Master Strikers out of his path, while Tenmei Akiro, in the Parusefor Master Striker armor lent to him dashed forward following close along Sven’s tracks in the Parusefor stride.


  With the winds of the Parusefors running past him, things and objects flew over the air above, bringing Tenmei back to the times when he and Mirai were racing in practice alongside each other back in the days of his Parusefor training years.


  It’s as if Mirai and Youki were there, accompanying him in his stride, dashing towards his goals of fortifying an alliance to protect this home, and striving for those he wants to protect.


  “ We are almost there !!!!” Sven shouted back to Tenmei as he penetrated a shield held by a Parusefor master of shield and threw the Parusefor Master out of the way

  “ Sorry, Josh !! No hard feelings !”


  Josh, Parusefor of shield gave Sven a thumbs up on the ground as the two sped forth, 


  as the thick tall doors to Nirvariel Nero Prime’s chambers, 


  finally, emerge in sight.

  And with one swipe instead of a thrust of his lance, Sven swerved in a circle at the last minute, turning into a cyclone that swept all the assailing Parusefors away as Sven made way for Tenmei Akiro to give the thick chamber doors one good punch, 


  a fist imbued with the power of an Exia Rune, the Blue Exia Rune that lit up ablaze, 


  bursting the metal doors out of existence like a blue atom bomb, 


  blowing all the guarding Parusefor Masters out of the way in one fell swoop.

  “ What in Yuidis’ name was that ?!”

   Josh, Parusefor Master of shield cried as he shielded himself on the ground near where Sven stood.


  “ That,” 


  Sven replied in admiration


  “ Is an Exian Lord’s resolve.”

  And finally, 


  Tenmei and Sven stepped into the Prime’s chambers, after fighting their way and showing their stride to all, 


  entering the wide room only to see it was cleared and empty.


  Not even a piece of furniture or stone bed remained.


  “ What the….”


  And Before Sven could ask where the stone bed went, 


  three planets crashed down on Sven and Tenmei from above, erupting into supernovas that imploded within the whole stone-walled chamber, blowing up where Sven and Tenmei stood.


  But as the dust and smoke cleared with a sudden powerful whoosh, 


  it revealed Tenmei Akiro, with his Blue Exia Rune activated as an energy shield barrier, and Sven deflecting with his lance blocked the planet's explosions and escaped instant death.


  The one that released the planet bombs bent down from above the ceiling and emerged out of the corner like a true shadow come to life and leapt down to the floor, landing gracefully like a ballerina with a humongous sword of wild proportions, its blade glistening with the million stars and planets enveloped in an electric cloud of stardust, 


  the cosmos greatsword, 


  and its wielder, Riella, Leading Master Striker of Sword.

  “ I see.” 

 Riella whispered in a life-threatening voice

  “ Why you wouldn’t let me in your house last night.”


  “ …….No hard feelings, Riella.” 

 Sven the lancer tried to explain to the furious young lady with a huge killing sword

  “ But surely you want to know what caused the disturbance too, do you not ?!?!”


 “ If our Prime tells us not to, then surely there is nothing to doubt about it !!!!”

Riella shouted and swung her greatsword full swing, shooting out planets at them which Tenmei and Sven dodged narrowly among the gaps of the immense supernova explosions.


  Tenmei Akiro pulled out a Parusefor curved sword and with Sven dashing forth, Star lance raised high in a plunge attack, the two ready to engage in fierce combat against the head of all the Master Strikers of the clan, 


  when suddenly, 


  sound was sucked inward, 


  the air stopped flowing, 


  time went nonexistent, 

  as between Tenmei, Sven, and Riella, 

  a large stone slab crashed down right before their clash, 


  emitting a mountain-moving strength that threw all three young combatants back to the stone wall, 


  as the shadow beneath the deeply struck stone slabbed sword rose up inch by inch until it reached its true height, 


  a cloaked, armored, burning entity, clenching the stone slab sword close with its two sharp metallic hands,


  The flaming head danced before their eyes as the red eyes within the everlasting flame stared back at them, 


  in a death defining stare.

  Nirvariel Nero has arrived.


  “ Bring out your sword, Rune hoarder.” 

  Nirvariel Nero demanded in a deep hum vibrating to the deepest depth of the sea


  as the Prime Paruseforon held his large stone slab up and crushed it with his two bear hands in a grand resolving grab, and out of the crumbling stones and rust, 


  within that slab that now is but sand beneath the Prime’s feet, 


  a huge blinding purple blazing Exian Rune Sword bursting up to the heavens, blooming over the whole plateau and enveloping the entire Tron capital under the traces and curves of the one great Exia Rune of purple, 


  of the overpowering powers exceeding beyond Light Human possibilities, 


  in the palm of his hand

  “ Then, we may speak through action.”

