Great Strike Exia – The Brave Legend

Chapter 24: Great Strike Exia – Episode 24

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Chapter  <ⅩⅩⅣ>


   By the time he regained consciousness and realized his eyelids were able to blink, 

  our man Tenmei Akiro saw nothing but overwhelming dark.

  “ Am I blind ?!" Our Tenmei Akiro uttered in grave apprehension as he struggled to turn on the lights, only to face a more obvious, more appalling truth.


  He was strapped to a confined sitting !!


  Arms bent back behind the metal structure of what seemed like the stiff backrest of a dingy school stadium folding seat; His wrists cuffed in wired bonds that cut deeper to his skin the more he nudged; and his ankles fixed tightly to the legs of the metal object Tenmei sat, further confirming it to be a four-legged metal stadium chair, not of the best among chair qualities according to the famous Chair Tier List, the CTL.


  Tenmei writhed around and tried to rip the sharp binds apart with his Exia strength, only to feel his muscles numbing the moment he gathered force. Like a half-inflated balloon, his biceps felt the more effort he tried to muster and soon was exhausted by his own struggling, shocked in disbelief at his sudden diminished stamina.


  He has never felt so weak in his life ever before.


  “ All….. is futile….. Number Three.”


  Tenmei Akiro immediately recognized the voice, the robotic stiff intonations of the speaker that loomed somewhere not far in the pitch darkness ahead of his incapable sight.


  “ ……Varis……” 


  The instant flashing of the returning lighting blinded Tenmei as his surroundings illuminated in a blasting white, only to reveal the tall lithe armored figure of none other than a former friend and ally, 


  Varis, the young mysterious homunculus woman.


  As it seemed just from her looks, Tenmei was eighty percent sure she was no longer the same Varis he knew and interacted with before.


  Seeing Varis here, now standing at the end of the pale white cell, a square restriction of less than two meters in length and width, Tenmei started to recall all that had happened the night before, that had led to this dire conclusive reunion.


  “ …What made you turn, Varis ?” Tenmei asked, still wincing at the irritating white lights stinging his eyeballs

  “ This is not like you…! What happened to you……”


  As his words slowly formed and his thoughts swimming, Tenmei took grasp of all that had occurred and the assumptions behind his bewilderment started to take shape.


  I was trying to track down the Ark’arios last night…….


  Tenmei Akiro quickly recalled.


  We were chasing…..the Illuminatus League……and……..

  And all turned into chaos after that, and the reason for the confusion, failed attempts, and his capture now stood before him, between him on the restraining dull seat and the metal door that sealed shut at the exit.


  Tenmei Akiro looked around his pale walled enclosure once more. Parts of the remnant memories of his earliest days in the League Institute resembled these white simple wall designs, illuminated by the unseen light underneath the glass ceiling.

  This must be the lair of the Illuminatus League. The base of His Maker.


  And also Varis’ Maker.


  They must have reprogrammed Varis, and now through her, they are going to reprogram me! Tenmei thought as the expressionless Varis coldly approached his sitting.

  Like how Varis used to scan his memories back in Peach Blossom village, she is going to reshape all he knew and remembered! All his encounters, his adventures, the people he knew and met, Griffon, Rang….and Haru….. will all disappear and his life once again will plunge into dark limbo. 

  Tenmei Akiro may not be too fond of death, but the fear of forgetting those crucial to his short but astounding life, the fear of being deprived of the proof of his existence, and erasing the feelings he had for those he deeply cherish throughout his journey, scarred him deep to the bone.

  It is in the face of losing himself that Tenmei Akiro will not give in anymore.


  Surely, he can stop Varis now that he is more than he was before. 


  He is an Exian Lord also! Of the Exian Rune of Blue flame !!

  But no matter how hard he summoned his Exia Rune, Tenmei only felt weak and his body like rubber as Varis grabbed him like vice by the temples on both sides of his head with hardened metallic grips.

  His Exia Rune no longer answered his call, like a switch that doesn’t work on a diffused bulb.


  “ Futile……”


  Devoid of sympathy and past memories she had towards Tenmei, crushing her palms against Tenmei’s skull like compressing watermelon with hippo jaws. Tenmei uttered a groaning shout of agony as he felt his head denting internally from the sides, struggling to keep his memories intact even at the last moments of his life.


  He doesn’t want to let go.


  He must protect them,


  his memories…his conscious…himself !!

  Tenmei’s sight started to blur.


  As calm as he can seal his fuming sun-flaring anger, Toshiumi Al Seraphim, the Exian Lord of all that is gold settled his Golden fleet and is ready to storm through the Kingdeniom mainland to rescue his beloved wife Mio from dread lord Kaburagi Shisei of the Illuminatus League.

  His Golden Company was ready to charge, and King Toshiumi saw that it was good.

  The Golden Company also saw that their preparations to cut down the dastard league were good.


  All except one person.

  “ Haste not, My King.” 

   Rang the military genius that successfully secured the Aurora isle with his stratagems approached his Golden Lord with grave persuasion

  “ The flow of the Strike force is not yet to our favor. You sail now against the tide to accomplish an impossible deed.”


  “ Going against the tide to fulfill impossible destinies is rooted deep in my middle name, Rang.”

Toshiumi Al Seraphim exclaimed sternly as he donned his blazing golden armor as his cloak of sheer light rippled behind him as he stomped passed to his valiant awaiting armies.


  “ All due respects, My King, but the League and this dastardly Kaburagi are too formidable to be taken down even with the full power of the Golden Company alone !”

  Rang hurriedly followed his Lord’s heavy steps

  “ They…they have her ladyship, King! And that turns the tide gravely to their favor !”


  To this, Toshiumi halted his stomping steps and let Rang catch up to his lord through a short jog.


  “ Surely, you, King, amongst all of this world know best of the extent of your ladyship’s powers if possessed under the wrong hands.” Rang panted to catch his own breath before moving on through his counsel

  “ I admire your decisive chivalry to act, my King, but as your loyal judgment, I cannot recommend the Golden Company to charge at once into the League hold unprepared.”


  “ But…we Are well prepared! Are we not ?”

Hidaka, the legion officer of the golden company inquired with his cannoneer squad behind him.


  “ You don’t understand, Hidaka !” 

 gallowed lo, the second of the Golden King Toshiumi, vice master of the Golden Company and vanquisher of the League underground headquarters Roy Mustangoo as this young hero approached his Lord and his fellow men with a loyal bow

  “  My King, I have to agree with the strategist on this one. Lady Mio harbors immense powers unparalleled to any in our known universe. Now that dread lizard League has taken her ladyship, solely us the Golden Host storming in with swords and artillery will not be enough to stop them.

  As the Strategist said, we need a plan! A Kickass plan !”


  “ Kickass Plan !!"

 The Golden Clansmen chanted in jolly unison.


  Silently, the Golden King turned his solemn stare at his strategist, with much tension laxing to the sensible words of his wise friend and subjects, Toshiumi Al Seraphim sighed like waves surveying the shores

  “ What is it you propose, Rang ?”


  “ I propose, a Grand Scheme of Enlightenment, to be the first step in beating the Illuminatus League !” Rang flapped his white feathered fan wisely as he elaborated

  “ Years before, when you dug me out of the crouching dragon mount, you proposed I elucidate your fate, which turned out to be as perilous as it is bright with much glory ahead. Now the time has come, for me to elucidate not just the Golden Company’s fate, 


  But the whole of Kingdeniom’s fate.


  I hereby first produce, these proofs of the Illuminatus League hiding under the Kingdeniom government that seeks upheaval and destruction of the world and peace we know !!”

  Lo. from Rang’s robes, and Agnes’s purse, USBs and footage of Akahanon Zabi being Military of defense, Asuka Hikaru hunting Princess Isabel Keiken with the help of the League, and many many more evidence of the Illuminatus League’s involvements in all the shady schemes that endanger the lives of the commoners all were revealed from Rang’s web of intelligence.


  “ I have sent all these documents and knowledge to every press, including the one that Tenmei Akiro feigned work in at the first episode, all the media also that will help raise awareness of the threats this Illuminatus League poses to our society’s close future!

  All the League’s schemes to break open blessed Herunia to destroy the world are concisely written and shown to all as we speak !!

  Seeing that the Asuka Hikaru regime purges the Princess so will urge the people to stand against him and join the side of Justice.

  The warlords, south to Murong of Xin-an and North to Philediak of Vilencia, will see this as the right moment to snatch a piece of the mainland states to the capitol, only to make way for the side of Justice to prevail.”


  “ And what is this Justice you refer to, Rang ?” 

Roy Mustangoo and the whole Golden Company asked in wonder.


  Rang chuckled before he spread his arms to the sun with a proud vehement cry


  “ That Justice is none other than King Toshiumi Al Seraphim !!!! Savior of Kingdeniom and Brave of Zabanya !!!!! With the whole Isle now against the League, we not only get the support of the warlords, but also most importantly, the support of the common folk. The People !!

  Only then can the Golden Company march with the whole Kingdeniom by its side, prevailing in any enemy it faces !!”


  And so Rang elucidated Kingdeniom’s fate, with his U-phones that send all the proof out in every possible gateway of media to the eyes of the people, and they all welcomed Rang’s enlightenment wholeheartedly.


  “ REPORT !!”


  Many Heralds of Gold hurriedly rushed to King Toshiumi’s presence from many directions, all kneeling with one knee before the Golden Exian Lord


  “ Lord Phaldemon Philediak of Vilencia has answered the call !!! His lordship and the united Lords of the North valleys shall march in your name to smite the Illuminatus League !!!!”


  “ Lord Murong Fu of Xin-an has also answered the call !! And his Lordship has gathered not just the fellow lords of the southern marsh, but also the horde of the Paruseforon tribes that ride in your name !!!! To smite the treacherous Illuminatus League !!!”


  All the heralds carried on spreading their valourous news one after the other, of the joining of forces as one to stop the snide horrendous Illuminatus League from destroying blessed Herunia.


  Except one.


  “ My King! Lord of Bustamere of the middle lands refuses to join the alliance and send troops to aid the cause in Tron! What to do with them ?!”

  one herald reported much distress.


  “ Nothing. Bustamere will not be remembered by our offspring for supporting the Just cause.” 

Awesome Toshiumi replied to the herald in a kingly manner.


  Toshiumi then remembered something and turned to his strategist inquiringly

  “ But how about the other Exia Lords, Rang? Do they answer our call? ” 


  To this, Rang bowed with an expression that darkened slightly

  “ Sadly, my Awesome King, I fear the other Exian Lords have either been to hiding, or worse….gripped by the League’s schemes. We are the last remaining Exian Lord against them now.”


  “ Wait !!”


  a light pure voice bravely spoken to both Toshiumi and Rang’s ear, and approaching the two men was the small but firm, compassionate, and strong-spirited Miula Haru our girl, with her long curly blazing blue hair swirling behind her with the late island breeze, Haru has words to say and ideas to express.


  “ I think I might be able to contact one Exia Lord to help us !”


  And Haru flipped out her U-phone and searched her Twittie app for the exact account.


  “ Wait.” Ninja butler Snape suddenly appeared out of thin air and halted Haru’s account searching

“ Connect to the Golden Company Wi-fi first. It is safer.”


  Haru did as the Ninja butler told her and made the call.


  Awesome Lord Toshiumi and Military Strategist Rang waited with intense silence.

  Haru’s call was on after a couple of seconds, 


  but the one answering was not who Haru was expecting.

  “ Hey!!?? Who is This ?!?!” 

  a loud disturbed voice of a girl delinquent answered threateningly from the other side.


  Haru froze. 

  Never did she expect to hear a voice other than Tenmei Akiro, not to mention an unknown girl answering Tenmei’s number.

  Haru was distraught, as was disappointed.


  “ Answer Me !! Who is this ?! And How do you know this number !!??”

The girl delinquent barked demandingly louder than before.


  Fearing she had accidentally dialed the wrong account, Haru was about to hang up when she heard a recognizable voice at the back of this demanding bully.


  “ Zip it, Luka! Just give me the phone !!”


  Haru gave out a relieving gasp, letting out a cry of joy that not only did Rang and Awesome Toshiumi hear, but also those on the other side of the communication line.


  “ Nina !! It’s me, Haru !!!”

  Nina Zefield quickly snatched the phone out of Luka’s grip and answered the call


  “ Haru !! You are alive !! Yuidis be blessed !”


  “ You too, Nina! How’ve you been…wait wait Wait! Where is Tenmei ?!?!”

Haru quickly stirred the conversation back to the point before the chit-chatting hooked her too far off.


  “ Umm……….”

  Nina’s hesitation hit Haru like a punch to the gut.

  “ Well…to make a long story short, Tenmei and Griffon are captured by the League…..”



One night before

  “ I sense the Ark’arios. Let's get him out of the League. ”

  Tenmei Akiro decided some hours before. 


  “ Sure bro. Let's go. ”

  Griffon the bro agreed and readied his twin halberds. 


