Grieved Souls Anthology: The Bloody Dress

Chapter 2: 2

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Kuala Lumpur -2013

A girl was grunting in pain at a VIP ward numbered K39. The painful moan didn’t last long before it went silent. 5 minutes later, the girl started to rub her teary eyes. After a while, her sight turned towards the window, looking outside. She didn’t move and kept staring for a long time.

“Vee… your legs are ruined, Vee. Haha… you can’t walk anymore.”

The laughing voice kept talking in her ears. but the girl remained unfazed as if she didn’t even hear the laugh. She moved the blanket, showing off her legs down until her calf. Then she started to touch her legs all over.

“Vee wants to be a model. If Vee wants to be a model, Vee must have beautiful legs. Vee must be tall. Vee wants to be a model.” It was so soft, that someone need to listen carefully to hear the girl’s voice.

“Vee wants to be a model… Vee wants to be a model…” The girl started to sing the same sentence a couple of times. She twirled her wavy shoulder-length hair before her expression turned sour and down.

“Aww… why I don’t feel anything…” Her fingers kept rubbing her legs, trying to find some sort of sensation. Disappointed, she just stopped moving her fingers.

A nurse who was observing the girl just shook her head.

“Miss Vee… There is no problem regarding your legs. It was only a minor incident. According to our calculation, your legs will heal in just a short time, around 3 months. That if you keep following the physiotherapy sessions we scheduled for you. Your manager already booked appointments with our specialist for those sessions. Don’t worry, it’s just a small nerve problem.” The nurse carefully explained. She then fixed up the blanket that was almost thrown out of the bed.

Vee looked up. Out of nowhere, she started to laugh. “Is it? Yay! Vee wants to be a model!” Happiness reflected on her face. She was lounging around on the bed with a smile plastered on her face.

“Vee wants to be a model, but Vee can’t walk. Poor girl! haha…”

The voice was being mean again. The girl woke up from her trance with her head down. This time she saw a dark figure, mocking and taunting her. She just snorted in annoyance.

“Miss Vee? What’s wrong? Just rest, alright?”

“Shhh…. Can’t you hear that voice?” the girl asked.

The nurse was confused. “What voice, Miss?” The nurse looked around the room. She quickly prepared the medicine and poured a glass of water, placing it all on the table before dashing out of the room. She was afraid to stay for a moment longer in that room.

“Vee wants to be a model! Don’t call me short. Go away!” The girl began to scream. Seeing that the dark figure was still there, she reached for her blanket and covered herself up.

Three nights before…

“Come on, Vee… They are waiting”*

Vee gave a glance before she nodded her head. Just as she took a step forward, a round of applause echoed. With each step, her elegance shined, capturing every sight that fell upon her. Her steps were mesmerizing, left and right feet moving accordingly, forming one single line.

She was blessed with a pair of beautiful legs, despite being mocked as a ‘shortie’ once before.

She walked with a slightly tilted chin and hand on her waist. She did a simple twirl. Not a single person ever left her out of their sight, following her every move. A smile never left her face, showing off her charismatic personality.

No wonder she was showered with so many projects. In fact, every project that she signed involved big international corporations across the globe. Not everyone can pay for her service. For just a couple of hours, she can charge up to thousands of ringgit. (t/n: ringgit is malaysia’s currency)

Once she reached backstage, she heard another round of applause. It was louder than before. Vee smiled, satisfied. She knew Victoria Legend will be glad to have her as their model for their new summer wear promotion event.

“David, it’s hot in here. Be quick…”

David, her makeup artist, walked over slowly. Vee grunted. The fluffy scarf around her neck was quickly discarded on top of her makeup table. David came and made a touch-up on her makeup, putting on setting power and brushing make-up all over her face. (t/n: why fluffy scarf if this is supposed to be summer wear??)

“Done…” David said as he picked up the trashed scarf and walked away.

Vee sat in front of her make-up table and started to examine her make-up, searching for any flaws. She moved closer to the mirror and examined the makeup on her eyes. She was quite knowledgeable regarding makeup and its applications. In her understanding, eye makeup is one of the most important parts to create the perfect look.

“Vee, that old man wants to see you. The event has ended right?”

Vee took a glance before resuming her inspection and fixing her contact lenses. “Who?”

