Chapter 1: Chapter 1.

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ACT1:Taking little steps for a grander goal

CP1:Helping those in need

A perfectly normal day in a perfectly normal village inside a perfectly normal tavern, but the atmosphere was heavier than usual.
Uncertainty and gloom could be sensed from a mile away. Villagers gathered around a big table in the middle of the room while travvelers and merchants proceeded as normal with their meals. Afte a minute of chaotic grumlbing amongs the villagers , a tall , skinny man with gray hair stood up and started speaking.

"I take it everyone has gathered finally? Even if not , let's not drag it out for any longer and get to the matter at hand. Something is killing our livestock and we have no idea what might be the cause of it."

"they ain't dead Chief. Its bandits i am telling ya. We couldn't confirmed any of the animals dead yet, only that they are missing. IT HAS TO be bandits no monster would be able to lift a cow carry it over the fence and leave no traces behind, except humans. Besides its not just livestock, Jerry ... my dog also went missing."

Proclaimed one of the farmers who was sitting right across the gray haired man.

"Adam... i know you don't want it to be so, but even if its bandits there would be no benefit for them to keep the animals alive , ESPECIALLY a guard dog. We need to be realistic here even if we manage to resolve this problem , we arent getting them back."


"ADAM! This is enough! We didn't gather here to discuss  wheter the animals are alive or not. Our problem is with how do we prevent this from going on for any longer. I have already sent a request for help to the order of knights in the capital but i fear they might not make it in time before all of our animals are gone, that is if they get dispatched in the first place ... with the pace at which they are disappearing we have at most three to four months before all of them are gone."

When the Chief finished speaking the whole table became silent, no one knew what to do in this situation. After a while a middle aged man in a light armor stood up, it was the head of guards in the village.

"Just so we are clear, IF its a bandit group depending on how large it is i dont think we in the village guard will be able to fight them off even if we take the hunters and some of the farmers in to help us. At best we would be able to repell them for the time being while sacrificing over half of our forces, were we to try and pursue them ourselves. Not to mention IF its some monster we will have even less of a chance to survive. for the time being best we can do is fortify the village, train civilians and set up more guards at night patrol."

Villagers gloomly accepted this as a course of action they should take for the time being. And so as everyone prepared to leave a shout suddenly could be heard coming from the corner of the tavern. It was loud enough to startle everyone inside.


A young man with a height of an average 16 year old boy, unkempt blonde hair, brown eyes, wearing some light leather armor and an old brown cape quickly rushed to the table where everyon was situated at and introduced himself.

"Why hello Village Chief and uh ... the rest of the village. The name is Darius and i couldnt help but overhear you being in a bit of a pickle right now ...." 


"Now now now , mister Adam there is no reason to be so agitated, i understand my choice of words may not have been perfect , for that i apologise. However if you could look past that then we would love to take this job."

"The job? what job?"

Asked Village Chief as he wasn't sure what the youngster was reffering to.

"Resolving your problem, catching the one responsible for your missing livestocks , we will take it gladly."

You are reading story GRIT at

He explained. Upon hearing this the whole table went into an uproar. Nobody seemed to take it seriously but after a minute , everyon calmed down as they realised its not like they have anything to lose from this and if that young man can really resolve the problem at hand then its the best case scenario, the probelm now is the cost.

"I understand , you want to take care of this case , however, what do you expect as compenstaion for doing so?"

"hmmm ... A favor. I am a part of an organisation called "GRIT" we specialise ourselves in solving problems ranging from finding lost items to exterminating monsters, of course for a sufficient reward. However since this would be our first job in this village the compensation would be you letting us hang a notice of us recrutting capable people to our company and you sneding us requests first before asking for help from the knights order, eh? how does that sounds saving your village in exchange for spreading the word about us. We can even get you in touch with a merchant that will provide you with livestock at a discounted price."

Once again villagers started mumbling to eachother, to put it simply the offer is too good to be true , Hanging a piece of paper as a reward for saving the village? what kind of nutjob would risk his life to "spread the word"? There HAS to be a catch, all of the villagers exchanged such thoughts between themselves.

"So you are basically providing mercenary work, is that right? We dont need the help of mercenaries"

spoke the head of the guards with an angry voice. In response to which Darius smiled and explained further.

"not quite. While mercenaries are usually just random people who can fight taking on jobs in an informal manner , we at GRIT are an official company approved by the king of this land, as such we will require a written request that specifies the reward , who is the one requesting as they will be charged upon requests completition and specified in detail what is needed to be done, after all of that we will decide how difficult the job is, wheter the rewards are sufficient and send men of appropriate strenght to tackle it."

It seemed that amongst the villagers only the Head guard and Village Chief understood that explanation. Still both of them had mixed feelings towards this. Ultimately though they decided to take them up on said request.

" ... I understand we will take you up on that proposition...  However our Head of the guards will also participate"

"... I mean sure , although i will not guarantee his safety while accompanying us."

"that is not a problem, Village guards are prepared to put their lives on the line for the village"

"As expected. Anyway, OOOOOOY ALICE! come and take care of the paperwork with the chief"

Darius called over his companion, a tall girl maybe in her 20s with long black hair that reached to her belt. She was wearing a simple black dress made for longer journeys and on her head a pair of glasses. Quickly and silently she came over to the table carrying a bag full of papers and writing utensil. She sat next to the village chief and took out a sheet of paper , ink and a pen.

"Alice here is a "receptionist" or an "accountatn" basically she is here for the written stuff if you are unsure of anything please ask her away she will gladly help, as for me I will start readying up for departure, if you need anything we are currently renting the rooms 2 and 3 on the first floor of this tavern i am in room 2. So anyway i leave the rest to you Alice."

"Ah, Understood."

The girl responded with a cold emotionless voice and proceeded to help the Chief with filling the form. By the time they were done all the villagers came back to their houses. Afterwards Alice herself went back to her room and the day ended.

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