  “ Why did their dialogues sound so rushed and silly all of a sudden ??" 

  Nina asked bewildered. 


  “ Because I am reciting the event. And trying to make it snappy. ”

  Luka replied with a sneer and got bonked on the head by Nina. 

  To stop the League and the new notorious Prime minister Asuka Hikaru from abusing Ark'aruos' demonic powers on the people of Tron, Tenmei Akiro and his Clansmen of Blue Exia set off to track the League down. 

  With Tenmei Akiro’s senses and mutual connections with the Archdemon, and also the help of sane cyborg man Gelouch Dendrobium, the fellowship managed to track down the Ark’arios being transported within a military van driving off north through the highway.


  Nanali Hikaru wished to help in some way but Tenmei Akiro reasonably declined.


  “ It’s better that you stay by the Princess’ side, Nanali.” Tenmei advised before setting off that night

  “ The League is also hot on your heels. Sven’s estate is definitely safe from pursuit.”


  “ Yes. My luxurious flat may be many things, but safety is always of top priority.” Sven the Parusefor Master advertised with a thumbs up.

  So it was, Tenmei Akiro, Griffon, Nina Zefield, Luka, and Gelouch Dendrobium cyborg man, out to get the Ark’arios out of the League.

  They waited far ahead by the highway transits outside the suburbs of Tron, a single wide two-way lane where the military vehicle containing the Ark’arios is bound to pass by.


  “ I heard there’s a great battle over the north island outside of Vilencia involving the League.” Griffon whispered to his bro Tenmei as they waited in the shadows for the van to show up

  “ Mayhap they are transporting the Ark’arios there to assist the field. “


  “ Possibly.” Tenmei nodded slowly with his eyes at the nearly empty highway, eyeing with a deepened frown at a convertible that drove past with a hoosh.


  Even Griffon’s dull senses could feel the unease in Tenmei’s silence.


  “ You okay, bro ?” 


  Tenmei hesitated, before shaking his head ever so slightly

  “ To be honest…I am sensing something weird the moment we got here.”


  Tenmei stood up from his hiding spot to take some fresh air into his lungs, but the chilly night breeze barely cooled his stifling chest, not to mention his buzzing mind.


  “ How weird ?” Griffon stood up also behind his bro and followed his gaze, to see the gathered lights of multiple military escort vehicles coming down from the far highway end at the sable horizon.


  “ …It felt like…there are two of them.” 


  Tenmei breezed, his quickened heartbeat visible through his slow exhaling breath 


  “ Two Ark’arios, one coming towards us…the other at a different location !”


  “ Master Tenmei !!” cyborg man Gelouch’s voice rambled all of a sudden through the fellowship microchip speakers in their ears


  “ Two large energy signatures !!! There are two of them !!! What now ?!”


  Tenmei Akiro thought fast.

 “ Griffon, Nina, Gelouch !! You stay on the usual track! Luka, let’s get the other one !”

Tenmei Akiro made his fast decree and the Blue Exian Fellowship sprang to action.

  Gelouch flew straight toward the coming vehicles and sprayed a flurry of missiles that erupted in a wave of thundering force and billowing flame, sending the escorting vehicles either tumbling off the highway or flipping onto their backs on the road. Yet all that explosion seemed like flimsy water sprays to the one container van that sped off faster as it came.


  Nina drew her bow, sending off an arrow through sheer accuracy that flew straight at the military van’s front tire. To her and Griffon’s shock, the arrow broke apart as soon as it touched the tire. 


  “ That is no ordinary van !!!” Cyborg lieutenant Gelouch shouted to them as he sped around back to catch up with the indestructible van

  “ It’s covered in different alloys! Watch out! It’s coming after you !!!!”


  And indeed, like a bull angered by the matador’s antics, the military van dashed full speed towards where Nina hid, only to hit Griffon’s twin halberd strike that struck not the van itself, but the road beneath, hoisting the monster military van up with its own velocity as it slammed side down to the road.


  “ You alright ?” Griffon reached out a hand which Nina took as he helped her stand.


  “ …you halberds…!” Nina gasped, pointing at the road where the van hit and tumbled, leaving two broken handles and shattered blades scattered across the cement ground.


  “ Shoot.” Griffon sighed with a shrug

“ I do hope the Parusefor barterers still sell those.”


  And just as he finished the last s in his saddened say, the tumbled van sprang to life with glowing alien light all over the liquid-like alloy that seemed to consume the vehicle, and with swift 360-degree turns was up on its tires once again.

  The back of the Van faced Griffon as the Parusefor dude looked on, dumbstruck.


  Before Nina could even utter a cry to call Griffon out of the way, she witnessed with her bear eyes, the back of the van swallow the Parusefor dude whole.


  Like a monster swallowing its victim, the military van then flew off without wings whatsoever, resembling a magic school bus hovering up to the night sky.


  “ Damn, what did I just see ?!” even the cyborg was petrified and took 10 whole seconds to process the scene three times before following the flying van with his machine guns firing, to no avail.

  “ Do you hear that ?” Luka asked as she and Tenmei were just five meters away from the second van when suddenly, the back of the van they were after opened by itself.


  Tenmei and Luka both made a double take.


  “ Varis…?!?!” Tenmei Akiro cried out in celebrating surprise.

“ You are alive! Thank Yuidis I–”


  Didn’t kill you, was what Tenmei was about to say, if Varis hadn’t sunk her supersonic fist deep into Tenmei Akiro’s gut, sending the Blue Exia Rune bearer flying off to the far end of the highway close to the horizons.


  Luka already had her zombie dolls ready at all sides to clubber the Archdemon’s actions, and her dolls all lunged forth at the lightning-speed Varis, who simply cut down all that came toward her, and soon she was looming before Luka, ready to sink one more death blow onto the pink haired girl.


  To save herself, Luka bent down just as the fist sped across her hair, and with her powers quickly concentrating on the highway, Luka bent the cement construction to her will, turning a large part of the long highway into a snake-like zombie doll, that struck Varis like a venomous rock python of much ferocity.

  But Lo, with a diving down swipe of her agile thin calf, the silent Varis chopped the cement snake zombie doll’s head in half, and sped from zero speed to full speed with a leap in mid-air towards Luka once again!


  This time, Tenmei Akiro returned, flying straight at Varis and pushing her down to the ravaged ground with all of himself, crashing to the cement rubble where Tenmei tried to muster his Blue Exia Rune to turn Varis back to her senses, by turning Varis into his clans folk.


  Varis was quicker than Tenmei and Luka, or even Tenmei and Luka combined. She was the Homunculus prototype. All that came after her were made accordingly to her design; And what the later creations inherit, also came in some form from Varis, the numeric and idyllic first of all the League’s homunculus projects.

  So it was normal to the League that Varis could take down both Number 3 and Number 6 of the Hormuculus horde, with quite some ease.

  And before Tenmei Akiro’s sight turned to dark, he was dragged into the van that contained a small glass vial of The Ark’arios’ demonic discharges, handcuffed, and tossed to the back.


  Waking up later in a totally different environment.




  Haru was loss for words after both Nina and Luka had finished their side of the events from last night.


  “ It’s alright, Haru !” Nina assured optimistically from the other side

“ The League has a base here in Tron. We’ll get them out somehow !!”


  Haru nodded and thanked her friends before hanging up the call, turning back to Rang with a look of immense trepidation written in those clear gray eyes.


  “ …I want to save him, sir Rang.”


  Haru whispered after a long aching silence


  “ I want to…but the longer the Seed and I stay in this reality plane, the more damage I bring onto them……..”


  Even Rang cannot immediately come up with a master plan to resolve the stakes at hand, but silently stay by the distressed high schooler’s side, joining her in thought of the best way to solve the crisis at bay.


  The Illuminatus League had gotten hold of some of the Exia Rune bearers under captivity currently at their Tron headquarters.

  They also possess the Archdemon Ark’arios under their technical control.

  And her ladyship Mio’s Gyouma force of mass destruction.

  With the ample Exia energy obtained, the Gyouma force as their citadel, and the Archdemon Ark’arios as their initiative, their goal to reach blessed Herunia is close. Too close.


  If the Illuminatus League somehow get their hands on Haru and the Seed within her, then the current world is under their mercy.

  It is most advisable, Rang ran his mind around quickly, that Haru the Seed bearer must not fall into the League’s hands, and safely be sent into the final portal back to where it belongs!


  “ I have to be frank, even with the whole Kingdeniom people united, we still stand little chance against all that the League has mustered to achieve their plans.”

  Military strategist Rang analyzed the situation to them all gravely. His feathered fan waving like a part of the thought engine that powers the military genius in his composing of a strategy.


  “ We lack in powers of the ancients. While we may have good men and the common folk, They have Exia Runes, Ark’arios, Gyouma…We need something more !”


  “ Or take something from them.” 


  Rang looked up to his wife Agnes, who was sitting next to him, accompanying his brainstorm.


  “ The Gyouma is an ancient force that shares parts of the same roots as Ancient Demons. And Demons fear the light of Herunia. With Haru, we may cease their one advantage of the Gyouma temporarily while we deal with the others.”

  Agnes explained with her laptop that showed the recent power levels of lady Mio declined whenever Haru was around on Aurora island.


  Rang shook his head quickly

  “ That’s too risky.  One misstep might just give the League the Seed into blessed Herunia !”


  “ But even if the Seed is safe, the world is still under the threat of the League !” 

Haru responded however 

  “ At least…I am able to help, before my time to leave….”


  Rang reconsidered Agnes and Haru’s proposal apprehensively in silence.


  “ Please, Sir Rang! I am not leaving him…the world behind like this! I can help !”

  “ Haru….”


  Quickly, Haru sprang to her feet the moment she heard, the voices, the calling of her parents. Though the Miula family may be wounded, they will not be easily defeated.

  Haru dived herself into her awakened parents’ arms, hugging them deeply in her clinging embrace.


  “ Haru…We are terribly sorry…about the past–” Miula Kenshi apologized but her daughter lovingly stopped him with a comforting smile.


  “ It’s fine. Dad. Mom……I understand…….”


  And the tears Haru can not fight back any longer.


  “ I am so lucky to have spent more time with you…and had better memories together. I am very grateful……though our time may never be enough, I am glad that I leave with no regrets. 


….Mom…Dad…..I have decided, to do what is right. To do the right thing before I go. 


  …..You two take care…….alright……..??”

  Reluctantly, yet also happy for their daughter’s resolve, 


  Miula Kenshi and Miula Aki both bid their daughter farewell with the utmost blessings they could muster, for their one and only love and joy, 


  Miula Haru.

  “ Go do what you think is right, my little genius.” Miula Kenshi whispered, with a strain in his voice that hides no tears.


  “ We are so proud of you…….Haru….my dearest….” Miula Aki kissed her daughter on the forehead as Haru readied to part, 


  on her last and most epic of journies, 


  to save the world.

  “ I….I am yet to come up with a real kickass plan !” Rang hollered as the Golden Company started to march onward away from the golden Aurora isle.


  “ We’ll come up with something on the way.” Agnes comforted her brooding husband as they joined alongside the Awesome banners of the Lord of Gold.

  Toshiumi Al Seraphim waited as Miula Haru joined the Golden Company, ready to set off altogether.


  “ You have my deepest respect and gratitude, Miss Miula.” King Toshiumi nodded low to Haru sincerely showing his thanks in an awesome manner as he led Haru to the Golden Flagship, the Solarion that emerged like the rising dawn right after dusk, at its most blissful brightest moment, out of the underground hangars beneath the parting Aurora mount did this epitome of airships hover up to their level with grace and valor for Haru and the strategist couple to board.


  “ For a better world, we save. A better future we protect.” 


  Haru heard the Awesome Lord whisper behind her as the golden doors slid shut, the Solarion ready to lift off.



   The Exian Rune Lord of Gold, Toshiumi Al Seraphim came forth to his men and cavalries like a golden sea that reach beyond the horizons under his command.


  And with his stately resonating voice he spoke


  “ Today, we rise against our mortal enemies, in the name of our loved ones, and those we dear!!


   Tonight !!! 


   We face our biggest fears, with the pride we bring and the sacred Light Hearts we bear !!! Writing down our Epics with the blood on our Swords !!!! That shall be Sung !!! To The End of all Ends !!!!!!!!


   Brothers !!!!!!! To Me !!!!!!!!


   Sisters !!!!!!! To Me !!!!!!!!



   Tonight !!!!!!


  We Ride To TRON !!!!!!!! TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!”


  LO !!!!


  Lord Toshiumi Al Seraphim rode his winged golden plated Mobile Walker like a knight of the sun, like goddess Somaris Limaria returned, navigating the huge samurai-styled mecha giant upon which it rode a huge mecha horse of its own!!

   Riding with all his loyal men also within Mobile Walker knights riding mech horses, on golden airship fleets linking head to tail, forming an endless bridge across the skies where Toshiumi Al Seraphim and the golden host rode on top, all the way valorously from the north isle Aurora back to Tron through highway mecha rodeo interstate travel. 