“Dato’ Dahlan… who else. You’re so lucky, Vee. Even though I’ve been in the industry longer than you but I have never been as lucky as you.” Neldya’s tone sounded a bit jealous. She placed a black velvet-warped box in front of the model. (t/n: dato’ is like a title of honour in Malaysia)

Vee smiled again. If not a watch, it must be a bracelet. She loves her current lifestyle. Showered with luxury.

“Is he waiting for me? Tell him I will come later.” This time, she grabbed her handbag before heading towards the changing room.

“You’re too brave, Vee. Aren’t you afraid his wife will know and attack you?”

Hearing Neldya’s words, Vee instantly stopped walking and throw a sharp glare at the other girl.

“What to be afraid of? Once I get all of his money, I will just dump him later. That old man should know his position.” Vee mocked with a proud laugh. Despite saying it in a joking way, in a corner of her heart, she truly meant all of her words.

Neldya shook her head. Rihanna’s song sounded from Vee’s mouth as she kept walking and her silhouette finally disappeared behind the changing room’s door.

Neldya snickered. The jealousy in her heart getting bigger and bigger. She looked at Vee’s expensive Louis Vuitton handbag on top of the table before silently going through its’ contents. She didn’t know why she did it, probably just for her own satisfaction. It felt so much fun probing through the smug girl’s private life. Once her hand touched something, her face turned happy. She pursed her lips as her mind started to arrange a despicable plan.

“Neld, what are you doing?”

Neldya woke from her stupor and quickly pulled out her hand and hid it behind her back. In her hand was Vee’s car key.

“Err… nothing. I, I, I… I was about to go home. I will just excuse myself.” Neldya stuttered before walking out.

Without any suspicion, Vee reached for the bag and walked to her next target. She has so many of them that she already lost count!

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Bagan Datoh Village – 1995

A child was frowning, showing off her current mood. She was angry when the rest of the kids were laughing at her. Despite that, she stayed silent, eyes staring dagger at a female teacher currently standing in front of her.

“Are you kidding, Vanidah? I asked about your ambition and you said you want to be a model? That’s an empty dream, you know? You can’t put food on the table with that kind of dream.” The teacher kept mocking her while hiding her laugh behind her hand. What a funny ambition. She’s just a 7-year-old but she already thinks of such a ridiculous thing. Initially, the teacher thought that the girl just randomly said something she heard from somewhere but when she thought about it again, it did sound funny.

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“What is a model, teacher?” a girl suddenly asked, confused.

When they heard this, the rest of the classroom started to laugh loudly once again. It was just so funny for them.

“A model… is that person who wears pretty cloth and walks on the stage, like this or like this….” the teacher answered while acting out a few poses with a pouty face, mocking a typical model look.

Once again the classroom echoed with laughter from the kids.

“Nah… but you know, Vanidah is a shortie. Shortie don’t have long and beautiful legs like Erra Fazira, right teacher? How is she want to be a model then?” A kid asked while scratching his head. Naive but he didn’t mean any harm honestly. (t/n: Erra Fazira is a famous celebrity in Malaysia, here’s a picture)

Vanidah, who was still standing, already had her eyes wet with tears. Her voice was stuck in her throat. She was fuming! Disappointed even!

“Vanidah wants to be a model!” She exclaimed. In a flash, she was already running out of the classroom.

The classroom turned a bit chaotic before the teacher managed to take control of the situation again.

“With that kind of appearance? If you are poor, just act like one!” loudly the teacher exclaimed. Vanidah heard it before she walked away. Her hands roughly wiped away her tears.

“Vee, are you okay?” Neldya touched her friend’s shoulder who was daydreaming. Deep in her heart, guilt already drowning her as she was the person responsible for her friend’s accident.

Neldya felt guilty for causing Vee to have an accident. She shouldn’t do something so stupid just because of jealousy.

Vee stayed silent. Her eyes were looking at something far, even beyond the hospital’s wall. The same situation. She didn’t show any progress after the accident. Neldya was disappointed, Tears slowly fell down her cheeks.

“Shhh…” Vee placed a finger on her lips. “Look at that. It says that I can’t be a model.” She pointed to a curtain that was swaying on the wall.

“Vee, I’m sorry.” Despite the regret, Neldya never truly explained why she kept saying sorry. She was afraid. Afraid that her action may reach the authorities. She can be prisoned and her career will vanish. She was afraid of the possibilities.