  And seeing the burning purple tip of the Exia Rune Sword pointed at his chest, 


  Tenmei Akiro had no other choice, 


  But to show this Prime of the Starchild clan his own Exia Rune Sword of ultramarine blue that he let out of his hands, shooting out like a star to the sky and returning to Tenmei’s hand a well bloomed Exia Rune Sword, with the blue bursting Rune of power blazing above in the skies next to the looming purple Exia Rune.


  “.........Don’t mind if I do.”

  and Tenmei Akiro was ready.



  And down a straight slash did the Parusefor Prime hurtle down onto the young blue Exia lord his purple bursting Rune Sword that Tenmei blocked with his own Rune sword, as the two clashed, blow after blow, each shaking the universe one after another.


  Far away on the Denteimong battlefield, Edmund and Tricia could feel the clashing too, just as loud as the clashing of the Golden Lord and the Red Exian Lords' never-ending fight to the end of time.

  And pulling out the central parts of his purple Rune Nero transposed it into a shield which he slammed Tenmei at ten thousand times the speed he was before, sending Tenmei deep into the stone chamber wall as Nero without skipping a beat pierced forth with his bulging purple Exia Rune as the blade sailed right towards Tenmei’s chest and met with the blue Exia Rune that sent it upwards as the two blades slid upon each other, flame igniting through the hard on friction as Tenmei raised his deflecting blade upwards and Nero’s pierce struck through the wall right next to Tenmei’s ear.


  Quickly with a strong will to survive, Tenmei mustered his Exia Rune back to his one arm and with all the energy gathered and transferred from one foot, then forward to his right arm, and finally with his whole body pressing forth sent out a blue Exian punch of sheer force that broke the standstill and pushed the Prime Paruseforon back a few inches as Tenmei Akiro our man leapt from the prime’s shoulder and up behind to safe ground, preparing his stance once more with the Blue Exia Rune Sword remerging back out of his hands.


  Antics such as this, to the eyes of the Master of all Master Strikers, is but futile struggle and with triple speed Nirvariel Nero bashed forth the wrath of the flow of the whole two thousand years of Parusefor Kung Fu history at Tenmei’s face, forcing the young Exian Lord to deflect and react only in defensive ways of combat!


  Sven wanted to help Tenmei, but he too knows it is unruly to interfere in a battle of the Exia Lords.


  “ Sven !!” 


  Sven turned around to see Riella, raising her cosmos Greatsword high with one hand and pointing its tip at Sven’s face


  “ We still have scores to settle….!!!”


  “ But I kinda want to see them fight…..” 

  Before Sven could even refuse, Riella has begun smashing her sword onto the lancer with countless blows nonstop.

  “ You speak of an alliance.” 

   Nero hummed as his speed has just exceeded light and all Tenmei could see was a whooshing black shadow appearing and disappearing all around him in seconds' time


  “ Yet you don’t deserve this Rune. 

    You use your Rune as a sword, 

   Yet do not understand its true purpose !!!!”

  And out of Tenmei’s chest, the purple Exia Rune burst out from behind, as Prime Paruseforon Nirvariel Nero committed one grand assassination under broad daylight in front of all the Parusefor clans folk, 


  running his Rune blade through Tenmei Akiro’s heart.

  “ Your Exia Rune will be a new addition to my fine collection.”


  Nirvariel Nero hummed menacingly as he pulled out his purple flaming Rune Sword and let Tenmei Akiro bleed and kneel on the floor as our man gasped for breath.



  Griffon and Nina had stopped a whole pack of Parusefor warriors from reaching Tenmei and Sven, but their advantage was soon broken by a sudden quick strike from behind Nina, breaking her stance and pushing the Isandor warrior maiden to a side of the wide plateau arena.


  Griffon was about to regroup to Nina’s position but someone was there between him and Nina, hindering Griffon’s path.


  Someone Griffon knew very well.



  Griffon uttered in shock, never believing the day he raise arms against his own crush Marian Amatsumina would occur so soon.


  “ What have you become, Griffon ?” Marian Amatsumina called out coldly to the dumbfounded young Parusefor dropout

  “ A rogue sellsword that no longer remembers his roots ?! This is not who you are, Griffon !”