  Haru looked back from the oval window next to her seat, 


  waving to her beloved parents that shrank smaller and smaller, 


  until disappearing into the foggy pallid clouds.





    He had been on the wrong for too long.


  Long before the Helltron dispute, Nison Char was still a confident vagabond. Doing things according to his vengeance and cunning, two things that had kept him alive since his dire childhood.

  Terminas was his home, with his noble family, and his sister, living in peace and merry, until the Royal factions took over and assassinated his kin and shattered the clan.


  Nison Char would never forget the day of separation from his sister Milina. It was a day of rain on the floating isle, and to the mirky skies, young Nison had vowed to end the age of nobles and become a bane to the Royal house. The Scrirocco house.

  That was the rise of the Noble slayer, the Nightmare of Arcadia.


  But his days as a hardened ruffian were cut short, collapsing on the day of his folly, he led to his dearest sister, Milina’s demise. A rise from vengeance, only to fall to the depth of disparity.

  He planned to exist no more in this solemn world without color but bloodshed, but before the darkness closed in on him, light dragged him back to surface.


  He was needed, the voice that dragged him out of rubble had spoken, in slow but sincere words.


  To stop the League, stop the Archdemon, that killed not only his sister, but also destroyed her siblings.


  Nison did then realize, he was not the only one grieving on this earth. 


  And there is still work to do.


  One last vengeance to fulfill!

  But what is happening now Nison cannot fully grasp nor comprehend.


  For it was this Varis homunculus woman that dragged him out to light, to help avenge her siblings massacred by the League,


  Who now stood in that pallid cell, crushing her long-lost homunculus sibling, tied onto that dingy chair, to imminent demise !!!!


  Must be that new League boss, Nison recalled at the end of chapter 21, who with inhuman strength and overpowering magic powers defeated him and Varis altogether with ease, before inserting what seems like a corrupting code into Varis’ head!

  Varis was no longer the same after that encounter. Not recognizing Nison Char or even acknowledging his existence at all. It was like…She’s brainwashed !!


  Nison Char finally came to the obvious conclusion as he managed to pulverize the door lock with his orange transforming energy powers he learned during his early vagabond days and dashed into the cell.

  As expected, Varis doesn’t even care if the cell was intruded on. She was too focused, focusing on the brainwashing message corrupting her mind to do what she herself would strongly resist if she had her own will.  But her will was nonexistent before the codes of her maker engraved deep within her mind chip.


  Deep within, Varis was also fighting her own battle, with her last spec of consciousness battling the enormous web that was taking over every nerve wire and organic gear in her biotech framework. 


  It needs no genius to see through her dim watery eyes that Varis was losing her fight, and as an older sibling such as himself that has gravely lost close kin, Nison Char would not allow this corruption to take any more sibling lives on his watch !!!!!


  With his orange powers elongating into a hardened energy pole Nison swung at Varis’ head, only to dive into her quick-catching grasp that stopped the collision before it even happened. Swinging said arm was all it needed to send Nison Char crashing to the near cell wall, leaving a deep cracked indentation that reached the League cell on the other side.


  Tenmei Akiro gave out a cry of anguish as he put this short second which Varis was not looking to good use. Hurtling his head full speed at Varis’ face, knocking her nose with his sweating forehead, pushing the brainwashed homunculus supersoldier back to a short stagger.


  A two-second stagger, was all Nison Char needed.


  Protruding from each finger Nison Char produced orange energy hand blades spreading like a deck of cards before sending them soaring across the prison cell, diving in all directions and rebounding against the white walls, leaving trails of destruction all over Varis’s fortified armor until sailing downward separately to their designated target.


  The chair legs and the iron cuffs.


  Breaking with a loud sizzling electric zapping as blue energy force burst out of the severed plastic appendages, revealing iron wires that were once attached to the dingy-looking seat leading down through minuscule holes down below the cell floor.


  Tenmei Akiro felt his Exia Rune powers rejuvenate like a mighty stream breaking a dam and with all his remaining strength he lunged towards the confused Varis, grabbing her short trimmed light emerald hair and placing his blue runes palms close to her temples, Tenmei instinctively initiated the Exian ritual.


  A blue blinding supernova erupted inside one of the League headquarters cells, ultramarine light searing out of that one rectangular small window shaft, sending a violent shockwave across the pale establishment for a short moment before everything subsided as the bluish light vanished as quick as it came. The world was silent once more like nothing had happened in the past few minutes of strife.

  Tenmei Akiro crawled up to sit on the warm steaming cell floor, panting amongst the fog hovering around mangled with the heat of energy that lingers still.

  Varis was there, hoisting her body with shacky arms up before him. Tenmei was no more in panic, for through his Homunculus sister’s eyes he was sure she had regained control over her consciousness. 

  Along with the runed Exia sigil on the back of Varis’ hand that glimmered blue with subtle excellence.


  Varis stared down at the Blue Exia Rune on her hand with much awe and amazement.


  “ …You have made it…Number…..Tenmei.” 

  Varis smiled proudly at the relieved Tenmei


  “ …You are more…than how they made…you…to be…”


  Tenmei Akiro our man nodded sheepishly at his homunculus sister’s slow but appreciative praise.


  “ I got a lot of help, from a lot of people.” Tenmei admitted humbly.


  A sudden tiresome groan turned the two’s attention to the ravaged side of the restricted cell and saw that the burly dude with the orange magic powers had risen from among the rubble.


  “ You sure got lots of help.” 

Nison Char sighed, disgruntled

 “ And if we don’t bounce, the League people are coming to help themselves !”


  Tenmei remembered something important as they started to escape out of the cell to the long pale corridor that drew vertically beyond, infinitely reaching into a black dot no vision could discern its end.

  “ I need to find someone !”

  Tenmei told Varis and Nison, referring to his good bro Griffon, who he recalled was also captured by the military van before him.


  “ No time! Hear not the security alarms ?!”

  Nison bellowed impatiently.

  “ They will be here in minutes! Seconds even, considering you must be one of the crucial assets to their final scheme !”


  Tenmei shot a quick glance at the tattered dingy chair that had kept him in a restrained company for some excruciating hours and noticed the energy wires protruding from under the chair, oozing with residual Exia particles as the remaining length of the wire snaked down to the layers below.


  They were extracting my Exia Rune powers for a reason, Tenmei Akiro mused quickly,

But where do these wires lead to?


  Tenmei took a short second to pear out the cell window, to see the twinkling of the city lights flashing down below, rectangular buildings high and low sprawling out like the point where Tenmei stood was the exact center. Tenmei immediately recognized the city layouts, the Metro lines, and the structure of the reminiscent buildings, getting to the quick conclusion that he now stood in the middle of capitol Tron.


  And there is only one such edifice of high prestige that stood in the middle of Tron city.


  The Freedom and Justice Memorial Tower.


  All the adventures and exploits seemed to come full circle in an unexplainable way.


  “ So…If this is where the League locks up the Exia Rune bearers, then it’s safe to say, The Freedom and Justice Tower is secretly the Illuminatus League’s headquarters all along !!!”

  Tenmei Akiro had finally come to the utter revelation which from Varis and Nison’s unperturbed expressions seemed to merely be a common fact to them already.


  “ Always has been, son. Now let’s bounce !” Nison Char led the way as the three started racing down the one lone corridor leading inward into the isolated memorial tower. Tenmei searched hastily on both sides of the long runway but see no doors leading to any cell whatsoever.

  Griffon must be kept at the other end, in case of a subsequent prison break, Tenmei concluded the obvious.


  Before they even reached half of the endless hallway, the whole tower suddenly jolted and the floor shuddered as if the whole memorial tower was about to lift off like a rocket to space.

  “ It’s… turning !” Varis warned the other two as their positioned close to the wall, only to realize in shock that the walls slid open revealing multiple pale foyers laid out at the same intervals as the corridors’ width, leading out to more endless hallways with rushing League squad members ready to assault from all sides.


  Nison Char cursed as the trio engaged the League soldiers in a fierce clash, keeping close as they moved their way forward while fending off the constant waves of assailants.

  All the battling within that corridor played out in real-time on Austria Van Hillingdale’s screen as the dark strategist laid low on his low-bent gaming chair relaxingly, sipping healing tea with his bandaged hands. Resting in the far corner of a wide spacious hall. Austria sometimes would put his designs aside and monitor the securities himself. A simple way to see if his defense strategies are worthy enough to cage even the luckiest of captives.


  “ I knew there’s something up about this Tenmei.” Akahanon Zabi muttered, as he rolled into the scene on his wheelchair and stopped behind Austria and his screens, looking on at the brawling happening in real-time in the corridors.

  Having led the Illuminatus fleet on the previous battle of Aurora and got fried by Lord Toshiumi’s Awesome endgame blast, Akahanon Zabi, injured from head to toe, was prescribed month-long rehabilitation and wheelchair sitting to rest the broken femurs.

  Even his beautifully long hooked nose was broken and mounded under thick layers of gauze pads and wraps, like a clown with a grotesque white bulge on the tip above his lips he was now.


  “ No matter how we get him, he manages to either get help or somehow slither away like an oily loach! But this time, the League will not take escaping loaches lightly.”


  Akahanon Zabi clasped his hands together and sniggered snidely to himself.

  “ Exia of Green and No-Color have completed extraction.” 

Austria Van Hillingdale snapped to cut off Akahanon Zabi’s unhinged sniggers

  “ Purple is currently at 33%. Blue however stopped at 54%...... Then all that remains is...”


  Seeing that Akahanon was right behind him Austria stopped short, facing the screen with indifferent silence. 


  “ What remains ?”

Akahanon Zabi hollered incredulously, sensing something was hidden from his notice deliberately. 

  Can it be that this cocky League Spokesman is plotting behind his back ?? How dare he not share info with his senior, I, Akahanon Zabi !?


  “  It’s… not of your concern. ”


  Like an icy glacier forming upon still lake did Austria’s voice sound. 


  Kaburagi Shisei, Grand Disciple of the Illuminatus League replied deep down. Marveling at the last steps of his work, devotion, and revenge on the world.

  It reminded him of the end of his previous life as Kaburagi Sukuru.


  Where he lay as a pile of disintegrating pulp of meaty flesh, dying on the edges of the burnt-down woods outside his hometown.


  Footsteps like rhythmic chatter squashed the dried leaves and ash approached him before he took his last breath.


  “ Remarkable.” 


  Kaburagi Shisei could still hear the voice that came from the mysterious anonymous benefactor that came to the Tournament of Prominence as a sponsor, from some League he never cared less by that time.

  Like a collective humming of a million lives that dwelled deep in the lush mountain of the moonless night; Like the soundless echo across the ravines hidden under the clouds.


  His mentor revived him, and showed him the way to true enlightenment. Constructing a new body from his previous works, an ultimate life form infused with the remaining Gyouma force Shisei clinged on to with his last breath.


  Now he is beyond divine. Slayer of the old star. Harbinger of the new universal order.

  The League Spokesman and grand disciple stood in the middle of the wide three-storied tall layer, despite the noises above he heard pretty clearly, of the battling and dispute from those that will never accept real change. 


  They are futile, Kaburagi proclaimed without speaking outward as to spare his spit.


  What matters is the one before him, tied at the wrists, ankles, and neck with cosmos energy binds fixed onto a metal crucifix, arms spread wide, in sacred Kaminosato robes she wore, hanging slightly above floor level, trapped deep in intoxicating slumber.


  Mio Al Seraphim was detached from the world she loved and cherish with her beloved husband, as a frozen rose in a casket of ice, sealed forever in Kaburagi Shisei’s sadistic reach, as Shisei transmitted the Gyouma force through Mio with his magic powers alone to fuel the grand scheme that is buried under and around the League headquarters, the Freedom and Justice Memorial Tower.


  Finally, after all these hours without rest,


  The moment is nigh.

  Akahanon Zabi felt like the only fool in the room. 

  “ What strategy is this that I am not aware of ?? Are we not obtaining the Exia Runes to open Herunia ?? What is it you hide from my jurisdiction ?!”

  No one answered Zabi’s qualms for it is of minor import compared to what was about to transpire.

  Kaburagi Shisei sensed the progress attaining its ripe instant.

  “ It is time.”

  Kaburagi Shisei announced. On cue, the circular floor underneath slid open in a triskelion fashion, opening up a large hole that could fill in three tanks all at once.

  But the thing, the monster that emerged, chained with runed metal plates onto the elevating platform, was way larger than any weapon the lands under the sky, Tenka, could ever incorporate nor achieve.


  It was none other, than the Archdemon Ark’arios, clad in Mark-3 Barmidis armor armed to the teeth with newly designed arsenals, 


  and infused with overloaded Gyouma energy.


  Its limbs and torso bulged to an unfathomable extent; Pitch black electric currents danced madly on its dark grotesque mottled hide.


