Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 1: Chapter – 1 – Origin Church – The first step into mysterious world

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“Hello, I heard that we can apply to become a mercenary here.”

A tall and muscular man walked to a counter in the second floor of the Cathedral and asked the young woman in a priest uniform. She was reading a book behind the counter. After hearing the inquiry, she looked up and saw the two strong men standing in front of the counter. She realized that they were here for that. So, she closed the book and took out a paper from the drawer. The young woman smiled softly and said, “Are you alone or with a team?”

The tall man with explosive muscles said, “With a big team.”

She chose team option and asked again, “How many people?”

The burly man turned his head and looked at his companion while the latter opened the notebook and checked for several seconds before replying, “65 people, all men.”

The burly man nodded and said, “65 people, all men.”

The young woman chuckled and said, “I will just ask the other questions to this gentleman if you’re okay with that.”

The burly man nodded and said, “No problem. Go ahead please.”

She asked, “So, do you have any name for your mercenary group?”

“Guardian Spirits”

She took out a tablet and started searching. It took a few seconds before she said, “The name is valid. Do you have any recommender?”


“No recommender, okay. Well, have you experienced any mysterious thing?”

“Actually, we are survivors of Cerriro Town.”

The young woman covered her mouth and exclaimed, “Oh, you are survivors of 19-1st accident during the previous month. I am so sorry to bring back your memories. Please don’t mind me, it is a necessary checkup for your background. After all, normal people cannot fight with Evil things.”

The handsome man with a good proportional body shrugged his shoulders and said calmly, “It’s understandable. You don’t have to react too much.”

So, she relaxed and muttered as she wrote swiftly on the paper, “Demon invasion survivors. Clean background. Normal. Experienced.”

Then she pushed the paper and the fountain pen to the two men and said, “You can sign here. By the way, you can draw your team badge in this place if you have prepared a badge. I am Cathy, what’s your name handsome?”

She introduced herself and looked at the man on the right with expectations. The man replied calmly, “I am Peter. This buddy is called Chester. And by the way, madam, I have a girlfriend. Although Chester looks cold and tough, he is actually a nice and warm man. You can consider him if you’re still single.”

It suddenly became awkward and fell into silent. Chester is a cold guy who speaks less unless it is necessary while Peter doesn’t want to provoke other girls since he already has a girlfriend. Cathy was surprised to hear their names. But she soon smiled sweetly to Chester and reached out a hand. “Hello, Chester. Can I have a chance to invite you to dinner?”

Chester shook her hand gently and said as he released it quickly, “I don’t know. I need to check my daily schedule. I am very busy lately since I suddenly have a bunch of kids to take care of.”

The sweet smiled was solidified. But she became lively again as she heard what Peter said.

“He means he is busy training our team members. Chester is a big guy who just retired from SWAT. Thanks to him, many people survived the disaster in Cerriro Town.”

Cathy’s eyes were shining and she looked Chester carefully with admiration. After looking carefully, she felt that this muscular tough looking man might be the prince in her fantasy. This is a man who can shield away the dangers from her and be her safe heaven. She has decided on him. Cathy swore to pursue her love. She is just a pure girl who has been raised by the Church, immersing in study or reading stories in Church’s library, and serving the Church while doing boring things daily. She is just like a lively bird who can’t wait to fly out of the cage and seek the vast sky and endless horizon. All she need is a man who is like a prince or a hero in the stories she had read of. That is also why her enthusiasm surged greatly after knowing the name of the two men in front of her. Although she doesn’t usually go out of the Church, she still heard somethings about Cerriro accident.

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“I heard Cerriro accident was a very tragic one. Is that true?”

“Yes, it is true.”

“So, Chester, how did you lead other people to survive through it?”

“We grouped and fought back a bloody battle.”

“Are you still working in SWAT?”

“No, I retired from SWAT.”


“To become the mercenary.”

“So, how about having a dinner together tonight?”

“I told you that I would have to look at my schedule.”

The cold conversation was then interrupted by Peter who finished drawing the badge and handed over the paper. It is just a simple badge of a round shield as background and two swords crossing in front of it.

“His schedule is only about training by himself or training other people. When he got out of this building, he might have already forgotten about your invitation to dinner. So, come along with us together if you really want to chase him.”

Then, under the glare of Chester, Cathy smiled brightly and said as she took over the paper, “Got it. Please wait for a while. You can sit there and wait because it is going to take some times.”

The two sat on a bench against the wall at the opposite of the counter and waited. Chester asked, “Why you doing this?”

Peter took out his phone and started to text while giving the answer to annoyed big man beside him, “No reason. I just felt that you looked lonely. And besides, isn’t she beautiful?”

Chester calmed down and said, “Even if she is beautiful, it is not right to do like that.”

Peter freed one hand to pat the shoulder of Chester and said, “Get a good life. After all, we are going to face dangerous things and nobody knows when one would die suddenly in the hands of which strange creatures. Although I sounded like scumbag and irresponsible person, think about what would happen to the guy like you. It is hard for a well trained, sharp minded and steady guy like you to die suddenly. So, if you’re just going to continue like that, you would die alone from old age in the end. Don’t thank me. Just go on a date and treasure this girl. She is just like a blank paper and somewhat naive. She would suffer a lot if she fell in love with other guys. I can predict that not every guy out there is not like you. If you wanna thank me, make me your child’s godfather. That is. I am going to call Tina. You can think about it. There is no next station after this.”

Then, he called Tina and started to chat. The start was just informing her that everything went well and then the talks swayed into sweet words forest. Chester fell into silent and started to consider about his life deeply. Nearly twenty minutes passed just like that before Cathy came back.

When Cathy came back after twenty minutes, she was already wearing a simple jeans and sweat shirt. She was holding a metal badge and a paper as well as a handbag. She said sweetly after handing over the things to Chester, “It took some times because of this metal badge. And by the way, I took advantage of the waiting time to change the clothes. You are not going to refuse my invitation to the dinner, right?”

Chester took the things and said with a wary smile, “Of course not. It would be my pleasure to dine with a beautiful lady like you.”

Cathy smiled and said, “Let’s go. I have other things to introduce you.”

Chester patted Peter and stood up. The two walked side by side towards the stairs while talking. Peter ended the call and hurriedly followed them.

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