  Marian Amatsumina leapt forth, landing several strikes of her sets of flying sharp blades she controlled in the air, pushing Griffon back while the Parusefor warriors that were stalled quickly went up to chase Tenmei and Sven up the higher levels of the plateau.


  Nina rose up quickly but another Parusefor warrior landed from the skies to block Nina’s way to regroup with Griffon.


  “ No more of your stalling, fare glaive wielding maiden !” 

Laughed a Parusefor dude with three straight swords attached to each side of his knuckles

  “ Your skills are impressive, but I, Denan Geii, Parusefor Master of the six swordings, alongside my beautiful fiance Marian Amatsumina here will see that you hinder our Prime’s path no more !!”


  “ You…..!!!!” Griffon was taken by such an emotional attack, looking at his crush Marian Amastumina for cues that this douche womanizer Denan Geii is joking.


  But Marian’s stern cold gaze said the opposite.


  Griffon’s heart sank, and his twin halberds he lowered down out of combat stance.


  “ Griffon….!!!” Nina tried to call Griffon back to his senses, but his melancholy was too strong for him to overcome in that instance !!



    Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru, making his way slowly but firmly toward where the fugitive and the Princess were, 


  as the whole of Kingdeniom watched in horrifying suspense.

  “ Killing me will bring nothing to you, fugitive Tenmei Akiro !!”


  Asuka Line Zeta hollered as he walked forth, heavy steps one after another


  “ But plunge the society back to turmoil and upheaval, if that is what you want! You may kill me, take my dead body and humiliate me all you want! But The People, They will Not Allow You to snatch away their PEACE !!!!!”

  “ I have no intentions of taking peace away from the people.”


  This fugitive covered in thick armor replied still in its altered undetectable robotic voice


  “ I am bringing it back to them, from your hands.”

  And Lo, 


  Asuka finally stopped, as he now stood just an arm’s distance away from the armored fugitive, and the sobbing Princess’ in the fugitive’s arms.


  “ These hands single-handedly wiped out the former generation that seeks nothing but bloodshed.”

Asuka held out his empty hands to explain

  “ All you do is end the hopes for the people, extinguishing the beacon that trailblazes the future of a New Kingdeniom !!!!”


  “ You are leading them down a bloody path just like the former generation has without realizing what you have become !!!!”

  the fugitive shouted back, though its voice distorted and deranged, a sorrowful strain hidden under that masking helmet


  “ Perishing others for a cause will never justify the means no matter how noble it sounds.  You should know that well more than I…..!!

   ……….Think, Asuka……think of an alternative answer rather than ending the lives of those that disagree with your vision…….I beg of you…..!”

  Asuka silently listened, contemplating the touching words that were spoken to him.


  The young Prime Minister sighed.


  A Long sigh.

  “ Well. I surely have to reconsider…my ways, indeed….”


  Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru nodded slowly in solemn reply


  “ Towards someone……..who definitely won’t pull the Trigger !!!!!”

  And before all Tron’s witnesses, 


  Asuka Hikaru grabbed the shining button on his sleeve and pulled out a blade that materialized as it was unleashed, of nano fabric that reconstructed out of thin air, the Hasebe Blade of Asuka Hikaru !!!! Finally being unsheathed and ready for action as the blade formed and stabilized in but an eye blink and before anyone’s eyes could catch up with the Prime Minister's actions, 


  The Hasebe blade had severed the gun in the armored fugitive’s hand in half, 


  also cleaving the helmet the fugitive wore as the two halves of the metal helmet clanked to the cement road, 


  orange long hair swayed down as the two metal pieces clanked to both sides.

  There, holding princess Isabel close, 


  was Asuka Line Zeta’s sister, 


  Nanali Hikaru.

  “ You have forced my hand, sister.”


  Asuka Hikaru spake, coldly, 


  as his Hasebe blade-clenching hand tightened its grip.




  Nirvariel Nero waited for Tenmei Akiro to die, but before his red eyes within his burning flaming head, the Prime saw that the blood on the floor didn’t flow forward, 


 But backward back to Tenmei Akiro’s bleeding orifice as his chest slowly healed itself !!!



  “ I may be a fool…..”


  Tenmei Akiro stammered as he stood up once more before the eyes of the shocked Sven and Riella


  “ I may have lost some memories……But I remembered….the Times when Mirai, Youki, and I trained under your teachings……I remember losing all hope in myself and the world and resorting to killing and nothing else……….