  Its eyes filled with nothing but raw berserk red staring upwards at the gloomy sky,


  howling with a thundering roar that shuddered the entire capital Tron, sending waves of terror and apprehension across the stagnant night,


  along with eternal yearning and sorrow, conflicting yet entwined into an orchestrated bawl of sheer chaos.

  The Tron folks shivered in its wake.


  And new Prime minister Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru heard it too, and it sent shivers of excitement down his poised spine. The roar of the Archdemon was like bell chimes to a brand new tomorrow in his ears, as if a new era was about to be born from the new forefathers of the rising nation, and he, Asuka of house Hikaru is one of them.


  Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru smiled to himself.


  Though the people of Tron have been stating their distrust with aggressive unison, gathering impeachment for his resignation and imprisonment for the treasonous crimes he committed upon the Royal Keiken family. 


  They only see, but do not think of the meaning behind what they perceive. 

  It is for the greater good of themselves,  the people. For true peace and freedom under democratic order. 

  Still, Asuka understands that with greater change,  comes harder friction and conflict. 


  The strife is a necessity for the rebirth of a New Age. 


  “ Ready the barracks, Yukari.”

  Asuka Line Zeta whispered with thin pride to his close secretary of state and companion in struggle Yukari,  his only ally in the murky tempest of political upheaval 

  “ Secure the Memorial Tower and wait for me. A New World will descend upon us as I return. ”


  Yukari could but force herself to believe in Asuka’s lofty dreams. 


  Watching the back of the young man she grew fond of through the years of rigorous military training and challenging missions, Yukari realized the Asuka Hikaru she knew was no more recognizable. But a remnant of a forgone memory.

  She wondered what her brother Leon would say if he had lived long enough to see his best comrade become less man and more politician.


  What will her brother say to Asuka?


  To bring him back for humanity’s sake?

  Quite a fitting wake-up call. Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru approved as he swayed in the main hall with light steps towards where all the crucial League personnel was gathered.

  The roars of the berserk Archdemon in the middle of the circular platform still rumbling through his eardrums down to the apex of his light heart.

  To one side was League strategist Austria whose indifferent gaze noticed the new prime minister and gave no heed whatsoever, for the minister of defense next to the strategist was hollering furiously about something Asuka doesn’t plan to give a shit or two about.


  For Asuka was here only to seek the audience of the one and only prominent initiator of the new collaboration with the Illuminatus League and his democracy, League Master Kaburagi Shisei.


  “ League Master.” 

  Asuka bowed at the presence of the Spokesman Kaburagi Shisei with much courtesy

  “ My armies have secured the Memorial tower threefold, above and below all covered under finest Kingdeniom troops.”


  The tall back of the robed League Master answered with a slow nod, still facing the one striking beauty held captive on the crucifix instead of Prime minister Asuka who had just spoken with deep earnestness.

  Asuka Hikaru didn’t give the apathetic attitude much mind.


  Actions speak louder than words, Asuka Line Zeta reminded himself, of how the League has been generously vocal through their support in arms and strategies.

  And most importantly, a gateway to turn the tide permanently by rewriting Fate through the world’s foundation coding database the common folk all know, as blessed Herunia.


  Where all Light Souls return to be reborn.


  Where all miracles give shape, and blossom in answer to every prayer ever uttered by man.


  Asuka had tried to imagine what it would look like since the day the League shared its vision of how to open the gates of the blessed realm and alter reality. He was unable to picture such a spectacular endeavor, but he doesn’t need to.

  Soon it will be revealed before his eyes for he had earned a front-row seat amongst the League through his contributions of giving them access to the whole of the capital city Tron.


  Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru found himself a folding metal chair and sat down at the corner, waiting patiently for the transcendence of Kingdeniom he was promised.


  Akahanon Zabi anxiously came to the calm smiling prime minister

  “ You know the plan ??” 


  “ I do.”

  Like clear sky without a spec of cloud in Asuka’s composed gaze.


  “ Even the details of the Spokesman's plans ?!”

 Akahanon furiously snarled like a snapping turtle craving for more limbs to chomp.


  “ Pretty much.”


  “ How much ?!”


  Asuka Line Zeta would have been impatient before and shouted Zabi to shut up, but now that his new democratic order is commencing, his attitude softened and he straightened up on his metal chair to explain to this big-nosed nuisance of a man, also his minister of defense


  “ Tron, this capital I present to the League, will be the canvas of the Illuminating future.” the young prime minister began in a vague mysterious riddle-like explanation

  “ The Exia Runes of many colors will be the paint, the Archdemon our brush.”


  “ That is a queer metaphor, but I’ll allow it. Carry on.” Akahanon Zabi muttered impatiently and waved for Asuka to continue.


  “ And you, my dear minister of Defense, will be the hand to the brush.”


  Akahanon Zabi spat whatever was inside his empty mouth and gagged at the unexpected news that he would never have prepared to beheld with his ears.

  His legs were now supporting his body without the help of the wheelchair whatsoever.


  Austria was slightly nodding in dark complexion at his corner, which made Akahanon Zabi relieved for a bit


  “ Aha !! It means it’s finally my turn to control the Mark-3 Barmidis Armor upon the Ark’arios, is it ?! You should have told me earlier !” 

  Zabi quickly turned to the far-away League Spokesman at the far end of the hall for confirmation. But Kaburagi Shisei was still looking at Mio creepily in perverted silence.


  Akahanon Zabi then saw that Austria was shaking his head gravely.


  Which made him very concerned.

  “ I have finally understood why my Mentor, The Director of the League never used remote devices but constructed Homunculus initiatives to harbor the Ark’arios instead.”


  The low ominous humming of the grand League Apprentice bellowed in his ultimate voice, like a blade slashing off the curtains to a sudden reveal


  “ Genuine minds and the complexions of the instinct react more efficiently than wires and gears could ever achieve. An intuition of survival and a craze for victory no command code could render. Akahanon Zabi, you are the League’s most suitable asset to be the next bearer of the Archdemon Ark’arios !!”

  Dumbstruck by the unbelievable revelation, Akahanon Zabi’s blank mind could but come up with one thing.


  Why ?!


  “ That is because you, are already Dead.”


  As if Kaburagi Shisei had heard his question, the League Spokesman gave Zabi his cold candid answer.


  Have I been punched by a million north star punches without knowing ?! Akahanon Zabi questioned his own memory in a mortified frenzy.

  But his recent memories quickly showed the most reasonable answer he himself cannot deny.


  He was blown up along with the League fleet in Aurora by Toshiumi Al Seraphim.


  Impossible! Akahanon Zabi refused to comply with the Writer’s designs. I am a regular villain of this epic, how can I die so easily ! Child-napping monster poachers have survived more gruesome fatalities throughout the decades and no one has questioned their immortality!

  I am not dead !! I am standing right here !!!!



  “Your standing now indicates the superior healing factors I have implemented in the latest design.”

  Even Austria the dark Stalker joined in on Zabi’s cruel explanation

  “ Your former body was incinerated during the blast over Aurora sea. Your conscious has been saved filed and transmitted to the new homunculus body you now possess, with the addition of…Gyouma energy.”


  Akahanon Zabi tore off the thick gauze and bandages off his nose and touched gently, feeling not the soft texture of sinewy cartilage of before but a sharp metallic highrise like a proud mountain of crystals, like stars glistening within this unknown cosmic substance that replaced his old nose with a higher existence never once beheld by any and would certainly break the records of the Nose Tier List, NTL if you will.


  Seeing his newly reborn cosmic nose of Gyouma presence, Akahanon Zabi accepted the fact that he is not Akahanon Zabinus the minister of defense anymore, but Akahanon Zabinus Ultra infused with Gyouma of the demonic roots.


  Though seeing his own reflection within the clear tiled pillars boosted his confidence much, he still wasn’t willing to sacrifice his body to become the League’s vessel.


  Akahanon Zabi had worked his way up the League as a lowly analyst in the research halls of the Illuminatus League, and the memories of his involvement in fusing homunculus children with the Ark’arios haunted him even to this day.

  To children that survived the Archdemon’s experimenting trials, it was hellish torture.

  To those that didn’t make it, was the same as execution.


  Like an unseen force of retribution catching up on him, Akahanon Zabi was grabbed by the ruthless cosmic Gyouma force of Kaburagi Shisei at the throat like vice, and smothered the minister of defense ultra into the Archdemon’s ghastly dark pus-filled bosom. 

  The chemical and cosmical interaction was like an anti-sun being born. Rays of dark beams shot out in all directions with herculean force, rocking the whole Freedom and Justice Memorial tower up and down, left to right. Black liquid-like matter burst nonstop for a short period of fusion until it absorbed in on itself with flashing efficiency, solidifying into a shape of a huge perfect man made of pure demonic darkness, tall and muscular in frame, berserk and menacing in aura.

  Akahanon Zabi felt no fear, nor pain. Only Power.


  He doesn’t just feel that he could achieve everything.

  He could.

  “ I am your new master now, Ark’arios.” 


  Akahanon Zabinus Ultra conversed in Demon to the Ark’arios


   “ I am the hand,  and you the Sword. ”

  Like the moan from the depth of the Abyss, the rumbling amongst the desperate howlings within the eye of the black hole, 


   Ark’arios so replied 


  “ Master or naught, hand or blade, you are the slave of my power, and the footstone to my Promise.”

  “.......fair enough.” Akahanon Zabi accepted the deal tersely.


  His heart skipped two beats as an ominous tremor ran up Tenmei Akiro’s spine and his nerve endings seared with alarming currents across his numbing cold fingertips.


  “ Something is terribly wrong…!!” Tenmei shouted to Varis and Nison as more and more League soldiers swarmed at them from the open white foyers even after an incredibly long take of clashing and fierce combat.


  Tenmei followed his instincts and felt a great demonic disturbance right underneath him, near the base of the memorial tower.


  “ What’s terribly wrong is this never-ending mob for crying out loud !!”  

Nison Char growled as he pierced forth a significant spear of orange energy through ten or more League conspirators.


  “ Not mob….!” Varis grabbed a severed head of a League member and showed it to Tenmei and Nison.


  Wires were hanging down, swaying where the carotid arteries should have been located and the eyes flashing on and off slowly like a blacking-out traffic light.


  “ Droids !!!!” Nison Char snarled feeling foolish for not killing harder.

“ I was wondering if the censorship took all the blood away !”


  Tenmei’s confidence was slightly lifted by the news.

  “ If they are made, then there is an end to their making! Like any droid factory !”




  Tenmei, Varis and Nison Char looked up startled, to see at the far far away end of the long main corridor, stood one red blazing entity bursting with crazy crimson lightning around his presence. The force of ruling aura proved to them all that he was an Exian Lord, and not just any Exian Lord.


  But the one and only.


  “ You thought it was just a droid factory, but IT WAS ME, VARCHE SCRIROCCO OF TERMINAS, And my Never-Ending Legion of Self-Fixing Terminas Droids !!!!”

  Varche Scrirocco the Revenjaja, King of Terminas and Lord of the Red Exian Rune of bleeding-edge techno powers stood at the end of their standoff, arms spreading wide as he unleashed his expertise upon them three who doubted his excellence.

  This Red Exian King of the Skies may not be the long-named nonsensical machine titan for now, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t, and will still become one when the times call for it. Especially when Toshiumi Al Seraphim Awesomely shows up.


  The two loyal clansmen, Flaming Genale and Pablo Roaneru, of Varche’s royal service, stood solemnly on both sides of their King; weapons raised but uneager to indulge too deeply in the drunken vengeance in hopes of pulling their King out of this incoherent revenging craze.


  Varche King sniggered proudly before he spoke

  “ I see from here across my undefeatable droid sea an Exia Rune bearer !! Trying his best to stand against the tide of change !! Nonsensically Foolish, You !!! For thinking to stop a king with a dream !!! A Dream of Love !!!!!!”


  Tenmei Akiro was lost for words before what Varche just uttered in all seriousness.


  Nison Char however came forth to face this vengeful King of the skies

 “ Varche !!! If it’s revenge you want, Come for Me–”


  An eardrum-shattering blast went off behind the three as instantly Nison’s right shoulder was covered in blood, gushing out from a large orifice that revealed his torn collar bone.

  The wound was still smoking when Nison Char collapsed to the floor, groaning in excruciating pain as Varis and Tenmei quickly shielded the wounded vagabond from the coming League droids.

 With cold liquid flesh sealing sprays Varis quickly stopped the bleeding as Nison conjured orange bones and muscles back to fix his pulverized shoulder.


  Still flying across the long straight corridor, ramming through countless Terminas League droids nonstop, the Hyperion Drill Bullet soared on towards Varche King’s nose. The Drill bullet was designed to run through hidden enemies and secret bases located either 20000 leagues under the seafloor or at the foot of the highest mountain by simply dropping them from altitudes high enough to let the bullet accelerate to the perfect gravitational enhanced velocity.

  Here though, King Varche simply shot it out of one of a million floating cannons perched outside the memorial tower like pods hovering around according to Varche King's aim of will.