Vee ignored the crying girl. She was still in her world. Neldya closed her eyes.

“Neld…” Vee said suddenly, softly.

Neldya smiled and quickly looked up. “Yes, Vee. Vee, are you okay? You feel better, right?”

Vee laughed. “Vee wants to be a model… Vee wants to be a model…” She started to sing again.

Neldya sighed. According to the doctor, Vee only experienced a minor accident. But for a while, she may not be able to walk. The nerves on her legs may not be able to function like they use to. There was no concussion on her head but why her condition turned like this?

“Vee… do you want some fruit?” she asked.

Vee only nodded. Neldya picked up a green apple that she bought along with her. She was peeling the skin when a nurse enter the room and greet her. The nurse mentioned that the doctor want to meet her. According to the nurse, they concluded that Vee might suffer from psychosis mental stemmed from extreme obsession. In other words, Vee might have lost her connection this the real world.

Psychosis patients usually experienced their surroundings differently than normal people. What they believe they hear, see or feel may not be a real thing. The patient might respond to what they see, and that’s why they act strange. When the nurse questioned Neldya on whether or not Vee had some kind of obsession, she just stayed silent.

“Vee wants to be a model…” Vee looked at Neldya with a sweet smile on her face.

Neldya felt her blood rush to her head. She quickly followed after the nurse as they exited the room.

Vee looked at Neldya until she was out of her sight. She picked the green apple that was abandoned on the side of the bed and took a bite out of it.

“Vee can’t walk. Vee is a shortie.”

The dark creature appeared and continued its mocking. Her hungry instantly vanished. She pushed aside her blanket and her hands started to press around her legs. Nothing. She didn’t feel anything.

She quickly grabbed the knife on her side and stabbed her legs multiple times. Again and again and yet, still nothing. But the more she did it, the more excited she got.

“Vanidah!” Auntie Mah shouted her daughter’s name but no reply.

“Vanidah… let’s eat, honey.” She called again. Slowly, she walked over to a small bedroom across the living room. She heard the creaking sound of the floorboard with each step she took. The old wooden house shook a bit every time someone took a step, showing how old it was.

“Vanidah, what are you doing, honey?” Once the bedroom door opened, Auntie Mah had a minor shock. The 7-year-old girl was focused on cutting off the legs of her doll with a pair of scissors. On her face was a big smile.

“Mom, now this doll is also a shortie. A shortie can also be a model, right?”

“Enough… let’s go and eat, okay honey?” Auntie Mah asked again.

Vanidah nodded and ran towards the kitchen. Auntie Mah who was about to walk away, turned back around as she noticed a piece of paper under her daughter’s mattress. She pulled up the mattress before covering her mouth in shock. Terrified! Multiple pictures of models, cut from magazines, were scattered under the mattress. But each without legs!

“Mom, what are you doing?” Vanidah looked as her eyes widen. She quickly picked up all the scattered pictures and pushed her mom away. But her small body can do no damage to the old woman. Her face was red in anger.

“When I said don’t touch my stuff, then don’t do it!” The little girl screamed at the top of her lungs.

Neldya turned the doorknob to the room. After explaining everything she knew about Vee, she once again came to the room to get her handbag that she had forgotten about. After this, she needed to go to a nearby hotel for a cosmetic launch program. She didn’t want to be late.

Once the door opened, Neldya was stunned. The white bed sheet where Vee was sitting was wet with blood. Smears of blood everywhere, looking like some murder scene. And Vee… she was holding a pair of bloody legs that was cut horribly with a big smile on her face, saying,

“Look! Aren’t these legs so pretty?”


1.Here’s Erra Fazira. She’s an actress, singer, fashion model, TV host, film producer as well a beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Malaysia World 1992. So you might understand how beautiful she is.

Damn… that last part is me when I’m on my period, lol. But seriously, when I first read this story (I was in high school) I’m like so shocked and amazed by all the blood and mental issues. Like so edgy and stuff. But now when I’m rereading this again, I just think that this story is a bit underdeveloped… like it could be better and I thought the friend gonna trick MC using MC’s many scandals since it was a bit too obvious to not use those… alas… her scandal just become minor and unimportant details. Overall just okay. It just proves how low my standard was when I was a teen (despite reading a lot of books)

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