    ………and I remember….. How My Father gave me this Rune……!!!


  How he in his dying breath, entrusted me that I make the right choice !!!!!


  And Here I am !!!!!!


  To do what I think is Right !!!!!!


  Stop straying away and hiding back in your shadow of silence from your clansfolk! 


  TELL THEM THE TRUTH  ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

  Nirvariel Nero looked at this staggering Tenmei like a mountain tall before this young Exian lord, silent and unmovable.

  “ NO.”

  Was all Nirvariel Nero spoke, and again raised his purple rune Sword to cut down Tenmei once more.


  “ No matter how many times you cut me down or throw me out, I will always return !!!!”


  Tenmei Akiro shouted before the coming Rune Sword


  “ But You, Nero, Will Not Last Any LONGER !!!!!!”

  And down came the blade onto Tenmei’s head, 

  which struck nothing but solid metal !!!!!

  Tenmei Akiro looked up, to see a wide great blade of the cosmos shielding his head from the coming bursting Exia Rune sword of purple flame.

  “ …..This man is here to help you….Prime…..”



  Lo, Riella spoke in a stammering but firm voice, holding her cosmos greatsword against her Prime’s tantamount Rune weapon


  “ We know…All of us know that you have been covering this disturbance of the Strike Force that none of us can no longer ignore !!!!!!




  Don’t shun us away like this……Your love towards all of us is incomparable to even the evergrowing universe and outshines all the stars combine…… but that doesn’t mean our love towards you shines no brighter than yours, PRIME !!!!!!


  Please…….Let us help you…..LET US SHARE YOUR BURDENS, PRIME !!!!!!!!!”

  And before the weeping head Master Striker of the clan, 



  Nirvariel Nero was still silent.

  “ Say it, Tenmei.”




  out of the shadows, walked out our Master Striker of the Star bow, Master Hassan Hellsing of Shambala !!!!!


  Lifting Riella’s cosmos greatsword with the Lead Master Striker as they placed Nero’s Exian Rune Sword away from Tenmei’s head


  “ Say it loud and say it clear, for we are all ears.”


  And indeed, the whole Parusefor warriors and masters and soldiers all ceased their chase and stood outside their Prime’s chambers, 


  listening to what Tenmei Akiro has to say.

  Even Marian and Denan Geii paused to listen from below on the first floor of the plateau, while Nia went to help the emotionally damaged Griffon stand.

  Tenmei looked around the crowded chamber outside and took a deep breath.

  “ …….Nero Prime is dying………and his Exia Rune is breaking apart.”

  A sea of disbelieved gasps swept across the whole plateau.

  “ It may be hard to explain, and it is yet my assumption, but…..According to the mechanisms of the Exia Rune, the Lord Bearer shares all the injuries, physical and mental with all his Clansmen. 

   Which means…..Nero Prime has been bearing all the damage of his Clans folk, ever since the first day of becoming a Lord Bearer of the Exia Rune……to this very moment……

  ….granting each Parusefor that has passed the test as a Clansman, surely…..Nero Prime had been bearing the weight of all the generations he looked over………

  ……perhaps… is time……for Nero Prime to rest–”

  “ Silence.”

  Nirvariel Nero finally spoke once more, in a life-threatening hum of the universe.

  “ I Will Never Rest.”

  “ But Prime !!!!”

 All the Parusefors cried out their worries and incoherent voices immediately filled the whole plateau.

  “ SILENCE ! ! ! ! !” 

  Nero Prime boomed and all the Parusefors silenced their voices in seconds' time

   “ I Will Never Rest.”

  “ Then you have as well doomed your clan, Nero!”

  All looked up in surprise, 


  to an all-new young voice that approached the chamber of Prime from behind all the Parusefor folk as they parted ways for this small newcomer to enter, 


  for young Princess Isabel to enter the Chamber of Nero.

  Nero looked down at the small Princess, 


  and around this young girl, a new different aura of sheer pure silver glowed around Isabel as her small umbrella octopus Exia Rune floated up and bloomed right above the Princess’ head like a new Silver crown made of Exian Rune.

  Tenmei looked closely and realized, that not just the aura around the princess have changed, 


  even the way she spoke and the eyes that gazed at Nero Prime were not the same.

  It was as if Old Keiken King was there, 

  standing in front of Nirvariel Nero Prime, 

  in a confrontation of the Exian Rune Lords.