  With one single point, however, Varche flipped the Hyperion Drill Bullet’s initial path and switched it back flying towards Nison Char once again !!!

  But this time, Tenmei Akiro threw a punch infused with his Blue Exia Force awakened through his past memories and present resolve, shredded the deadly bullet into metal scrapes that scattered all over, and sliced many incoming droids’ faces off.


  “ I wasn’t talking to you, foul bastard.” Varche King barked at the pain staggering Nison from afar, a line of dialogue he should have spoken way before the unexpectedly long drill bullet introduction

  “ Now that you’ve shown your colors, Exia Rune Bearer, I will allegedly show mine !!! But Before That !!!!!”


  With a flourishing wave that fluttered his long wide red sleeve robes, Varche King summoned six humongous metal walls that came flying into the memorial tower, crashing through the walls, and dashed straight towards Tenmei from all sides, left, right, back, front, up, and down !!!!


  Flaming Genale and Pablo saw this peculiar technology and both loyal subjects blanched in utter horror.


  “ Noble King !!! Don’t–”


  “ SHUT UP !!” 

  Varche King pushed all concerns aside, adamant to activate this secretly deadly and appalling techno scheme.

  “ Exia Rune bearer! What you see are six metal slabs. Six Walls that will trap you within a Pitch Black Room !!!!! A Room which I will also enter !!!!

   And as the Honorable Tradition of the Pitch Black Room goes, We shall fight to the death !!!!”


  All that were present were mortified by the Terminas King’s resolve.


  According to the ancient lore of feudal Kingdeniom, it has been documented as early as the Keiken The Third, that if two rivals are met in a dispute that could only be resolved through blood, the two rivals would be introduced into a room, a Pitch Black Room where they will clash and the one that survives the duel shall claim truth and the final say.

  The sacred dueling tradition is then revered and misinterpreted through the centuries into superstitious hearsay that if only two persons enter a Pitch Black Room together despite any scenario, one of them must die within said pitch-black room, or both personnel will perish.


  Having to uphold the honorable dueling ritual according to its origin and also the fallacitic sense it bears, Varche Scrirrocco had decided that he would end this Exia Rune Bearer’s path to hinder his dream, or end his own path of majesty if he carelessly proved to be unworthy.


  Either way, Varche would accept as a daring Revenjaja would.


  But Tenmei Akiro had no intentions whatsoever to indulge in life and death scenarios with a crazy Lord of Exia and seeks to unveil the grand demonic disturbance underneath them!

  Yet the metal slabs were already too close, closing in on him from literally all sides !!!


  Tenmei Akiro’s world dimmed as his world was slowly about to be engulfed into this pitch-black hell house !!!!!

  Without sentiment, the six walls closed shut, into a metal cube that sat unmoving in the middle of the least spacious corridor.


  With one long inhaling breath, Varche Scrirocco leapt forth into a jet-speed flight and entered the metal crate through the portal he designed.

  A one-way portal of course. Only when one of them dies would the pitch-black room be reopened.

  The noises died in instant unison as Varche landed onto his royal sinewy feet within the Pitch Black Room.

  “ You know the rules, and so do I !”

 Varche King hollered at the top of his unrelenting lungs

  “ Come !! Face me and die Daringly !! Or End me this immature Dreamer !!!”

  “ None of us will die in this room tonight, Varche.”

  Varche Scrirocco froze at the slow cadenced voice that spoke somewhere ahead of him in the infinite dark.

  It was not the Blue Exian Rune Bearer’s voice.

  “ How……..did you….NISON CHAR ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”


 At the last moment before the six metal slabs enclosed onto Tenmei, Nison Char had made eye contact with Varis and the homunculus woman immediately understood through his eyes of determination what the hardened vagabond was planning to do. So at the nick of time, Varis with her unbreakable grip and powerful arms, switched Tenmei out and threw Nison Char in right before the metal walls slammed shut.

  Now it was Nison Char against Varche Scrirocco inside the deadly Pitch Black Room.


  Both men with their despairs and reasons, more so their different ways to face their own retributions.



  Pointing down with his dark finger,  Hassan Hellsing showed his fellow troops of elite Parusefor Strikers the layout of the Tron Military guarding around the Freedom and Justice Memorial Tower.

   On top of Master Striker of Lance Sven’s luxurious building, the Parusefors set up their secret camp to rally and plan their assault. 


  “ Shielders at the front, cannoneers at the back. With tank pairs on each side. 

   We'll take them down in silence. ”


You are reading story Great Strike Exia – The Brave Legend at

  The Parusefor knights all nodded in solid agreement. 


  “ That sounds less of a plan than lousy exposition. ”

   Luka of the Tenmei Fellowship expressed candidly, passing down all sorts of weapons to her army of Zombie dolls. 


  The Parusefors knights all fixed their glaring gaze on the rude homunculus girl in silence. 


  After Tenmei Akiro and Griffon were taken by the League, Princess Isabel and Nanali Hikaru had efficiently bridged an alliance with the Parusefors at the plateau that valiantly agreed to assist their cause and stop the League's heinous schemes before its fruition. 

  Now the clans of the Starchilds and the Fellowship of Tenmei gathered on Sven’s rooftop in preparation for a final showdown. 


  Hassan Hellsing cleared his throat to have the Strikers ' attention

  “ We have Lord Murong Fu's Xin-an navy approaching Tron Bay to assist us in an hour. Before they arrive and the showdown commences, we will have to break their defenses from the inside and secure the tower gates with our men.

   Any questions ?"


  Hassan Hellsing saw a thin armored clad hand rise up at the back. 


  “ Yes...Miss Zefield,  is it ?"

 Hassan Hellsing checked the one that stood up to have her say.


  “ Master Hassan. I will be leading a squad to Save our fellow comrades Tenmei and Griffon.”

   Nina Zefield the daughter of a samurai spoke bravely to the Parusefor Masters present

  “ Is there any chance we could ask for a Master Striker to accompany us and help track their whereabouts through the Strike Force ?"


  " Sure. ”

 Hassan Hellsing looked around at his pack of elite Strikers. 

  “ Any volunteers ?"


  " I will do it. ”


  Nina recognized the one that stood out to join their cause. 

  A tall lithe Parusefor lady slightly a few years older than Nina, standing in a pose of elegant grace, looking down at them fellowship with a cold secluding glance. Eyes capturing the night sky's glow, with fair countenance that reflects the nocturne nature's raw appeal.   

  Short pink hair ornately tied to a side where the hue turned violet at the braided end.


  Marian Amatsumina,  Nina recalled,  the one name Griffon had been longing for through their journeys, in presence unveiled before her. 


  No doubt Griffon would fall for someone of such out worldly features,  Nina could but admit. 


  “ I'll help you locate Griffon. ”

  Marian Amatsumina breathed to Nina's eat, devoid of emotion,  pacing forth without waiting for the fellowship to catch up, walking past them like the winter breeze escaping their napes

  “ But I strongly doubt He will make it. ”

  Before the Parusefors and the Blue Exia Clansfolk set off to save the whole of Kingdeniom, Princess Isabel Keiken came to them, with Nanali Hikaru the princess’ tutor and clans folk on Isabel’s right, and the cyborg general Gelouch Dendrobium standing guard on the left.

  Isabel Keikn humbly approached the settled squadrons with a hopeful smile

  “ Brave heroes, though we may belong in separate paths of life, of different factions of this great nation, tonight, we join in the same hope to keep our homes safe from the unruly; the likeminded sentiment to protect those we dear, and uphold Freedom and Justice this country stands for. 

   I cannot thank thee more for your contributions, so the least I can give aid, is my blessings.”


  And reaching out her hand, with the small silver umbrella octopus Exia Rune hovering above Princess Isabel’s palm, she gave all the brave defenders of Kingdeniom a fragment of her Silver Exia Rune.


  The Exia Rune of the Eternal.

  The united clans all were granted the Princess’ secret blessing that will surely prove to be of immense help later on.






  Those were the two words that came to Griffon’s mind as his conscious resurfaced and his eyes met with nothing but dark.

   A cheap metal chair he could sense underneath his sitting onto which his ankles and wrists were restrained upon. Binds like this are nothing to a Parusefor knight, with the Strike force that flows among all things life and lifeless one Parusefor apprentice is most capable of breaking any strong lock designed by the Kingdeniom military.


  But Griffon could not.


  At first, he was surprised, but considering all that he had encountered and processed, he knew this was a well-deserved outcome.


  He is weak.


  Not only has he failed the Ordeals to obtain Master Striker Rank despite years of training, but he has also accomplished nothing of particular notice whatsoever. Being just a sidekick that messes up every plan and loses nearly all the battles he had participated in, only to be saved by Tenmei or Nina at the last moment.

  Worse yet, he was unable to slay the Archdemon for his tribe and honor, unable to keep the promise to return to the one he cared for.


  No wonder Marian Amatsumina left him, for a Master Striker that seemed affable at least. 


  Griffon imagined any enlightened Parusefor would find it easy to locate the Strike Force that billows before their senses like a mighty stream in a hand’s reach, and use that energy current to their will and advantage.

  All he could sense was a wallowing thin string like a single strain of web swaying in the wind, about to break and disperse at any moment.


  That is his Strike. His incapable, vulnerable self that he must eventually accept, and vanish alone silently, meaninglessly into the void.


  Such is his fate.

  His wretched end.




  The new Tron minister of construction was a cautious man. 

  Born in a family of military bases, Kool Leovis is the first of house Leovis to be appointed to a position of high esteem. 

  But that never affected his firm unrelenting attitude towards his work, missions, he still calls them,  that had to be accomplished by the end of the day. 


  Tonight, the mission is to secure Prime Minister Asuka Line Zeta’s safety within the Memorial Tower. What kind of stunt the now prime minister and former comrade Asuka perform Kool Leovis has zero interest in, for he is a man with a mission, and anything outside that mission deals no concern to him. That is the Leovis way of concentrating on military warfare that requires high proficiency under grave pressure.

  Things need not turn too far south for Kool’s concentration to realize the unusual, and the queer silence of the night under the Freedom and Justice Memorial tower spells nothing but unease. His caution sensor is raising its meter minute by minute.


  “ Sydney, status report.”


  The fastest way to check is always through the speakers. That was what Kool Leovis was trained to rely on.


  “ All clear.” The minister of finance Sydney Cartoon volleyed back in a musical tone.


  “ Partfeld, status report.”

 Kool Leovis continued to the next minister, minister of health care Colonel Partfeld.


  The prolonged silence jolted Kool to a suspecting rise from his post, rifle in hand.


  “ Partfeld !! Status Report !!”


  Kool’s voice could be heard from the other sides of the memorial tower now.


  “ …Sorry, Kool. Have to pee.”

came the sheepish voice of Partfeld as soon as the echo of Kool’s cry subsided.


  Kool Leovis sat back down with a disgruntled sigh.


  But his sigh was cut short, into a reflexing gasp of shock as his buttock plunged into the expecting solid surface which was gone, replaced by sheer air!

  Kool would have considered a missing chair to be of no significance to the mission of import, but it is his chair missing, and it was a metal foldable cheap chair, one he could put to good use.

  But a whole chair, disappeared in but seconds.


  This, Kool Leovis calculated through his experiences in battle and the tactics of his training, came to the conclusion that this, is an enemy attack!


  “ Intru–”


  Before Kool could utter the whole word to his speaker, his world was sent instantly into the dark void by a crushing force that collided with his throat and adam’s apple, pushing the air back to his exhaling lungs and shutting down his senses entirely.


  The Minister of construction lay motionless, dragged away to the shadows by fingers in the dark.


  “ Why the seat though ?” Luka questioned Marian Amatsumina on her Parusefor tactics in bringing down military personnel.


  Marian did not answer and circled the memorial tower wall, stopping at a small lid where the safety exit was kept.


  “ From here.” Marian pointed at the dog house-sized cubicle passage, motioning Nina and Luka to follow.

  They climbed the thin ladder up the tower until they reached the back corridors of the second floor hidden behind the actual platform behind a thick layer of marble wall.


  Marian didn’t move on but knelt on the clean white floor, as if listening to low-frequency waves only discernable to cats.


  “ As expected, he didn’t make it.” 


  Marian Amatsumina’s intonation made it sound like an appliance was broken and couldn’t be fixed anymore.


  Nina felt like she had hired a cheat instead of a Parusefor Master Striker.


  “ That is impossible.” Nina Zefield argued

“ They wouldn’t kill Griffon! He wouldn’t die this easily either…”


  “ His Strike has diminished.” Marian Amatsumina responded coldly to Nina’s distrust

“ It was waning when we entered the tower. Now…it’s gone. Not a trace.”


  Nina tried to respond but couldn’t find the words.


  Luka knew it was bad timing but still, she asked Marian

  “...Then how about Tenmei? Is his Strike somehow still with us ?”


