Grey Eyes

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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When I woke up I heard some voice-like sounds not far from me.

"...Sofia?!!!" Said a voice that sounded young and spoke with a lot of excitement.

"You,... Calm..." Said a cold and calm voice, honestly it was a little scary.

I look towards the place where the voices came from and I saw... fog, two to be more specific.

One was small and moved back and forth, its fog was equally white but seemed denser and faster than the one I saw before I slept, its fog looked like a whirlpool or tornado but with the silhouette of a small person. The other one was more... how to say... still?... it didn't move a bit, honestly it looked like it had been frozen in time, this silhouette looked more human than the previous ones, but this one seemed to have a kind of tail.

I seem to be able to understand the language a bit now... that's weird... I shouldn't understand it yet, unless somehow my brain can process the language are just hearing it once... which is ridiculous and absurd... whatever... so I'll just assume for now it's due to my strange knowledge....

The "person" with the young voice realized that I was awake and quickly approached my direction... before being stopped by the "person" with the cold voice who grabbed her arm before pulling her away roughly.

Better give them names so I don't get confused... okay, the young voice will be called... um... Nita and the cold voice will be called Winter and the woman's voice from before will be called... wait she could be my mom right, so I'll go with Mom....

"Hey Clair let me see my little sister she looked so cute when she was sleeping imagine what she will look like when she is awake!" shouted Nita excitedly as she seemed to try to free herself from Winter's grip.

"Flora, while I have to admit that your sister looks extremely cute sleeping, I have to ask you to stop screaming as it might make Sofia cry, and you don't want to make your little sister cry...or do you?" Winter's voice said calmly, coaxing Nita to stop screaming, although from her voice it seemed to bother her more about something else.

"...Okay... but let go of me I want to see Sofia" Nita said more calmly but still with emotion in her voice. After a few seconds Winter let go of her and she slowly approached my position.

Not even 5 minutes passed and already my names are useless... well at least now I know their names, Flora for the girl and Clair for the... I still don't know what Clair is... but this confirms my suspicions that I am a baby and my name is Sofia... I like it....

Before I knew it I was already in Flora's arms as she seemed to be looking at me... which is scary since she has no eyes....

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"SHE'S SO CUTEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Flora screams so loudly that Clair seemed to cover her ears with her hands.

"..Miss Flora... as your personal maid and caretaker as well as your teacher I ask that if you scream again the next lesson will not be as nice with the previous ones..." Clair said with an incredibly cold tone that made me shiver a little.

"..." Flora seemed to stop moving... or making any noise in general.

Mental note not to piss Clair off under any circumstances...

"Hey, Clair... is... it... normal in our family to have gray eyes?..." Flora asked with concern in her voice, I didn't know what she was referring to since you couldn't see our eyes....

"Flora... your sister has a rare disease called Grey Eyes, people who suffer from it can't see for the rest of their lives..." Explained Clair with her voice cold but you could feel the worry and sadness in her voice.

That explains why I can't see anything...

"Although this disease only appears in case of extreme depletion in the Outer Mana and very rarely, your mother Miss Zoe gave birth right after the Core Stampede, she didn't have enough time to regenerate her Mana completely and..." Clair continued explaining but her voice faded to a whisper... as if she didn't want to go on with the story....

"I... I see..." Flora said with sadness in her voice, she seemed to be crying silently... even her fog seemed slower....

"Don't worry little Sofia...I swear in my name, Flora Flumin, that our family and I will protect you from all evil" Flora said with determination.




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