  While the Parusefors were gasping at the confrontation of the Exian Lords of Silver and Purple, 


  the Tron citizens are gasping as to how the fugitive that held Isabel hostage is Asuka Prime minister Hikaru’s own sister Nanali ?!?!


  And why is Asuka Hikaru raising a nano Hasebe saber at both Nanali and princess Isabel Keiken ?!?!

  “ Hand over the princess, sister…”


  Asuka Line Zeta warned in a menacing whisper, 


  The Hasebe blade at Nanali’s throat


  “ Do not temper with me here now….!!!”

  “ ….I know what you plan to do...Asuka.” Nanali whispered back without quivering or wavering.

“ It is not going to work. Someone else will take your place just like how you took father’s–!!”



 Asuka Hikaru hollered in utter grief and ferociousness, losing his cool entirely

  “ I wish for a peaceful Kingdeniom as much as you do, sister !! Yet I am the one that’s brave enough to make that change !!! None of you are even close to judging me !!!!



  “ Better than this, Asuka ?”


  Nanali calmly asked as she pointed high above her head, her finger at the grey skies as a large virtual screen lit up right above her and Asuka.


  All the TV screens on the skyscrapers and homes were redirected too to the same screen that the virtual one above Nanali was showing.


  Links to that same footage were sent immediately through twittie to all that owned a U-phone.


  And there, the footage showed, 


  Of Asuka Hikaru, accompanied by an armored Archdemon, 


  confronting old Keiken King inside the burning Weiwu Mansion.

  The Hasebe blade, the same as the one he now wielded at his sister’s throat, 


  raised at the old King’s.

  Not just Tron, but the whole of Kingdeniom, was struck by a silence of utter shock and disbelief.

  “ You………!!!!” Asuka Hikaru too was thunderstruck by what he saw exposed to all the unblind, even the blind were quickly told to by those that have witnessed


  “ You…You can’t do this to me…sister…….!!”


  Asuka Hikaru stammered to contain his frenzied rage from bursting out of his mortal shell


  “ ……Nanali……Do you know HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED ?!?!?!?!?!?”


  And like a goblin in a commanding uniform of honorable rankings, Asuka Hikaru lunged forth in a deranged scream, thrusting his Hasebe blade like it should have been !! The Hasebe swordplay now on real display !!!!


  But one shocking turn of events after another, 


  Nanali too, pulled off the small golden ornament on her orange hair that activated into one nanoparticle blade of its own, materializing as it deflected each blow Asuka punctured towards her, pushing Asuka back to a safe distance as Nanali twisted her fully grown nano Hasebe sword before her in a defensive stance.


  Lo, for Asuka might have forgotten, 


  that the Hasebe swordplay he now possesses is all taught by his sister Nanali at a young age !!!


  And though Nanali had not pulled out her blade for years, 


  The styles and moves of the Hasebe swordplay of hers are still unrivaled to even Asuka’s !!

  “ Don’t make me do this, Asuka.” 

Nanali begged, as she gently ushered the princess to her back.

  “ Face your Truth! Face your fears, Asuka !! Let me help you !!!”




  Asuka Hikaru rage shouted and pushed forward his thousand thrusting Hasebe swordplay without sentiment no more, yet the more he exposed his rage, the more his swording slipped, and Nanali with her yet vivid memories of the Hasebe arts, deflected Asuka’s blade out of the new prime minister’s hand !!


  Now Asuka Line Zeta was truly unarmed.

  And it was Nanali’s turn to point her blade at Asuka’s throat.


  But Nanali quickly retracted her blade and rested its tip in a safe yet defensive position close to her.


  “ The People know of the truth, Asuka.” Nanali tried to speak reason to the unarmed prime minister.

  “ Your governing may not be accepted, but that doesn’t mean you have failed ! Turn back from dark and resolve this peacefully. Please. It’s never too late !”


  “ ……They will force me to resign…” Asuka murmured in defeat.


  “ Then resign, Asuka, for your own good. And for Kingdeniom.” Nanali pleaded.


  “ They will purge me like a rabid dog, Nanali !! There is no way out !! And the only way to survive… is to fight back !!!! ZABINUS PRIME !!!!! RELEASE !!!!!!!


       THE ARCHDEMON !!!!!!!!!!”

  “ Rest assured.” Akahanon Zabinus prime smiled and bowed at the far end of the bridge as the large iron crate was brought in the next second and lo behold, 


  The Ark’arios Barmidis custom stormed out onto the bridge.


  Austria Van Hilligdale, sitting far away in a safe position, controlled the Archdemon forth remotely.