  “ He is moving, fast.” Marian looked sideways quickly as if tracking the fast movement far away with her supernatural senses

  “ He is moving downward, toward the basement levels.”


  Then that’s where I will go, Luka decided but didn’t leave right away, for her crestfallen companion seemed to be in need of some solace from the sudden news.


  “ Should we follow ?” Marian Amatsumina asked the two calmly, motioning downward towards the basement.


  “ You both go.” 

 Nina came to the conclusion gravely with much determination in her eyes

  “ I’ll look for Griffon myself…”


  “ …You sure ?” Luka thought she saw watering dews flooding up the side of Nina’s eyes

“ There are a lot of League goonies in here.”


  “ I’ll find my way.” Nina turned around and headed up the memorial tower, glaive in hand, with each step firmly treading her path with resolve.


  At least she has to find his body, and bury it with honor. The samurai way.

  “ He didn’t even struggle.”

  Like a knife cutting through the air, did Marian’s raised voice call out to Nina.


  “ His Strike was like a dying candle. He didn’t even try, to fight back even. It’s not worth it, following his feeble steps.”


  “ You are in no place calling him unworthy without seeing his struggles !!”

  Nina lashed back furiously, flames of anger visible within those clear red eyes


  “ He tried…He has been trying to accomplish what he cannot. He is always struggling, always trying to reach your Parusefor expectations, Your expectations !!

  I don’t care what you see through the Strike or whatnot, but I sure saw each strife he made to be accepted by you and himself with my own eyes! Even though he may not be successful, his endeavors are worthy, and I plan to honor him…while none of you would !”


  With all that said, Nina headed onward, up the steps leading up to the white unknown.


   Luka too headed down to find Tenmei, 

  Leaving Marian silently at the same spot in the lonesome corridor.





  Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru knew something was wrong when his men ceased to report back after just five minutes passing the designated time.


  “ They have arrived.”


  Kaburagi Shisei finally turned around from his long gaze upon his sleeping sister Mio and faced the followers, the truth seekers that gathered to crack open the secrets of blessed Herunia through the League’s exploits.


  “ Secure the tower.”

 The League Disciple commanded Asuka Hikaru in a hollow glee as Kaburagi Shisei began to levitate, carrying Mio in his strong arms to above and beyond

  “ Seal off the capital. Make sure they persist within range.”


  Austria Van Hillingdale nodded low as he snaked into the shadows.


  Akahanon Zabinus Ultra, the newly born and Demon-fused, was not visible within the hall, but he sure was present.


  “ Rest assured.” The young Prime Minister bade, receiving his commands, and hurried up to the memorial tower entrance at ground level, only to see his armies in upheaval !! 

  Shadowboxing against the unseen enemy and firing their bullets all over the place in much frenzy. The tanks were but burning metal chunks and the gates were left wide open with the guards and soldiers wounded and passed out.


  “ It’s the Parusefors, Prime minister !!” 

  Colonel Partfeld, minister of health care managed to make his way to the calm Asuka Hikaru, who looked down at his scrambled army with eyes that fumed with literal flame.

  “ They have infiltrated the premise and crippled our men! We await your further instructions, Prime Minister!”


  “ Seal the capital !!” Asuka Line Zeta shouted furiously to his Tron subordinates in a close adrenaline drive that resembles his late father more and more

  “ Execute momentary curfew !! Deploy all forces to this exact location at once !!”


  We cannot lose this opportunity, it is so close! Asuka’s own voice shouting into his ears, the loud demanding rambling that was once his father’s now replaced by his own inner dictating shouts, pushing himself to achieve what his late father cannot.

  A New Kingdeniom Order, eternally born through technology and the divine. He will be the mason of the true peace Kingdeniom deserves.


  “ Asuka !!!” 


  Prime Minister Asuka Line Zeta looked up from his dreams and saw that it was Yukari his second in command that was calling, shouting his name directly instead of referring to his formal title which he has strongly ordained, but the trepidation in Yukari’s voice made Asuka decide to hear her first.


  “ Armies…Xin-an and Vilencia and many more…!! They are closing into Tron, and they know what you’ve done and plan to do! They have come to stop you. Even the people of this city are rioting against you, Asuka !! You must Stop–”


  “ If I stop,”

  Asuka Line Zeta fixed his wide challenged gaze at Yukari as he pushed each word out of his lips with savaging force

  “ Then I have failed my country. If I stop now and let them vandalize this city of its proud future, then I am no better than these treasonous scum. Don’t ask if I should stop fighting for the country, but ask yourself why you stopped fighting for great Kingdeniom !!!!”


  With all the Tron forces gathered before him around the Freedom and Justice Memorial tower, Asuka Line Zeta Hikaru uttered his one command.


  “ For Country! For Peace! For Great Kingdeniom !!!!”


  And upon his lead, Asuka Hikaru made his armies sing the national anthem as they rallied forth against the revolting public and the coming provincial lords that seek to hinder their fatherland’s path to splendor.


  The Kingdeniom anthem thus goes :


        Kingdeniom, Oh Kingdeniom, 

Home of my fathers and brothers true.

Kingdeniom, great Kingdeniom, 

Our lives we Lay down for you.


In the Darkness in the light,

Through the rain and snow alike.

A thousand leagues with the wind at breast,

And thoughts of my home in heart.


Kingdeniom! Oh Sweet Utopia Rinne!

Your enemies their fate they shall rue.

The sun will shine upon my kingdom come,

And Glory be to Kingdeniom Anew!


Glory be to Kingdeniom, Anew.

  And thus began, the Civil War of Tron, otherwise known as the Battle of the Freedom and Justice Memorial Tower.



  It was not as Tenmei expected when he and Varis reached where the corruption point was. The ominous feeling of dread had never been stronger, and the demonic aura, like rotting rancidity, emanated across the empty circular hall.

  Tenmei was sure the Ark’arios, or maybe an Archdemon of a more atrocious kind, is here, hiding somewhere behind the rolls of metal pillars situated at the sides of the empty center.


  “ Stay close,” Tenmei whispered to Varis

 “ It is still here. ”


  “ Too Bad,  You,  Will Not !"

  Tenmei and Varis raised their stances towards the one shadow that emerged from the corner,  walking out of blackened laptop-screened desks and revealing under the wide shaft of light that pillared down at the middle clearing. 


  It was a long-robed man in white,  sickly staggering like his feet weren't accustomed to the solid floor; the black spots that grew under the sleepless nights were as dark as his pupils, under the thin slitting eyes behind thin-framed spectacles that stared at all things with mild interest and contempt. 

  A Familiar spiraling cap sat obliquely upon those purplish silver messy hair as this thin malnutritioned pallid person adjusted slowly the cap in place. 

  With his other hand, he flapped a feathered fan of dark oily feathers that belonged most likely to a raven.


  Rang the military genius was the first thing that popped up in Tenmei’s mind, but the stark difference from Rang’s bright mysterious optimism, was this sickened thinker's sinister presence.

  He is also a strategist, Tenmei told himself to not underestimate long-robed genie-looking sorcerers like Rang.

  I must not act too rashly. 


  “ Indeed you should not have broken free and stayed put for the better of this world's fate. ”

   This Strategist person,  the dark version of Rang replied in a thin morbid holler, as if Tenmei had spoken his thoughts aloud to him. 


  Tenmei decided to not speak and think so as to hide his thoughts. 


“ Hmm, You are pondering. Very well. 

   The Truth I shall share, without sentiment.”

  Rummaging his robes straight,  this strategist of dark began his long ass introduction


  “ Eons ago, after the Advent of Demons and Gods, the ancient Kings found their Power of Exia through valiance.

   But Your Maker found an eighth, unique Power.


  The SEED.


  Your Maker claimed the SEED, and waited for the other Kings to subside. And soon, the Kings did Lame, and Demons secretly remained. 

   Thus began the Age of enlightenment, the Illuminatus Age.




  The King of Gold Exia trembled at Illumination, clinging to his Age of Wealth, and in dire fear of Illumination, and the New World that will one day be borne amongst the Illuminatus.


  The King of Gold resisted the course of nature, by sacrificing himself to link the Exia, and banishing us Novel revolutionists to the Shadow Realm.


   Toshiumi and his ancestors before him had blurred your past, to prevent the birth of a New Paradise.


   I, am the Primordial Strategist, 

   Austria Van Hillingdale. 

  And I seek to right the Wrongs of the past, to recover our one true Liege,

   But the other analyst, Rang, lost his sense, and befriended King Toshiumi.


   Unliving Prince, we stand at a crossroads.

Only I know the truth about your Fate.

   You must Destroy Lame King Toshiumi, who cuddled the SEED and resisted nature.

   And become, your Maker`s True Son! The Next Lord of the Illuminatus. So that you may usher in an Age of Light.”

  “ ……………….”

  Tenmei Akiro was not at a crossroads it seemed but at a loss.

  He needs to listen to all that dialogue one more time to reconsider what the strategist was trying to convey. 


  “ Don’t…listen…to him…!” 


  Varis quickly came forth between Tenmei and the strategist. Sheer steaming anger filled her with each forced-out word she said.


  “ Ahh, hello, princess of Illuminatus.” Austria greeted Varis with a thin sinister sneer

“ You were once the chosen one, until you abandoned your fate, and cast away your Maker’s blessings! Your sentiment has clouded your judgment, hence we locked you away from the grand scheme. Have you reconsidered aiding your Maker’s grand odyssey, Princess Varis of the unliving ?”


  “ NO…!!!!” Varis replied with a furious, painful shout.

“ You took…everyone…away from Me !! You… murdered them !!!”


  “ Any sacrifice is valid as long as the outcome outweighs the risk.”

 Austria logically explained his views on technological economics

  “ If you are still unready to see through your sentiment, then someone else must take the part of choice.”


  “ You don’t even know what the outcome is !!”

 Tenmei Akiro stood forth with his arguments now that he had heard enough to build his judgment.

  “ Causing war to gather Exia Runes, killing hundreds of Homunculus children to fuse with the Ark’arios…Endangering the world by tearing open the Seed and breaking the natural orders of Blessed Herunia….!!  What exactly is it that can outweigh your crimes ?!?!”


  “ Divine Elevation, young prince. To rise, to evolve beyond mortal flesh. Apotheosis, if you will.”

  Austria began to laugh uncontrollably just by imagining the hypothesis of his research.


  “ A Miracle crafted by our own hands…Tenmei Akiro.”



  Tenmei Akiro doesn’t give two shits about becoming divine or godlike.


  He just wants to stop the League from hurting people, and stopping the end of the world!

  “ Alas! I see that even you are unready for the divine task.” Austria Van Hillingdale sighed a long ecstatic sigh.

  “ Then it is about time I show you a glimpse of the Illuminatus League’s Evolution !!”

  And Tenmei felt it.


  It was always here, the Demonic corruption that hid in plain sight, mustering form from the shadows behind the pillars, from the shade under the pale neon lights, the dark grouped and merged into one humongous being towering over Tenmei and Varis, stretching out wings like black claws and bulging arms bursting in dark pus and flame.

  Electric currents as dark as the ever-expanding space danced about its mammoth armored body, with the cursed blade Lifthrasir, split in half and held with both arms, double wielding the dastardly weapon.


  Tenmei Akiro nearly couldn’t recognize the Archdemon’s face.


  “ …Ark’arios….?!”


  Tenmei Akiro uttered in disbelief.

  A groan as deep as the rumbling seafloor answered

  “ …..Tenmei…….”

  “ …Is this how it shall end, Ark’arios ?”


  Tenmei deeply wished there was another way out.


  But the evolved Archdemon shook its head gravely


  “ My Promise…is finally at reach…….”

The Ark’arios hummed with grand resolve.

  “ You have your ideals. I have my reasons. Come!


  You need not show me courtesy no more !!!!”

  Tenmei understood.


  With a nod to Varis, she and Tenmei charged forth, Varis with her unbreakable energy blasting fists and Tenmei his Great Exian Rune Sword the two clashed straight forth the dual-wielding ultimate Archdemon, bursting forward in flight with its demon pus scattering wings that opened fully, stretching to an extent breaking the two sides of the basement hall and dashed forth twirling counterclockwise at the same time, increasing in speed into a horizontal hurricane of death, slashing both Tenmei and Varis to separate sides. And with the twin Lifthraisr blades, Ark’arios swiped Tenmei up high, breaking through a hundred marble layer floors, while the Archdemon flew up in close chase, slashing and dicing Tenmei like a swirling ball of intense swording hackling nonstop at one tiny spec that is Tenmei Akiro.

  Varis flew up also and the three engaged in the speeding battle of fate, the powers cosmic, Exia, and Demonry bursting with thunderous force all over the memorial tower in successive explosions that rocked the whole Tron capital to its core.

  The Tron military stumbled with each clash that sent shockwaves of Demonic force sweeping violently across the tall skyscrapers nearby. Glass windows were shattered, cement roads uprooted. But the Freedom and Justice Memorial Tower, though swaying with each conclusive blow like a nonrhythmic metronome, still stood its ground firmly.

  For Kaburagi Shisei wills it. Standing at the very top of the memorial tower, with Mio bound by his side, he needs just wait for his victory to descend into his arms.

  Even with the full extent of his Blue Exian Rune’s bursting force, Tenmei could not come even close to the upgraded Archdemon’s level. It was like Ark’arios has seen through a million possibilities between their final standoff and chose to act the most efficient and deadly in this one eventual encounter.

  Shattering Tenmei’s Exia Rune sword and Varis’s poise altogether with just its bare hands, the Ark’arios faced downward in the air as Tenmei and Varis both tried to evade. Out a protruding piercing appendage emerged from the swirling murky face of the Archdemon. This NOSE then blasted a cosmos beam that shone in never-before-seen colors, erupting in the force of the implosion stars, burning its way straight down, running through Tenmei’s calf, traveling full speed further down to the depth of the earth, burning straight across its core and sizzling out from the other side of the globe.

  Seeing what the Nose beam had achieved, a different laugh cackled from within the Archdemon. A petty hideous laugh it was.


  “ Finally !! From my first appearance to this night !! I, Akahanon Zabinus Ultra and my Nose has finally achieved Godhood !!! Tenmei Akiro! Your giving up on the Ark’arios shall prove to be your utter demise !!!!!!”


  “ Shush and do my bidding, churl.” The Ark’arios snarled and the cheeky Zabi could but snigger into silence.


  “ Is this all you’ve got, Tenmei Akiro ?!” The Archdemon cried out like a mountain crumbling to its feet.

 “ You a rare vessel capable of harboring Exia Runes and an Archdemon! Is this all you can achieve ?! To Stop Me ?!?!”

  “ He is not All there is !!”

  And before the Ark’arios could smash the sudden newcomer that just spoke, 


  A powerful all-piercing Lance carved out of meteor rock burst through the Archdemon’s throat from behind and flew right through, soaring full circle in the empty memorial tower space above into the hands of Percival Master Striker Sven’s hands !!!

  Right after the lance came planets that descended through accelerated gravitational force, blowing up into hydrogen and nitrogen bombs all over the Archdemon’s impure flesh, ripping the Ark’arios into pieces with the end of inflamed planets that came right out of the cosmos Greatsword, wielded by none other than Master Striker of sword, Liella of the cosmos.


  “ Tenmei !...Varis..!”


  Tenmei Akiro and Varis were then scooped up gently by the huge metallic hand of what belonged to the zombie mecha giant Thrond, on its back rode Luka with her sea of zombie dolls that rallied around the huge Mobile Zombie walker’s feet. Luka helped Tenmei and Varis to a remaining platform nearby as she stood forth, alongside her homunculus brother and older sister facing the grand battle with deep resolve.


  “ I got your backs.” in a short sheepish yet strong voice did Luka whisper to them both.


  Varis beamed from the depth of her synthetic light heart proudly.

  Tenmei Akiro was awed by the immense fellowship of brave light souls that gathered for one simple cause. 


  To protect their world and home.


  With a deep breath and a gladdened smile of admiration to all that joined forces on this one defining night, Tenmei Akiro let his Exia Rune ablaze and dazzle blue upon his chest, and also atop all his loyal clansfolk’s palms. 

  “ Caution, Strikers !” Hassan Hellsing, Elder of the Parusefor Masters, with his Star bow in hand, walked in on midair calling to all the elite Parusefor Strikers that entered the hollow dilapidated white tower from all sides.

  “ The Ark’arios is still advent !!”


  And sure enough, the blackness of the shadows burst out like hot springs once more, and the looming herculean shape of the ultimate Ark’arios reforged once again as the Archdemon looked all over him, around the tall circular empty space like a metal tube to the heavens, its gaze panning through the surrounding armies of Parusefor Masters, a mecha giant alongside a sea of zombie dolls, and Exia Lord Tenmei Akiro and super homunculus Varis among their ranks.


  “ Hoh.” The Ark’arios grunted with a slight increase in amusement.

“ So be it, spawns of Light.”


  And the second round began with a bang. Parusefors exceeding light human speeds dashing like purple comets here and there across the Ark’arios with thundering clashes as the Archdemon resisted with all its powers ancient and bleeding edge, showering rains of demonic missiles and hurricane slashes of the double Lifthrasir against Parusefor death beams and unorthodox weaponry showered back at him.

  At the same time trading punches with the Thrond Mecha giant navigated by Luka on its back as the Archdemon fought its way out of the flurry of explosions and confusion, slamming down on Tenmei’s blue Exia Rune sword before Varis flew in and landed a mountain-breaking punch on the Ark’arios’ chin, only for the Archdemon to stagger back and let go of a Gyouma beam from its Akahanon Zabinus Ultra Nose.

  Leaning on one breaking pillar on one part of the side corridor, Nina Zefield watched on in awe and horror at the magnificent battle across the air in the hollow Memorial tower, of Man versus Demon. Hope versus despair.


  Like those that fear not death and face the undefeatable Archdemon head-on, Nina too realized she should not give up on faith. 


  Griffon is somewhere out there, and she is gonna find him!


  They had a promise !!  


  Nina could but pray as she made her way forth without hesitation.





 “ Live, Man Griffon.”

  Like a whisper from yonder, traveling through that thin wavering Strike flow connection before his senses’ reach, Griffon thought he heard a voice familiar.

  “ Live….even when the stars collide… Promise me you’ll find a way to Live……survive……..

  ……..Can you promise me that…….Griffon ?”


  “ Ni…na…..?”


  The Ramen stand in Helltron outskirts. Was what came first to Griffon’s mind.


  His memory slowly lit up as if the dark room was brightened slightly by his returning recollections.

  The room shook like a boat in a tempest.


  Indeed….Griffon whispered to himself


  It was the promise he made…with that someone….


  The one that seemed to not see him as a failure, 


  The one that urged him to move on, to live with his sorrows.

  The one who was nearly rammed by that crazily strong League van, 


  the one he successfully saved just the night before…..

  “ At least…I saved someone before…” 


  If he can save someone once, he can save them twice. And eventually, everyone.

  Griffon could feel his hands again, and his ankles. He can see himself and the Strike Force that flowed faster and faster all over him.

  The Strike Force came gushing into his inner form from all sides, even from the chair under his buttock. He has it under control once again.

  And as simple as flipping a page of an ancient papyrus text, the metal locks over his wrists and ankles separated into shards, and the cell that once confined him opened by blowing itself up into smithereens, showing Griffon the way out, that is infinite paths the Strike Force leads to his choosing.

  Nina gave out a freaked-out scream as the wall behind her suddenly burst open and inside stood one person that glowed in purple hue, as an outer being had descended from space.


  Nina squinted her eyes in disbelief.


  “ Griffon…..????”


  Griffon opened his eyes, and the Strike flow was visibly glowing from his enlightened pupils


  “ Thank you, Nina.”


  Griffon smiled like an affable space guru


  “ I owe you one, big time.”

  “ …Are you alright ?” Nina looked askance at Griffon like encountering an alien escaping from captivity

  “ Did they brainwash you like they always did ?”


  “ No! I am being grateful! Now, can someone explain what is going on over there ?!”


  Griffon pointed at the hollow clearing where a vicious battle between man and Demon was playing out at two times the speed.


  Instead of answering right away, Nina simply chuckled, beaming at the awakened hero with watery eyes.


  “ Here, you may need this.”

 Nina then reached to her back, loosened the strings, and handed over her Naginata glaive to Griffon.


  Griffon was shaken by the privilege and was hesitant

  “ But Nina, isn’t it yours ?”


  “ You broke your halberds to save me. I say that it is fair. Besides, I still have my saber here.”

And pulling out from her waist, a short dagger-sized blade thrusted out into a fully lengthed katana as Nina swung it around her hand, adjusting her grip with the shorter handle.


  Convinced, Griffon took the Naginata glaive from Nina, and together they marched forth to the edge of the corridor, to see the horrendous Ark’arios Ultima wreaking havoc and gaining the upper hand over an army of Parusefor Master Strikers, a super homunculus, and the Exia Lord of Blue himself.


  “ By Jove !” Griffon uttered in shocked disbelief.

“ I should have stayed in that cell for good !”


  Nina scowled at him.


  “ Sorry.”

  As the two charged down bravely to face the undefeatable, 


  Marian Amatsumina stood far above a lone broken pillar, smiling sadly as her gaze followed them down below into the chaos.


  That is where he belonged, Marian Amatsumina could but accept the painful truth.


  But certainly, while the heroes are battling the Archdemon inside the memorial tower outside, a pitch-black room is not where a King of Terminas, such as Varche Scrirocco is supposed to belong.


  It should have been his ultimate schemata to hunt down another Exia Rune Lord, but all is ruined by this hardened vagabond that deserves nothing but death for his nonstop acts of idiocy. That is what Varche thought.

  “ Again, you have come to hinder my path of majesty, like a roach that refuses to die !!” 

 Varche Scrirocco threatened menacingly, pacing the black world with his weapons drawn

  “ With the Herunia opened and Miracles revealed, Milina shall return! And here you stand against me! Which side are you on, Nison you churl !!??”


  “ I stand by my beliefs as a vagabond, and my instincts of a noble slayer, Varche !”

 Nison growled back, refusing the Terminas royal’s threats.

  “ As I see it, the League is merely using your sentiment to gain power! Do you really think the League would give you the chance to meddle with the Herunia ?!”


  “ I am not dumb !” Varche spat ruthlessly.

“ I am waiting for them to open the gates to Herunia, which I shall enter! As soon as I finish thee and get out of this Pitch Black Room, Char !!”


  Nison Char cannot agree

 “ What you bring back will not be Milina anymore.”


  The two men gravely paced around each other in the indiscernible Pitch Black Room, silently anticipating the starting blow to initiate the fight to the death.


  “ If you so craveth death.” Varche snarled tauntingly as he scanned his pitch-black surroundings, luring Nison to engage with his insulting words.

“ I shall giveth thee! Come and die, Nison Char !!!”


  “ Death has been a close associate of mine since that fateful day in Helltron.”


  Nison Char’s low gruff voice echoed all around Varche in the dark.


  “ I have long since realized, that it is due to my folly and craze for vengeance, that cost Milina’s life.”


  “ You should have stayed dead and not intervened !!” The pain and sorrow emanating from Varche’s hateful accusations.

  “ Milina and I could have slain the Ark’arios…We could have had a family !! You took it all away from Me !!!!”


  Varche inhaled deeply all the sadness that powered his anger and breathed them out, fuming in determination to kill.


  “ Nison Char, now that you have repented of your sins, I shall give you a quick death. Reveal yourself to Me Now !!”

  Varche was ready.


  With his Exian Rune blazing red, a searing light saber protruding out of his arm. 


  Yet the darkness in the room swallowed most of that crimson glow and Varche still could see nothing out of an arm’s reach.


  “ That I certainly will.”

  Nison Char promised sincerely in his coarse grunt.

  “ Joining Milina in Blessed Herunia’s embrace has been the only dream after Helltron. But answer me this, Varche!


  Is this what Milina wants ?!?!”


  “ That Is What I Want !!!” Varche howled in berserk fury.


  Varche could hear Nison sigh a long grave brooding sigh just ahead of him. Within that visionless dark!


  “ To think that your love towards my sister is but mere show instead of true understanding.”

Nison exhaled with utmost disappointment at Varche’s face.


  “ You dare….!!!!” 


  “ I dare. Because I love Milina. I love my sister, my last remaining blood kin, and it is not just my unconditional affection, but also my respect and understanding toward her now that I dare say that you, Varche, your love for Milina, is but mere show !!!!”


  Varche Scrirocco’s rage has exceeded words. For a man that intruded on his endeavors in the heat of battle during the Helltron Dispute that ended up causing the sacrifice and untimely demise of his beloved secretary and sole mate, this Nison Char sure dares foul mouth his love for Milina!


  “ What…do you understand…that I do Not ?!?!” 

Like a wounded animal Varche questioned, raising his Exian Rune light saber yonder, ready to fill the whole Pitch Black Room with chaos flame of his Techno Swarm.


  Facing the red Exia Rune Sword pointing at his light heart, Nison then calmly responded.


  “ I understand, for one thing, that Milina loves you dearly, Varche.”

  Nani ?! 


  Varche was not expecting such an answer to come out of Nison Char’s bastard lips.

  “ I understand now, that Milina loves you so. She loves you for the efforts and hardships you are willing to achieve to bring peace and prosperity to corrupted Terminas.

  She loves you for the scoundrel you are, that she is willing to sacrifice her own life, just so you could move on and fulfill your promise to her !!! To build a paradise for all and your children !!! 

  For your Dream and ideals, Milina died so that you can live !!!


  And that is why I will not kill you, Varche, because I Love Milina.”

  For a boorish vagabond, a heinous noble slayer, and a Demon Punching Brute such as he, 


  Nison Char do be spitting out sentimental facts of enlightenment and grand forgiveness.