  As all the Tron citizens started to flee in terror, 


  Nanali too realized it is time to fall back.


  But not now !!! Nanali thought to herself determinedly, 


  for her mission, to grab Asuka back hasn’t been accomplished yet !!

  Quickly, Nanali raced forth and grabbed the escaping Asuka Hikaru by the arm


  but received but a ruthless slap from her brother !!!


  “ Be gone with thee !!!!” 


  Asuka Hikaru shrieked in anger as he made his way to the edge of the bridge, ready to jump off and dive into the Tron river !!!


  Only to see himself face to face with an iron mobile giant that crawled out of the river right in front of him and came up to the central bridge, blocking Asuka’a path and facing the armored Archdemon rushing its way toward them.


  “ Get Him, Nanali !!!!” Luka shouted at the top of her lungs as she stood on her zombie mobile giant Thrond’s back as she charged forth, going toe to toe against the Archdemon, trading punches and wrestling all over the bridge, rocking the cement establishment right to left as missiles launched and blew up here and there while the two robust powerful mecha giants smashed at each other all over the place, with Luka clinging onto the Thrond Mobile giant’s back being thrashed around as the two iron giants rolled over in violent berserking fist fights of technologies, until the Ark’arios finally released a myriad of demonic laser beams out of its arm and burned the Thrond’s feet out of existence with that one blast.


  But the Ark’arios Barmidis’ beams didn’t stop there and traveled forth far and wide, burning through even the metal wires that held the grand wide central Tron bridge together were all incinerated in one go, and the bridge started to descend in its own weight.


  With only its arms left, the Thrond mustered all its strength and grabbed hold of the Archdemon’s feet, hindering the Ark’arios from moving closer to Nanali as she tried to catch up with Asuka.


  But Asuka Hikaru was an athletic soldier in build and practice, and seeing one last metal wire swinging in the air above, Asuka Line Zeta made a kick onto the breaking cement and leaped forth to grab the metal wire that swung him out and dropped the prime minister into the river, who swam fast off to safe ground.


  Nanali was a second too late, 


  and the road beneath her started to crumble.

  Luka had no choice, but to let go of her zombie mecha Thrond and rushed to save Nanali,


  falling down with the rubbles and ruin descending close by, 


  Luka reached out her hand, 


  to Nanali, yet one inch too far.

  That was when both Nanali and Luka heard a loud deformed mechanic shout  from afar, flying straight at them dashing across the falling debris and ruins, 


  to be cyborg Gelouch Dendrobium swooping in and catching the two girls in his mecha-strengthened arms as they sped off, away from the crumbling Tron Central Bridge and to the skies and beyond.


  “ Oh no !”


  Nanali suddenly realized something in a frantic gasp


 “ I forgot about Kumabelle !”

  And indeed, it was the bear zombie doll that was disguised through makeup and shape-shifting magics as the fake Princess Isabel that lured Asuka in the first place.


  “ She’ll be fine.”

 Luka sighed exhaustedly

  “ She’s a bear, she knows how to swim.”



  While the fake princess zombie bear doll was swimming in the Tron river, 


  the Real Princess Isabel, Lord bearer of the Silver Exia Rune now stood face to face with the great Prime Paruseforon of his clan, the Nirvariel Nero in an intense standstill.

  “ One can never escape the natural flow of decay, Nero Prime.”


  Princess Isabel spoke in a serious tone unlike her child-like self


  “ When the time calls for us to return to the flow of light in Blessed Herunia, we must abide.”

  “ You as the Bearer of the Exia Rune that governs Eternity have no place in speaking of returning and decay.”


   Nero Prime argued in a low humming boom of his omniscient voice.


  “ And yet even I have to leave my mortal shell behind. ”

   Isabel replied calmly 

  “ This body may harbor the memories of all the past Keikens, but it is still a new living being of its own.  The one Eternal law of Tenka and Herunia is the law of change,  Nero Prime. 

   All things must come and go for the cycle of Light to remain. ”

  “ If it is your governing of change that keeps you Eternal. ”


   Nero Prime volleyed back in low humming.


  “ Then it is my duty to surpass the limits of the living and reach beyond natural confinements !”

  “ Then you have misunderstood the extent of your Exia’s purpose, Prime.”


  Princess Isabel gently spoke, coming closer to the Paruseforon Prime


  “ It is not to surpass any limit, but to prove that there is an honorable strife to achieve greatness within those limits that show one’s worth. 