  Varche looked yonder at the dark, dumbstruck. Then back at himself, ashamed.


  This is not what Milina wanted.


  Never would Milina wish to see him become an Iron Giant mecha Slayer Lord of bazinga.


  Neither would she wish to see him become a ruthless Revenjaja, a ghost filled with the rage of vengeance, forsaking Toshiumi his friend, capturing Milina’s friend Mio, and attempting to slay her one and only remaining brother, Nison Char!


  Varche Scrirocco, proud King of Terminas and Rune bearer of the Red Exian Rune, fell to his knees and wept.


  Hot manly regretful tears.


  Nison too, was sobbing nearby, reminiscing about his long-gone sister.

  Two men, planning to kill each other in a Pitch Black room, now wept together like brothers in the dark.

  And with their vengeance put aside, the two men are now born anew. Varche Scrirocco the reborn so spake to his should-have-been brother in law


  “ Nison Char, you love Milina.”


  And that was not just flimsy dialogue, but a royal pardoning from the high jurisdiction of the King of Terminas, harboring the grave weight of the techno sky city, granting full amnesty towards Nison Char's sins and erasing all accusations and crime records upon him with those uttered words.


  Nison Char, is no longer a wanted man.


  But a free hero.

  And seeing that his decree was carried out the moment he had spoken, Varche King stayed kneeling on the solid black floor of the Pitch Black Room and smiled.


  “ You may go now, Nison.”


  Varche bade Nison leave through the now-opened secret portal at the far end of the room.


  “ I will stay here, and die to uphold the rights of the honorable traditions of the Pitch black Room. You have my full blessings.”


  And producing a red beam dagger to commit the ultimate seppuku, Varche smiled gladly to the pitch-black heavens inside the room.


  “ Nison, will you be my second, and do the honors ?”


  A second here, in the seppuku rites of Kingdeniom, is an honorary position to assist the one committing seppuku to further reach death easier than dying through excruciating pain, by decapitating the one committing the ritual as soon as the blade plunges through the stomach and rip open the bowels.


  Nison Char realized Varche’s determination to help him leave the Pitch Black Room and also in one way, to meet Milina in blessed Herunia, so he reluctantly complied, forging out of his orange powers a long katana he raised right behind Varche’s exposed nape.


  Varche smiled with much contentment.

  Milina, here I come.

  As the red blade kissed the tender skin upon Varche’s belly, light, erupted across the Pitch Black Room, blinding the two men as the walls confining them broke apart into severed slabs that collapsed like dominos. Dazzling gold shafts dawned before their presence like the new dawn and the sun pulled up close, as one glistening silhouette of a tall Awesome figure stood in the center of that proliferating blaze, sheathing lo burning blade back to his scabbard cooly with a flourish.


  Both Varche and Nison Char cannot believe what they now beheld with their bare wide eyes.









   Bursting out from the swarming Parusefors that tried to chain it to the floor, the Ark’arios Ultima shot out with fulminating force, knocking everyone, and everything down in its wake as it sped towards Tenmei Akiro in full speed, grabbing the Blue Exian Rune Bearer like a child snatching a toy model and hurtled Tenmei with extreme force out of the Memorial Tower, sending Tenmei Akiro crashing through myriads of marble walls before soaring down full speed, crashing down across the memorial clearing outside of the tower, leaving a long indented track drawn across sheer cement blocks.


  Tenmei didn’t even have the time to stand up when the Ark’arios was already nearly upon him, landing its humongous frame with that one death-defining punch diving down from above the Archdemon’s shoulder, sailing through the air with enough friction causing it to ignite along the way as the bulging demonic fist came down, nearer and nearer towards Tenmei Akiro’s face !!


  With his one last move, Tenmei condensed his Exia Rune Sword into a rune shield and closed his eyes, wishing for the best.


  The blow miraculously didn’t even touch the Exia Shield, but stayed an arm’s length away from Tenmei Akiro’s astonished gaze.


  Tenmei thought he was dreaming.


  For there stood, between him and the startled Ark’arios, 


  with curly locks of blue hair dancing among the blathering force, shining with splendor under the dim night sky, 


  Miula Haru, raising both hands of glowing sea blue light, clad in shimmering turquoise armor from the chest down to both ankles, a set of ancient yet mystic armor that resembled nothing Tenmei had ever seen, blocking the Archdemon’s world-destructing blow with much effort.




  “ Your time isn’t up, yet. Varche my brother.”

  Spake Awesomely the King of the Golden Exia Rune, Toshumi Al Seraphim, Brave of Zabanya and Savior of Kingdeniom, as the Lord of all things golden reached out both hands to life Varche and Nison up to their dumbstruck feet.


  “ Join me, Varche, sir Nison. Our Awesomeness is yet to unfold. ”

  Like the winged Hussars arriving under the dawn glow, The Airship fleets of the Golden Company, led by Flagship Solarion, pierced through the dark skies, turning night into day. 

  Following behind were the soaring fleets of Vilencia and its subordinate forces, led by King Phaldemon himself accompanied by his valiant vanguard Andrew Anjou Alesdale the red stallion. 


  The Houses of the north will not tolerate the League’s insolence on capital grounds. 


  “ Need…some help here…!” 


  Haru, our girl, wheezed as she mustered all her strength, her willpower, and also the Seed’s blessed powers, to stop the coming Demon blow from crushing Tenmei and herself.


  Springing to his feet, Tenmei quickly, vigorously gathered all of his Blue Exia force into his one good hand and punched the Ark’arios’ face with all his might.


  The Archdemon staggered a few steps back.


  “ ….SORA !!”


  The Ark’arios roared with his vicious red eyes wide open, as the Demon’s expression greatly softened than before.


  “ …Sora……I have come… To Fulfill our Promise…!”


  “ You mustn't...Rio…"


  And out of thin air, emerging above Haru’s shoulder, Sora, Emissary of the Seed Force floated down like a guardian angel of utmost divinity to Haru’s side and approached the bewildered Archdemon slowly, calling the Archdemon by its pristine name, Rio.


  “ My revealing to the reality plane has led to an imminent crisis against the Eternal Engine of the Herunis Carna, Rio.

  I must go back, so this world...our home remains intact. ”


  As a sacred deity, Sora's voice and words brought much comfort to all that beheld her wisdom through her musical yet firm cadence.


  But the Archdemon would not give in to his Adamance.


  “ Have the World crumble and the seas run dry, My Promise Shall Never Yield…!!

   I am bringing you out, of Dastardly Herunia!!!!"


  " You must Not !"


  Sora The Seed Deity exclaimed with much persuasion and power, calming the berserk beastly Demon at bay. 


  “ As much as I have dreamed of the day we reunite, I cannot stand idle before the depravity the ignorant have brought upon this sanguine land built amongst toil and utmost sacrifice !”


  Sora's hands clasped to Ark’arios' mottled grotesque sides, caressing the devilish face tenderly. Their gazes through eons finally joined longingly once more. 


  Two Ancients, of Light and of Dark, a merging of two worlds. 


  “ They covet your power and noble motive, only to unravel what Light Children are not yet prepared .”

  Sora The Seed gravely explained with grave urgence.

  “ If this League is not stopped, the cycle of Light will cease, and the fabrics of the world collapse !"


  " The Fate of their World is not of my concern !!!"

  Boomed the Ark’arios like the Earth crumbling in, swallowed by its own gravity. 


  Unwavering still, the Seed remained calm.


  “ It is, to me. ”


  Sora motioned to all that surrounded the Archdemon in arms, Parusefors and soldiers, Light-hearted and Homunculus alike. 


  Children of Bright Herunia.


  Their struggles and endeavors to protect their home. 

  “ My fate, has been sealed deeply in the roots of Herunia, like the children around us. We are one. As their hearts power the cycle, I guide them through and guard their path. 

  It is my duty, Rio. One I cannot shun or abandon for the sake of blessed Herunis Carna. I have to help them.”


  “ Duty… you say ?"

  Ark’arios grunted with rising animosity 

  “ As I see it, only through ridding of this duty, ridding the Light Children can you truly be free from Herunia !!!!!!"


  “ Rio, NO !!!"


  Before Sora nor Haru could tame the enraged Demon Lord, The Ark’arios slammed both dark smoldering devilish arms onto Tron soil, shattering the cement pavements and marble establishments all in one thundering slam.


  Tenmei Akiro instinctively pulled Haru close out of the blasting range, shielding her behind his Blue Exia Rune forming into a shield before them, blocking the rubbles flying all over them. 

   As the paused heroes were about to resume their fierce battle against the berserk Archdemon, a sudden violent shudder over the Capitol grounds sent the warriors to an unexpected stumble!


  Catching a glimpse of the cracking fissures splitting the roads and pavements close by beneath their feet, Tenmei Akiro spotted eerie glows of many colors all at once, sparkling ominously underneath the cement, reaching far and wide across the whole city. 


  “ Miss Miula !! Can you hear me ?!?!"


  Military Genius Rang’s voice rattled out loud from Haru's speaker device, sounding pretty compelled by what was about to happen.


  “ Miss Miula! Retreat now !! Sir Tenmei as well, Hurry !! Make the Parusefors fall back also !! Hurry, Miss Haru !! Retreat--”


  The sudden death of the radio signals as well as the flickering and dimming of every lighting device across the deserted Tron streets sent chills down both Tenmei and Haru's spines. 


  Tenmei and Haru fixed gazes with each other, eyes wide like saucers.


  Their light heartbeats echoed throughout the empty streets with each pounding thump.



  “ Message incoming, Princess Keiken, Stewardess Hikaru !!”

 Cyborg general Gelouch Dendrobium uttered, holding his metallic radio-sensory ear close as he motioned toward where the information came.


  From the golden fleet now hovering above the Freedom and Justice Memorial tower, most likely, Gelouch predicted with his cyborg senses.


  “ What did it say ?”

 Princess Isabel Keiken asked in wonder.


  Gelouch’s expression grew ashen and urgent the more he listened.


  “ Gods be good…!”

  The Cyborg General uttered in a frantic breath

  “ My Princess…! We must retreat Now! Immediately !!!”


  Kaburagi Shisei need not turn around to already discern three figures arriving on the top of the Freedom and Justice Memorial Tower behind him. 


  They are disturbing Mio’s sweet slumber, Shisei sighed forgivingly at the boorish intruders affront the inevitable evolution of Light-Hearted kind.


  For they are Destined to fall into extinction. 


  Mere futile struggles to defend their obsolete minds. 

  “ Standing here, I Realize,”


  Kaburagi Shisei hissed to the three tall menacing shadows behind his presence victoriously 


  “ We are never the same, Toshiumi,  You and I. Born with The glory like wrapping sheets, never once struggled for anything in reach, you had it all and now you have None !!

   Born with nothing, striving over what is beyond me,  I have it all in this grasp!


  See this Grasp ?!?!?!”

  Kaburagi Shisei of the Illuminatus League held high his tightly grasped fists high,  for Toshiumi,  Varche,  and Nison to see in utter shock and foreboding. 


  “ This Grasp Holds All. 

  This Grasp Holds The Future, The Present, The Past. 


  This Grasp Holds……


  The Great Strike Exia ! ! ! ! !"

  And with that grasp opening before Toshiumi, Varche, and Nison Char's appalled gaze 


  Engraved and scorching,  


  Searing with might and power,  


  blazing with The Strike Force and All Seven Colors of Exia and more On that palm

  was the Great Strike Exia Rune. 

  “ Yes…”


  Kaburagi Shisei panted gloriously.


  “ The Great Strike Exia,  IS REAL ! ! ! ! ! !"

  And below the League Grand Disciple's feet, 

  Tron shook. 





   Sensing that time was no longer on their side, Tenmei put all hesitation aside, holding Haru’s hand close as the two started running, dashing as fast as their legs could carry them down the city streets while Tenmei Akiro shouted to all of them at the top of his lungs.


  “ RETREAT !!!!!!!" 

  Before Tenmei's shout could ever reach any ears, the subsequent explosion from beneath the entire Tron capital lit up the night to sheer day, igniting the boulevards out from the cracking fissures of light that drew wider, longer across Tron,  


  Light cutting through solids in its path,  


  Burning deep into Kingdeniom soil,  the flaming engravings Illuminating to outer space,


  A blinding lucent symbol comprehensible only from the eyes above,

  Is the Seven Exia Runes combined, 

  The Great Strike Exia Rune, 

  Scorching the lands as its glow reflected upon the night skies, the Omnipotent Rune of immense power, looming above all existing presence.

  Within the sizzling pallid spot in the middle of the Ever extending Great Strike Exia Rune, the towering obelisk stood.


 On top of the Freedom and Justice Memorial Tower,  


 A circular ball of light glowed with pure brilliance.


 The Portal to the Realm of Light, to the Blessed Herunia,  


 Glowed wide open before their eyes. 




[...........To Be Ending...]






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