   And you, Nero Prime, 


   have already set a remarkable score in history for all of us to marvel and follow in your honorable steps, and your righteous path to cherish and love the one you dear.”


  So said the princess as she tenderly placed her soft palm onto the Parusefor Prime’s armored knee where her height could reach


  “ It’s alright, Nero.”


  Isabel Keiken whispered, like comforting an old friend


  “ You have achieved more than enough.”

  “ No…….” 


  Nero Prime adamantly denied still


  “ Not yet……These memories….My Light….that can still go on…!!!”

  “ Go on for what, Prime ?!” 

  Tenmei Akiro asked, as a Lord of the Blue Exia

“ Where is it you want to take these memories to? And who are you going to share it with ?!”


  “ You won’t understand.” Nero Prime refused to explain.


  “ Yeah, but there is one thing I do understand, is that for you to extend a limitless Rune that’s breaking apart, all your clans folk are forced to not reach their potential and new heights !!

  It is you who is holding on to that Exia Rune, Nero Prime !!! Dimming your clan weaker and weaker for you to go on !!!”



  “ You….!!!!” 

  Nero Prime flew to a rage but saw that all the clan, his Parusefor folks were silent to Tenmei Akiro’s words, 


  that hit true even for Nero himself.


  “ My dear Prime.” 

  Hassan Hellsing the Archer Master came forth to his beloved Prime

“ We masters already surmise such a cause of the disturbance, but none of us ever wished of your passing…….yet, seeing you carrying the weight of all the Parusefors for us, we are ashamed that we are still relying on our beloved Prime instead of carrying it for you !!”


  “ I never needed help in bearing this Rune !!” 

 Nero boomed at Hassan’s face.


  “ Yes, You DO, PRIME !!!” 

   Riella the lead Master cried out desperately, approaching her prime also with all the Parusefor clan in beseeching light hearts

  “ It is never a sign of weakness to accept our flaws, but to conceal it !! 

  Is this not what you taught us, PRIME ?! Please !! We can help you….and look after ourselves…..Prime !”


  The Parusefor clans folk all nodded in agreement, sobbing with Riella as they gathered around the Old Nirvariel Prime’s presence.

  Nirvariel Nero remained silent, but through the wavering of the flame of his head, 


  they could see their Prime’s stubborn will to go on has begun to falter.



  “ My Prime.” 


  In came the Prime’s trusted strategist and shaman King Fenrir of the wolfstar, an old elder among the Parusefors lesser in age only to Nero Prime


  “ I have kept my kin eyes on the young Masters of the clan, and their exploits and prowess have exceeded even our past glory. 

  There need not worry for them to fly high to reach limits even we have never thought of achieving on our own. The future of the Parusefor is still as bright as the north star, my Prime.”


  “ …..and you too, Fenrir…?” Nirvariel Nero sighed a long long sigh,


  And looked forth onto Tenmei Akiro’s blue Exian glow.

  “ ….If I have to pass down my flame, there is only one way I know of.” 

  Nirvariel Nero spoke as he once again raised up his purple Exia Rune Greatsword up high

 “ Parusefors, Starchilds, My children……!!!!”

  The Parusefor Prime called out to all his clan far and wide across the galaxies


  And Lo, the Purple Great Exia Rune bloomed one more time as the Exia burst out larger than before, extending its arching runes out across the universe as it left each breaking shard onto each standing Parusefor, 


  letting the whole clans folk inherit each part of his legacy.


  And the Parusefors knights, now bursting with brand new lightning purple hue, dashed forth alongside their Prime towards one Tenmei Akiro the blue Exia Lord, 


  Fulfilling one honorable hunt of the Akiro with his tribe folks, 


  one last time.

  From Tenmei Akiro’s perspective, it was a sea of buffed deadly ninja assassin Parusefor Masters all swarming down at him as Tenmei our man sighed with a grin as he accepted the fight, clashing and slashing his way out of the chamber, parrying and deflecting a thousand coming blows that could kill him in but instances.

  Griffon and Nina quickly joined alongside Tenmei as the three fought side by side against the sea of Masters, soldiers, and knights of the proud Parusefor elites, throwing at them all they’ve got against each other in a grand dance of battle and strife.


  Nero Prime was there also, hunting the Akiro alongside his beloved clans children, 


  his Starchilds.

  Like the first days when he was young and with sticks and sharp poles, 


  hunt bears and deer alongside his tribe folk, 


  bringing back their splendid catch while the girls would cook the meat and tend their wounds.


  While Neliya would tell him of what she saw in her short travels to mark the lands, over the mountains and scenery across the valley, 


  Nero would tell her how he killed the bear,


  sharing their stories together, 

  passing down their legacy, 

  their Epic.

  Ahh, Neliya……….

  Sorry for keeping you waiting………..

  And slowly, gradually, 


  The fighting stopped, 


  as Tenmei and all the Parusefors stood their ground, 

  witnessing in the middle of the plateau,

  tears streaming down their hot wet cheeks, 

  as the purple flames of the Paruseforon Prime slowly bloom out like a bright purple flower of embers, 


  before scattering its flame out into stardust that fall slowly like ash, like snow, into all the present Parusefors’ light hearts.




  all have witnessed the ultimate assassination of the Grand Assassinator Nirvariel Nero, 

  The finishing of Nirvariel Nero himself.

  Completing the natural cycle of Light life once and for all.

  As the Purple Exia Rune shone in full bloom immensely greater than before, 


  combined through the tiny shards that shone bright in each Parusefors’ heart.





  Far away, before the scorched battlefields of Denteimong tower, 


  Mystic Grand Disciple Kaburagi Shisei watched on sentmentlessly as the Golden Exia Lord Toshiumi Al Seraphim was trapped in an eternal battle against Varche Scrirocco the Red Exia Lord and King of Terminas, fighting for two episodes now nonstop.


  But Kaburagi Shisei is waiting.


  Waiting for—



  Kaburagi Shisei tilted his head to the left just in time to dodge of a death beam that shot through where his head was before, and before the League Disciple could turn around to see who shot the death beam at his head, the assailant was already upon him, sinking a mountain crashing punch down at Shisei’s rib cage, which the League master narrowly escaped the punch through his mystic arts.


  “ Ayo…is this not Varis lin Evangleon….first daughter of my Master and Director? 

Crown Princess of the Illuminatus League ?”


  Kaburagi Shisei crooned with much interest


  “ Your father is looking for you.”

  But Varis, suited in her unbreakable armor, refused to talk with this Disciple of her maker and dashed forth with flurries of lightning-speed punches that Kaburagi Shisei all deflected with much effort.


  “ Then it is great news to you, that your Father…my Master has left a gift for you in me.”


  Kaburagi Shisei went on talking as he opened a huge magic rune of transparent colors and Lo !!!!


  Runes, like bands curled and tied around Varis’ body, trapping her as Kaburagi Shisei lunged forth and grabbed hold of the armored young woman’s head like vice.


  “ HAAAAAHHH !!!!!” Out of nowhere, Nison Char the bastard, the vagabond, the ruffian, the Demon puncher, the hardened, the betrayed, the noble slayer, the nightmare of Arcadia, leapt out and was about to strike Kaburagi Shisei down with his orange swords when the League Grand Disciple turned a menacing stare at our flying vagabond and with just that stare emitted a force push so strong that threw Nison Char out of this chapter once and for all.


  “ I have the codes from your father, My Master here !!!”


  Kaburagi Shisei cried triumphantly


  “ Now !!! You Obey The League !!!!!!”

  And Kaburagi let go and let the deranged runes and codes run their course down Varis’ mind engines, and soon enough, 


  Varis stopped attacking, and knelt before Kaburagi Shisei like a servant in no time !!!!!


  “ Varis…….service……..”

  Varis, controlled once more like the homunculus she was, spoke in a robotic voice before her Maker’s disciple.

  “ Good. Now go. Take the Blue, Silver, Purple, and all the remaining Runes for me…..While I finish my plans here……….”

  “ Haru ?? What’s wrong ??”

  Mio asked as Haru’s pen fell to the floor from the girl's hand.


  Haru too was surprised, and frightened all of a sudden for no reason at all, 


  her heart beating fast, her insides running cold,


  and her hands trembling slightly.

  “ We….we have to go….” Haru mumbled weakly and tried to stand up from her seat, but fell into Mio’s arms.


  “ Haru ?!”

  Mio gasped as she carried Haru close, she too felt a strong disturbance in the flow around this island.

  “ Lady Mio !! Miss Haru !!!!”

  In came military genius Rang the strategist of the Golden Company


  “ Hurry, something’s happening. Follow Me !!!”

  And Surely, under the Aurora island fortress of the Golden Company, 


  from an illusive basement area, a hole in the wall was dug open, 


  and out of that hole, crept out Arashi the Golden Traitor, 


  ready to snatch Mio and Haru for his new master the League.

[............To be continued]




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